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26. Martie 2009, 23:52:49
Subiectul: Re: Heres another one for you regulate big government socialists libs
The Usurper: Well, most dictatorships rise not from a strong democracy, but from splintered and poor people....

I know, you are going to say that is their first objective, to make us so weak we will give up our freedom to be saved at any cost, and they are so smart, they are actually counting on other smart people to help them accomplish this....

its like all the rest of your conspiracies (or are they all just one big one tied together?)

Its like saying there was a conspiracy by the founders of the US to make us a republic....

26. Martie 2009, 23:07:38
Subiectul: Re: Heres another one for you regulate big government socialists libs
The Usurper: My position is not as a neo con, its just that they represent me better than the liberals do.

What i dont yet understand, that if as you claim, the ultimate goal of all sides is a global dictatorship, then who actually wins and who loses?

I mean, under a dictatorship, very few people win, so why would so many be in conspiracy to help make a dictatorship, if they have no benefits from it?

26. Martie 2009, 22:00:25
Subiectul: Re: The US economic policy is the road to hell."
(V): your agenda is to seek the truth wherever it is to be found...

26. Martie 2009, 21:53:50
Subiectul: Re: The US economic policy is the road to hell."
(V): Thats what everyone says.....

26. Martie 2009, 20:06:53
Subiectul: Re: The US economic policy is the road to hell."
Artful Dodger:

26. Martie 2009, 14:33:35
Subiectul: Heres another one for you regulate big government socialists libs
You give money to banks, that gives you the right to tell them what they can do with it....

now you have to tell me why we cant drug test welfare recipients too????

cant wait to listen to the hypocritical rationals against this one....

26. Martie 2009, 14:27:55
Subiectul: Re:
Pedro Martínez: Thanks for that Pedro.... now I like your country even better than yesterday, do you have a bunk house for me to live for awhile?

26. Martie 2009, 03:04:03
Subiectul: Re:
Pedro Martínez: I have always liked that Czech PM... he isnt a big fan of the global warming scare tactics either, I dont think?

hahaha Now I might have one place I can like to move to if/when I dont like it here anymore (if they will take me)

26. Martie 2009, 02:31:53
Subiectul: Re: an O'Reilly guest once said a certain thing was "retarded."
Artful Dodger: K sorry

26. Martie 2009, 02:23:37
Subiectul: Re: an O'Reilly guest once said a certain thing was "retarded."
(V): he said..."I'm a little retarded about this".

NO... he said something like... " I felt like i should be in special olympics".... nothing none of us has not ever said before, and he laughed about it, as we all have done before, but he is president, and he is not a professional comedian... how you can complain about a comedy show parody about the canadian army, yet are not even fazed a little bit about Bam, just tells me that you have some biases, especially since you never have any issues with Bush being slammed all day long for many of his gaffs, many similar to what Bam just did?

26. Martie 2009, 02:12:05
Subiectul: Re: Fox News produces it, they own it.I don't care what time of the day or number of viewers the show has,Fox stamps their name on it.
Jim Dandy: but it DID happen on Fox News.

NO it did NOT hapen on fox news

26. Martie 2009, 02:10:25
Subiectul: Re: Bam had a laugh at the expense of handicapped people
(V): Not just the content, but the intent and the timing.

Right... well the INTENT was COMEDY!!!!!!!

BTW, the intent of Bam was comedy as well, except Bam is NOT a comedian, he is president

Just because you do not think it was funny doesnt matter.... thats my point, I dont think making fun of Bush was funny either, but that does not make it wrong or that it should be banned or anything like that

You can have a personal dislike, anything you want, but that is all you get... the rest is just something annoying buzzing in my ear...

25. Martie 2009, 21:42:08
Subiectul: Re: Bam had a laugh at the expense of handicapped people
(V): He didn't, he used the wrong analogy and screwed up because of that.

He tried to make a joke using disabled people.... but he is the president of the US

These other guys tried to make a joke using the canadian military.... but they are COMEDIANS

25. Martie 2009, 21:38:45
Subiectul: Re: Bam had a laugh at the expense of handicapped people
(V): wow, you really do have a way of missing the point and straying from a topic

You were complaining about comedy against the canadian military.... I simply want to know what other topics of comedy you would have off limits as well???

