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4. oktober 2012, 23:41:48
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: so why can't you respect my intelligence by answering one simple question?
Iamon lyme: You and I are so much alike it's scary!

4. oktober 2012, 23:41:22
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: By keeping responses down to only two words, you've insured their minds don't have time to wander before you've finished your message.
Iamon lyme:

4. oktober 2012, 21:27:13
Papa Zoom 
Emne: To those that are offended by my post
bite me

4. oktober 2012, 21:26:43
Papa Zoom 
Emne: This one too

4. oktober 2012, 21:26:15
Papa Zoom 
Emne: You should all read this book and stop whining.

4. oktober 2012, 21:22:16
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
(V): Grow up.

4. oktober 2012, 16:33:45
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Well said!
Obama's the equivalent of a basketball player who has a "sweet spot" on the court where he's virtually unstoppable. The best example is Kareem Abdul Jabbar and his famous "sky hook," the deadliest shot in NBA history. The key to stopping Kareem was to deny him his "sweet spot" before he set up there and launched it.

Obama's "sweet spot" is in front of a teleprompter. When he's there he's the silver-tongued lothario that slickly seduced a nation into electing him president four years ago. But when he's sans teleprompter and forced to speak extemporaneously, he's all "ums" and "ahs," displaying all the rhetorical skills and command of the facts as Mushmouth, the blubbering, slack-jawed simpleton from the cartoon "Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids." Obama just dresses better.

Read more:

4. oktober 2012, 16:24:23
Papa Zoom 
I knew that there were idiots on here that would focus on a word rather than focus on the author of that word. Quoting someone who uses the "N" word is to show you fools who is really behind the racist history in America. Yet you would rather pick on the use of the word in a quote than to actually address the policies of the liberals that actually promote a subtle form of racism. If a conservative had said those words, the liberals would never forget it. But because a liberal president said them, it's ignored and then forgotten. Blind fools.

4. oktober 2012, 16:19:42
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
mckinley: now you're showing your ignorance.

4. oktober 2012, 16:18:56
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: quote of the day
mckinley: you were talking about people on the right. I'm pointing out that it's people on the left who are the hypocrites.

4. oktober 2012, 16:17:22
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Silvery Moon: You should be offended by it. It's an offensive word.

4. oktober 2012, 07:57:16
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: if u bet on Obama and he wins, you win the bet and the money. If you lose the bet you still win money as taxes go down as does the cost of living.

4. oktober 2012, 05:00:28
Papa Zoom 
UNINSTALLING OBAMA..... █████████████▒▒▒▒▒▒ 89% complete

4. oktober 2012, 04:49:42
Papa Zoom 

4. oktober 2012, 04:29:23
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Maher on the debate lol
Bill Maher @billmaher
i can't believe i'm saying this, but Obama looks like he DOES need a teleprompter

4. oktober 2012, 02:59:07
Papa Zoom 
Modifisert av Papa Zoom (4. oktober 2012, 12:18:39)
So children, what have we learned? Well, it appears that the liberals are the party of hate and war. They get involved in more wars, dropped "The Bomb" on innocent women and children literally frying them alive, and are solely responsible for the race hatred of history AND race hatred of today as well.

And who will forget good old LBJ? Here's a quote rarely mentioned. I don't use the "N" word like this but am quoting him exactly. For those of you who object, good for you. You should hate that word. But it is important to quote exactly because my premise is that the Democrats ARE the racists of history AND still racists today.

The following quotes are LBJ quotes:

“I’ll have those negros voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One -

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”—LBJ

4. oktober 2012, 02:53:05
Papa Zoom 
1) What candidate for the 2008 Republican nomination, pressed to pay a compliment to then-Senator Barack Obama, described him as surprisingly "articulate and bright and clean" for a black guy?

--->Sorry, it wasn't a Republican. Again, a democrat: Joe Biden this time.

2) What Republican Senator was 65 years old before he had the earth-shattering revelation that "black people love their children" just like white people do?

---> Opps. Not a Republican....another Democrat. This time it's the Democrat’s favorite Ku Klux Klansman - Robert Byrd.

3) What Republican governor literally stood in the doorway of a school to prevent African-Americans from integrating it?

