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Please use this board to discuss Tournaments and Team Tournaments, ask questions and hopefully find the answers you are looking for. Personal attacks, arguing or baiting will not be tolerated on this board. If you have, or see a problem or something you are not happy about or think is wrong, please contact one of the above Moderators OR contact a Global Moderator HERE


Team Tournaments

September 2024 - Dice Chess 10x10 3 - Starts 27th Sept

October 2024 - Battleboats Plus 5 - Starts 11th Oct

October 2024 - Dice Poker 6 - Starts 25th Oct

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23. August 2004, 21:07:04 
Well I would like everyone to know about my Battleboat plus Prize Tournament but I don't think writing a message to boards like ", Feature requests, Fellowships, General Chat, Jokes, Music, World of Sports, plus more" is really approprate - since it has nothing to do with jokes, or music, or sports.

Just because I WANT everyone to see the message does not mean it is correct to force eveyone to see the message - that is why it is called spam.

23. August 2004, 20:59:36 
I have no problem with people posting same message on multiply boards as long as it stays on topic. (And actually if they want to spam the fellowship boards, well that is up to each BIG BOSS)

I only posted about the tournament on 2 public boards (tournament board & Battleboat board) since both are on topic for those boards.

I wanted to place it in both of those boards since players who are playing any Battleboat games will see that there is a new message and find out about the tournament there, and it is posted here so players looking for new tournaments, espically prize tournaments can find the information here.

And fill free to SIGN UP NOW for the Prize Battleboat Plus Tournament! :-)

23. August 2004, 16:26:35 
Subiectul: New prize tournament
I've recently won a prize tournament, but I really don't need the prize - so why not create my own tournament to give away the prize!

  • Tournament: Battleboat Plus
  • Prize: 6 month knight membership (Fencer already has waiting for winner)
  • Format: 2 games per player since white does have an advantage
  • Time: 4 days per move
  • Start Time: September 15, 2004
  • Where to signup: SIGN UP HERE!
  • Other rules: No cheating, and have fun!

  • 18. August 2004, 00:12:47 
    Going through my favourite boards... I just *KNOW* what the one post is in the "Tournaments" board after going though the rest, but you know there was still something in me that still made me have to click to check. :-)

    Sorry bumble & MadMonkey - feel free to remove this as it is off topic.

    16. August 2004, 16:12:19 
    Maybe Fencer can set a few vacation days for her so she will not time out.

    13. August 2004, 15:28:48 
    Looks like a bug to me - like the computer thinks it is only a 1 game match - so once 8 games were complete, it calculated the win/lose.

    ... which worked in the first team tournament (Backgammon) since it was only a 1 game match, and not 2 games like the new 5 in line team tournament. :-)

    5. August 2004, 15:57:37 
    I've always found 3 day limits to be good - which is why almost all of the "Fast Start" tournament (which I need to start some again), always have 3 day limit.

    Plus as I can tell we may need 40 days to get together enough 10 player 6x6 teams, 40 days seems like a long time to wait. 20-30 days would probable be enough in my opinion.

    5. August 2004, 15:55:17 
    Team Tournament names:

  • Crowded Gammon: "Don't stand so close to me!" Tournament
  • Gammon Race: "zoom zoom - wanna race gammon?"
  • Nackgammon: "Nammon Gammon"
  • Battleboats Plus: "Plus size Battle at sea."

    All the above would have very good turn out - could easly make 6-8 player teams.

  • 4. August 2004, 00:50:30 
    Subiectul: Tournament for dummies (part 2)
    Plus this tournament is a GREAT way to practice for the 2 new team tournament that will start in about a month.

  • Loop Chess
  • Tank Battle

    You can Sign up now for the All Games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated)#5 Tournament NOW!

  • 3. August 2004, 22:34:44 
    Subiectul: Tournament for dummies
    Only a little more then a day left to sign up for All Games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #5 Tournament!

    This tournament is for any player rated under 1500 in a game ---- OR ---- if you are currently unrated and would like to try a new game, this is the perfect tournament to join! (since you don't have to worry about "expert" players beating you too quickly!)