25. Martie 2009, 21:22:48
Subiectul: Re: But a group of comedians on a late night show that mocks the news?what time of the day or number of viewers the show has,Fox stamps their name on it.
(V): And as I said, if people in the UK can get canned for making inappropiate jokes.. why can't the same apply to another joke making people?

So you would support then, I guess Bam being fired for joking about the disabled right??? hahahah

25. Martie 2009, 21:21:22
Subiectul: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
(V): All?

Sure, why not... Id like to know what kind of world we would live in if you were in charge of the censorship...

BTW, I must have missed all the angry posts from you all when Bam had a laugh at the expense of handicapped people?????? Disabled must not be on your list I guess...

25. Martie 2009, 16:32:42
Subiectul: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
(V): so you are advocating to be the worlds big brother? Or maybe I miss your point as well? Are you saying it is in bad taste but you respect their right to do it anyway?

25. Martie 2009, 16:28:41
Subiectul: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
(V): And there are other things on my list, many other things

name them

25. Martie 2009, 13:31:39
Subiectul: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
(V): then if you think it includes the President, you can't make fun of your current president.

How is it you always seem to get the simple things all twisted up????

My argument here is that comedians poking fun at the canadian military is no different from them poking fun at our president.... no matter who they make jokes about someone is going to be "offended".

My question to you all, is why you think the canadian military deserves special treatment? (okay, I have heard your arguments why already) but if you then give them exemption from comical parody, why stop there? Why is it okay to parody my president? You see yet? Just because someone is offended, doesnt matter, and if you still think it does,,then what i want from you is a list of what is off limits to comedians.... is it just the canadian military, or are there others on your list?

25. Martie 2009, 03:23:14
Subiectul: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
(V): Bush is a leader, not military. And excuse me, but the way some Republicans are making jokes of your current Democrat President is the same or worse.

Sorry I am not letting this one go..... you are saying that certain topics are off limits for making fun of on a comedy show, right?

But that makes a bigger question then.... who makes the choice of what those topics are???? You think it is the military, I think it includes a president, someone else thinks the handicapped are included, then there are those that dont like anyone making fun of clowns..

the point is, you either have to let them make fun of anyone they want to or nobody at all!

Which is it for you???? It seems like you want to be the person to decide who can be made fun of, that your opinion is the most valid one and the rest of us dont matter?

There is a bigger issue here... its called censorship...

24. Martie 2009, 20:06:34
Subiectul: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
(V): As I said, us Brits were against GWII,

Well, my opinion it is just as disrespectful to make a parody about Bush as it is the canadian military...

explain to me how it is different?

24. Martie 2009, 17:45:21
Subiectul: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
(V): But I know how you'd react to that. You'd be furious.

you would be wrong again....

24. Martie 2009, 17:43:05
Subiectul: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
Jim Dandy: I personally don't find the mocking of soldiers funny,to each his own.

I personally dont find parody about president Bush funny, but that didnt stop anyone, nor did you hear me ever complain that it was disrespectful, as it surely was as well.

So the question again.... do you fight against all comedy that shows disrespect to someone or some group???? I seriously doubt it for anyone in here...

24. Martie 2009, 16:15:59
Subiectul: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
Jim Dandy: So the troops deserve respect... who else is on your list that deserve so much respect that they are off limits to parody????

24. Martie 2009, 15:10:28
Subiectul: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
Charles Martel:

24. Martie 2009, 14:29:24
Subiectul: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
(V): Perhaps you could tell the Canadian Defence Minister that..

that guy is an idiot then!

24. Martie 2009, 14:27:58
Subiectul: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
Artful Dodger: Well deserved if it were to continue.

Thats hog wash!

If it is okay to characterize our president in the ways they did with parody about Bush, then the canadian military shouldnt be off limits either!!!

24. Martie 2009, 14:23:58
Subiectul: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
Jim Dandy: Jim, its called COMEDY.... thats what comedy is, you poke fun at things and people and such.

