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15. Decembrie 2003, 18:07:28
Rose, the questions have been sent to Liquid, (he was the one before!) and once he has answered them it will be posted at - I'll put a link here so people know when. But Liquid is a very busy man and English isn't his first language - plus its quite a long interview :o)

Lamby, glad you're sorted :o)

15. Decembrie 2003, 17:47:54
Lamby, go to settings, and calendar. You can tick off the boxes you want as a holiday. :o)
And don't forget to SAVE the changes!!!!

15. Decembrie 2003, 17:45:39
Subiectul: Interview with.....
Drum roll please..........

Our very own...


I'm sure loads of people have loads of questions for him! Please send them to me with a note saying if your name can be used with the question or not. Ask as many questions as you like, but please remember he is under no obligation to answer them!! LOL! So get writing!! :oD

13. Decembrie 2003, 11:08:26
Subiectul: Interview with....
No more questions for Liquid please! He has the interview and it will appear on when he has finished answering the questions, I'll post a link when its there.

The next interviewee is..... to be announced!! I'm just waiting for 100% confirmation then I'll post the name :oD Sorry to keep you in suspense!

11. Decembrie 2003, 23:20:26
Subiectul: Interview with.... Liquid
I won't be taking any more questions for Liquid in about 24 hours. So if you have anything you would like to know about him, send it to me in the next day before its too late!!! Tomorrow I'll also be posting the name of the next victim... erm, I mean interviewee (just kidding! :oD). So send me your questions for Liquid!!

10. Decembrie 2003, 22:17:00
No Rose, they're an hour ahead of me, which would make it 10.15pm there.

10. Decembrie 2003, 22:01:27
Hi, IMupChucKing! You're not the only one, I'm having serious problems too, as are others. I'm sure Fencer & Liquid will be working on it :o)

8. Decembrie 2003, 22:51:35
Thats great, glad its sorted :oD

8. Decembrie 2003, 22:36:39
IMupChucKing... I can see your game OK, but I've had a similar problem. I thought it was because I was on AOL! I logged out of BrainKing, cleared my cache and came back, then it was fine.

8. Decembrie 2003, 00:29:07
Subiectul: Interview with.... LIQUID
Does anyone have any more questions for Liquid? Send them to me, and say if you want your name added to the questions or not :o)

7. Decembrie 2003, 23:21:58
I'd ask for a draw as soon as its obvious that you're at a stalemate, that nobody can win. Definitely after no more than 2 or 3 moves!

27. Noiembrie 2003, 21:57:46
Agreed. Sorry, mrloupcity, but if it was my address I wouldn't want it on a public board. Its up to Eriisa to give her address out if she feels comfortable with that.

24. Noiembrie 2003, 15:15:45
wild receiver. I put offense of line on hide, as I will with you if you flame this board.

24. Noiembrie 2003, 09:13:57
Also, any more about Gothic Inventor will be deleted now. The question has been asked and the answer is clear. Any more discussion should be done on a more appropriate board (and preferably in private! LOL)

24. Noiembrie 2003, 08:55:28
Ok thats enough. Most of this is going anyway.

23. Noiembrie 2003, 18:19:14
Technically this isn't for tournament chat :o)
I've made a couple of exceptions since they are not able to post in the appropriate place, but I'd be grateful if comments about these tourneys were sent directly to the creators. Thanks :oD

22. Noiembrie 2003, 15:24:44
Sure, bwild, just send them to in a message. Don't forget to say if your name should be added to the question or not. Some people prefer to stay anonymous. You can see how its done from CaoZ & Fencer's interviews :o)

22. Noiembrie 2003, 11:50:28
Thanks, and thanks to CaoZ, wonderful bloke :o)

I need more questions for Liquid please! Don't be shy, you can ask anything you like!! With or without your name attached to the question.

BBW, at the top of the page there should be a link to Fencers interiew? There is on my page :o)

I'll post the link again for anyone who hasn't seen it - INTERVIEW WITH.... CaoZ

21. Noiembrie 2003, 22:31:53

21. Noiembrie 2003, 19:51:36
Dmitri, as you must be aware, that post was very derisive. I will not explain why I remove every post. That would take too much time and board space.
In a normal week I may remove five or six posts. The last two days I must easily have removed double that number.