  • Only about a day left to sign up
  • Under 1500 BKR (or unrated)
  • I will remove players who are rated way above 1500 before tournament start (already removed a couple)
  • Each game time needs AT LEAST 4 players to start, and there are a few currently with 2 or 3 that could use another player to start.
  • So go and SIGN UP NOW!

  • 1. August 2004, 03:37:33 
    Subiectul: Team Tournament Question
    For team tournaments, I'm guessing it goes by points for who will win a section.

    My question: If there is a tie with the points, is it a "tie", or does the score (win/lose) come into play?

    OR am I backwards where the Score is what matters, and the "points" is the tie breaker.

    25. Iulie 2004, 01:11:19 
    Also another thing to watch is that a tournament will not start for a game which does not get at least 4 players signed up. Chess will have no problems, but sometimes the games like Loop Chess may not get 4 players. But there still is plenty of time for someone to signup! :-)

    25. Iulie 2004, 00:46:44 
    Well if you are new here, and still unrated - feel free to join! Glad to have you.

    23. Iulie 2004, 19:38:49 
    Modificat de (23. Iulie 2004, 19:45:33)
    Starting August 5th, is the popular "All games for dummies" tournament!

  • All games for players rated UNDER 1500
  • Unrated also can join (but don't join if you are an expert at the game)
  • Great way to learn a new game
  • Great way to play a game without being "killed" by high ranked experts
  • NOTE - Since ratings do change, before the tournament starts, i will remove anyone who is way over the 1500 limit.
  • S I G N - U P - H E R E !
  • ... and have fun!

  • 21. Iulie 2004, 20:26:17 
    You can change the date to a time that has already past, then wait an hour (or longer if server is busy) (no more then 2-3 hours I have every waited) - then the script will start it.

    21. Iulie 2004, 17:16:23 
    Sounds like a good Polls question - "What team tournament would you like to see next?"

    21. Iulie 2004, 16:03:24 
    Spider Line4 would be good. So would Battleboats Plus.

    Amazons would be good (for me), but their are still many people trying to learn the game and turn out for that team tournament would probable be low (which I would wait awhile before having an Amazons team tournament) - But if you did make one, I would be sure to play! :-)

    20. Iulie 2004, 22:12:09 
    Purple is a user here with a bad past with a history of multiply accounts. (ChiefKM if you remember back that far.)

    19. Iulie 2004, 15:44:07 
    Flags: Maybe if teams don't supply their own flags, we could make a few "quick" flags - that is images with just the fellowship name (in a fancy font).

    Five-in-line tournament: I also think 8 is a lot, but it's good to try. As I understand it, someday us BIG BOSSES and/or captains will be able to create our own - so at that time, we could have all kinds of fun.

    18. Iulie 2004, 20:54:20 
    Subiectul: Team Tournaments
    Wow - 8 players per 5-in-line team, that's a lot of players for 1 team. (Runs off and see's who's 5-in-line team needs a players)

    BBW's Team Tournament Suggestions:

    1) Another Gammon tournament (Nack, Race, or Crowded)

    2) Spider Line4

    3) Even though it's new, I'm sure there could easly be 5 teams of 5 players - Battleboats Plus (There are probable already enough regular Battleboat teams, but I know for myself, and probable others - I would much rather play the PLUS version then the regular version.)

    16. Iulie 2004, 18:11:57 
    Well once they see the other team's with pictures, I would bet most of them will try to add some pictures soon.

    16. Iulie 2004, 16:40:06 
    Cool - you even have the team pictures there! Can't wait!

    15. Iulie 2004, 13:00:07 
    For "1 game for 2 players", a player will ALWAYS need 5 game slots open (Even if they only start 4 games, or even if they start 7 games) - the computer just checks for 5 free slots.

    For the 2 games per 2 players, players will need 10 slots open. Even if a player starts 6 or 8 games, they will still need 10 games slots open.

    14. Iulie 2004, 19:43:21 
    Subiectul: First team tournament
    But then each person will only get 2 games.

    14. Iulie 2004, 17:56:52 
    Subiectul: First team tournament
    Wow - 18 teams are now set up - so 3 sections with 6 teams each!