Also, its NOT fox news, it might be on the fox channel, but it is nothing to do with fox news, any more than saturday night live has to do with NBC news....

for you to even be legitimate here, you have to be against ALL comedy that pokes fun at people and things like the canadian military, are you? Did you ever laugh at parody about Bush or Palin?

If you have never laughed at any parody, then I can accept your point, otherwise you are just against certain parody, and that makes your point illegitimate!

23. Martie 2009, 03:21:29
Subiectul: Re: l
Bernice: I think you are confusing the word collectivism, with the words to collect, as in collecting money, and what he means is a collective idealism where we all hold hand s and sing kumbihya

23. Martie 2009, 03:17:42
Subiectul: Re: The significance of this quote is that it reveals the elite conspiracy.
The Usurper: One of the motives is a humane, but misguided, idealism.

That is exactly what I dislike about liberals and the socialist left in the US!

That is exactly what they stand for, and what they think they want and i dont think most of them understand the consequences of what they are asking for, really.

That is exactly why I vote conservative, the lessor of two evils

22. Martie 2009, 15:33:38
i mean.... the only people I know interested in the US to be part of some big world collective are people who resent the US, mostly non Americans, and a few misguided social left wing idealogs, but mostly its meant to put reins on us, and is not meant to benefit the US?

22. Martie 2009, 15:24:57
Subiectul: Re: The significance of this quote is that it reveals the elite conspiracy.
The Usurper: while its point about the possibility of using fear to drive Americans into world government may be clear,

I still havent heard the why part yet? What would be the great conquest of making the US part of a new world order? How do I benefit by joining a secret conspiracy to dupe the american public into opting into some new world government? That doesnt make any sense

22. Martie 2009, 05:53:55
Subiectul: Re: ZERO.Investigation.Into.911.avi
Artful Dodger:

22. Martie 2009, 05:51:28
Subiectul: Re: ZERO.Investigation.Into.911.avi
The Usurper: I'm not much interested in a controlled board, except the basic need to not use profanity & to keep discussion more or less civil. Nor will I consent to allow my debating opponent to use his authority as a moderator to "guide the debate."

I can agree with you on this point for sure

21. Martie 2009, 19:19:15
Subiectul: Re: If you are trying to prove something give us something that the average busy working stiff has time to contemplate.
Artful Dodger: To me, its like stopping terrorism, you have to get them 100% of the time, they only have to get it right once,

To prove bush and cheney and the rest of the US government committed 9/11, you have to prove it 100%, it cannot be one doubt here and one doubt there, if it really went the way you say it went and the whole thing was an inside job including a huge cover up, it should be easy, like domino's, once one leg falls so does the rest, something like this would have crumbled long ago if there were any shred....

21. Martie 2009, 13:46:59
Subiectul: Re: ZERO.Investigation.Into.911.avi
The Usurper: so thats it then???? Im taking my ball and going home??? If I cant post 9/11 links, then im outta here?

21. Martie 2009, 05:43:23
Subiectul: Re: ZERO.Investigation.Into.911.avi
Artful Dodger: We have less than 10 regular contributors here.... only reason to enforce this is to silence Usurper, no?

21. Martie 2009, 05:41:25
Subiectul: Re: ZERO.Investigation.Into.911.avi
Artful Dodger: Learn to let go - don't keep harping on about the same thing, or harking back to previous arguments.

This will soon be a blank board if this rule is enforced

21. Martie 2009, 05:22:56
Subiectul: Re: ZERO.Investigation.Into.911.avi
The Usurper: Ultimately, of course, each person will decide for himself/herself what is worth pursuing...or whether, perhaps, their hard day's work has earned them the right to not have to think when the day is done.

I know this will kill you to hear... but thats exactly how it is supposed to be, right? That we pay other people to take care of this crap so we can enjoy our lives at the end of the day? You will tell me that is exactly how they have been able to take advantage of me, because I do not keep a good eye on them, and they have decided to take advantage of me and create some new world order behind my back!

I can understand where you get ideas like this, but I can not believe any of fit yet...

