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Team Tournaments

September 2024 - Dice Chess 10x10 3 - Starts 27th Sept

October 2024 - Battleboats Plus 5 - Starts 11th Oct

October 2024 - Dice Poker 6 - Starts 25th Oct

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29. August 2007, 16:34:09 
Subiectul: Dummies #19 Open to signups
The 19th Tournament for Dummies is open for signups!

►ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #19

  • For players rated 1500 or under (OR UNRATED!)

  • What a great way to play a new game or game you might not be too good at without being "killed" by the expert players of the game

  • Try out a game you have not played before!

  • Tournament to start on October 1st, 2007 - SIGN UP NOW!

    ►ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #19

  • 24. August 2007, 22:12:01 
    Subiectul: Re: Prize Tournament Tiebreak
    gambler104: The winners can either split the prize or possible have a playoff game to determine the winner - unless the tournament creator decided something else. (So if it was a year membership prize, each gets 6 months)

    21. August 2007, 19:27:13 
    Subiectul: Re: "no black rooks can keep the prize"
    rednaz23: If it is not written that a black rook can't win it in the tournament description, then I would think the winner would win it no matter what type of account they have.

    Of course the tournament creator can put any special rules they want for their prize - but again, I would say that needs to be in the description of the tournament when it is set up.... which of course any black rook could then avoid if they did not agree with the tournament rules.

    As a black rook, I still try to win the prize. If I win, it would then be up to me what to do with it - which I could do 3 things. (1) Refuse the prize, let the tournament creator do whatever they want to with it, (2) give it to someone I know who needs it, or (3) [what I would do] recycle the prize - that is create my own prize tournament with that prize.

    But it's the creators prize - they can give it to who they want - and add any rules they want. (but again only if it is posted in the tournament description) - if you don't agree, then don't join the tournament.

    19. Iulie 2007, 19:10:15 
    Subiectul: Re: Prize Tournament
    gambler104: Well that is the reason why it will not allow him to change it - since people signed up thinking it was going to be one thing. To be fair to everyone, either (1) prize that was offered needs to be awarded or (2) delete tournament, and create a new one with the new prize.

    You can't start a tournament and say you will give the winner $1,000 - then later say "Oh, changed my mind - here is a $1.00 instead) (of course this is an "extreme" example, but hopefully shows the point of why it should not be changed)

    5. Iulie 2007, 15:21:18 
    Subiectul: Frog Finder Tournament
    I've extended this tournament for 1 extra day, since I would love to see a few more players in it:

    The "South of Canada" Frog Finder for 20 players!

    Up to 20 players in a section - would be great if we can get closer to 20 players. My goal was at least 10, and we are at 11 - so that is already great. But I went ahead and extended the start day by 1 more day to see if we can get a few more to join!

    3. Iulie 2007, 16:24:05 
    Can still use some more players:

    The "South of Canada" Frog Finder for 20 players!

    Need at least 10 - would love closer to 20 to try out the bigger tournament sections.

    29. Iunie 2007, 22:09:25 
    Subiectul: Frog Finder Tournament - MAX 20 players!
    Can we get 20 players: The "South of Canada" Frog Finder for 20 players!

    Will start with at least 10. Up to 20 per section. Should be FUN FUN FUN! (no limit on where you are from - just a "fun" tournament name)

    The "South of Canada" Frog Finder for 20 players!

    24. Iunie 2007, 15:43:56 
    Subiectul: Re:
    emmett: Yea, with it being a new tournament type, looks like a bug to me also.

    23. Iunie 2007, 01:42:10 
    Subiectul: Re: How is this a time out?
    Jim Dandy: Plus I believe you can still edit the start date settings before the tournament starts. So if you see that it is about to be deleted, you can edit the tournament to another date to give more time for people to sign in.

    22. Iunie 2007, 22:46:40 
    Subiectul: Re: How is this a time out?
    purplehawke: To learn more about the different time limits, check out this article:

    I've wrote it up awhile back since the fischer clock games can really fool many people - heck, I don't even sign up for those types of games anymore. Anyway, I tried to explain with examples in the article and many have found it very helpful in explaining how the different time limits work.