    Then the top team from each section will go and face each other. This is going to be cool - even if say I do really bad and lose all my games, if my teammates do really good, we can still go and win a section!

    9. Iulie 2004, 19:48:19 
    Subiectul: Backgammon Team Tournament
    According to ratings, the top 3 teams (Average rating of all 5 players) are:

    1) Bry's Backgammon & 5-in-line Team (2164 Avg)
    2) The Gammon Cube (2139 Avg)
    3) Monkeys Swinging Madhouse (2122 Avg)

    9. Iulie 2004, 17:24:38 
    Are you trying to tell us something? :-)

    9. Iulie 2004, 17:06:39 
    That would be nice Fencer - but then again, the problem I see with that is that probable once a month you will get the question "Hey, I had a tournament in the list which is now gone, and not started yet!" - which of course would be the case until the tournament auto-start is ran.

    9. Iulie 2004, 16:17:32 
    I have found that the tournaments auto-starter runs about every 1-2 hours, which will start any tournament which is past it's start time.

    BUT - what you probable notice is my "Fast Start" tournament, which when they have enough people to start, what I do is just change the start date of the tournament ahead 1 day so they start faster - so they will start the next time the "Auto-Start" runs, and not have to sit there full waiting for the time to run out.

    6. Iulie 2004, 16:41:24 
    Subiectul: Team Tournament
    Wow - 14 teams, 70 players in the first Backgammon Team Tournament (so far)

    I'm ready for it to start, is it the 15th yet? :-)

    6. Iulie 2004, 01:24:25 
    How would it work though?

    When the tournament first starts, do you play each player in each of the games? Do each game starts as it's own "mini-tournament", with the winners put up against each other with all the games, ????

    4. Iulie 2004, 08:46:38 
    Right now only Fencer can - basicly because it is still being "tested" and "programmed"

    Once things are working, Team Captains/BIG BOSSES should be able to create their own team tournaments.

    3. Iulie 2004, 21:01:45 
    LJ - So a pawn post a different opinion then yours and you want to ban pawns from posting here?

    Nice, but the option of not letting pawns post here should probable only be used when a pawn(s) and abusing the system, not just posting things that you/anyone disagrees with.

    30. Iunie 2004, 22:01:11 
    Ahhh.... OK, that is good. So right now, it would be 5/6 games per person (2 sections total)

    OK, now I just got to hurry and wait until july 15th!

    30. Iunie 2004, 21:52:45 
    Subiectul: Re: Team Tournaments
    OK, that makes some since.

    So as of right now with 11 teams, each person will have 11 games. (1 game with 1 person from each team)

    30. Iunie 2004, 18:20:41 
    Subiectul: Team Tournaments
    OK, how will the site Team tournaments actually work?

    So far there are 11 teams (55 players), and I was wondering how things would work.

    Does each player play everyone from 1 other team? Play everyone from all the other teams? Or possible just 1 player from another team?

    I guess I'm just wondering how it is going to work. (And how many games we should expect)

    30. Iunie 2004, 15:43:05 
    Subiectul: 3 new games

    Only about 24 hours to sign up - This is the FIRST BrainKing tournament for:

    Battleboats Plus
    Dark Battleboats

    - the 3 new games. (Well first tournament other then my fast start tournaments.)

    So only 24 hours to join. You can play in 1, 2, or all 3 games as long as you have room for them!


    28. Iunie 2004, 15:43:31 
    Subiectul: New Tournaments
    Hey - I have started some "First 5 to sign up" for the 3 new games, take a look at the tournament page to sign up. (Once filled, I will be creating more - so keep checking back)

    I have also created a BIG tournament (no limit) for all 3 games that will start in about 3 days. You can sign up for 1, 2, or all 3 new games.

    Sign up HERE!

    Have Fun!

    27. Iunie 2004, 21:50:47 
    If you are worried, then I personally suggest just changing the start date to about Wednesday or something like that, and then start it then - since a few extra days will not be too big of a deal.

    NOTE TO ALL TOURNAMENT CREATORS: With BK2.0, tournaments will automaticly start according to the start time. (Tournament creator does not have to manually start it.) So just a warning! :-)

    15. Iunie 2004, 16:16:39 
    Since I've had a few people ask about these tournaments, I'll post the answer here!

    "Fast Start" tournament WILL BE BACK!

