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Team Tournaments

September 2024 - Dice Chess 10x10 3 - Starts 27th Sept

October 2024 - Battleboats Plus 5 - Starts 11th Oct

October 2024 - Dice Poker 6 - Starts 25th Oct

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4. Ianuarie 2007, 20:11:16 
Subiectul: Re: team tournament
Modificat de (4. Ianuarie 2007, 20:11:34)
prettymama: One player is probable a knight or bishop who can only be in 1 tournament at a team

1. Ianuarie 2007, 04:48:45 
emmett: I usually allow people who are a little over (up to 1599) to stay in since ratings do change a little each way - I've already removed a couple of 1700 players, and one player that was now rated over 2000 (players who probable signed up when they were still unrated).

I'll run through again before it starts to remove anyone else that is way over (over 1599) the limit)

1. Ianuarie 2007, 04:22:59 
In a little more the a day, the 16th Tournament for Dummies will start - this is for unrated and players rated before 1500 in games.

This is GREAT to try out new games, or play games you like without being killed by experts.

►ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #16 - SIGN UP NOW!

17. Decembrie 2006, 17:31:33 
Subiectul: Cloning Backgammon
For anyone looking for some new Cloning Backgammon tournaments, I've created about 5 of the "fast start - first 5 to sign" tournament to start once 5 players sign up.

Cloning Backgammon Tournaments

21. Noiembrie 2006, 21:12:24 
After the holidays are over, starting on January 2nd, 2007 will be the 16th Tournament for dummies!

What is the tournament for dummies you ask? Well let me give you the highlights:

  • All BrainKing Games available to signup (Try a new game!)
  • For players rated 1500 or below (Won't be killed by "experts")
  • For unrated players also (great way to try new games)

    SIGN UP NOW, that way you will have some new games ready for the new year!

    Tournament for Dummies #16

  • 11. Noiembrie 2006, 23:43:38 
    Subiectul: Tournament Time Limits
    I wrote an article on about the different time settings for games, with some more details about Fishers Clock for those who want to know more about how it works:

    24. Octombrie 2006, 00:37:22 
    Subiectul: Re: not sure
    imsoaddicted: You might try to sending this person a message - it could just be they don't know beter. (Not sure if they get a message when they are removed - they could just be looking, notice they are not signed up anymore and just sign up again.)

    2. Octombrie 2006, 22:12:15 
    Subiectul: Mini Shogi
    I've created some new "Fast Start - First 5 to start" Mini Shogi tournaments (along with others including the new Open Fast Espionage & Small Fast Espionage tournaments.)

    First 5 to sign up - tournaments will start once they are filled up!

    2. Octombrie 2006, 16:04:22 
    Subiectul: Re: deleted a tournament
    MadMonkey: Well without looking at the tournaments, the only thing I can guess right off the top of my head is that it was a brain entry tournament, which Fencer does not want users to delete for the fact if anyone who entered may not automaticly get their brain entry fee back - and might be something Fencer has to do manually.

    Again, that is just a guess off the top of my head.

    2. Octombrie 2006, 15:05:46 
    Subiectul: Re: deleted a tournament
    imsoaddicted: Which tournament?

    29. Septembrie 2006, 16:09:16 
    Subiectul: Tournament for Dummies
    The newest tournament for dummies is about to start in less then 24 hours!

    ►ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #15

    This tournament is for players rated BELOW 1500, or UNRATED.

    This is a great way to learn how to play a new game, or play a game which you may not be too good at.... without too much worry about being "killed" by experts.

    Each tournament type needs at least 4 players before it will start - many of the games have only 2 or 3 players signed up.

    21. Septembrie 2006, 14:34:56 
    Subiectul: Ataxx Tournaments (part 2)
    And since I think these will fill up fast, I've created 3 "fast start" tournament, with the limit of 5 players per tournament. So once 5 players sign up, it will start.

    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Ataxx #1
    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Ataxx #2
    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Ataxx #3

    21. Septembrie 2006, 14:11:52 
    Subiectul: Ataxx Tournament
    Sign up for my first Ataxx tournament: ► BIG BAD WOLF Presents: Ataxx Tournament #1

    Starts in about 12 hours from this post!

    1. Septembrie 2006, 15:23:51 
    Subiectul: Tournament for Dummies
    crosseyed: I'm not sure what you are trying to acomplish by keeping this up on the tournaments board. I mean Fencer has already introduced Fischer clock games which basicly reward fast movers, plus he has introduced no vacation/weekends, and fixed weekend only games which also help keep the pace up. Heck, you can even make the time limit of a game down to 1 hour. These are all good solutions to people who want to play fast, along with just staying out of tournaments/games which do not have time limits which fit your need. (You don't see slow movers comin on here complaining about fast movers moving too fast and making their games time out.) Simple solution for everyon - just join tournaments that fit your time needs.