    Jim Dandy: Did you set the option of "Days after the deadline before a tournament with not enough players is deleted:" to 7 days, or 29 days (with I think 29 days is the max)? Of course now that it is deleted, there is no way to check I don't think.

    13. Iunie 2007, 20:27:10 
    Subiectul: Re: 07/07/07 - 07:07am Tournament Only about 3 weeks left

    The 7 Tournament - 07/07/07 - 07:07

    Tournament set to start on the 7th day of the 7th month of the 7th year on the 7th hour and the 7th minute (server time) (well aprox. 7th minute - tournament are usually created about 5 minutes after the hour - but still pretty close)

    Take your pick of 7 games (7 of my favorites when I created the tournament back in January)

    # Dice Chess (16 - open)
    # Connect6 (10 - open)
    # Backgammon (26 - open)
    # Crowded Backgammon (13 - open)
    # Hyper Backgammon (22 - open)
    # Battleboats Plus (15 - open)
    # Ludo (16 - open)

    Should be fun..... can't wait for the 8 tournament Aug 8, 2008! Details for that at a later date.

    The 7 Tournament - 07/07/07 - 07:07

    24. Mai 2007, 05:48:18 
    Subiectul: Re:
    Bernice: Yea, for the Fischer Clock Games - the most important thing is the "Bonus" time - since depending on when you make your move, that will be the minimum amount of time you have to make a move.

    Check out this article I wrote awhile back:

    FOR EVERYONE - That article explains how the xx/xx/xx timed games work with examples and such - VERY helpful for anyone wanting to learn more about how the times work on this site.

    For myself, I rarely play Fisher Clock Games - and if I do, I always try to get a game that has at least 1 day bonus - since if I wait until the last minute to make my move, I know it will come back to me with at least 1 day to make a move.

    17. Mai 2007, 17:05:51 
    Subiectul: Tournament
  • 12 more days: May 30th - Tournament for Dummies #18

    Tournament for dummies is for any player rated below 1500 for a game --OR-- Unrated for a game. This makes it a great way to try new games, or games you like but may not be great at.... without too much worry about being "killed" by expert players.

    ►ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #18

  • 50 more days: 07/07/07 - at aprox 07:07am server time - the Lucky 7 tournament! Join now! You will not get another chance like this until August 8th, 2008! (08.08.08)

    The 7 Tournament - 07/07/07 - 07:07

  • 13. Mai 2007, 20:11:00 
    Subiectul: Re:
    emmett: Since you posted about it - I've been trying to think if I like that or not like it. I'm still undecided - but one reason I do like it is that at team could (in theory) get one persons ratings to drop by quickly losing some fake games so they could get more match-ups which could help the team.

    For example, lets say a 3 player tournament. A1, A2, A3 vs. B1, B2, B3

    B1 is very god, but can't beat A1.. but probable could beat A2. B2 is pretty good, but can't beat A2.. but probable could be A3. So they make it so B3's rating is higher then both of there ratings so B3 plays a sacrifice game with A1 - leaving B1 & B2 with easier games, and in turn a tournament win.

    I mean that is an extreme example.... but it could happen.

    13. Mai 2007, 19:40:02 
    Subiectul: Re:
    emmett: I believe the ratings are from top to bottom from when the tournament first started (round 1) - so now that round 2 started it will look out-of-order.

    8. Mai 2007, 03:42:32 
    "Snoopy": There is now! (sort of)

    The 18th tournament for dummies!

    ►ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #18

    This tournament is all the games - for players rated UNDER 1500 (or unrated)

    This is a GREAT way to learn new games WITHOUT being killed by "experts"

    Set to start May 30th!

    Good Luck to all!

    ►ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #18

    7. Mai 2007, 19:46:46 
    I've started some new "Fast Start - First 5" Tournaments the other day if anyone is interested in them:

    2. Aprilie 2007, 01:47:32 
    Subiectul: Re: Re He
    Oceans Apart: Yes - SHE SHE SHE SHE SHE - I'm sorry. I know that - just trying to type fast.... ugh... about the 5th time I've done that to someone lately. I need to go back to just always saying "They" in place of he/she - it is usually save.

    2. Aprilie 2007, 01:02:00 
    Subiectul: Re: as im not allowed
    Oceans Apart: He means the message board attached to the tournament itself that he can't post to. (in case it was not clear.)

