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 Dice Poker

Dice poker and its variants

Dice poker
- single game - max. 340 points - Dice Poker (BOROWITZ vs. Labbeda) - 306 (BOROWITZ)
- combined game - max. 680 points - Dice Poker (Holyman vs. A663) - 577 - (A663, Holyman)

Triple dice poker
- single game - max. 2 145 points - Triple Dice Poker (Mick53 vs. overlander) - 1 855 (overlander)
- combined game - max. 4 290 points - Triple Dice Poker (crayzeejim vs. Bobes) - 3 554 (Bobes, crayzeejim)

Dice poker 6D
- single game - max. 529 points - Dice Poker 6D (G-444 vs. Scooter) - 466 (Scooter)
- combined game - max. 1058 points - Dice Poker 6D (GregW vs. Scooter) - 893 (GregW, Scooter)

Triple dice poker 6D
- single game - max. 3 324 points - Triple Dice Poker 6D (overlander vs. GregW) - 2 770 (GregW)
- combined game - max. 6 648 points - Triple Dice Poker 6D (overlander vs, ksenofont) - 5 385 (ksenofont, overlander)

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20. Ianuarie 2007, 15:37:52
Subiectul: Re:
Fencer: great game Fencer thank you...this is truly the best site I go to...wish I had the money to become a member

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