20. Martie 2009, 18:00:32
Subiectul: Re:

20. Martie 2009, 16:36:02
Subiectul: Re: We still love our old imperial weights and measures.
Bwild: okay, good points!

20. Martie 2009, 14:59:52
We still love our old imperial weights and measures.

When I was in grade school they tried that over here as well.... we were switching everything to metric.... I dont remember exactly, but it couldnt have been more than a few years before it was abandoned forever, we just had no real interest in making it happen.

20. Martie 2009, 02:58:09
Subiectul: Re: operation wetback
Bwild: oh wait...isnt bridges and roads in the stimulas package??

yeah, stimulate what is the big question right now...

20. Martie 2009, 02:57:18
Subiectul: Re: operation wetback
The Usurper: The plan is to make a North American Union of Canada, the U.S., and Mexico, to make the whole thing subservient to the U.N., and to end our sovereignty as a nation.

Over my dead body...

19. Martie 2009, 16:37:31
Subiectul: operation wetback
Time to do it again?

17. Martie 2009, 20:41:04
I mean, what good is it for a bank to give a loan to someone who cannot pay it back? Or to give a 200k loan on a house that is only worth 150k?

What is the upside for a bank to become "predators"?

It all comes down to greed, and it starts with a greedy consumer.

If we drive less the price of gas goes down. Its all a supply and demand thing. Trying to regulate yourself out of any future problems is stupid, IMO.

I dont know where I am headed here... just dont buy the scare tactics that make us socialist because of unfounded fears... its all we hear lately, the sky is falling, but we the government are here to save you... you want something to really be afraid of??? Not global warming or banks or oil companies, it is a government who wants you to give them full reign over your life!

17. Martie 2009, 20:23:08
Subiectul: Re:first of all these banks were forced to make bad loans
(V): "The banking industry made a practice of talking people into buying homes they couldn't afford."

Doesnt sound right to me either... as far as i know, banks arent even involved much until a person has picked out a home to buy. Except to get pre approved, as far as I know, its usually the people trying to tell the banks that they can afford more house than is really true. So banks are like, sure you want a loan for this house without documentation, okay, pay us a higher fee and higher closing costs and a higher rate and we will do it!

Fine for many, and okay if housing prices are going straight up, but if you have a loan default and the market will not recoup the cost of the home in a sale.. well thats a problem, not to mention some of the appraisers were also jacking the appraisal price up to meet the loan standards as well.

Funny how many times the house asking price and loan amount is something like 200k, and amazing enough, the appraisal comes in at that exact amount! Again, ok when house prices are on the rise, but not so good when they arent and people end up upside down on their house loans.

anyway... what is the solution? Can anything really be done at all? Should we make it not possible to be a bit more creative when prices are on the rise and the economy is good, just to offset when things go south? I am not sure I can buy into that either!

I think it is s symptom of simply the way things are, and too bad so sad....

I know people who were building houses and selling them for a profit before they had even begun construction and even some sold again for a profit when it was being built. Well, if you choose to play that game fine, but those things never last forever, and dont come complaining to me when things go south and you cant even find a buyer years after the construction is complete! Its just the way of the world, all this knee jerk reaction every time we hit a bump in the road, doesnt make any sense to me. Get over it already.. there will always be highs and lows, get over it and move on already.

17. Martie 2009, 14:56:00
We dont have to take up arms to revolt, simply an old fashioned strike by the common people is all it would take!

I am so sick and tired of all these washington elitists milking us common folks for all of their power and prestige and money.... I see pelosi and how soaked up she is in her own importance, so smug in her own rightiousness, and complaining when she cant get a jet from the air force....

we really need some term limits or something to keep these people who are there to supposedly work for us, who end up fat cats off our hard work.... I would love to see pelosi et al back in the job market, these life long politicians mess up everything!

17. Martie 2009, 14:47:55
Subiectul: Re: As our PM and Gov say.. why should failure be rewarded?
The Usurper: The revolt I have in mind holds both government leaders & financial/corporate leaders to the fire.

But it all starts with the government.... you cant have bad corporations and monopolies etc, without first having a government that allows all this crap!

17. Martie 2009, 14:44:13
Subiectul: Re: As our PM and Gov say.. why should failure be rewarded?
Artful Dodger: They give the fat cats millions in bonus money. That stinks more than a pig farm!

If that is true, then the federal government is the pig farm!

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