    27. Februarie 2007, 15:29:37 
    Starts in about 1 day -

    ►ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #17

    For unrated & players rated under 1500

    Great way to learn a new game, or play a game you might not be the best at... without being "killed" by experts.

    ►ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #17

    (and as always - a day or so before the tournament starts, I will remove anyone who is now WAY over the limit of 1500 - since ratings can change - so if you see some high rated player in - don't worry, I should have them removed before the start.)

    21. Februarie 2007, 20:03:25 
    Modificat de (21. Februarie 2007, 20:05:05)
    ►ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #17

    About a week left until the next "tournament for dummies" start

    For unrated & players rated under 1500

    Great way to learn a new game, or play a game you might not be the best at... without being "killed" by experts.

    ►ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #17

    (and as always - a day or so before the tournament starts, I will remove anyone who is now WAY over the limit of 1500 - since ratings can change - so if you see some high rated player in - don't worry, I should have them removed before the start.)

    16. Februarie 2007, 00:04:50 
    Fencer needs to manually fix it I believe. I believe he has fixed it so that does not happen again, but that tournament is complete (all games complete) - Fencer just needs to fix the tournament results page.

    3. Februarie 2007, 21:41:17 
    You can now sign up for the 17th tournament for dummies.

    This tournament is for UNRATED players, and players rated BELOW 1500

    This is a GREAT way for people to try new games, and play games they normally can not without being "killed" by expert players.

    ►ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #17

    Tournament to start February 28th. A day or so before the tournament starts, I will remove players who are way over the 1500 BKR limit.

    Good Luck, and as always - Have Fun!

    1. Februarie 2007, 20:40:10 
    Subiectul: Logik & Frog Finder
    Since the tournament search is currently not working for these 2 game types, I will list the new tournaments I've created:

    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Frog Finder #11
    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Frog Finder #13
    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Frog Finder #14
    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Logik #6
    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Logik #7
    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Logik #8

    Plus I created some new Dice Chess, Dice Poker, Triple Dice Poker, Ludo, Backgammon, & Hyper Backgammon tournaments (some of the most popular games on the site!) - find list here:

    Signup's limited to first 5! Good Luck to all!

    28. Ianuarie 2007, 16:41:10 

    26. Ianuarie 2007, 20:22:16 
    Subiectul: Re: Bug?
    Retep: Yes, looks like a small bug for the new games.

    26. Ianuarie 2007, 17:54:29 

    25. Ianuarie 2007, 18:37:47 
    There was a small bug in the first tournament I set up in which all players got the same board up - so I had Fencer delete those games since it was easy to tell where the frogs where - so I set up a new #1 tournament, along with the other 5:

    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Frog Finder #1

    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Frog Finder #2
    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Frog Finder #3
    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Frog Finder #4
    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Frog Finder #5

    Plus someone said they did not like to play rated games for new games which might be unbalanced - so here is a quick unrated tournament for those who don't want to mess up their ratings yet:

    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Frog Finder UNRATED

    25. Ianuarie 2007, 15:47:39 
    Subiectul: Re: Ribbit
    Modificat de (25. Ianuarie 2007, 15:48:30)
    furbster: Have you ever played minesweeper on the computer? Where you click on a square, and it gives a number - which is how many mines are in the 8 squares around the SHOT.

    Same thing here - but for 2 players. Your 5 men & your opponets 5 men are put on the same board - you have to shoot to get the number until you think you can determin where a man is and guess where they are.

    Good points for guessing correctly, bad points for hitting a man or guessing wrong.

    ** edited to change the word guess to shot

    25. Ianuarie 2007, 15:32:27 
    Subiectul: Ribbit
    Think Minesweeper for 2 players

    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Frog Finder #1
    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Frog Finder #2
    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Frog Finder #3
    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Frog Finder #4
    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Frog Finder #5

    Plus someone said they did not like to play rated games for new games which might be unbalanced - so here is a quick unrated tournament for those who don't want to mess up their ratings yet:

    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Frog Finder UNRATED

    23. Ianuarie 2007, 15:58:42 

    23. Ianuarie 2007, 15:40:59 
    Subiectul: Brrrrrr.. getting a little cold in here
    Modificat de (23. Ianuarie 2007, 15:43:52)
    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Ice Age Chess #1
    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Ice Age Chess #2
    Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Ice Age Chess #3