    Now lets try to get back to talking about tournament:

    ►ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #15

    This tournament is for players rated 1500 or below - or unrated.

    This is a great way to try out a new game, or play a game which you like but might not be the best at.... all without being "killed" by experts.

    Tournament starts: Sept 30th

    ►ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #15

    31. August 2006, 00:23:25 
    Subiectul: Re:
    Jason: The regular editor will do it also. Just copy the URL and post it, and it will turn it into the tournament name automaticly

    29. August 2006, 15:08:12 
    Subiectul: Ludo Team Tournament
    If anyone is still looking to join a Ludo team for the Team Tournament, The Official Lines Fellowship is still looking for 2 more players to join the team so we can compete against the other fellowships!

    20. August 2006, 18:32:40 
    Subiectul: Re:
    Harassed: Um...... good question. I have no idea if Elimination tournament require just 1 free slot or not. (I would guess just 1, but that is just a guess - will have to find out the answer to that with Fencer)

    20. August 2006, 18:22:39 
    Just to clerify,

    If it is a single game tournament, you need 5 free game slots (NO MATTER if you start only 4 games, or up to 7 games - the system only looks for 5 free game slots)

    for the 2 games per each player, you need 10 free game slots (NO MATTER if you start only 8 games, or 14 games - the system only looks for 10 free game slots)

    15. August 2006, 22:10:11 
    Subiectul: Tournament for dummies
    The 14th tournament for dummies has just started, but for games that did not have at least 4 players, there is a 10 day grace to see if anyone else will sign up.

    This tournament is for players rated at 1500 or below, or unrated - and is a great way to try out new games, or play games you love without being killed by "experts" and such.

    ►ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #14 - check it out - some only need 1 more player before it starts. Good Luck!

    15. August 2006, 18:55:43 
    Subiectul: Re: ?
    Universal Eyes: With the settings how they are now in the tournament, it will not start.

    1st place needs to get at least double the entry fee - and to do that with only 4 players in the tournament, first place would need to be set at 50% - which right now it is set at 35%.

    I don't think you are allowed to change any of those settings - but maybe Fencer would be able to change the first place price to 50% of the pot instead of 35%.

    9. August 2006, 18:30:04 
    Subiectul: Happy Birthday BrainKing
    Modificat de (9. August 2006, 18:30:49)
    BrainKing's 4th Birthday will be here soon, so why not another special tournament for it. (I had a Birthday tournament for it's 3rd birthday also.)

    ►►►►► Happy 4th Birthday BrainKing ◄◄◄◄◄ - September 26, 2006 - 21:00 Local Server Time SIGN UP NOW

    August 15th - The start of the 14th "Dummies" tournament for players rated below 1500 or unrated will start.
  • Don't want to be killed by experts?
  • Want to try a new game?

    SIGN UP NOW - Dummies #14 Tournament

  • 1. August 2006, 16:53:34 
    The 14th Tournament for Dummies is now ready for signup's.

  • ALL GAMES - Rated below 1500 or UNRATED

  • 5 days, 5 hours per move - standard days off

  • GREAT for someone trying to learn a new game.

  • GREAT for someone to play without being "killed" by experts.

  • Tournament to start August 15th, 2006


    Good Luck to all!

  • 30. Iulie 2006, 04:05:03 
    If you are using the "rich text editor", then copy - paste links will not work - you have to click on the little "chain link" icon and put the information in there for it to work.

    If you are NOT using the "rich text editor", then copy paste of the link will work.

    23. Iulie 2006, 04:39:19 
    Subiectul: Re: Ludo
    rednaz23: Wow, that is a big tournament - 10 win match, 2 games between each player - so between 20-38 games with each opponenet - WOW!

    5. Iulie 2006, 21:03:25 
    Subiectul: Re: Question
    Mr. Shumway: That is correct. 40 tournament wins (51 including ponds)

    Random Game tournaments - some pages know what to do with them, some do not.

    5. Iulie 2006, 19:35:53 
    Subiectul: Re: Question
    Modificat de (5. Iulie 2006, 19:37:35)
    Mr. Shumway: OK, I know - it's a little complex - hopefully Fencer will read this since it looks like a small bug also.

    On main profile page (under name, next to win/loss record) = won tournaments is the total amount of tournaments you won (NO PONDS - All tournaments) (you won a total of 40 tournaments.)

