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<< <   495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504   > >>
15. Noiembrie 2004, 17:28:56
LOL, thanks Harley :-)

15. Noiembrie 2004, 17:28:11
Please at least edit it.

15. Noiembrie 2004, 17:27:31
Pedro, It is very inappropriate that you post that here! A complaint like that should be sent to Fencer, personally, rather than here where anyone any age can read it.

15. Noiembrie 2004, 17:27:01
put them on enemy till Fencer sorts them Pedro

15. Noiembrie 2004, 17:20:32
Pedro Martínez 
Modificat de Pedro Martínez (15. Noiembrie 2004, 17:28:11)
I have just received this PM from El Putanhon (what a funny nickname, BTW):

Hi [edited]!!!
I want give you a [edited]!

15. Noiembrie 2004, 17:11:16
Czech Checkers is the best DB's.
Purple is being ******

15. Noiembrie 2004, 16:59:49
Subiectul: Re: a possible bug...???
Thank you Fencer.. :)
I will post it..

15. Noiembrie 2004, 16:57:30
Subiectul: Re: a possible bug...???
Yes, seems to be. Can you post it to the Bug Tracker?
I'll swap the dice manually.

15. Noiembrie 2004, 16:54:41
Subiectul: a possible bug...???
In a crowded backgammon game #515641 my opponent is offering a draw.. I am attempting to switch the dice and not take the draw offer.. But when I click on swap dice it takes me back to my game page...Why can I not swap dice in this game??

15. Noiembrie 2004, 16:13:42 
Subiectul: Re: pics
I was trying to come up with a list myself of who I know has a "bigger" picture - was going to post it in the "Members only" board and hopefully have people add to it when they add one (that way we do not have to keep searching over and over) :-)

Who I know of so far:

Fencer, BIG BAD WOLF, panda, cariad, bumble, bobes, Stevie

15. Noiembrie 2004, 16:12:15
I wouldn't want to have a bigger pic of myself! LOL In this 1, I was a little let just say a "little" sloshed when it was taken :)

15. Noiembrie 2004, 16:09:45
Subiectul: pics
is there any way of telling who has got a large pic except going to the profile and trying the sensitive spot?

15. Noiembrie 2004, 15:23:21
Artful Dodger 
nice work kevin!

15. Noiembrie 2004, 14:00:43
Hahaha! That was my first day back home after the sizzling sunshine of Builth Wells! Yeah right!

15. Noiembrie 2004, 13:36:09
Hey Cariad
You look a little sun burnt in yours. Do you live in the wet and windy country or the hot one at the mo? LOL

15. Noiembrie 2004, 13:24:09
They're not. As long as you're a paid member (knight or rook).

15. Noiembrie 2004, 13:22:54
ah sorry i didnt know about the bigger pictures being for the golden (forgot the name :)) members

15. Noiembrie 2004, 13:19:15
ohhhhhh even me? LMAO maybe youll have to make it wide and short rather than tall and thin LMAO

15. Noiembrie 2004, 13:17:39
Sure :-)

15. Noiembrie 2004, 13:13:13
Subiectul: Send them to 40x50 and 200x300 pixels.
oooooooooh does that mean we can all (paid members) have our bigger piccy up now ? :oD

15. Noiembrie 2004, 11:22:46

15. Noiembrie 2004, 11:22:15
I prefer to have them mailed.

15. Noiembrie 2004, 11:19:27
thanks! nice table ...

just found out most of it myself .. nice summary :)

i still have to make the pictures to the right size .. do you prefer me to mail the actual pictures or send the url of where they can be found (can be direct linked) as i will place online on photobucket to use in other places as well

15. Noiembrie 2004, 11:13:51
I've also added a table of membership advantages and features, created by Kevin.

15. Noiembrie 2004, 11:13:44
Bobes pic shouldn't be allowed. He looks way too intelligent! Oh well

another criterion: you must assume considerable concentration while playing chess (Bobes)

15. Noiembrie 2004, 11:13:02
Btw, there is a proposal of new User Agreement provided by BIG BAD WOLF. Since it's more up-to-date and easier to understand than the current one, it will be officially released soon.

15. Noiembrie 2004, 11:07:37
bumble: You forgot Bobes :-)

15. Noiembrie 2004, 11:02:18
Subiectul: Hot spot image
The criteria are: you have to own the site (Fencer), be a god (BBW), be fat(!) (panda), pretend to be sweet and innocent (cariad) or look like a complete twonk (hmmm....).

15. Noiembrie 2004, 10:53:40

15. Noiembrie 2004, 10:51:41
Send them to 40x50 and 200x300 pixels.

15. Noiembrie 2004, 10:48:56
Subiectul: rookie questions : image
- how can i get an image next to my name ?
- how can i have a second image under image in my profile which will show up via javascript ?

14. Noiembrie 2004, 21:39:02
My line4 rating never increases by more than 8 points, so it is stable. But I can get those 8 points from a win against a 2000 player or a 2300+ player, it makes no difference.

If there were all these fractional points that I am getting, sometimes I should get +9?

And the game with TheBig O that I mentioned was Spider Line4, played when my rating was provisional.

14. Noiembrie 2004, 21:32:53 
It also looks like you have already played over 130 games, which will also make your rating more stable (Will not fluxuate as much).

Sprayman already played about 40 games, so it should fluxuate a little more then you, but with a draw - it would be a lot less - very possible under 1 rating point of flux.

14. Noiembrie 2004, 21:30:19
Pedro Martínez 
357 is not enough. You would lose at least one point if sprayman's rating was below 1800 or so.

