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Please use this board to discuss Tournaments and Team Tournaments, ask questions and hopefully find the answers you are looking for. Personal attacks, arguing or baiting will not be tolerated on this board. If you have, or see a problem or something you are not happy about or think is wrong, please contact one of the above Moderators OR contact a Global Moderator HERE


Team Tournaments

September 2024 - Dice Chess 10x10 3 - Starts 27th Sept

October 2024 - Battleboats Plus 5 - Starts 11th Oct

October 2024 - Dice Poker 6 - Starts 25th Oct

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6. August 2007, 07:43:29
Modificat de goodbyebking (6. August 2007, 07:45:00)
Congratulations to Luisak for kicking my butt in this small Janus Chess tournament. I sure wish I could read Luisak's description. It looks interesting, but I can't read Czech.

4. August 2007, 06:25:45
Subiectul: August 6th is British Columbia Day
August sixth is British Columbia Day. This is a great province with incomparable physical geography. Please play for B.C. Day if you support the environment.

Conversely, August sixth is also Atomic Bomb Day in the United States. I guess that speaks for itself.

2. August 2007, 19:07:07
DaDougster won this small chess tournament... Good job!

1. August 2007, 19:20:48
Congratulations to Binabik for winning this Connect 6 tournament.

31. Iulie 2007, 18:00:22
Subiectul: udg35
udg35 won this small chess tournament....... !

30. Iulie 2007, 10:16:39
Subiectul: Dice chess and Mancala

28. Iulie 2007, 19:24:41

27. Iulie 2007, 19:23:38
Modificat de goodbyebking (27. Iulie 2007, 19:24:29)
Pente Ludo Reversi6X6 Assimilation (Less than 1701BKR or unrated)

24. Iulie 2007, 19:45:26
Subiectul: ride
Ride your bicycle more often...
...a tournament for six to eight players that will start immediately when eight sign up

20. Iulie 2007, 22:17:36
Congrats to Dalmatiner for winning this Halma 10X10 tournament, and congratulations also to littlemole for winning this Logik tournament:)

20. Iulie 2007, 04:55:34
Embassy, Janus, Screen & Fischer Random... Chess for BKR 1000 - 1600... Rated ...
Five to start immediately

18. Iulie 2007, 18:07:29
Subiectul: Lisa A
Congratulations to Lisa A for winning this Small Pente tournament.

18. Iulie 2007, 06:23:12
Subiectul: dice chess
Modificat de goodbyebking (18. Iulie 2007, 18:08:17)
This tournament needs three more players for DICE CHESS, and four more for chess to start immediately once there are sixteen players........

18. Iulie 2007, 04:15:11
Congratulations to Nguk Sing for winning this small Xiangqi (Chinese Chess) tournament.

13. Iulie 2007, 07:04:06
Subiectul: Line4
Dalmatiner won this Line 4 tournament... Congratulations to Dalmatiner

9. Iulie 2007, 19:32:16
Subiectul: Lisa A
Lisa A won this small Connect6 tournament with this final move against aaru.

8. Iulie 2007, 19:19:05
Congratulations to Paris Hilton for winning this Dice Poker tournament .

7. Iulie 2007, 10:30:27
"if the number of maximum players is reached before the deadline, the tournament will be started immediately"
single sixteen elimination

25. Iunie 2007, 03:54:50
Subiectul: dalkelly
Dalkelly won this Logik tournament... Congrats:)

24. Iunie 2007, 20:46:20

24. Iunie 2007, 12:06:39
Subiectul: Re:
MadMonkey: Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad that it wasn't the late hour that was contributing to my lack of comprehension on this tournament. If Fencer checks this out, the question is why can't player 7 play 9? Answer: probably bug.

24. Iunie 2007, 11:54:09
Subiectul: Re:
MadMonkey: I fixed it. Sorry about the faulty link. Thanks MM

24. Iunie 2007, 11:45:32
Modificat de goodbyebking (24. Iunie 2007, 11:54:56)
In this tournament why isn't player 7 able to play player 9?