    In Profile, in completed games - it will show you how many games you won for each tournament type. If you add this up, you will come up with 34. Why 34? Because RANDOM GAME tournaments are not shown on this page.

    In the Winners page, this total is your Won games (NOT INCLUDING YOUR RANDOM GAME TOTAL) so 34 - PLUS Pond wins (which is 11) = which brings to the total of 45.

    Are you still with me? Hope so, because I'm a little lost.

    Anyway, seems like a bug. Not sure what the best way to fix it - maybe in the Finished games page in the profile, right below the "ponds", maybe a row for "Random Tournaments" - not to keep win/lose records since that is kept with the type of game you played, but just to keep the tournament won total for random game tournaments.

    You have won 34 regular tournament & 6 Random game tournaments, and 11 ponds.

    17. Iunie 2006, 20:50:58 
    Subiectul: Re: tournament
    azeria: Yup, that is one of the "downsides" in being a pawn.

    Many times, as long as you are done with your games in a tournament (like you are), and you have no chance to move on to the next round, if you send a message to Fencer and ask if he can "release" you from the tournament so you can join another one, he will normally do that.

    12. Iunie 2006, 23:21:36 
    Subiectul: Re: This has me a little confused as to how it ended a tie
    Jim Dandy: First you look at how many games each person won (Each player won 3 total games = so each have 3 points)

    Then to get the S-B, you add the points of the opponent the you won against.

    (So player 1 won 3 games, each person had 3 points - so 3+3+3=9, which is the S-B)

    10. Iunie 2006, 23:25:26 
    Subiectul: Re: can pawns creat tournaments?
    SafariGal: I think Fencer was already thinking about doing this. Just don't think it is high on his list right now.

    10. Iunie 2006, 23:04:07 
    Subiectul: Re: can pawns creat tournaments?
    SafariGal: yea, the person created A LOT of tournaments before their membership ran out - but they were all created when they were a rook before their membership ran out.

    10. Iunie 2006, 22:42:58 
    Subiectul: Re: can pawns creat tournaments?
    SafariGal: Pawns can not create tournaments.

    Those tournaments were made by a rook, who had since let their membership drop down to a pawn.

    27. Mai 2006, 03:13:44 
    Subiectul: Re: past tourn..
    ustica tnp: Looks like a bug with that saying that it is still running - But that is not stopping you from joining anything else.

    Pawns are limited to 1 tournament total, and you are still in many others which are still running.

    15. Mai 2006, 17:25:33 
    Subiectul: Re: Offering a prize money for a tournament
    nabla: If you are going to provide the price (that is with no entry fee), then you can offer just about anything you want. If you would like to offer brains instead of membership, then just make sure you put that in the description of the tournament you create.

    Then when you send money (PayPal) to Fencer to cover the brains, just make sure you let him know that you are using it to buy "brains" to use as a prize.

    (Of course, then the winner could just use the brains to upgrade his membership if they wanted to - then again, if a person wins a membership, I'm sure Fencer would also let them trade it in for brains.... Fencer is usually pretty flexable about things like that)

    Maybe you could offer the choice of XXX Brains or XX membership that the winner can choose from (which of course cost the same amount of money for each)

    = = = = =

    As a side note, Ambiguouse Chess (NEW GAME!!!!) looks pretty interesting. I'm not a chess player, but always like to try new games. Everyone should Check Out The Current Ambiguous Chess Tournaments!

    Hum... and of course the new game before that, Breakthrough - Some of those tournaments

    Fencer's been pretty busy lately - Great job Fencer!

    3. Mai 2006, 04:30:47 
    ►ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #13

    Still a few hours to sign up for this tournament. This is a great way to learn a game you don't play, and great to play games you like without worry about being "killed" by expert players.

    ►ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #13

    12. Aprilie 2006, 19:24:03 
    Subiectul: 3 new tournaments
    I have created a few new tournaments.

    1) BIG BAD WOLF Presents: All Games Eliminator(4) #3 - Single Elimination tournament, only 4 players per game type. Starts April 30th (or earlier once 4 players sign up)

    2) ◙ The Gammon Cube ◙ - Hyper 21 [#6] - Hyper Backgammon with cube to 21 points! Hyper Backgammon is a pretty quick game, so it is perfect to play to 21 points using the cube. Starts April 30th

    3) ►ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #13 - For players rated 1500 and below PLUS unrated players.

    So if you wanted to try out a new game, or if you are not good at a certain game - this is the perfect tournament since you hopefully will not get "killed" by experts in the game. Starts May 3rd.

