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6. Iunie 2006, 18:15:07
Subiectul: Re: help please
BIG BAD WOLF: that's handy, BK does the work now. Thanks so much I never would have figured that out.

6. Iunie 2006, 18:01:39
Subiectul: help please
I just tried to use <a href ....... to shorten and give a name to a link I wanted to post and couldn't make it work. Does it no longer work or have I forgotten how?

<a href="">G</a>

4. Iunie 2006, 03:06:13
Subiectul: Re: OK, I'm confused
rod03801: just above the window you type in it should say 'switch to rich text editor'. When you click on that a number of buttons will appear above this window. With one you can choose text size and with another text color. The rest are pretty much a mystery to me LOL 

6. Aprilie 2006, 19:38:16
Subiectul: Re: JavaScript features
Fencer: ctrl-f5 did the trick. It not only restored the smileys but just out of curiosiety I turned the new feature back on and it's working for me also thank you

6. Aprilie 2006, 03:47:35
The new feature did not work for me and the interactive smiley window stopped working. So I turned off the new feature. Unfortunately the smileys are still broken :(

2. Aprilie 2006, 22:27:05
Subiectul: Re:
Modificat de Chimera (2. Aprilie 2006, 22:27:24)
ScarletRose: really handy

1. Aprilie 2006, 22:28:17
Subiectul: Re:
Groucho: i like mine with tobasco sauce

1. Aprilie 2006, 22:12:07
Subiectul: Re: spam
snowhugs: a global mod or Fencer

25. Martie 2006, 18:11:24
Subiectul: Re: Now I get it!!
Groucho: and a raise!

20. Martie 2006, 20:41:25
Subiectul: Re:

14. Martie 2006, 03:02:04
Subiectul: Re:
JinkyOng: they're smileys that only paying members can see

16. Februarie 2006, 16:54:13

13. Noiembrie 2005, 03:14:40
Subiectul: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: their great i sure wish we had them

12. Noiembrie 2005, 20:41:20
Subiectul: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: got any Birthday icons hiding up your sleeve

16. Octombrie 2005, 23:44:48
Subiectul: Re:
rod03801: thanks for the heads up

31. August 2005, 04:16:28
Subiectul: Re:
plaintiger: The next news item will show up on your main page when ever Fencer posts one

28. August 2005, 22:56:48
Subiectul: Re: I want 300!

14. Mai 2005, 19:52:23
Subiectul: Re: Fixed
Fencer: Liquid

11. Mai 2005, 22:42:49
Subiectul: Re:
Chessmaster1000: you can see what i'm doing i've nothing to hide

5. Mai 2005, 16:03:29
Subiectul: discussion boards
Why does Czech Checkers have it's own board instead of being lumped in with the other 8X8 checkers variants?

20. Aprilie 2005, 22:44:42
Subiectul: Re: $200.00 tourney purse!
Chessmaster1000: I just hope it isn't all in pennies

30. Martie 2005, 20:11:23
Subiectul: Re: Re:
Pedro Martínez: that's great, thanks.

20. Martie 2005, 21:17:34
Subiectul: Re: I just created a pond..
Fencer ScarletRose sent me a pm about the pond. If it's for the same one it's for the Just Us Gurlz fellowship. One more odd thing take a look in my message box at the note she sent me about the pond, it's right on top just got it. Open the pm it looks funny, the buttons are in the wrong place. Not a problem just different.

28. Februarie 2005, 18:57:26
Subiectul: Re: Re:
Czuch Chuckers:
120 x 75 pixels jpg fellowship flag

26. Februarie 2005, 14:54:55
Subiectul: Re: favorite boards and fellowships
Eriisa: thanks that's a great tip. I didn't know you could do that.

25. Februarie 2005, 17:20:37
Subiectul: Re: favorite boards and fellowships
Luke Skywalker: BIG BAD WOLF Thank you both for your help.

25. Februarie 2005, 15:39:07
Subiectul: favorite boards and fellowships
My list of favorite boards and fellowships on the right side of my screen is wider than it used to be causing the red numbers to dissapear off the right side. The boards and fellowships with longer names used to be broken up and shown on 2 or 3 rows now each one is shown only on one row. Is this a change in BK or a change in my puter?

18. Februarie 2005, 00:44:37
Subiectul: Re: Password
MagicDragon: the idea as i understood it was for everyone to reset their password before the change takes place.

18. Februarie 2005, 00:42:05
Subiectul: Re: The fastest way for me to tell every1
mrloupcity: Have a safe trip

8. Februarie 2005, 18:01:20
Subiectul: Re: Fencer
Czuch Chuckers: I've yet to see a working Czech/English translator. Have you ever taken some Czech text someone has put in one of your games to one of the sites that claims to translate. More often than not it tells me 'it's untranslatable' or if it does translate it it makes no sence. And if you plug in an English word you can get back a half dozen Czech words all different with no idea which one is wanted. I'm not sure how people manage but my hats off to all of the multi linguel people on BK. It's all I can do to manage English

1. Februarie 2005, 23:23:33
Subiectul: Re:
sLaMdAnCe: 120 x 75 pixels jpg

1. Februarie 2005, 23:19:16
Subiectul: Re:
sLaMdAnCe: yes to

1. Februarie 2005, 20:03:11
Subiectul: Re: Re:
Bry: allright everyone, lots of questions for Bry. You know the ones

1. Februarie 2005, 17:08:25
Subiectul: Re: notepad
Jason: thanks

1. Februarie 2005, 17:01:00
Subiectul: notepad
Is there a limit on how much we can put in the notepad? If there is what happens if we put too much?

24. Ianuarie 2005, 18:25:30
Subiectul: Re: Re:
Spirou: thanks

24. Ianuarie 2005, 18:11:31
Is that anything like Chinese Chess?

16. Ianuarie 2005, 20:46:00
It stopped working for me around the time of BK2 but has been working the last couple weeks. If i remember correctly Fencer once said it is somewhat dependent on your ISP.

9. Ianuarie 2005, 21:18:08
Subiectul: Re:

9. Ianuarie 2005, 21:05:51
Subiectul: Re:
ughaibu: afraid so

9. Ianuarie 2005, 21:02:13
Subiectul: Re:
ughaibu: you could put them on your favorites and have them show up on your main page

24. Decembrie 2004, 00:01:28
Subiectul: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: The left one is a smiley face and the right one is a ?. The ? is a link that takes you to a page of smileys that you can use in posts.You can also find a link to the smiley page on the help page.

22. Decembrie 2004, 18:34:11
Thank you Fencer

22. Decembrie 2004, 18:30:00
Subiectul: pictures
When someone changes their picture is it possible for some people to see the new picture while others still see the old one?

21. Decembrie 2004, 20:41:38
It looks like you can set days in January now if you change the calendar to January 2005.

21. Decembrie 2004, 20:26:51
Subiectul: Re: what is?
In settings there is a check box. If you check it you will be automatically given a vacation day, if you have any left, when you are about to time out on a game.

17. Decembrie 2004, 00:04:45
Subiectul: Re: posting new game
you don't see your own games in waiting games :)

16. Decembrie 2004, 18:45:39
Fencer i hope your sending Flake on vacation to recoop when finished :)

9. Decembrie 2004, 23:11:35
Subiectul: Re: auto vacation
You can't carry over vacation days from one year to the next. Unless i'm mistaken :)

9. Decembrie 2004, 23:06:57
Subiectul: Re: auto vacation
What if you wanted to go on a two week ski vacation in January but had only accrued 3 days of vacation time?

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