--->In 1963, both Governor George Wallace of Alabama and Governor Ross Barnett of Mississippi physically stood in the path of black students attempting to register at their respective State Universities. George Wallace and Ross Barnett -- BOTH DEMOCRATS.

Wallace would go on to serve multiple terms as governor, and ran for president several times on an explicitly racist platform. In 1972 he won the North Carolina, Michigan, Maryland, Florida, Tennessee and Florida primaries. And who was voting for him? -- DEMOCRATS.

and remembrer when Governor Orval Faubus sent the Arkansas National Guard to "protect" Central High School in Little Rock from nine teenagers determined to get an education there. Orval Faubus -- DEMOCRAT. And who forced the Governor to back down, allowing the Little Rock Nine to integrate the school in safety? President Dwight Eisenhower -- REPUBLICAN.

4) What Republican politician said then-candidate Obama had a political advantage as a black man who doesn’t look or sound like one?

-->oops again....Harry Reid has acknowledged describing then-Senator Obama as a better political candidate for being "light-skinned" rather than dark-skinned, and for speaking "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to.''

5) What Republican governor coined the slogan "Segregation Forever"?

--->That was George Wallace again, who capped his inaugural address in 1962 with the words:

"Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever."

6) What former Republican president waxed nostalgic for the days when someone who looked like Barack Obama could only get into the White House by putting on a white jacket and pouring coffee?

--->Bill Clinton tried to pick up Ted Kennedy‘s endorsement for Hillary. Kennedy was reportedly livid over the conversation, telling friends later that Clinton had belittled Obama by saying:

"A few years ago, this guy would be getting us coffee."

Another report has Clinton complaining to Kennedy:

"The only reason you are endorsing him is because he's black."

7) What Republican First Lady told an ethnic joke about civil rights icon Mahatma Gandhi?

--->Ah, the Clintons. America’s fountain of controversy that never runs dry.

You may already be familiar with the incident. Below is the official version, reproduced, almost word-for-word, by every news organ I could find on the internet:

During (a fund-raiser in Missouri) for Senate candidate Nancy Farmer, Clinton introduced a quote from Gandhi by saying, "He ran a gas station down in St. Louis." After laughter from many in the crowd of at least 200 subsided, the former first lady continued, "No, Mahatma Gandhi was a great leader of the 20th century."

4. oktober 2012, 02:41:31
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Who...???
Not only joined the Ku Klux Klan, but actively recruited his own chapter. In his autobiography, he credits this experience as his inspiration for entering politics.

Used "that word" on TV. Yes, THAT WORD. The six-letter word that starts with the letter N. He said it, twice, in a TV interview.

Years after claiming to have severed his ties to the Klan, he wrote a letter to the Imperial Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth ... in every state in the nation."

Opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, including filibustering for 14 hours in a vain attempt to keep the Senate from passing it.

Protested the racial integration of America's military with these words: "I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again...."

One of only 18 Senators to vote against the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

The only Senator to have voted against the confirmation of both Thurgood Marshall, the first black Supreme Court Justice, and Clarence Thomas, the second black Supreme Court Justice.

---> It's the Democrats; specifically Democrat Robert Byrd, Senator from West Virginia, the longest-serving politician in American history, and a hero to Democrats.

3. oktober 2012, 21:10:02
Papa Zoom 
Lest the Demorroids think they are the party of peace.

They are the party of

3. oktober 2012, 21:07:54
Papa Zoom 
Democrats, The Party of War.

Posted on Tuesday, July 25, 2006 5:09:51 PM by Xing Daorong

In uncertain times such as these, when our nation is at war with enemies in two nations, one must wonder what party has the steel to see an operation through properly, and what party would avoid confronting unessecary conflicts. Today it is the Republicans who are largely labeled "warmongers" especially in my home state (NJ) and throughout the Northeast. But side to side, lets see which party really has started or involved us in more wars, we shall start with the hot spot of past military interventions, Latin America.


