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Please use this board to discuss Tournaments and Team Tournaments, ask questions and hopefully find the answers you are looking for. Personal attacks, arguing or baiting will not be tolerated on this board. If you have, or see a problem or something you are not happy about or think is wrong, please contact one of the above Moderators OR contact a Global Moderator HERE


Team Tournaments

September 2024 - Dice Chess 10x10 3 - Starts 27th Sept

October 2024 - Battleboats Plus 5 - Starts 11th Oct

October 2024 - Dice Poker 6 - Starts 25th Oct

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23. Iulie 2004, 13:30:23
Subiectul: Fencer..
Why not an all games team tourney... really keep em hopping :)

Question.... In a 21 day tournament, it does not include the weekends? So it is really a 27 day event? Is that how it works?

Or does the weekend only come into effect at the end, to save them from a time out? Thanks :)

23. Iulie 2004, 01:32:36
Subiectul: Re:
LOL Stevie...

Well Harley, there may be no rules against it, yet, but I think by purposly not moving in games that would have normally timed out had it not been for the timer to be defused is no example for anyones game playing (except maybe 'head games')

23. Iulie 2004, 00:51:20
Subiectul: Re:
LOL @ BRY.... ver here, to 'plug' someone is a sexual inuendo :)

Harley... I think Steve was commenting on his speed of play, not his suitability as a captain....

22. Iulie 2004, 23:55:32
I know musiclover, who mostly plays 5 inline, is interested in playing as well, if anybody want another player...

22. Iulie 2004, 13:17:01
Subiectul: Re: Fencer... while I have your attention...
What is the record here for the longest overall time to play a game ?

22. Iulie 2004, 13:04:29
Subiectul: Re: upchuck
Under two moves total or two moves each?
Didnt there used to be a cancel link too, for games under so many moves?

Fencer.... how about Spider Line 4 1st team tournament? :)

22. Iulie 2004, 12:37:01
Subiectul: Re:
Thanks Red Dragon....
I just found another person in my draw, Cardinal, who has played one move, and he is on vacation, and is due to time out on September 2nd!!!! Thats 2 months from the start date of the tournament.

What are the consequences for resigning these games? Do I lose BKR? Since so moves made already?

If I resign them can I be removed Fencer?

Also please hurry up and impliment the no vacation rule for tournaments, thanks :)

22. Iulie 2004, 05:16:57
Thanks for the help Kevin...
But the last move was already 20 days ago, and now is at 36 left, thats 56 days, and I looked at his profile and he is not on vacation either!!

22. Iulie 2004, 05:02:07
Subiectul: Re:
But I dont even see any vacation days... I dont know why or how there are so many days ...

22. Iulie 2004, 04:19:23
Subiectul: Re: Can someone please get me outta this tournament!
Modificat de Czuch (22. Iulie 2004, 04:21:41)
Now I am really confused.... LOL no comments BBW... :)

I just looked again, and of the two games with Stinger, the one with zero moves is at 26 plus days, and the other one, which has only had me make the initial pass of the dice, which i did on the first day, is at over 36 days left to move!!!!!

Why the differences? 56 days with only a pass of the dice as a move? How does it happen? I do not see any vacation days for Stinger either... What am I missing here?

22. Iulie 2004, 03:56:39
Subiectul: Can someone please get me outta this tournament!
It is a backgammon championship tournament with a 21 day limit.

It started in July 2nd. almost 20 days ago.

I have one game with Stinger who has not made one move yet, and still has 26 days 10 hours before a time out!

How does a 21 day tournament turn into a 48 day tournament?

At this pace it will take 8 years for a 30 move game!!!!!

How realistic is it to play a tournament where one game can last 8 years?

I guess if you are young, and you make it to the third round, you can count on your competition to die for your win. Plus look at the potential for Fencer to gaurantee no one ever leaves :)

I know it doesnt matter to many, the slow pace, and I should simply not worry about it, and play when my turn comes around.

But this is silly to the extreme... What would a 30 day tournament be like?

please fencer, for my sanity, remove me from this tournament. Thank you very much!

22. Iulie 2004, 01:59:25
Subiectul: Re:
I think it is going to be difficult to find 8 players for a team in 5 in line tournament, with so many already playing in the backgammon tournament, if knights cannot play in more than one tourney at a time.

Is there any limit planned for rooks too?

18. Iulie 2004, 07:35:51
bwild.. is the bkr affected the same as if you won one game?, or does it take into account that you won 5 or any losses?

