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2. Ianuarie 2003, 23:24:55
Subiectul: Re: anyone want my memebrship???
Please dont confuse me with F*Y*T*...or otherwise the woman now known as X...I had absolutely nothing to do with her!!! LOL...she had real problems!!!!

2. Ianuarie 2003, 04:53:00
Subiectul: Re: anyone want my memebrship???
aww Kevin, your such a sweetie!!!! Its just that I have only so much time available to play. I am the vise pres of our chess team and have a commitment to play where the team plays. Its nothing personally against this feelings are not always the same as the team...but the team decided as a whole to leave. I am left here when I didnt have time to be here in the first place....some of the people here are truely wonderful folk!! You are one of them!!!! And I too have thoroughly enjoyed playing you!!! Please do send me that invite at GT!!!!!!!!!!


2. Ianuarie 2003, 01:24:04
Subiectul: Re: anyone want my memebrship???
Thank you for your kind invite to stay hrlqns. You, of everyone (including fencer) are the only one who actually asked me to stay. Its funny, seems my wanting to leave brought out everyones aggression!!! lol. The world needs more kind and understanding people like yourself, then we would all be alot happier!!!! Thank you made my heart feel warm!!!

2. Ianuarie 2003, 00:17:16
Subiectul: Re: anyone want my memebrship???
Like I said, my team doesnt play here anymore so I have no reason to stay. Enough said.

2. Ianuarie 2003, 00:12:05
Subiectul: Re: anyone want my memebrship???
yuppers GT has been around longer than you're aware...when they first started their site, I became a contributing member...yes, before you could even play there!!! And you can keep the smoke. It dont interest me.

1. Ianuarie 2003, 22:16:46
Subiectul: Re: anyone want my memebrship???
If you wish to childishly down grade me because I wish to leave perhaps you could ask me why first??? Its not that I wish to down grade fencer for the site he has put together. Its not money, heck $28 is mearly dinner out. And I did test the site out before joining. I asked fencer for a refund which he is unwilling to give. I am the only one left here out of my whole chess team and have no reason to stay. They all left because fencer wasnt fixing problems they were I have no need to can still find me at as Badger...look me up. They got great games there and I have been a gold paying memember there for 4 years...6 at!!! Its sad....there are 25 members on my chess team..all paying full membership at GT. They were really excited about brainking till the problems started popping up and they were not getting fixed. At least I was willing to PAY for my game playing honestly..I believe in paying for the efforts a webmaster puts together for our benifit and not being a "freebee" player who plays under an assortment of names so she can get in all the games she wants. So next time you want to chide someones desire to leave...think twice before putting your foot in your mouth. It makes you look bad.

29. Decembrie 2002, 02:23:39
Subiectul: Re: anyone want my memebrship???
P.S. I asked fencer for a refund but he is refusing so far...thus my need to sell or give it away. Thanks!!

29. Decembrie 2002, 02:22:40
Subiectul: anyone want my memebrship???
I paid full price and have not been happy here. All my chess teammates left for various reasons that were not fixed promply and now I am here without my team...but have this membership. You can change the name once you get my password...any offers????

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