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18. Martie 2003, 18:38:26
Subiectul: Re: Spider
I'm having trouble with ALL my games, if I click on 'move and go to next game' I get a white screen, same if I click on 'move and go to main page'... or to a named game. Its taking me ages to get any moves done!

17. Martie 2003, 11:29:34
I reckon we get Saddam, Blair, Bush and the rest of the UN inspectors etc to join BrainKing and argue out their diferences over a few games.
Theres no nationality differences on this site, everyone gets along great, be them from the US, Iraq or the UK. They should take a lesson from us, a couple of games, maybe a fast tourney and they'd all be best of friends and wondering why they were arguing in the first place!!

14. Martie 2003, 16:39:53
CleverHunk, thats very true!! I've had quite a few people time out on me, and hardly any with good reasons or apology! If you can't finish the game.. dont start it!!
If theres a genuine reason, no problem. But for those who can't be bothered.. shame on you!! LOL!

14. Martie 2003, 12:05:48
Christine, yes, if someone times out its counted as a win for you, even in a 4 games match :o)
Congrats!! LOL!

13. Martie 2003, 22:43:45
That could be one for fencer then :o)
Unless their rating went over the 1500 just after they took the game I cant see how it hapened.

13. Martie 2003, 17:38:52
The number on the left is the lowest, the right one would be the highest.
So you would set it for 1200 = 1600.

10. Martie 2003, 10:46:51
clever hunk, yes, I guess that would be more realistic and manageable for poeple. I'm a total game freak and wouldn't have a problem signing up for EVERY game type!! LOL!! But I know some just enjoy one particualar game type. I think its a great idea. I could always sign up for each tourney in every category, it would still take a lot less time!!

9. Martie 2003, 19:05:26
Subiectul: Re: fencer-another idea
I think its a good idea, wouldn't it be quite easy to have a tournament with all games, and only have an option of 'sign up for all games' at the top of the tourney page, instead of signing for individual ones? It would take less time and for us fanatics that love all the games it would be a great tourney!! Nice idea, CleverHunk, I like your thinking!!

9. Martie 2003, 14:49:42
Also... my favourite boards keep disappearing!! Right now I have none listed, I go to main page and they come back!!

9. Martie 2003, 13:43:07
MadMonkey, I came on to add that very thing, about adding friends. It also happens if you try to add favourite boards.

6. Martie 2003, 17:55:57
Subiectul: Re: $$$$?
You have to message Fancer and he'll email you the address. Either go to contact and send him an email, or on the FAQ's theres a link to send him a message about membership. :o)

26. Februarie 2003, 15:42:53
Subiectul: Re: harley
Yes but do you see what I mean, it could be one person using two memberships. But as you say, if someone really wants to cheat so badly they'll find a way, but they're only cheating themselves at the end of the day. What happened to just having fun in an honest way? It makes you feel so much better!

26. Februarie 2003, 12:00:31
Dream Bear, wouldn't that encourage cheating? Some people may not use it honestly like you and your wife.
It just gives the paying member opportunity to play double the amount of games (if they chose knight membership) and tournaments. Or have I got that idea wrong somehow?!

25. Februarie 2003, 11:50:47
Fencer, you're a STAR!! Cheers!! :o)))

25. Februarie 2003, 11:36:16
Hi Fencer, how long are unused usernames kept for?
I want to change my name to harley (easier for people to say!!), but someone has signed up using that name already :o(
Thing is, they joined December 19th, and haven't been back since, no games in progress or anything. It seems to be a 'stale' name and I wondered if you ever delete them so somebody else can use them? And what kind of time this would be?

22. Februarie 2003, 15:51:19
MadMonkey, it did seem to be sorted, but its definitely the same problem I had in a game that was down to a bug. Maybe its not completely right yet?

22. Februarie 2003, 11:11:51
MadMonkey, I think that could be the bug. When did you start the game? I had a game going we had to call a draw because loads of pieces disappeared, but only on line 19!
It might be worth starting again, we did after the bug was fixed and its working fine (up to now!).

5. Februarie 2003, 21:33:17
Eddie, you timed out on at least one of our games, can they be re-instated?

Fencer.. NICE ONE!!! Its working great!

24. Ianuarie 2003, 20:49:28
Subiectul: Re: normal behaviour
LMAO Stingeroni!! You expect ANYONE to believe you're rude or obnoxious?!! Nobody invites you cos they can see how many games you have running already!!

As for this invite, give it a rest! The poor guy didn't respond to an invite and its been the topic of conversation for two days!! I've played him and he's very nice polite, it was a mistake! And I for one am sick of hearing about it!! Its happened to a lot of us, me included. Dont worry about it, cancel the invite and dont send another. Simple! :o)

19. Ianuarie 2003, 13:45:37
Subiectul: hrlqns backgammon tourney
Backgammon tournament started for anyone who is interested! Any rating/pawns welcome! Its just for fun!

18. Ianuarie 2003, 19:16:07
Goonerg, I just tried it, all the games are included, and the only thing you can do is delete the whole tournament once its created. If you do one watch the BKR, its set quite high, it might need to be made lower so people can sign up!!
Its the same set-up as the tourney thats running now, it will just have your name at the top!

13. Ianuarie 2003, 17:57:54
Mom, check the FAQ's, theres a load about ratings on there :o)

10. Ianuarie 2003, 21:26:13
It might, but if not just delete each one, its just wiped out, not counted as a loss or draw or anything.