18. Iulie 2004, 07:29:59
Subiectul: Team tourney...
There are many people, almost 100, and even at 3 days, it could last a real long time. Are vacations and weekends akkowed? Wha happens if someones membership lapses? Or if they just leave the site after a year, or whenever? Should we allow substitutes or something? I know aregular tournament is one thing, if you want to resign or time out for whatever reason, but how will that affect the rest of the team. I can envision playing for a year or something, and then have a teammate not be able to play for whatever reason....I am wondering if this aspect has been thought about?

18. Iulie 2004, 07:24:13
In a 5 wins match contest, how is each game scored for bkr purposes? Is it like one win after you win all 5 games or what?

18. Iulie 2004, 03:24:54
Subiectul: Re:
Thanks Bumble... thats what I guessed :)

18. Iulie 2004, 03:11:02
Subiectul: Re:
ou need to be a paid member to be eligable to get brains. Once a member, you can earn brains by refering people to pay for membership. Those earned brains can then be used to upgrade your membership or get a new one when it runs out.

18. Iulie 2004, 03:03:46
Subiectul: A couple of questions about creating a tournament..
I want to make one for 20 players. But the minimum number of players is 16. Why is it so low? What I did was make 20 the maximum, will the tournament automatically start when that number is hit? or do I have to change the start time? Thanks :)


14. Iulie 2004, 23:52:54
Subiectul: Re: First team tournament
How will it work anyway?
Who does play who?
How many games per player?

14. Iulie 2004, 19:37:04
Subiectul: Re: First team tournament
ow about 6 sections with 3 teams each.... make for a lot more in the final round, and more fun and games for most?

8. Iulie 2004, 18:37:06
when browsing the tournament area, is there a way to desern between tournaments which are already full, or ones we have already signed up for etc.?

Or should this be a feature request?

8. Iulie 2004, 00:07:14
Subiectul: Re:
Kevin... The 'relative skill' is the SAME as who is better!

Ihave said beforwe that you are an intelligent young man. (maybe too smart for your own good) You sometime come across like a computer when you write, thats what I meant by 'robot like'. There is nothing wrong with it at all, except that you said the same thing I did, only with different words.

7. Iulie 2004, 13:11:14
Subiectul: Re:
What are you talking about Kevin?

If I am more skilled than you at a game, isnt that the same as being better than you?
Its the same thing, only you said it like a robot...

7. Iulie 2004, 01:04:41
Subiectul: Re: Fun games
There is a good point about 'fun'... Anyone who says thats all they play for, why dont they just play unrated games? People want to win, for ratings and prestege. For anyone who enjoys competition, winning is the ultimate goal. Again, fun is just a side benefit.

6. Iulie 2004, 23:52:16
Subiectul: Re: Fun and tournaments reply to post by IMupChucKing
I guess 'fun' may have been a bad choice of words.

I was merly trying to point out that I beleive there is a difference between a 'normal' game and a 'tournament' game.

For example, I know how to play chess, but am terrible at it. I would never consider playing in a masters chess tournament, as I would be totally outmatched, and I would not have a prayer in any games. I do would not consider that being 'fun'. My personal beleif is that I would not play in any tournament where I didn't have at least a chance to do well. The ultimate reason to play in a tournament is to win. Hopefully the challenge is difficult, as that makes the victories that much sweeter.

On the other hand, I can play a 'regular' game, even one I am not very good at, and one where I have no chance at all to win, and still have fun. It is a learning experience, without the pressure, or even the desire to win.

A regular game can be played with fun as the motivation, but a tournament game should be played with winning as the ultimate motivation, IMO. (but fun can also be a secondary motivation and byproduct)

In short.... A standard game has fun as a motivation, and a tournament game has fun as a byproduct.

6. Iulie 2004, 02:40:49
Subiectul: Re:
Thats correct Kevin, that was my idea, no sections, just play everybody. To make it fair, you would have to play two games each player.

The problem is, of having it take up a lot of games, and would limit it for pawns and knights. just imagine trying to do it for all games, for example, or many games. It could get rather long, buthey, what tournaments arent long anyway :)

6. Iulie 2004, 01:30:00
I dont think it would be too hard. You could do it on a point basis perhaps. ie 1 point for a win, 2 points for second, and so on.... then add up all the points, with the lowest total as the overall winner.

I suppose you could do it manually, and declair a winner. But it wouldnt be official.

6. Iulie 2004, 01:14:57
Is there a way to create one tournament with several different game types? I tried, but it came out three seperate tournaments, under one name. I would like to have one overall winner based on overall performance for several different games. Thanks!