Argentina- 1890 Chile- 1891 Haiti- 1891 Spanish-American War 1898 (Cuba and Puerto Rico seized, Major Military Intervention) Nicaragua- 1898-99 Honduras- 1903 Dominican Republic- 1903-04 Cuba- 1906-09 Nicaragua- 1907 Honduras- 1907 Panama- 1908 Nicaragua- 1910 Honduras- 1911 Cuba- 1912 Panama- 1912 Honduras- 1912 Honduras- 1924-25 Panama- 1925 El Salvador- 1932 Guatemala- 1954-? (Major Covert CIA Military Intervention) Panama- 1958 Chile- 1973 El Salvador- 1981-92 (Major Covert CIA Military Intervention, "Iran-Contra Affair", War against the Sandanistas) Honduras- 1982-90 Grenada- 1983-84 (Operation Urgent Fury, Marxist regime ousted, quick withdrawal, moderate military intervention) Bolivia- 1987 Panama- 1989 (Operation Just Cause, Manuel Noreiga captured, regime ousted, quick withdrawal, major military intervention) Haiti- 2004 (occupation following Aristide's violent overthrow)

Total: 28 Major Military Intervention: 4 Moderate Military Intervention: 1

Republican and Democratic:

Nicaragua- 1912-33 (Major Military Intervention, fight against Nicaraguan insurgents.) Haiti- 1914-34 (Major Military Operation, 19 year occupation of Haiti following revolts) Dominican Republic- 1916-24 (Major Military Intervention,8 year occupation of Dominican Republic) Cuba- 1917-33 (16 year occupation of Cuba, Major Military Intervention)

Democratic: Nicaragua- 1894-96 Panama- 1895 Mexico- 1913 Dominican Republic- 1914 Mexico- 1914-18 (Major Military Intervention) Panama- 1918-20 Honduras- 1919 Guatemala- 1920 Costa Rica- 1921 Panama- 1921 Uruguay- 1947 Puerto Rico- 1950 (Moderate Scale Military Intervention) Cuba 1961- (Bay of Pigs, Major Covert Military Intervention) Cuba 1962- (Cuban Missile Crisis) Panama- 1964 Dominican Republic- 1965-66 (Operation Power Pack, dictator Trujillo overthrown and quick withdrawal, major military intervention) Guatemala- 1966-67 (Moderate Military Intervention) Haiti- 1994-95 (Major Military Intervention, Raul Cedres steps down, Jean Bertrand Aristide installed, quick withdrawal)

Total: 18 Major Military Interventions: 4 Moderate Military Interventions: 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As we can see, the Democratic Party has intervened 10 times less than the Republican Party, but take a closer look. Of the three major American military occupations in Latin America (Cuba, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic), all three have been initiated under Democratic president Woodrow Wilson, the War in Nicaragua was over seen by Wilson throughout his whole two terms in office, it was started by Republican president William Taft and seen through one Democratic and two Republican administrations. Four major military interventions occured under the watch of both parties, the Republicans had two fatal faliures in the covert operations, while they had two light successes in Panama and Grenada, although overall the commitment to the wars was minescule. The Democrats had three fatal faliures in the Bay of Pigs, the Dominican Republic, and Haiti and a light success in Guatemala.

Note: Most of these interventions were small scale and around election time violence in many nations.

Onto the rest of the military interventions.

TOPICS: Government; Politics/Elections; Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: dudewheresmylink; militaryhistory

