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27. august 2012, 19:53:52
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme:

27. august 2012, 19:42:54
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:

27. august 2012, 19:37:19
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: The egomaniac thinks we're talking about him!

27. august 2012, 19:31:10
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: We're better off if he stays quiet.

27. august 2012, 07:07:06
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: ok ;)

27. august 2012, 06:46:40
Papa Zoom 
The "SIN" tactic is real. Liberals love to use it. Shift the subject, Ignore the facts, and Name call

27. august 2012, 06:20:04
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: Oh Gee look....another woman told what to do with her body!
Iamon lyme: Often the abortionist crowd recycles old worn out arguments when they have nothing of substance to say. They even use all caps as if that makes their points more sound. Childish.

27. august 2012, 05:54:05
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: It's a sick argument. Evil even.

27. august 2012, 05:31:32
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: Oh Gee look....another woman told what to do with her body!
Iamon lyme: lol I love that argument from the loony left. "You can't legislate morality" they like to say. But that's what we do with our laws. We legislate morality. duh

Can't tell a woman what she can or can't do with her body.

But the prisons are full of women who abused their bodies with drugs (and were jailed for using drugs on their bodies....)

You can't fix stupid and the Left has stupid down flat.

27. august 2012, 04:59:24
Papa Zoom 
When has ANYONE told a pregnant woman, "Why are you so excited about being pregnant with a parasite?" Only the pro-unborn-baby-killers use that word to describe the unborn.

Proof: Tell your now living child/children, "When you were in your mom's tummy you were just a worthless parasite and had she had you killed I wouldn't have given it a second thought. You only mean something to me now that you are born"

Likely a person that describes his/her unborn child as a parasite is a child abuser.

27. august 2012, 04:55:06
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Oh Gee look....another woman told what to do with her body!
AP Online
Judge Forbids Pregnancy for Woman

HELENA, Mont. (AP) -- A woman convicted of endangering her unborn child by taking drugs was ordered Wednesday not to get pregnant for ten years.

As part of her sentence, Dawn Marie Spinkle of Helena was instructed by District Judge Dorothy McCarter to take a pregnancy test every two months. If she tests positive, the judge said Sprinkle could be jailed.

``I don't want another damaged baby born because we didn't do enough to supervise that woman,'' the judge said. ``If she wants to drug herself to death, fine. But we can't have her taking drugs when she's pregnant.''

27. august 2012, 04:52:43
Papa Zoom 
Woman convicted for killing fetus by using crack

CONWAY, S.C. (AP) — A woman was convicted Wednesday and sentenced to 12 years in prison for killing her unborn child by using crack cocaine during her pregnancy.

The verdict marks the first time a woman in the United States has been found guilty of homicide for taking drugs during pregnancy, an advocate for the defendant claimed.

The case also opens the door for prosecutors to charge women with neglect under other conditions, such as smoking during pregnancy, said Wyndi Anderson, executive director of the South Carolina Advocates for Pregnant Women.

A jury found Regina McKnight, 24, guilty after deliberating just 15 minutes. She could have faced a life sentence. McKnight's lawyers said they will appeal.

The state Supreme Court ruled in 1996 that a viable fetus is considered a child and mothers can be charged with abuse if they took drugs after their unborn child was able to live outside the womb.

Because you CAN'T do whatever you want with your body. And YES the State can tell you that. If you think otherwise, you're an idiot.

27. august 2012, 04:47:59
Papa Zoom 

25. august 2012, 20:22:54
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: God has a way of drawing in those reluctant to His Grace.

25. august 2012, 18:19:51
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: "Then one foggy Christmas Day, Jesus came to say....."

25. august 2012, 07:45:17
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: I love the way they challenge with "Who made God then?" A dumber question has never been asked.

25. august 2012, 07:35:51
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: Well, I would try to keep an open mind about it.

25. august 2012, 07:22:47
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: I have a huge Pit Bull named god. If they atheist say they don't believe in God, god bites their.....butts. Then they become believers.

25. august 2012, 00:46:59
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: lol

24. august 2012, 22:51:41
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: They haven't returned now for a few years but they still come to the neighborhood several times a year. They skip by my house for some reason.

24. august 2012, 19:31:50
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: lol

I like to ask the Mormons, "Why are you here." Then when they give me an answer I challenge it. They tell me they are here to offer help if I need something done and to share "another testament of Jesus Christ." But I ask them where they are from and I get "California" or "Georgia" So I explain that they are NOT here to see if I need help, they are here to fulfill their obligations to their church and they are using me to do it. I explain that they are not even from here and have no personal interest in me except for how visiting my home helps them fulfill their missionary requirements. And, I say, you are here to tell me my views are wrong and yours are right.

It just goes downhill from there.

24. august 2012, 19:22:37
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:So tell me V, how do you figure ignoring my answer can in any way support your thesis? How does that work?
Iamon lyme: He's just regurgitating the abortion rights talking points. Tells you what he thinks of children in the womb.

24. august 2012, 19:04:09
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: The JWs just leave comic books to read and never want to talk much. But they hardly ever come by. The Mormons are out on their little missions and come to my town from all over the US. They are just doing their little mission thing that's required of them and they all say the same thing to start with. They are dressed in suits and cute little backpacks and want to know if there's some work they can help with. I needed some rock moved so I pointed to the pile and they said they'd be back the next day. Never heard from them again. But a year later two different dudes show up.

24. august 2012, 19:00:57
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:So tell me V, how do you figure ignoring my answer can in any way support your thesis? How does that work?
Iamon lyme: Jules is clueless on the abortion debate. Don't waste your time.