10. Ianuarie 2003, 21:13:20
Ellie, if you go onto the game it should have a 'delete game' button at the bottom. There is no penalty if it is deleted at the start of the game. Its not counted towards ratings or anything :o)

9. Ianuarie 2003, 19:42:50
I thought Silkwood meant it was a virus on our PC's that was preventing us from entering some sites. Not that you had a virus here Fencer! :o)

9. Ianuarie 2003, 19:36:58
Are you saying its a virus causing the sites to be down? For so many of us?

9. Ianuarie 2003, 19:16:17
Subiectul: Re: New Virus Alert
Theres a link off this page for a free trial of Norton anti-virus, I downloaded it but it won't open. Has anyone else had a problem with this?

9. Ianuarie 2003, 15:09:26
Subiectul: Re: Site Down
Yes, I had the same problem, I thought I'd messed the PC up with messing about trying to change the font size!! Which, by the way FENCER.. I hold you completely responsible. If the site wasn't so addictive I wouldn't be falling asleep at the keyboard and messing the font size up in the first place!! LMAO!! It took me ages to remember there were other sites on the internet I could try just to be sure it wasn't the PC at fault!!

8. Ianuarie 2003, 22:51:42
Subiectul: Back to normal!!
Please dont ask me how because I'm not 100% sure!! I tried a load of different things and came back on and it was ok!! thanks everyone!

8. Ianuarie 2003, 15:47:13
Thanks to you both, I'm on AOL and I seem to have slightly different toolbars to you, I dont have a view, and the 'font' on my internet options shows nothing about size, just style. I'll try a re-boot (again!) and see if it helps. Thanks!

8. Ianuarie 2003, 12:13:49
That looked like jut what I needed but its not working!! CTRL & C - then left shift, CTRL and INSERT... my middle light doesn't come on like it says then CTRL and F11 does nothing!! :o(
I tell you what though, this would be great for short sighted people, if I ever figure out what I did!

8. Ianuarie 2003, 11:44:09
Subiectul: Re: Can anyone help?
MadMonkey, I just checked GT and its gone big there too!! I hadn't realised, I've not got off this site since it happened!! Any ideas? Anything would be a help!!
Aurora, I shut down last night thinking it would be back to normal this morning but it isn't. Is there a reset button on these keyboards?!!

8. Ianuarie 2003, 11:29:02
Subiectul: Re: Can anyone help?
LMAO LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!! Aurora, thanks, you always make me laugh!!!!!! Shame you can't get my text back to normal as easy as you get me laughing!!! Thanks anyway! You're a star!

8. Ianuarie 2003, 10:41:19
Subiectul: Can anyone help?
I leaned on my keyboard last night (falling asleep!!) and I've no idea what keys I caught, it was somewhere around the CTRL/shift/Z/ keys... but all the text has gone HUGE now and I can't seem to change it back!! Anyone know what I can do to get it back to normal?

2. Ianuarie 2003, 00:29:39
I play on there too, but you can have the best of both worlds! I've found the people on here just as nice as GT, and just as many nutters too!!
And I consider this to be the better site of the two, just for the variation of games and service fencer gives.

2. Ianuarie 2003, 00:25:11
One last thought (I'm full of them tonight!), I've also encountered some 'not nice' people here, you get them on every site. Add them to your 'enemies' list, thats what its there for, and just play the nice people. They far out-number the horrible people!

2. Ianuarie 2003, 00:22:08
Subiectul: Re: anyone want my memebrship???
Hi Badger, have you thought of staying without your team? I didn't know anyone when I came here but its a blast! You can still have fun without your team. Just a thought?

11. Decembrie 2002, 21:42:13
Subiectul: Eddie
Hey he's a great guy!! I've had a few games with him, have you seen his profile? Wow, Eddie, how do you keep up with all that??! Do you ever leave your PC?!! You're one serious gamer!

5. Decembrie 2002, 11:03:27
By the way, spot on Eddie,its a fantastic site!

5. Decembrie 2002, 10:51:18
Subiectul: Re:
Fencer, is the '?' about Eid?
If so its the Muslim Christmas, today for some, tomorrow for others. I only know because my kids go to a school thats mostly Muslims and they're all off today and tomorrow! Theres about 7 kids (including my twins) in their class today who aren't Muslims. So I thought I'd get into the spirit and say Happy Eid to all Muslims!

4. Decembrie 2002, 13:59:38
Happy Eid to all it applies to!!

2. Decembrie 2002, 18:43:28
Great, thanks, I have to go to the bank on Wednesday, I'll ask while I'm there. :o)

2. Decembrie 2002, 18:37:26
ARGH!! Yes, and I had no end of trouble with it!! Trouble is, my card is a visa electron, not well recognised obviously! I tried to set up a payment account on eBay and there was no chance! My card wasn't recognised.

2. Decembrie 2002, 18:34:59
Well speaking for myself I wouldn't have a clue how to use that!! I've always had problems ordering stuff online, I only have a debit card and most online payment services just dont recognise it, so I end up paying in cash or money order anyway!
It might be a good idea for other people though..

2. Decembrie 2002, 18:28:33
Yeah, that would be loads better, dont forget, us English folk have to pay for the conversion, and the extra to send abroad!!!

2. Decembrie 2002, 18:21:05
How about introducing a six month membership then?

2. Decembrie 2002, 18:18:03
Wont the tournaments and teams just be for members though?

2. Decembrie 2002, 18:11:45
You know what I REALLY like about this site? Even when theres no games happening theres loads to browse through. And before you know it its your turn in a game again! Then back to browsing!! [am I the only one with too much time on my hands???!]

2. Decembrie 2002, 18:07:25
Subiectul: A dog is for life...
(but dont tell the turkey that, it upsets them... equal rights and all...)

2. Decembrie 2002, 11:18:06
Subiectul: Re:
Ah, that makes sense then!

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