Ground rules.

I will remove any post that is insulting towards other members.

I will remove any post that is likely to start an argument or flame war.

I will remove any post that is not relevant to BrainKing.

For the record, if a person says "I won a game but my ratings did not go up, could someone explain this?" I would be more than happy to help.
But when they come on and say "BrainKing is crap, ratings here are a joke, I won a game against a loser but my ratings didn't change" then its likely to be deleted. Its derogatory towards BK and their opponent.

21. Noiembrie 2003, 08:57:32
Perhaps everyone would prefer I leave these insults here? Or should I leave posts that technically are not 'wrong' but make no sense away fom the insulting posts that I delete? If there is a chunk of insults, they all go. Andersp, if you want to ask a question, do it away from a barrage of insults from other people, and don't make it inflammatory and it will stay. I don't delete for no reason, and nobody needs to have posts approved by me before posting here.

20. Noiembrie 2003, 22:40:22
Dmitri, I'm deleting anything that is the start of yet another huge discussion about things that have been discussed extensively elsewhere. This board will be kept clear for more important things. (Among other things) a persons credibility or personality is not something that should be discussed here.

20. Noiembrie 2003, 08:33:20
Backoff, since GI states on that message that it is not for public posting, I am going to delete it, and all conversation about it.

19. Noiembrie 2003, 20:34:22
Noholdsbarred, click on 'edit' next to your fellowship name. There you will find a way to change the length of time news stays on your main page. If your old one hasn't run out of time, you will need to change that.

19. Noiembrie 2003, 15:17:35
Subiectul: Interview with....CaoZ
No more questions for CaoZ please, his interview has been sent to him and his replies will be posted here soon.

You can still read Fencers interview HERE if you missed it the first time!

The NEXT interviewee is Liquid. Now is your chance to find out everything you wanted to know about him! Send me your questions, and don't forget to say if it is ok to add your name or not :o)

19. Noiembrie 2003, 15:05:17
No worries, noholdsbarred, thats what I'm here for. And I've taken a much tougher stance lately. NO off-topic posts will be left here from now on. No matter how benign they may be. Angst doesn't stand a chance :o)

16. Noiembrie 2003, 14:19:29
ughaibu & rabbitoid. Danoschek has been banned from the site, he cannot finish his games or tournaments. I have a feeling the 'full' story would be an extremely long one! Its enough to say that Fencer has never banned anyone before, and he wouldn't do it on a whim.

15. Noiembrie 2003, 17:33:46
Thats usually when a person has posted who has been banned, Vikings. (I think!)

13. Noiembrie 2003, 13:07:55
Subiectul: Interview with........ CaoZ
Just a few more days to get the questions in for CaoZ's interview!!

The next interviewee will be... Liquid!!
Get your questions ready for him - but please don't send them just yet! I'm still taking questions for CaoZ for another day or two yet.

12. Noiembrie 2003, 20:43:03
Maybe that would be best replied to on the 'books' discussion board. Thanks :o)

10. Noiembrie 2003, 19:07:08
I see your predicament, Mickey.. I mean Felix. :o)
Well all I can suggest in this case is to wait until Ed has been on, and read your post. See what he suggests. If the last cheque wasn't sent registered, maybe another cheque should be sent that is?

10. Noiembrie 2003, 18:46:35
Felix, I totally understand your frustration. I'm not making excuses for anyone, I'm just pointing out that you really need to speak to Gothic Inventor about this.
I'm sure this can be sorted out between yourself and him, maybe using Rose's suggestion. It sounds like a sensible idea to me.

10. Noiembrie 2003, 18:21:53
Felix, the Gothic World Championships are run by Gothic Inventor, Ed Trice. And while these are played out on BrainKing, the ultimate responsibility for all moneys is down to Gothic Inventor, and nothing to do with BK. (That was my understanding of the tournament anyway!)

10. Noiembrie 2003, 08:47:54
Mystery Man, to avoid a game being left on my game sheet as MY turn, I do a move, then click the 'offer draw' button before submitting the game. That way, the draw AND the game goes over to your opponent and you don't have to keep avoiding the game.