3. Iulie 2004, 21:21:58
In a tournament the ultimate goal is to win. It is not to have fun. Fun is mostly a side effect, and for many competitions there is very little fun involved.

There are many ways to have fun on this site. Tournaments are generally not one of them. Unless the description states that it is a tournament for fun only.

Also, I dont think most people realize what they are getting into when they play a 7 day or 30 day tournament, as far as time commitement goes. Especially newer members and pawns. Maybe an overall time guestimate could be included with the move time limit. ie, Backgammon tournament 30 day limit (4.9 years/game) or somwething like that. If I can only play in one backgammon game at a time, I may reconsider this tournament, when I see it spelled out that way.

3. Iulie 2004, 20:20:40
Subiectul: Re:
Some people cannot access the internet on weekends, very true.

But neither will they time out on a weekend as long as it is a 3 day or more limit. From my experience the people who access the internet from work are the ones who play the most, and generally dont ever hold things up.

I agree with Stevie again.... A tournament is for competition, and fun too, but mostly for competition, to find out the best of the best. Someone playing in a tournament, when they have never even played the game before, and then hold up that tournament because the rules allow them to move at the last minute every time, is simply not right, and especially so when they are a member of customer service. They should first and foremost be concerned with the paying customers whom they supposedly serve, and for their enjoyment over their own.

Why not start a tournament that is just for fun, and not for competition, if thats what they want???

3. Iulie 2004, 19:27:59
Subiectul: Just browsing...
The tournaments.
There are two tournaments listed, both by a member of customer service, which are for 30 days each move. For Backgammon. at 30 moves per game, that is 4.93 years just to complete one game, and that doesnt include weekends and suspended game times. I know it is every individuals choice to play or not to play, but I think some people simply dont realize what they may be getting into. You will have to renew your membership 4 times just to get through the first round. Maybe there is a conspiracy by cusomer service to keep memberships up?

Just be forewarned that even a 3 day tournament with 30 moves for a game is going to last a half year, not including weekends and suspended times, just for the first round!
Even a 1 day tournament will take 8 weeks with weekends to finish one round....

IMO...There really needs to be a way to have a tournament setting for total time per round, or something.

Linda's donation for a server tournament will still be going long after all the money has been spent on 'miscellanious repairs' and most peoples membership has expired!

23. Mai 2004, 00:27:48
Subiectul: Is there a way...
... To find out when a tournament began? (as in the date it started)

10. Aprilie 2004, 18:14:42
Subiectul: Re:
You may think it is funny, but there are people who get their enjoyment on this site from purposly stalling. There are some who would love to get into a one day tournament for no other reason than to drag it out as long as possible. And with vacation days and weekends, one could drag it out for months.... There really are no options on this site for fast players, as all it takes is one or two people who enjoy ruining the fun for others...
Also there are a hundred or so members here that use WebTV, and are not compatible to play games on Yahoo or other sites which play live games.

9. Aprilie 2004, 03:46:07
Subiectul: Re: BrainPawns and tournaments
Ahhhhhh...exceptions....gotta love 'em

2. Aprilie 2004, 00:29:23
Is it possiblr to start the next round of a tournament, where all the winners are determined, yet there are still some games being completed that won't affect the outcome?

28. Martie 2004, 16:40:38
Subiectul: Re:
I detect sarcasm in your tone Bwild.... Soon enough there will be a comittee to detect sarcasm, and the like, and it will be a banable offense...
Watch out!

28. Martie 2004, 16:31:58
Subiectul: Support Fencer tourney....
Whats up with that one? Didn't over 100 people recently support Fencer with an extra $5 donation??? That sounds like plenty of support to me.

If it is simply a statement against the save MM and Steve tourney... most of us can not sign up for either because we are already in the first one.

If Fencer has any interest in where people stand on this issue, maybe he could do as he did with the fund raiser tournament, and wave the limit on how many tournaments of one game type that we are allowed?????

24. Martie 2004, 17:25:47
Subiectul: Re:
I agree, if it is going to be bracketed, the game doesnt have to be one of luck...
Although you run into the occasional problem of someone like Arnie addick in reversi, who is a top player, but who recently had some problems and was ranked at about 1000 or so. Plus there is always the unranked player who is very good also, so you would have to watch for that also :)

24. Martie 2004, 16:56:03
I can only speak for myself Steve, But I think you play a tournament to win. If you want to play a game for fun, or to get experience, tournaments are not the place. Tournaments are for winning.