19. Iunie 2007, 18:50:50
Subiectul: Carnarvon
Congratulations, Carnarvon, for winning this Chinese Chess tournament!

19. Iunie 2007, 00:52:14
Subiectul: tournament
Modificat de goodbyebking (19. Iunie 2007, 05:28:53)

This tournament is called Vancouver, British Columbia

18. Iunie 2007, 21:37:27
Subiectul: a drop of water is a grain of gold
Congratulations to trepil for winning this Logik tournament.....

18. Iunie 2007, 19:08:20
Modificat de goodbyebking (18. Iunie 2007, 19:10:07)

13. Iunie 2007, 02:59:24
Subiectul: assimilation dicechess fiveinline line4

6. Iunie 2007, 01:03:52
Subiectul: s a r o k
Modificat de goodbyebking (6. Iunie 2007, 01:04:36)

Congratulations to sarok for winning this small Austin Mini tournament in Reversi 6X6.

5. Iunie 2007, 05:20:44
Subiectul: five o'clock in the morning

31. Mai 2007, 20:27:36
Subiectul: shogi tournament
Modificat de goodbyebking (31. Mai 2007, 20:28:18)

Congratulations to Wood for winning this small Shogi tournament...

30. Mai 2007, 09:41:41
Subiectul: connect6
This Connect 6 single elimination tournament needs one more player for it to start.

Under 1701 BKR

25. Mai 2007, 00:59:24

Skinny18 won this small Cheversi tournament, to celebrate A Drop Of Water Is A Grain Of Gold Day, celebrated in Turkmenistan.

22. Mai 2007, 06:54:16
Subiectul: Re: question about tournament
joshi tm: Thanks man.

22. Mai 2007, 06:47:42
Subiectul: question about tournament
Perhaps someone could tell me why this tournament got postponed. Two players were automatically cut (not by me) because they were pawns and didn't have enough room to join the game because they have a twenty game limit. I got a message saying that. I also got a simultaneous message saying that the tournament is now postponed. It didn't say how long. Does anyone know why and how long?

19. Mai 2007, 06:22:49
Subiectul: midori no hi

13. Mai 2007, 20:20:38
I think that this tournament could have been fair if the players were properly matched up according to BKR. This is not a single elimination tournament.
I protest

13. Mai 2007, 19:57:55
Subiectul: Re:
emmett: When round 2 starts, it should be reset into order of ratings highest to lowest for both teams. Round 2 is very important and decisive. What happened here is unfair and I protest. It has left me with a bad feeling about how the tournaments are organized.

13. Mai 2007, 19:22:19
Round two of this team tournament just started. I don't know why the players ratings aren't matched fairly. "Le" Club would have a chance if the ratings were all listed in order from top down. Can this be changed?

12. Mai 2007, 07:03:00
Let's have another set of team tournaments for June 1st!

11. Mai 2007, 03:51:33
Subiectul: cd power
Congratulations go to cd power for winning this Screen Chess tournament!

7. Mai 2007, 20:31:58
Subiectul: chess tourney
Eight player single elimination chess tournament, 1600-1800 BKR, will start as soon as there are eight signed up

3. Mai 2007, 20:37:34
Subiectul: small games
Modificat de goodbyebking (3. Mai 2007, 20:41:09)

AUSTIN MINI: small games tourney

.......Check out these small games...

3. Mai 2007, 19:00:18
Congratulations to skinny18 for winning this Atomic Chess tournament!

2. Mai 2007, 23:15:45
Subiectul: Dice Chess tournament
Modificat de goodbyebking (4. Mai 2007, 08:17:49)

2. Mai 2007, 00:41:10
Modificat de goodbyebking (2. Mai 2007, 00:42:40)
Midori no Hi, Greenery Day in Japan.
This tournament needs more players....

27. Aprilie 2007, 17:52:08
Subiectul: intermedi8
Intermediate 8 to start 1100-1700 BKR...

24. Aprilie 2007, 12:34:48
Subiectul: 4 to start
Modificat de goodbyebking (24. Aprilie 2007, 12:40:03)
Quadra: 4 to start: rated 1901or under.

20. Aprilie 2007, 15:02:56
Subiectul: Ugo extinction chess
Modificat de goodbyebking (21. Aprilie 2007, 04:26:03)
Congratulations to UGO for winning this small Extinction Chess tounament!

12. Aprilie 2007, 02:27:56
Subiectul: Raistlin Loop Chess
Congratulations to Raistlin for winning this Loop Chess tournament!

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