9. Noiembrie 2003, 20:17:30
Err, for what?!

9. Noiembrie 2003, 20:09:39
Are there any more questions for CaoZ's interview? I'm going to leave this open a bit longer because of the site going down, and people have been busy sorting things out. So if you have any questions, send me them!

The last interview can be read here... INTERVIEW WITH.... FENCER

It might give you some ideas for questions for CaoZ!

PS, Medic & TR, can you take the guns convo elsewhere please?! Cheers :o)

9. Noiembrie 2003, 20:06:06
Gramps, things are backed up, but there was also a problem in that area too. All the backed up files were lost. Its just one of those things.

5. Noiembrie 2003, 17:22:39
High Tide, the original server problems still remain. You will continue to get the white screen when the server is full until a new server is in place. And I should imagine people are spending longer than usual here to sort things out. I know I am :o)

5. Noiembrie 2003, 11:13:49
Subiectul: Interview with.... Fencer
For anyone who missed it the first time, heres the link to...


I stored all the questions received so far for CaoZ on my PC, so those are not lost :o)
I am still taking questions though, so send them to me! State if you want your name with the question, or if you'd like to stay anonymous.
Thanks :o)

4. Noiembrie 2003, 23:47:49
mrloupcity - I apologise if you thought I was ignoring you, I'm trying to do a lot of things at once! I did answer your question by email the other day, the person to ask is Chief KM, he is the 'main man' of the KM's and can help you with your question. :o)

4. Noiembrie 2003, 23:18:56
juls31, click on 'Player List' in the menu and type their name in. It will come up and you can click on their names for their profiles and invite them again.

4. Noiembrie 2003, 23:17:10
High Tide, on your main page when you log on you will see a link with an explanation of what has happened. Put simply, there was a bad crash and everything has gone back to how it was in September.

4. Noiembrie 2003, 22:55:09
LOL well you know, we all lost games. Some take it harder than others depending one how you see the games and how serious a player you are. Obviously many are going to be upset, and many more will take it in their stride and carry on.

4. Noiembrie 2003, 22:30:07
What I find disappointing is the lack of understanding. The first players back on here were fantastic about the situation. Rolled their sleeves up and got stuck into sorting things out. If only everyone was so resilient.

4. Noiembrie 2003, 20:05:10
I'm sorry, Pioneer, I don't mean to make light of the games lost. I fully understand that there are serious players here that work very hard on their ratings and win ratio. You put a lot of thought into those games and no they're lost.
I guess I'm just so happy to be back :o)
But I do sympathise, and if anyone wants to scream privately at me (rather than do it on a board) then feel free. I will do my best to help out, and just listen if I can't do anthing else!

4. Noiembrie 2003, 19:43:45
Awwww, never mind, Jason, it can always be worse.
Have you read the information about what happened? Theres a link on the main page. Data is normally backed up, but there were faults with that too :o(

4. Noiembrie 2003, 19:36:51
(((hugs))) to Jason. And Rose is right, it is a bit gutting, but at least we're back among friends, right? The games can be replayed, tournaments won. But I'm with TexasRose, I missed everyone the last few days and am just glad to be back!

4. Noiembrie 2003, 19:26:31
I can answer part of that, Pioneer. There has been time slips before where the site has jumped back a few hours. Fortunately only twice that I recall, and never anything on this scale! But most games were sorted by good sportsmanship. Either replayed or resigned by the original loser.
Speaking for myself, I can't remember all games I lost or won, and would ask my opponents if I lost the game and don't resign, please remind me!
Of course people will be dismayed, but it goes without saying that Liquid and Fencer did everything possible before deciding to put us back online with so much data lost. It can't be helped and so far everyone has been fantastic about it. I'm proud to be part of such a wonderful site with great people.

4. Noiembrie 2003, 15:40:10
Yayyy!! Back online, congrats to Fencer & Liquid! I know you worked very hard to get us back on! We can cope with losing a bit of data as long as we're back on! Well done you two!

13. Septembrie 2003, 15:48:13
unbeatable, put an invite in the 'waiting games' section and someone will pick it up. (Click on 'new game' and go from there.)

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