1 posted on Tuesday, July 25, 2006 5:09:52 PM by Xing Daorong

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To: Xing Daorong

Democratic Party

1831-32 – Falkland Islands
1832 – Sumatra (Indonesia)
1833 - Argentina
1835-36 - Peru
1836 - Mexico.(Moderate Military Intervention)
1838-39 – Sumatra (Indonesia)
1840 - Fiji Islands
1841 - Drummond Island, Kingsmill Group (Pacific Ocean)
1841 – Samoa
1846 - Bear Flag Revolt
1846-48 - Mexican-American War (Major Military Operation, Mexico cedes 1/3 of it's territories)
1849 – Smyrna (Izmir, Turkey)
1852-53 - Argentina
1853 - Nicaragua
1853-54 - Japan (Mathew Perry's "Opening of Japan")
1853-54 - Ryukyu and Bonin Islands (Japan)
1854 - China
1854-58 - Nicaragua
1855 - China
1855 - Fiji Islands
1855 - Uruguay
1856 - Panama, Republic of New Grenada
1856 - China
1857-1858 - Utah War
1858 - Uruguay
1858 - Fiji Islands
1858-59 - Turkey
1859 - Paraguay
1859 - Mexico
1859 - China
1860 - Angola, Portuguese West Africa
1860 - Colombia, Bay of Panama
1865 -- Panama. - March 9 and 10. US forces protected the lives and property of American residents during a revolution.
1866 - Mexico
1866 - China
1867 - Nicaragua (Moderate Military Operation)
1867 - Formosa (island of Taiwan)
1868 - Japan (Osaka, Hiolo, Nagasaki, Yokohama, and Negata)
1868 - Uruguay
1868 - Colombia
1885 - Panama (Colon)
1888 - Korea
1888 - Haiti
1888-89 - Samoa
1889 - Hawaiian Islands
1893 -- Hawaii
1894 - Brazil
1894 - Nicaragua
1894-95 - China
1894-95 - China
1894-96 - Korea
1895 - Colombia
1895-96 - Venezuela
1896 - Nicaragua
1913 - Mexico
1914 - Haiti
1916 - China
1917 - China
1917-18 - World War I. (Major Military Intervention)
1918-20 - Soviet Union (Polar Bear Expedition)
1919 - Dalmatia (Croatia)
1919 - Turkey
1920 - China
1932 - China
1934 - China
1936 - Spanish Civil War (Abraham Lincoln Brigades)
1941 - Greenland
1941 - Netherlands (Dutch Guiana)
1941 - Iceland
1941 - Germany (Pre-war patrols sent, Moderate Military Intervention)
1941-45 - World War II (Major Military Intervention)
1945 - China (Assistance to Nationalist rebels, Major Military Intervention)
1945-1949 Occupation of part of Germany
1945-1955 Occupation of part of Austria
1945-1946 Occupation of part of Italy
1945-1952 Occupation of Japan
1945-1946 - Phillipines
1945-1949 - South Korea (Occupation of South Korea and defeat of a leftist insurgency, Major Military Operation)
1945-47 - China
1948 - Palestine
1948 - Berlin (Airlift)
1948-49 - China
1950-53 - Korean War (Major Military Operation)
1962 - Thailand
1963 - Iraq (CIA backed coup of Iraqi dictator Abdul Karim Qassim)
1964 - Congo
1964 - Brazil
1967 - Congo
1968 - Iraq (CIA backed pro-Ba'ath coup bringing down Arif government)
1978 -- Zaire (Congo)
1980 - Iran (Operation Eagle Claw, ends in faliure)
1980 - Iran (Hostage rescue attempt)
1981 - El Salvador
1981 - Libya
1993-1995 - Somalia (Operation Continued Hope ends in faliure,Moderate Military Intervention, quick withdrawal)
1991-1996 - Iraq (Operation Provide Comfort)
1993 - Macedonia
1994-1996 - Rwanda (Post-genocide)
1994 - Macedonia
1995 - Bosnia (Operation Deliberate Force, Moderate Military Intervention)
1996 - Liberia
1996 - Central African Republic
1997 - Albania
1997 - Congo and Gabon (same day)
1997 - Sierra Leone
1997 - Cambodia
1998 - Iraq (Operation Desert Fox, Moderate Military Intervention)
1998 - Guinea-Bissau
1998-1999 - Kenya and Tanzania (post-bombings)
1998 - Afghanistan and Sudan (Operation Infinite Reach, ends in faliure, taking out 1/2 Sudan's medical supplies and missing Osama bin Laden, Moderate Military Intervention)
1998 - Liberia
1999-2001 - East Timor
1999 - War in Kosovo (Moderate-Major Military Intervention)
2000 - Sierra Leone
2000 - Yemen (Post U.S.S Cole bombings)


