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 Missing people

This board can be used as a missing folks board for people who are away from the site for a period of time. This rpobably would mean a month or longer.

If anyone has info on some one who hasn't been at the site for some time please let others know. The original intent of this board was to get and give info on missing people after Katrina and Rita hit the US..

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    12. Octombrie 2008, 02:05:45
    Subiectul: Re: Hi all
    Tuesday: Thank you .. Think age is playing games with me now. lol

    12. Octombrie 2008, 01:57:54
    Subiectul: Hi all
    I come on to play my games and really not here much. Still trying to get my health problems cleared up. Get over one thing and another comes up. Sorry about all tyhe games I timed out in. They seem never ending, Miss you all BARB

    30. Iulie 2007, 08:12:11
    The last I talked to him he is busy with nursing school. Guess he just gets on when he can. He also has hospital work with that now. I think he is ok.. just busy. :)

    17. Iulie 2007, 02:24:39
    Subiectul: Re:
    Good Foods is back. He had lots going on. :)

    11. Noiembrie 2006, 23:34:13
    Subiectul: Re:
    baddessi: Hi to you .. and thanks for being a great friend, Barb.

    11. Noiembrie 2006, 23:32:03
    Subiectul: Re:
    SueQ: and Groucho..I saw Josetta on my IM today and we had a chat. She is ok just not coming back to BK ..She is also very busy with things she has been involved in. She told me to tell all her friends she misses them all.. Hugs and kisses to all. Not to worry she is ok.

    11. Noiembrie 2006, 17:24:10
    Subiectul: Re:
    Dark Vamp: Thank you.. I will be leaving again.. Hope to get back by Feb. full time if all goes well with my 2nd surgery. I will try to keep up with most of my games as a Pawn..I will not renew at this time.

    10. Septembrie 2006, 07:58:47
    Subiectul: Re:
    Modificat de Pbarb2 (10. Septembrie 2006, 07:59:35)
    Maxxina: I am here but did go away for a week. The 25th I will be having surgery so will not be on for awhile. Thanks for thinking of me.

    15. Aprilie 2006, 15:57:19
    Subiectul: Re: Sad news of fellow member
    snoopy57: I didn't know her but my sympathy goes out to the family. God Bless

    31. Martie 2006, 08:44:20
    Subiectul: Re: swirly still MIA
    SwirlyShirley: WELCOME back. You had us worried. Glad you are ok and back with us again.

    6. Martie 2006, 19:38:32
    Subiectul: Has anyone seen OptimistMB
    Modificat de Pbarb2 (6. Martie 2006, 20:16:45)
    He has a fellowship called The Campfire.
    Some members of his fellowship are worried about him. Last he was on was Aug 23, 2005. His membership is over on April 11th. He is from GA. Wondering if he was in Katrina? Thanks and please let us know if you know where he is.

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