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 Thoughts and Prayers

A sacred place for remembrance, prayer, support, love, affirming eachother, honor and praise.

For people from this site, but also for people in your life all around this globe; whom you would like to keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
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*God bless you! Shalom! Salaam aleikum!

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28. maart 2005, 05:52:13
Onderwerp: I would like some prayers
Today while driving back from a day at Disney Land.. my friends Daughter, Hillary rolled her car killing her 15 year old daughter, Desire.. I would like some prayers tonight to help guide Hillary so she doesn't place blame onto herself for this terrible tragedy.. and some prayers out to the grandmother Shelly, and great grandmother Helen who will both be driving out to be with Hillary. Please help them have a safe journey and comfort their empty hearts at this sad time ..

27. maart 2005, 03:34:23
Radiant2008 :-) 
Happy Easter to all and love in the LIVING Christ,


26. maart 2005, 02:11:45
Onderwerp: Re: Short Bible Trivia
Radiant 36 9: Bible Trivia Answers
1.Be Fruitful and Multipy Genesis 1:28
2.Cana John 2:1-11
3. Melchizedek Genesis 14:18

Hi Radiant!!! How have you been??
I was HOPEING i would get more people interested in this but i guess not:(((

26. maart 2005, 01:10:54
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Re: Short Bible Trivia
runningwolf: Thank you for this.. I see bumble tried to answer the questions.. perhaps more peeps will do so tonight.. When are you going to provide us the answers? :-)

25. maart 2005, 13:46:49
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: HOLY Friday....
I was sent a free website at where you can hear a great song “Via Dolorosa” plus see a little movie (4 minutes).

I can really recommend it to everyone who loves music!

This is my card for Holy Friday!

I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did!
**Please put your speaker on**

Via Dolorosa

love, ~*Radiant*~

25. maart 2005, 13:36:20
1 - thou shalt worship no other god but me?
2 - Cana
3 - Moses?

24. maart 2005, 15:57:20
Onderwerp: Short Bible Trivia
Just wondering if anyone would be interested in bible trivia Print these questions out and see how you do If there is interest i will do more
good luck
1. what was the First commandment in the Bible??
2. Where did Jesus work his first miracle?
3.3.Who was the first priest mentioned in Scripture??
Have fun!!

24. maart 2005, 14:02:10
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Devotional for Maundy Thursday
March 24, 2005

“Jesus Slept Here”
by John Fischer

The Last Supper, which Christians celebrate tonight in what is traditionally called Maundy Thursday, has been immortalized in countless paintings and displays and acted out in famous plays, films and musicals. It is significant because it is when our most revered sacrament was first administered. It is also where Jesus gave his final instructions to his disciples, recorded in the Gospel of John and labeled by biblical scholars as “The Upper Room Discourse” (John 13-17). But rarely do we stop to think about that room and how it came to be such a sacred place. It belonged to somebody. Somebody donated it to the cause.

Somebody donated the donkey that Jesus rode in on for the Triumphal Entry, and someone prepared the meal for that famous supper. Think of how many different houses Jesus and his disciples slept in over three years of ministry. Think of how many meals were prepared for them. Think of those who contributed to their treasury so their basic needs could be met. Then there was Joseph of Arimathea who contributed his tomb as a burial place for Jesus, Nicodemus who helped prepare the body for burial, and the women who got up early on Resurrection Day to anoint the body because they could not do it on the Sabbath. All these people served Jesus and His cause, and without them, the work would not have been able to be accomplished. Yet we hear so little about them. Many remain nameless. They are always in the background.

That’s always the way it is with servants, but they don’t mind because it’s not about them. They are serving a higher cause and a greater one than they. Their job is to serve and get out of the way, and they do this with great pleasure. Their reward is in knowing that God sees their work, and in watching what their work has made possible in the lives of others. Servants are bent on pleasing God, and their own needs are minimal.

When you think about the Lord’s Supper, remember that someone set the table, and someone picked up afterwards, just as someone will have prepared the Last Supper celebration you might be experiencing tonight. Ministry doesn’t take place without service, and we are all called to play a part in serving each other. Make yourself ready.

