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19. Februarie 2003, 17:56:24
Subiectul: Re: Is it just me...
Thanks Liquid!! that did the trick! I deleted the old bookmark, shut down IE, came back in to and bookmarked it again!
Now its back! Thankyou! You are so smart!

19. Februarie 2003, 15:39:56
Subiectul: Re:
Thank you Czechgirl! It must have been an Xp update or something I did.. Thanks for the info!!

19. Februarie 2003, 15:27:51
Subiectul: Is it just me...
When I bookmarked the brainking site a while ago I noticed a neat icon in front of the bookmark that was the brainking logo.. today I notice its gone and back to a regular IE icon.. I wonder if its just me or an IE update removed it or anyone else had it an now its missing?.... Just a minor lil question no need for a prompt reply as its just a curiosity..

18. Februarie 2003, 02:14:56
Subiectul: Re: hhmmnnn....
Ok eddie who let you outta noodle land? back you go like a good lil boy.. stop bothering the nice man who makes our games.. come on this way eddie back you go...

15. Februarie 2003, 14:52:15
Subiectul: Re: Fencer, question with most active.
or better yet .. make it easier on fencer cuz we all know he has enough to do on his list why not just click the persons name that was most active that day an take a look your self to see how many games they play.

12. Februarie 2003, 21:12:31
Subiectul: Re: tonight: france - czech republic
You'd like your team to be the worse team? lol j/k

11. Februarie 2003, 14:32:10
Subiectul: neat!
Way cool tip o'the day Fencer! That's a good idea for newbies!

5. Februarie 2003, 21:14:53
Subiectul: Daily Moves!
Step aside Jason and others who have had top honors with most moves per day cuz Eddie and Molly and baaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!

5. Februarie 2003, 20:47:57
Subiectul: Re: im back..
OMG fencer kudos to you and double Kudos!!! u deserve to hiberate as you have worked for hard the last week on this.. THank you soooo much!

5. Februarie 2003, 20:44:39
Subiectul: Re: im back..
OK you and milly both made it back here.. someone please tell me how you did it? or did you just try the site an it worked? tell meeeeeeeee

Fencer the site has been working amazing since early this morning. Thank you so much for all your hard efforts to get us back on track!

2. Februarie 2003, 22:16:59
Subiectul: Re: to Fencer
Hi patty I am hoping and am sure fencer will reinstate any games lost while he trying to fix this major bug. You and I are lucky hun.. we can still gain access. There are most of our noodleland team who cant even get in yet.. hopefully soon it will all be rectified

2. Februarie 2003, 19:11:31
Subiectul: Re:
that stuff isnt fixed yet fencer. its still happening on an off throughout the day

2. Februarie 2003, 03:44:33
Subiectul: Site troubles
Hi Fencer
Not sure if you know this so wanted to bring it to your attention. It seems half of my team havent been able to access the site since Thursday. Molly and Eddie cant get in even to the main page. I just heard from another lady that said shes talked to alot of ppl at GT who arent just experienceing the outages we are but cannot access the site at all. Just wanted to let you know

30. Ianuarie 2003, 20:34:17
Subiectul: Re:
Yea I have been getting it all day long too. when i click to send a game turn or see messages.. i have to keep hitting my back button or to resend again my message in a game will be gone and I hve to retype it

24. Ianuarie 2003, 18:38:47
Subiectul: Re: normal behaviour
courteous but not necessary to give a reason.. A polite No thank you or anything at all. You might not like the person so telling them that would hurt their feelings lol but still courteous to decline with some type of text

22. Ianuarie 2003, 14:04:06
Subiectul: Re: A glitch?
Thank you for your help and sorry for taking up the time on the board.. sniff sniff.. I was an enemy and a friend! hrmph! I will try to be a better friend.. sniff! lol
OK Ravi time to bombard you with invites!!!

22. Ianuarie 2003, 02:58:25
Subiectul: Re: A glitch?
no dont think.. cuz she sent me an invite just after I wrote this and I have her down as a friend but you know she just doesnt show up in my friend list.. i cant figure out why.. thanks for the thought tho.. cant hurt to double check.. but if she sent me a game id have to be on yer pal list correct?

22. Ianuarie 2003, 02:58:24
Subiectul: Re: A glitch?
no dont think.. cuz she sent me an invite just after I wrote this and I have her down as a friend but you know she just doesnt show up in my friend list.. i cant figure out why.. thanks for the thought tho.. cant hurt to double check.. but if she sent me a game id have to be on yer pal list correct?

22. Ianuarie 2003, 02:39:16
Subiectul: A glitch?
Have tried a few times to invite a friend Raviloi ruby to a game. it starts to put me thru the invite and I click what game type, then when i click send it pops up to the list of game types.. so i try to invite her from there and click on list of pals ( which she is in ) but her name isnt listed... help! There is no way even if i try to invite her to a game from the message box of an old game can i send one out to her

21. Ianuarie 2003, 23:53:23
Subiectul: Re: gratitude to Fencer !
He has already gotten my three cheers but I don't mind telling him again!
Clearly should win awards for best turn based site on the internet!

Hip Hip Hooray!!!