    [and if case you are one of those people who actually want to know how to play a game BEFORE you start to play - it is probable based from this: - even though the rules may be slightly different]

    22. Ianuarie 2007, 04:34:52 
    Subiectul: tournaments

    21. Ianuarie 2007, 18:44:12 
    Subiectul: Tournaments

    21. Ianuarie 2007, 17:22:17 
    Subiectul: Re:
    rod03801: All the regular dice poker ones from below had the same u=2560 on them so that same sort of link got converted earlier.

    I could play around with it, but those will probable be full within the next hour, so I'm not too worried about it.

    21. Ianuarie 2007, 16:55:29 
    Modificat de (21. Ianuarie 2007, 16:57:02)

    21. Ianuarie 2007, 07:32:18 
    Subiectul: Yet More Dice Poker

    20. Ianuarie 2007, 21:58:45 
    Subiectul: more dice poker

    20. Ianuarie 2007, 16:27:12 
    Subiectul: Re: My First Tournament
    Summer Flame: You can try to "practice" in your notepad if you want -

    20. Ianuarie 2007, 16:17:48 
    Subiectul: TOURNAMENTS!

    20. Ianuarie 2007, 16:14:34 
    Subiectul: Re: My First Tournament
    Summer Flame: If you are using the plain text editor, then just posting what you did should convert to a link automaticly.

    If you are using the rich text editor, you need to click on the "Insert Link" button (looks like a chain link).

    Summer Flame Tournament: Summer Flames first ever tournament

    19. Ianuarie 2007, 17:37:46 
    Subiectul: Re: 07/07/07 - 07:07am Tournament
    hexkid: I already had to recreate the tournament once when I couldn't count and added 8 games instead of 7.

    I was thinking about waiting since I think some new games Fencer might add will turn into my new "favorite" games - but O'well - I'll just add more tournaments for those games when they come.

    19. Ianuarie 2007, 16:37:08 
    Subiectul: 07/07/07 - 07:07am Tournament
    Along with some of the "fast start" tournament (, I have 2 special tournaments to sign up for.

    #3000 - This is my #3,000 tournament on the site - starts in about 11 days or sooner (Number of players is LIMITED - so first sign up, first start) - ☺►►►►►►►►►► # 3,000 ◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄☺

    The 7 Tournament - 07/07/07 - 07:07 - Still a few months from this, but has a lot of 7's in it!

    17. Ianuarie 2007, 22:19:35 
    Subiectul: 3,000th Tournament
    I've created a new batch of "Fast Start" tournaments for 5 players - list here:

    I have also reached a milestone (according to my profile tournament page) - 3,000 tournaments I have created! YEA!

    So I created a special tournament for the 3,000th tournament: ☺►►►►►►►►►► # 3,000 ◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄☺

    LIMIT of 8 players per game type - would love to see if we can get 8 players for each game type in this tournament!

    14. Ianuarie 2007, 15:28:49 
    Subiectul: Some more tournaments

    11. Ianuarie 2007, 15:29:52 
    Subiectul: Some more tournaments
    Modificat de (11. Ianuarie 2007, 15:30:49)

    10. Ianuarie 2007, 21:25:20 
    Subiectul: Dice Chess

    8. Ianuarie 2007, 00:08:45 
    Subiectul: Fast Start Tournaments
    I have created a few "Fast Start" tournaments of the 2 new games - good way to get some games going quickly to learn before the team tournaments start.

    6. Ianuarie 2007, 16:21:10 
    Subiectul: Re:
    mybirthdaysoon: I'll come and join your Ataxx team.

    5. Ianuarie 2007, 17:30:05 
    Subiectul: Fast Start - First 5 to sign tournaments
    I've created a batch of "Fast Start - First 5 to sign" tournaments - where as soon as 5 players sign up, the tournament will start.

    I have also included AT LEAST 1 tournament for each of the team tournaments - so a good way to start to get some practice in a tournament before you start playing for a team.

    But remember - only 5 players allowed in each tournament, and they will start as soon as they are filled up.

    Check out tournaments here:

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