    31. Martie 2006, 18:21:01 
    Subiectul: Re: stairs
    Mr. Shumway: Someone might be "retired", which means they are still "in the stairs", but are currently not shown on a step and can not challenge or challenge anyone else.

    30. Martie 2006, 06:52:29 
    Subiectul: Re:
    Like I had said before, the player who is now under the 1800 limit was over 1800 just a short bit ago, and was probable signed up before his rating dropped. (You can click on the "chart" of the player to see how his rating had just went down).

    I've seen strange settings all the time, that's what makes the tournaments interesting - always something different to choose from.

    30. Martie 2006, 01:34:04 
    Subiectul: Re:
    Nirvana: Yea, if you look at the description, it has: Unrated players: yes

    This means that no matter what the unrated players rating is (even if it was 1300), as long as he is still unrated he can join.

    (The other person below 1800 just dropped under 1800, and was over 1800 when they signed up.)

    30. Martie 2006, 01:10:36 
    Subiectul: Re:
    Nirvana: Which tournament? Some tournaments might have a ratings range (like under 1500), but also allow unrated players. It is all up to the tournament creator if they want to allow unrated players to join.

    19. Martie 2006, 16:38:19 
    Subiectul: BIGGEST Battleboat Plus Tournament ever!
    This could be the biggest Battleboat Plus tournament on this site ever!

    Already 110 players signed up, and will start once 128 sign up.

    Single elimination. (Which means you will only get 1 game with someone at a time - so no need to worry about getting a lot of games)

    Plus on top to that, there is a PRIZE with this tournament!

    Open to everyone - Pawns, Knights, or Rooks or higher!


    ... and good luck to all.

    6. Martie 2006, 01:00:47 
    The tournament is 1/2 way filled up!

    ► PRIZE ◄ - Battleboats Plus Tournament #2

    Only 128 players, elimination tournament, so you will only get 1 game at a time.

    28. Februarie 2006, 04:38:05 
    Subiectul: Re: maybe a stupid question...
    Crissie: Yes.

    The winner should contact Fencer and let him know what to do with the membership.

    They can give it to another user, or even "recycle" the membership and offer it as a prize in a new tournament if they want.

    The key is just to let Fencer know. :-)

    23. Februarie 2006, 04:08:07 
    Subiectul: Re: Adding games to stairs
    rod03801: Thanks. I guess I already have all my fellowship games in the stairs I have set up, so I don't see that option.

    22. Februarie 2006, 07:33:10 
    Subiectul: Prize Battleboat Plus Tournament
    A new Battleboat Plus prize tournament has been created and is open to everyone.

    It is a 128 player elimination tournament, so only the first 128 players to sign will be able to play. (So you will only get 1 game at a time) 4 days per move, plus if you win you get a 6 month knight membership.


    22. Februarie 2006, 06:13:55 
    Subiectul: Re:
    rod03801: How do you add games to stairs that are already set up?

    18. Februarie 2006, 07:02:20 
    Subiectul: Re: curious
    Thad: On the paid membership page, you can choose the "life time" price. You can also get a black knight for the cost of 10 years of a knight. (At least I'm guessing there is a black knight, have not seen one yet.)

    17. Februarie 2006, 22:24:58 
    Subiectul: Re:
    Thad: I'm sure it will not get that far. I'm sure there are some users in the tournament who do not read this board to get that idea, plus I think everyone needs to show respect and do what is right for them so they may not choose to resign - but respect and remember him in a different way. Everyone should do what they feel is right for them. I'm sure bumble's family is touched by the actions of some to resign, and it is a very nice thing to do.

    One thing I would like to ask is that no one go negative towards anyone who does not resign, or even think negativly towards them - that would be the last thing bumble would want. Everyone should mourn the way they need to, and not be forced or felt pressured to do so.

    10. Februarie 2006, 17:23:27 
    Subiectul: Re: Deleting Tournaments
    wellywales: There is an "Edit" next to the tournament name which will let you change the tournament name & description - and start date and other little things like that.

    Once you submit it, it has to be approve by Fencer before the change happens - which is usually pretty quick.

    8. Februarie 2006, 16:56:30 
    Subiectul: 4 player Elimination Tournaments
    There are still some games in the first 4 player Eliminator tournament to sign up for:

    Now the #2 tournament is read for signups also:

    Good Luck to all.

    4. Februarie 2006, 05:26:12 
    Subiectul: Random Tournament
    Just noticed that in a recent started random gammon tournament, that each game within the tournament is random. (for my 4 games, 2 are race, 1 nack, and 1 crowded) I was thinking that it would be 1 random picked game for everyone to play. Not that I'm complaing, but found it an interesting surprise.

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