15. Ianuarie 2003, 01:38:13
Subiectul: Re: Backgammon Board Orientation
I have to agreee i am very confused playing gammon here.. one turn i veer off to the top left another bottom right.. i think.. anywho if we could have a setting so that we always veer off to the bottom right i think it would be easier to play.. other players have said the same thing to me.. I have no idea if this would be hard to program in to the game or not.. if so then Im sorry for asking for it :-)

13. Ianuarie 2003, 20:19:11
Subiectul: Re: Great Job Fencer!
Yes I wholeheartedly have to agree with you there! kudos to Fencer!

13. Ianuarie 2003, 20:13:30
Subiectul: Re:
TYVM Fencer

13. Ianuarie 2003, 19:25:33

I cant swap dice ( its my turn an i want to use my 4 not my 5.. but the swap dice link isnt there)

9. Ianuarie 2003, 23:16:19
Subiectul: Re: Profiles
same thing bunch of code and #'s for every ones.. betcha fencer can fix that quick enough!

9. Ianuarie 2003, 17:44:39
Subiectul: Re:
game hackers? lol me wonders!

9. Ianuarie 2003, 17:39:04
this is bizarre last nite brainking was down most of the night for me.. today I cant get in to GT.. get the red screen about database unavailable

9. Ianuarie 2003, 13:44:23
Subiectul: Site Down
Was I the only one last nite who couldnt get in here to play at all? I tried for 4 hours from 7PM to 11pm ( AST) some times I could get the page to load but when I clicked a game the message would b page not found. Very frusterating!

8. Ianuarie 2003, 15:54:02
Subiectul: Re:
rebooting wont work.. ifyou already rebooted its a setting that has to be changed back.. contact your aol browser tech support an they will help you out.. I have never even seen an aol browser so cant help.. sorry

8. Ianuarie 2003, 14:25:36
Subiectul: Re:
No Idea how Radiant would know I knew.. like to hear that one! BUt yes I do know.. go up to View
then Text Size click smaller.. ( my guess it is saying larger or largest right now)

THis is my 3rd time typing this out.. it keeps disappearing.. I cleared my cache and likely its my browser.. Hope this works for ya!

7. Ianuarie 2003, 22:56:33
Subiectul: Re: Tourny
YOU probably answered this question before.. If i am playing 48 games regular and tourney ( I am allowed 50 games in my membership) and I get to round 2 of say half the tournies I joined.. am I allowed to enter round 2 even if I havent enough space in my membership and it would take me to say 60 or more games?

2. Ianuarie 2003, 22:23:35
Subiectul: Re: Question....
Brain king definitly rules! we need bumper stickers!
Go play at!

2. Ianuarie 2003, 20:25:00
Subiectul: Re: Question....
yeah for disabling user "X" way to go Fencer!

1. Ianuarie 2003, 23:02:50
Subiectul: Re: anyone want my memebrship???
been paying 4 years at GT? hmmmmmmm what you been smoking?? GT hasnt been online 4 years NOR has it been charging for more then 2 max!!! Fencer ALWAYS tries to please every one by fixing as much as he can.. How is he supposed to fix every single problem that 1500 people have in one day? you are being very unfair im my opion and frankly you should go back to Slow token cuz it doesnt even compare to here! ta ta!

29. Decembrie 2002, 16:24:38
Subiectul: Re: anyone want my memebrship???
Can't imagine why you aren't happy. This has to be the best and fastest run turn based sight that is online at present. Too bad you can't see the site for all its +'s.. AND YES Fencer does fix problems faster then any other site owner does!

28. Decembrie 2002, 22:37:07
Subiectul: Just a curiousity question for Fencer
I noticed in my left hand list of games I have played that also shows my ratings I see some of the ratings are in italics and others are not.. Is it the ones NOT in italics are your BKR ratings after provisional rating?

27. Decembrie 2002, 14:58:02
Subiectul: Re: why aint my membership cancelled?
Then just dont bother coming back

11. Decembrie 2002, 22:50:53
Subiectul: Re: Eddie
hey you.. quit talking and get back to your games! mush!! Can I help you add to that 300 pile? lol

11. Decembrie 2002, 19:31:15
Subiectul: Re: Waiting games
He's going for the site record of most games isnt he? lol

8. Decembrie 2002, 19:40:32
Subiectul: tournaments
I have a question Fencer. If a person with a 20 game limit signs up for tournies now and is at their 20 max by the time the tourney starts can they still play in the tournies? I guess for members too.. if I was at 50 games and the tourney starts do i still get to play in it even tho i dont have any room left for games?

5. Decembrie 2002, 00:23:39
Subiectul: Re: 150 wins..
I have to agree 100% on what you said Eddie.. I love this site!!! Fencer you have done an incredible job here! Keep up the good work and I will report my 100 wins soo too!!! At least I can say im #1 on a reversi variant!! for now that is! Looking forward to getting my membership here shortly!!

26. Noiembrie 2002, 20:05:12
Subiectul: Re: Membership (cash payment)
Westrn Union works good but isnt there a hefty fee for international orders?

24. Noiembrie 2002, 21:12:27
Subiectul: membership
when you send money thru paypal for a memberhip how long does it take til your new membership is activated?

21. Noiembrie 2002, 16:32:10
Subiectul: Re: waiting room games
I found that out the hard way.. i added games and wondered why they didnt show up in the waiting room.. then I found them at the bottom of my game sheet screen

21. Noiembrie 2002, 00:42:16
Subiectul: Re: 2 players on one e-mail address
do u make sure you log out before she logs in? that might be it.. not sure just a thought

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