24. august 2012, 18:57:51
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
The Col: Nobody who is anybody actually watches MSNBC. Or as Levin says, MSLSD. They are a joke. Their ratings prove it.

24. august 2012, 18:54:55
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: I know all about Mormonism. The Mormons quit coming to my door. I always give them a hard time I guess. The last time they came to my door one of the Mormons swore at me. Then he told me I was pissing him off. I reminded him that he came to MY door uninvited and that he needed to remember that. I wasn't even being mean. I was just pointing out some of the inconsistencies in their claims.

24. august 2012, 17:09:31
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: Jules asked me a question? Could have fooled me. I've been skipping over his babble. What's he asking? About Mormonism and Romney?

24. august 2012, 08:05:45
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
rod03801: I wish I had his hair.

24. august 2012, 03:10:05
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
rod03801: haha I follow him on Twitter. I listen to his radio show when I can

24. august 2012, 02:31:03
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
rod03801: We're just being current. Ha! You should have seen Twitter over the last two days. Funny stuff and it was a hot time in the Twitter Town last night!

24. august 2012, 02:29:56
Papa Zoom 

24. august 2012, 02:18:48
Papa Zoom 
Libs, finish this sentence:

It's ok (morally justified) to kill a baby in the womb when...............

24. august 2012, 02:08:41
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: Dang it! I shouldn't have said "some." !!!

24. august 2012, 02:06:53
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
rod03801: The libs are tripping all over themselves trying to capitalize on Akin's recent comments.

24. august 2012, 02:05:33
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: Re abortion in instances of incest or rape
The Col: No, I asked: 23. August 2012, 14:44:45
[Artful Dodger,
The Col: When is it ok to kill a baby in the womb?

You answered with a question:
[The Col
Artful Dodger: Ending a pregnancy brought about by rape and incest is a good idea, no?
Reply (box)

24. august 2012, 01:24:21
Papa Zoom 
Some of the liberal arguments supporting abortion cross over deep into stupidville.

24. august 2012, 01:21:35
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: Re
Modifisert av Papa Zoom (24. august 2012, 01:23:06)
Iamon lyme: When it comes to the topic of abortion, the liberals don't like to answer direct questions. They like to control the argument and they like to ask specific questions which frame the argument and keeps it away from them having to answer anything directly. Pregnancy due to rape, incest, and where the life of the mother is in danger constitute a very lower percentage rate of all given reasons for abortions. They focus on these three reasons but rarely address such casual reasons as the woman simply doesn't want to look fat.

24. august 2012, 00:58:56
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: They figure Romney will forward their agenda when he gets elected anyway.
The Col: You haven't answered my original question. You only asked a question in return. We'll get to your questions after you've answered mine. It seems that your position is that abortion is wrong unless it's for the life of the mother or in the case of rape and incest. Is that your position? You oppose abortion in all other instances?

24. august 2012, 00:05:11
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: They figure Romney will forward their agenda when he gets elected anyway.
The Col: You're not ending a pregnancy. You are taking the life of a baby in the womb. So just to be clear, you agree that killing a baby in the womb is justified if the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest?

What other situation do you agree where killing the unborn baby in the womb is acceptable?

23. august 2012, 23:44:45
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: They figure Romney will forward their agenda when he gets elected anyway.
The Col: When is it ok to kill a baby in the womb?

23. august 2012, 23:43:03
Papa Zoom 
Governor Brewer Prevents Obama Turning 80,000 Illegals Into Arizona Welfare Recipients via @WestJournalism

23. august 2012, 23:36:16
Papa Zoom 

August 23, 2012

ICE Agents File Suit Against Napolitano Over 'Amnesty' Program..

Previously a sexual harassment lawsuit was filed against Nappy, and now this:


federal immigration agents have filed suit against Homeland Security
Secretary Janet Napolitano claiming recent directives are forcing them
to break the law and ignore their duties when it comes to deporting
illegal immigrants.

The suit was filed Thursday in Texas federal court by Immigration and
Customs Enforcement officials. It challenges recent directives allowing
some illegal immigrants -- particularly non-felons and those who came
to the U.S. as children -- to stay and, in some cases, get work permits.

The suit, obtained by Fox News, says the agents are being forced to
"violate federal law." It says the new directive "unconstitutionally
usurps and encroaches upon the legislative powers of Congress." ICE
Director John Morton is also named as a defendant.

Kris Kobach, lead attorney on the case, equated the move to give
thousands of illegal immigrants a reprieve to the failed Fast and
Furious gun-walking operation. [More...]

I hope the outcome of this has a happy ending as this administration is definitely not going to be pleased.

23. august 2012, 23:32:00
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: Jules likes to bash Christians and so does the Col. And if one Christian does it, or one Christian organization does it, they lump them altogether. Such deep thinkers.

23. august 2012, 23:23:40
Papa Zoom 
A simple-minded answer to a simple-minded question.

23. august 2012, 20:08:29
Papa Zoom 
Chain of Fools - Liberal Fools: via @youtube

23. august 2012, 19:59:00
Papa Zoom 
Big letters and in color too! Wow! That really adds to your argument.

23. august 2012, 19:49:55
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: Don't forget Uranus. That's where Jules was born. Along with Freud.

23. august 2012, 19:23:16
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: Exactly! lol

23. august 2012, 19:19:16
Papa Zoom 
I know how to use big words in my posts.

23. august 2012, 19:18:33
Papa Zoom 
<---but cute

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