24. maart 2005, 06:05:18
Onderwerp: Re: Jessicas Memorial
Foxy Lady: That is a lovely tribute to Jessica..thanks for posting it Foxy.

24. maart 2005, 05:28:58
Foxy Lady 
Onderwerp: Jessicas Memorial
Being a mother i thought i'd share this.
Jessica was taken from her home and now is with the Angels.

24. maart 2005, 05:26:19
Foxy Lady 
Onderwerp: Re:
Andre Faria: Than be sure to leave a living will with your wishes.

24. maart 2005, 01:21:00
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: LIVE Interview Larry King with Rick Warren..
Aangepast door Radiant2008 :-) (24. maart 2005, 01:29:30)
WOW.. this interview is so powerful.. I pray this entire site will read it and learn from it!!!

Rick Warren wrote the bestseller: The Purpose Driven Life

Larry King INTERVIEW Rick Warren LIVE

22. maart 2005, 12:05:51
Andre Faria 
I just hope, if for any reason I´ll be in a similar situation, my family have the courage to disconnect the tubes...

21. maart 2005, 00:24:50
Criminals are executed in a far more humane way. I agree it is terrible.

20. maart 2005, 19:37:03
Onderwerp: Re: Terri Schindler-Schiavo
Radiant 36 9:

20. maart 2005, 13:51:29
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Terri Schindler-Schiavo
Aangepast door Radiant2008 :-) (20. maart 2005, 13:56:02)
Dear all,

I bring before you a case I support you all to pray for! Please pray for Terri Schindler-Schiavo, whose feeding tube has been removed and who will most deffinately starve a horrible dehydration death within 2 till 4 weeks! Please pray for her parents who don't want this to happen to her! Please pray for everyone involved, that the Lord is able to speak Truth to their hearts about her and her situation! Please pray that everyone involved will realise the worth of this live, even though she is in a coma!

Please pray for her husband who decided to remove this tube. Pray that he changes his mind about the condition his wife is currently in. May God change his heart about the value of life.

And please pray for the judges and the people of the law involved. Let them make Godly decisions above worldly decision! Let God speak Truth to Law, not only in the US, but everywhere where people face these situations!

My prayers go out to Terri.. Let God wake over her and protect her with his love. Let God fight her battle and bring her enemies down! Let God speak to everyone involved and speak to their hearts, let them to be moved and make the decision to continue feeding His precious daughter again soon! I pray in Jesus Name, AMEN.

Terri's Fight

God bless you all for your prayers,

18. maart 2005, 19:37:31
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Re: Update on Terry
Its with utmost sadness that I share here, that TJ has passed away.. My heart goes out to his parents! May he be at peace now..

from this Care Page:

March 18, 2005 at 01:14 PM EST

It is finished.
TJ has run the race and completed the coarse.

At 12:25 PM today TJ passed on.

We want to thank everyone for all their prayers and love. All our love, Sally and Ernie

18. maart 2005, 19:24:03
Radiant2008 :-) 
Its getting dark here and the daylight has been slowy passing away. It feels like spring her, although the temps yet are still pretty low..

There is one though who has a HUGE faith warmer weather and temps arrive soon: that singing bird outside!! Thank you Lord for his tunes that bring (back) joy to our hearts. That tiny bird has the Faith as strong as a ROCk..

Phils passing..; the fight TJ is fighting in the hospital..; and the birth today of the granddaughter of AD..

Just a few thoughts i wanted to share after these many emotional days recently.. God is in control and with HIM all things are possible!! - AMEN

18. maart 2005, 18:18:44
Onderwerp: Re: Update on Terry
BananaD: oops.

18. maart 2005, 16:51:26
Onderwerp: Re: Update on Terry
Radiant 36 9: ok..thanks for clarifying.

18. maart 2005, 16:30:44
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Re: Update on Terry
BananaD: I know, i saw that post, but the report given before was false.. don't know WHO brought that into the world, but Terry is still alive and fighting for his life!!