Republican Party

1861-1865 - American Civil War (Major Military Intervention)
1865-1877 - Post Civil War Reconstruction
1863-64 - Japan
1870 - Mexico
1870 - Hawaiian Islands
1871 - Korea (Minor Military Intervention)
1873 - Colombia (Bay of Panama)
1874 - Hawaiian Islands
1876 - Mexico
1882 - Egypt
1885 - Panama (Colon)
1891 - Bering Strait
1893 - Hawaii
1898-1899 -- Samoa (Samoan Civil War)
1898-99 - China
1899-1913 - Philippines (American-Phillipine War, Major Military Intervention)
1900 - China
1903 - Syria
1903-04 - Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
1904 - Tangier, Morocco
1904-05 -- Korea
1911-12 - China
1912 - Turkey
1922 - Turkey
1922-27 - China (series of small protective interventions)
1932 - China
1950-55 - Formosa (Taiwan)
1954-55 - China
1956 - Egypt
1958 - Lebanon (Moderate Military Intervention, Anti-Rebel Operation)
1974 - Cyprus
1976 - Lebanon
1976 - Korea
1982 - Sinai
1982-1983 - Lebanon (Lebanese Civil War, Moderate Military Intervention)
1983 - Egypt
1983 - Chad
1984 - Persian Gulf
1985 - Italy (Counter terrorism)
1986 - Libya (Operation El Dorado Canyon, Libyan infastructure bombed and warplanes downed following discovery of Mohmar Quadahfi's links to terrorist attacks, Moderate Military Intervention)
1987-1988 - Persian Gulf (Operation Earnest Will, Operation Prime Chance, protection of Kuwaiti and American oil tankers, strikes against Iranian military)
1989 - Libya
1989 - Philippines
1990 - Liberia
1991 - First Gulf War (Iraq, Major Military Intervention)
1991 - Zaire
1992 - Sierra Leone
1990 - Saudi Arabia
1992 - Kuwait
2001 - Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan, Major Military Operation)
2002 -- Yemen (UAV strike kills terrorist)
2002 -- Philippines
2002 --Cote d'Ivoire
2003-Present - Second Gulf War (Iraq, Major Military Intervention)
2003 - Liberia
2003 - Georgia and Djibouti
2006 - Pakistan (UAV kills al-Qaeda affiliates)
2006 - Lebanon

2 posted on Tuesday, July 25, 2006 5:10:37 PM by Xing Daorong ("All that is nessessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."-Edmund Burke)

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To: Xing Daorong

Democratic Presidents: 15
Republican Presidents: 18

Military Interventions/Conflicts entered or Started by Democratic Party:


**Vietnam is added on due to the authorization of direct military force by the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, Richard Nixon drew down and withdrew troops but was also involved in the bombings of Vietcong in Laos and Cambodia, Dwight Eisenhower sent "advisors", this is also a direct intervention, 1 point will be added to both sides for good measure.**

Military Interventions/Conflicts entered or Started by Republican Party:


Average interventions per Democrat President:


Average interventions per Republican President:


What President Intervened Militarily More than Any Other?

William (Bill) J. Clinton (21)

3. oktober 2012, 20:33:52
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Liberal party of peace? Not so much
World War One (The War to End all Wars) - Started by a Liberal Democrat (Woodrow Wilson)
More than 11 Million Dead and Millions .

World War Two - Started by a Liberal Democrat (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
62 Million Dead, Many more Millions Mamed and wounded

Korean War( The Forgotten War) - Started by a Left Wing Liberal Democrat ( Harry S. Truman)
8 Million Plus Dead Millions mamed and wounded.

New-Q-Ler (Atomic)Bombs Dropped on Japan - By a Left Wing Liberal Democrat ( Harry S. Truman)
250 Thousand Dead

Bay of Pigs War/Invasion - Started by a Left Wing Liberal Democrat ( John F. Kennedy)
Lots and Lots Dead and wounded
Building of the Berlin Wall - Allowed to occur by a Left Wing Liberal Democrat ( John F. Kennedy)
Enough Dead

Vietnam War (The Spit on American Soldiers War) - Started by a Left Wing Liberal Democrat (John F. Kennedy)
Millions and Millions Dead and Millions Mamed & wounded.

3. oktober 2012, 16:49:57
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: quote of the day
mckinley: That's a strawman argument.