Thats why I suggested flights.... all players between 1700 to 2000 for example.... I know people make mistakes etc, but no one ranked at 2600 is going to lose to someone ranked 1500.
BUt there are also games with more luck involved ie battleboats, and backgammon, where most people feel like they at least have a chance to win.

24. Martie 2004, 16:22:36
Maybe you could find others who want to offer a prize tournament, and make several 'flights' of a game, each offering a membership?

24. Martie 2004, 16:08:26
Subiectul: Re:
Thats the problem Chatty... It almost has to be a game with a measure of luck to it, so anyone who joins at least has a sense of a chance to win. Otherwise, it is only an exercize in patients for the expert player, who will ultimatley win, if they dont get too bored waiting for the tournament to end.

17. Martie 2004, 22:23:59
Subiectul: Re:
Sorry mrioupcity... I have not been talking about you in this discussion..... I had a problem with a couple of other users, long before the backgammon prize tournament started. I never knew if you were this type of player or not...thats why gave you the benefit of the doubt, and pointed it out to you in a PM, and since then you have made an honest effort to play this particular tournament, and it has been appreciated....

Again, I am sorry if you thought I was pointing you out... And to anybody else out there who thought I was using you in my example, I was not, and want everyone to know that you have made an effort, and do not purposly slow play to keep others from enjoying their play here :)

17. Martie 2004, 21:09:05
Subiectul: Re:
Well...I too am concerned that a new player wqill come to this site,and join a four day tournament, and then find out, because of one idiot, who purposly plays all his turns at the last possible minute, the tournament takes over a year to complete. I am concerned that this new person will get a bad impression too, and will not become a paying member...All because of one person who ruins it for everybody....

But, hey, thats their right, and if it is fun for them to play in a way that holds up 95 % of the other players, then, oh well, too bad so sad....its their right, and and the rest of us can just choose to not play with them, and if it happens to be someone new, who does not know, well then they will learn the hard way, just like everyone else.

I agree with you, that is not a good way to make an impression, and gain more paying members, but thats what the powers to be want, and thats the way it will be until the powers that be decide that whats god for the majority is more important than the enjoyment of a few individuals....

17. Martie 2004, 20:53:08
Subiectul: Re:
Fencer said that a tournament creator can do whatever they want with tournaments....That covers all your questions, with one answer.

I'm certain that leaving it alone, will have a much better effect, than continuing to fight it. Don't play in his tournaments, I'm sure most will follow suit, and no one will have to worry about what he does anymore. He can play in his own tournaments by himself, and change the rules all day long.

17. Martie 2004, 20:40:58
Subiectul: Re:
That question has been asked and answered by Fencer. Just because you do not like the answer, or agree with it, doesn't matter.

If the rules, and the creator say it is okay, then it is okay, period. Leave it alone. This is a game site, go play some games, like you said already, you are not on customer service anyway ;)

BTW, are you gonna play me in scrabble or what???

17. Martie 2004, 20:31:47
Subiectul: Re:
Its not that difficult BBW...If someone askes you why the tournament has no name.... you PM them that it is because the tournament creator has wanted it that way, period!

17. Martie 2004, 19:53:36
Leave him alone BW.... You recently had a beef with someone 'spying' on you in here and reporting your actions and movements on discussion boards etc... Why do you do the same thing you recently complained about someone else doing? It does not matter 'why' people do what they do here. It is their right to play and have fun anyway they choose. If it 'messes them up' or 'upsets' them, is no concern of yours, or anyone elses, just stay away from him, and leave him alone, and stop spying on him and harrassing him and trying to make his life miserable on these discussion boards.

17. Martie 2004, 14:19:07
Subiectul: Re:
It still won't get them out of the tournament though...

7. Martie 2004, 23:41:01
Subiectul: Re:
I was wondering about that... Of course more people will sign up for a free chance to win, than for a 5 dollar sign up fee...

6. Martie 2004, 15:53:03
Subiectul: Re: S-B link on this site
I know... I read that first, but it was confusing.... What makes an opponent 'weaker' the fact that they lost a game, or who they lose it to? It seems that if I am a low ranked player, and you beat me, its no big deal, if I beat you it is a big deal, but that isbn't taken into account. It is simply how many wins in that section, regardless of whether those wins are against a strong opponent or weak one. I guess it doesnt matter if I understand it or not, it all comes out in the wash, and at least it is a consistant way to choose a winner, and over time should be fair, at least.

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