    I'll start creating these tournament again after the BK2.0 conversion. Since BK2.0 will handle tournaments differently (actually start by date set) which is not how I set these tournaments up, they will require me to do a few things differently in setting up/starting these tournaments - so I figured it would just be easier for me to make sure all my tournaments were clear, and start them back up after the BK2.0 conversion.


    UPDATE June 18th: Since it sounds like BK2.0 will take an extra week, I have started a few more tournaments.

    9. Iunie 2004, 22:14:05 
    I've always thought that is was basicly an "unwritten" rule that using any type of program (including chess programs) are against the rules. I mean the point of playing a games with someone is to play them, not their computer.

    1. Iunie 2004, 04:54:37 
    Just to let everyone know, you have about 1 day left to sign up for the 4th tournament for dummies.

    Games: ALL GAMES
    BKR: Under 1500 (and unrated)

    It is a great way to learn new games, also to be able to play games which you might not be too good at (and you don't have to worry about playing any of the "experts")

    Before the tournament starts, I may remove users who are WAY over the 1500 BKR limit, so feel free to sign up for all you want!

    Sign up: H E R E ! ! ! ! !

    29. Mai 2004, 05:40:15 
    Subiectul: 4th tournament for dummies
    The tournament is also open for unrated players, so the "high rated" players in there now are probable playres who were unrated when the signed up, but now have a rating.

    Before I start the tournament, I will go though each of the games and remove players that are WAY over the 1500 BKR limit. (Even though I may allow users who are now just a little over 1500 stay.)

    23. Mai 2004, 18:08:19 
    Yea..... NOW you tell me a couple of weeks before the new system will be here! :-)

    23. Mai 2004, 17:50:43 
    Actually my screen went to white, which made me have to hit the refresh button.... I believe. :-)

    23. Mai 2004, 00:43:24 
    I have already wrote to Fencer about the Spider Line4 tournament which is messed up. Also, the Five in line 4 tournament I recently started is also messed up. Fencer should be able to fix it the next time he is on-line! :-)

    21. Mai 2004, 06:32:15 
    The 4th Tournament for "Dummies" is set to start on June 1st.

    OK, Tournament is not really for dummies - but for people who do not have a very high rating, and would like to play games with others of similar skill (Without having to worry about getting beat badly by game experts!)

    Tournament: ALL GAMES - People rated 1500 or under.

    Unrated Players: You are allowed to enter, and is a great way to learn a new game.

    NOTE: Sometimes a person will enter unrated, and by the time the tournament starts, might have a rating higher then 1500. Before the tournament starts, I may remove players that are WAY over the 1500 limit. If someone has lets say 1525 or something, I may let them slip by.

    S I G N U P H E R E
    S I G N U P H E R E
    S I G N U P H E R E
    S I G N U P H E R E
    S I G N U P H E R E
    S I G N U P H E R E
    S I G N U P H E R E

    16. Mai 2004, 16:48:18 
    Subiectul: Three Checks Chess
    I don't think it's a good idea. (Even though I'm not best at the game), I know for myself, I will at times let myself be checked once or twice if I believe I can trap the other person to get 3 quick checks.

    28. Aprilie 2004, 15:48:16 
    mrloupcity - I'm not sure if you took looking at other idea for the clock as being unhappy with the current rules and wanting to change everything, but I believe it is always good to look at new and better things. (If no one ever did this - there would be 1 game site with nothing new - boring!)

    28. Aprilie 2004, 06:58:15 
    There has been many different ideas of different time limits on games, and what I believe is one of the best is what uses.

    Quick overview of how they work:

    Each games has a grace period. (Example - 24 hours) So for each move, you have 24 hours before any things starts to happen with the timer.

    Each game also has a Total Time (Example: 100 hours). After the grace is over, the total time starts to go down. Once the total time is at 0, you time out and lose.

    Some games also have a +TOTAL time. (Example +2 hours). Any time you play your turn while still in the grace time, you get +2 hours added to total time.

    There are some other minor details, but that is the basic of that sort of time limit.

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