Please keep praying for TJ and his parents Sally and Ernie and more info can be found on his Care Page!

18. maart 2005, 16:24:17
Onderwerp: Re: Update on Terry
Radiant 36 9: sorry but Horsemans post says that he passed away?! Just helps to know which is it, so that the appropriate prayers can be said, that's all :-)

18. maart 2005, 14:36:02
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Update on Terry
Just received an update on TJ's Care Page.. and he is still alive!!! Please keep on praying for him.. *tears in my eyes..

For the latest update, please visit his website and read this remarkeble story..

Create a UID, then click on Visit a Care Page. I hope the link works this time!! If not, PM me please!!

God bless you,

18. maart 2005, 11:44:11
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Re: **Urgent** Prayer Request for Terry
Horseman: Awww, I don't know what to say! Just fall upon my knees and pray for his Mom and Dad and the rest of his loved ones.. They came so far.. I read his carepage.. he had a bone marrow transplant beginning of this month... something went wrong.. I pray may God give his family strength and shelter and his everlasting arms to find comfort and healing with their loss of their beloved son, TJ.. May he be at peace..

18. maart 2005, 08:56:56
Onderwerp: Re: **Urgent** Prayer Request for Terry
Radiant 36 9: TJ passed away this evening. May God watch over his family and friends and May TJ be at peace.

18. maart 2005, 02:34:08
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: **Urgent** Prayer Request for Terry
Aangepast door Radiant2008 :-) (18. maart 2005, 02:36:17)
This is a prayerrequest from the Christian board from IYT:

Players there have this posted, they have a friend Terry j. Elswick that has leukemia.Has been off and on for two years. He had a bone marrow transplant 9 days ago and now is critical. Doctors say about 1% chance of living. Thats not the final report please pray soon. Will give web site where you can read about him.

This is the website to check his med status and where you can actually write prayers inthe guestbook:


When you get there you need to create a UserName.
After that click on "Visit a CarePage"
The ID you need to fill in the search field will be: TJElswick73


God bless you,

14. maart 2005, 21:31:24
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Madrid 2004
Our thougths and prayers goes out to everyone who lost loved ones during that awful terrorist attack last year in MADRID, SPAIN..

Dios te bendiga!!

14. maart 2005, 07:00:07
Onderwerp: sorry

14. maart 2005, 06:55:52
Onderwerp: Cotter
Online site fer Cotter:

Just in case Jules ya want ta sign it or anyone else who knew Phil Cotter.

14. maart 2005, 06:17:33
Onderwerp: That shooting was awful
in Wisconsin. Let us pray for those brothers & sisters in Christ.

10. maart 2005, 22:14:20
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Re: Re:
Horseman: Thank you.. He certainly was!!

10. maart 2005, 22:08:48
Onderwerp: Re:
Radiant 36 9: Radiant, some of the people we meet here are real friends. Cotter was one of those.

10. maart 2005, 20:06:49
Radiant2008 :-) 
Its a very strange sensation to know that a friend you used to write a message to suddenly is not there anymore! Not that Phil and me had much contact lately, but still, I sent him email every now and then.. I wonder how this feels for all of you.. Do we only play games here, or are we indeed close friends.. at least that is how i feel. we share so much time together online, playing games, talking, sharing and some are bickering, but yet.. we are all here and be together..

I just had to share this today, that i feel how much you all mean to me and how much I appreciate your messages and your thoughts and our games!! And i think we need to be aware of that all the time and not take it for granted, because life is fragile...

ok, thanks for bearing with me.. a part from my sorrow heart!!

10. maart 2005, 01:22:34
Onderwerp: Re: Cotter
Jules: Yeah:) Jules, ya always had the right porportion of Zen and and faith. Just remember Jules we all sin...But God loves us, I think, with our imperfections, not despite them. God loves us all.