14. Noiembrie 2004, 21:29:21
Subiectul: Or how about this:
"The game is a draw.

BuilderQ: old BKR = 2061, new BKR = 2061 (0)
TheBig O: old BKR = 2430, new BKR = 2430 (0)"

14. Noiembrie 2004, 21:22:43
Subiectul: Re: Ratings
"The game is a draw.

BuilderQ: old BKR = 2319, new BKR = 2319 (0)
sprayman: old BKR = 1962, new BKR = 1962 (0)"

With this sort of rating difference, how could our ratings only change by fractions?

14. Noiembrie 2004, 21:18:43 
Subiectul: Re: Ratings
BuilderQ - point 4

14. Noiembrie 2004, 21:16:47
Pedro Martínez 
BuilderQ: What is "hundreds"?

14. Noiembrie 2004, 21:10:54
Subiectul: Re: Ratings
Why is it that I can draw rated games with players rated hundreds of points above or below me, without either my rating, or my opponent's rating, changing? Which of BBW's points explains that?

14. Noiembrie 2004, 20:44:45
Subiectul: Re: Ratings
"easy to understand" is not a quality of the rating formula ... rather of the one who uses it LOL
No, sorry, I do not understand it either :-) ... but I think the BK formula works well ... if you go through BBW's points carefully, you will find answers to all that doesn't seem "reasonable" to you ...

14. Noiembrie 2004, 20:29:16
Subiectul: Ratings
Why doesn't BrainKing use a simpler rating formula, which produces reasonable results while being easy to understand? See

14. Noiembrie 2004, 19:21:09
Subiectul: Re: time zones
You are right, that we are GMT +13 so doesn't work for NZ. Our daylight savings time changed beginning of October, when we put clocks forward an hour. Just means I have to remember that when the clock says 11pm it really is midnight lol.

14. Noiembrie 2004, 19:18:32
Pedro Martínez 
Subiectul: mamba
Modificat de Pedro Martínez (14. Noiembrie 2004, 19:19:27)
Here you can find the formula according to which the BKRs are counted:

14. Noiembrie 2004, 19:16:50 
Subiectul: Rating Overview
1st: "unrated" players actually have ratings - just you don't see them until 4 games are played.

2nd: Ratings takes many things to figure a rating: Your rating, your oppenets ratings, how many games you played, and how many games your oppenent played.

3rd: Until 25 games are played (Well actually until 100+ games are played), ratings will fluxuate a lot. That is why it is a "provisional" rating until 25 games are played. I actually heard it can take up to 400 games before a rating is actually set pretty well.

4th: Even if you don't see ratings change, it may change. For example, before a game it may be 1500.1, then after the game it could be 1500.4 - but since you only see the "1500", it looks like it does not change... even though it does.

5th: How the formula works, it is even possible to lose points when you win! (When you don't have many games played, etc...) But I believe Fencer made it so you never lose points for a win, so at those times your rating will actually stay the same.

Anyway, in short - ratings will do very funny things until you get many games under your belt. At least 25 games, but probable more then 100 games is needed before your ratings will settle down.

14. Noiembrie 2004, 18:57:47
Joseph S 
i see no reason to play higher rated players anymore if i'll get more points playing beginners that are unrated...i'll take an easy win for twice as many points anyday....

14. Noiembrie 2004, 18:40:09
Joseph S 
Subiectul: Re: about points again
but i beat the higher rated players and got nothing like what somebody got against me and i wasn't even don't frogs i did win games against the higher rated players and only got anywhere from 15 to 18 points...i play a game of anti-frogs and lost and they get 38 points..!!....i didn't even have a rating in anti-frogs why did they get sooo many points but i play the better players at regular frogs and get a pittance of points when i win aginst good players...why did somebody get 38 points for winning against an unrated player but when i win against somebody rated # 7 or 8 i get not even half that many points....WHY..!!??

14. Noiembrie 2004, 17:02:04
Subiectul: Re: about points again
The rating system's great, I can draw a game with someone rated 357 points below me and not lose any points!

14. Noiembrie 2004, 16:49:27
Subiectul: Re: about points again
Mamba: that's the general idea behind the rating system: you get more points if you beat higher rated players. higher rated players are (suposedly)harder to beat, so when you win a game against one, you get a bigger reward. Makes sense, no?
Also, if you are 400 points behind and win a game against a big player, you'll get more points then if you're ratings are similar.

Of course there are other factors like number of games played and I think the formula is different if it's an established rating or a provisional one. But the general idea is the same.

14. Noiembrie 2004, 14:02:34
Joseph S 
Subiectul: about points again
i won a game with Diogenes..i got 17 points
i won a game with Hanis...i got 18 points
both of these players had over a 2000 rating at the frog game when i won...
anybody i win a game with playing frogs that's below 1500 in points i get 0 why did somebody get 38 points when they won agame with me at anti-frog..???.. me an unrated player at anti-frog..38 points..!!!...i'm sorry but i just don't think the points are being dished out fairly that i'm talking points.....when the site fried in october of 2003 and we were all assured that our points and ratings would be reinstated if we sent a message about what our scores were....and to go ahead and resign games we previsiouly had won ..well when you readjusted the points last week you must have forgotten all that because i now have losses for the games i resigned that i wouldn't have resiged if i wasn't assured all was ok....

14. Noiembrie 2004, 13:05:40
Subiectul: Re: time zones
I think New Zealand is +12 GMT/UTC with fixes according to DST.
So now it's +13 GMT/UTC.......

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