3. oktober 2012, 16:49:36
Papa Zoom 

3. oktober 2012, 07:45:23
Papa Zoom 
Ger yer free Obama phone

3. oktober 2012, 07:44:31
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Modifisert av Papa Zoom (3. oktober 2012, 07:44:46)
Iamon lyme:

3. oktober 2012, 06:58:01
Papa Zoom 
Liberals are the reason that America is experiencing a serious case of butt hurt. We have butt hurt in our economy, taxes, employment, health care, justice, and on and on. This condition is called Demorrhoids.. And it will take some serious ointment to rid us of our case of Demorrhoids..

3. oktober 2012, 02:38:36
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: quote of the day
Iamon lyme: The Col isn't a Nazi but he's pretty close to a Nutzie.

3. oktober 2012, 02:37:49
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: Unemployment
rod03801: I've tried to tell him the same thing but he can't see it. We say he twists things and he says he doesn't. It is proof that he's clueless on the issues. He can't stay on point and address an argument on it's merits. He has to bring in unrelated points because his arguments can't stand on their own two feet.

The libs are good at this (or bad if you want to be accurate). Instead of talking about abortion and addressing the points being made, they bring in talk about the morality of war. Ignorance runs rampant in liberal thinking.

3. oktober 2012, 02:28:27
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: The reality of gun control, limiting or banning hand guns, is that you cannot count on criminals to obey any restrictions on gun ownership. Taking guns out of the hands of responsible citizens does not take guns out the hands of criminals...
Iamon lyme: stop talking sense

2. oktober 2012, 06:19:33
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: for sure - don't make em mad! But laughter is best. (except there are a few here I do laugh at but it's more like I'm making fun of them!)

2. oktober 2012, 04:49:14
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: gas prices!

2. oktober 2012, 04:02:32
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme:

2. oktober 2012, 03:40:00
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: OK I'll have to admit that Husain Bobama has created some jobs
Vikings: true

2. oktober 2012, 03:28:37
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: OK I'll have to admit that Husain Bobama has created some jobs
Vikings: that lady reminds me of this lady:

2. oktober 2012, 03:03:56
Papa Zoom 

1. oktober 2012, 21:40:47
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: Conservative Squirrel Secret Agent
Iamon lyme: The squirrel knows - it's with his toes.

1. oktober 2012, 21:08:59
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Conservative Squirrel Secret Agent

1. oktober 2012, 21:05:56
Papa Zoom 

1. oktober 2012, 16:37:57
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Warning to Liberals
The Conservative Squirrel will EAT YOU FOR LUNCH!

1. oktober 2012, 16:37:23
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Why the Conservative Squirrel will ATTACK all liberals!!!
He thinks they are all nuts!

1. oktober 2012, 16:36:16
Papa Zoom 
Do NOT mess with the Conservative Squirrel

1. oktober 2012, 16:17:09
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: Guys like Sharpton and Jackson have to keep the slave complaint alive or else they are out of a job.

1. oktober 2012, 16:15:19
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: quote of the day
Iamon lyme: well said

1. oktober 2012, 06:17:35
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: The Civil War was son long ago I don't even remember it happening.

30. september 2012, 21:42:31
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Iamon lyme: you didn't post that!

30. september 2012, 18:40:29
Papa Zoom 

30. september 2012, 18:33:28
Papa Zoom 

30. september 2012, 18:23:36
Papa Zoom 
It's best to remember where you planted the bombs.

30. september 2012, 18:21:14
Papa Zoom 
Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace

"Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" Quran 48:29

2012.09.30 (Narathiwat, Thailand) - Islamists fire grenades into a local fair.
2012.09.29 (Yala, Thailand) - Brave Mujahideen shoot a 72-year-old man to death.
2012.09.29 (Narathiwat, Thailand) - A 42-year-old Buddhist woman is machine-gunned by Runda Kumpulan Kecil while riding with her husband.
2012.09.29 (Yala, Thailand) - Muslim 'separatists' shoot a married woman in the back as she is riding a motorcycle with her husband.
2012.09.28 (Karachi, Pakistan) - A prayer leader is sprayed with bullets by sectarian rivals.
2012.09.28 (Yala, Thailand) - An elderly couple is slain outside a plantation by Muslim militants.

28. september 2012, 19:30:01
Papa Zoom 
A word to rioting Muslims: via @youtube

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