9. maart 2005, 19:45:46
Onderwerp: Re: Cotter
Jules: I maybe a sinner still Horseman, but me sight always been pretty accurate :)

9. maart 2005, 18:42:57
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: In sincere memory of a dear friend... (what i posted in my FS this morning)
Radiant 36 9 9. March 2005, 10:58:26
Today I feel much pain and feelings of loss.. as I just received an email from a friend in Canada, that her husband passed away. He was the warmest person I have known in all the years im playing here online.. He was that kind of person who helped and listened and shared what he honestly thought of things... I know he is with God and looking forward seeing him again once I arrive there aswell.. [] Please remember Anne and her family in your prayers! Thank you,

God bless,

9. maart 2005, 18:19:01
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Re: Cotter
Horseman: His wife sent me an email this morning.. He was a very good friend... one of the most sincerest people i met while playing online..

9. maart 2005, 17:44:57
Onderwerp: Re: Cotter
Jules: I hope so man...I tried sendin ya a message through Foxy. His wife said she'll post something about where we can give to a charity...
Yeah Jules, he was one of the best.

9. maart 2005, 16:27:35
Onderwerp: Re: Cotter
Horseman: He's dancing in heaven. :)
One of the good guys.

9. maart 2005, 12:14:51
Onderwerp: Re: Cotter
Horseman: what a shame.

9. maart 2005, 09:44:53
Onderwerp: Cotter
Radiant...I have bad news. FOr those of you who have been on IYT That have been ta the Christian board there...Phil/Cotter has passed away. Please pray fer his family. Cotter was one of the nicest Christians I have ever met.


8. maart 2005, 14:21:10
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Received this in the mail the other day: My Sisters in Christ
There comes a time in every woman's life when she has to take a close look at herself.
Not at her circumstance, not at what she did, not how unfair life is, or not at whom made you do it.
She has to just look at herself in all her glory and imperfection.
Have you ever admired a woman who has been through changes in her life?
Or have you made up in your mind that she is just messed up.
Before you make this mistake, take a closer look.
A woman who has endured the most unusual life is someone of wisdom,
Someone who has been chosen by God to go through things that have made her stronger.
Think of all the great women in the bible:
Mary Magdalene, Ruth and Naomi, the woman with an issue of blood flow, and Esther, to name a few.
Mary was a prostitute, a very uneasy woman.
But by the time Jesus was done with her, she was His closest follower.
Esther was unfortunate in marrying an abusive man,
By the time God was done with her, she had married one of the wealthiest men in the land.
Women are so quick to beat the next one down instead of trying to hold her up.
Before you wonder, "What's up with her?" ask yourself, "What's up with me?"
That woman could be my mother, sister, aunt, niece, grandmother, friend, etc.
That woman could be me.
Women are the carriers of life, not the channels of death.
Let's build and encourage each other, as did Ruth and Naomi.
Pass this to all the women in your life.
Encourage and Love
Forgive and Forget
Trust that the woman that receives this will be touched in some way.
May peace and love be upon you

We're building up or tearing down, in everything we say or do......
Are you on the construction team, or the wrecking crew?


8. maart 2005, 14:19:56
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Bwildman..
My sincere thoughts for you and your loved ones during this time of loss.. I pray God will comfort all of you and lift you up and keep you protected under His wings...

Thank you Tuesday for sharing.

7. maart 2005, 16:25:57
Onderwerp: Bwildman
My deepest regrets Bwildman. There are no words than can we can comfort you with, but you and your family are in our prayers and thoughts. God Bless

7. maart 2005, 09:00:43
Onderwerp: Bwildman
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this sad time. I pray God will give you comfort!

7. maart 2005, 03:48:00
Onderwerp: Re: To the friends of Bwildman
Tuesday:That is very sad news. I am so sorry for his loss..I will keep him & his family in my prayers..

24. februari 2005, 19:58:14
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Prayers for Iran..
Prayers go out for the families who has lost their relatives and friends; their houses, their belongings.. because of the earthquake that took place last Tuesday in IRAN.

Let us give them some of our time and remind them in your prayers..

**lights a candle**

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