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 Feature requests

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7. september 2003, 11:26:19
Or you could join the yahoo group! There are quite a few members now, and many have put their pictures up in the photo album there.

Click here to join the yahoo group!

We'd love to see many more pictures there! I think its a great idea having pictures on profiles here, but for now.....!! Come and join!!

2. september 2003, 14:35:57
ROFL, spoilsport, grenv!!! lol!! :oD

25. augustus 2003, 17:27:08
Its on your settings...

23. augustus 2003, 13:07:23
I kinda miss blackhole reversi and hotspot four in a row.
But if these did come here I'd like to see a change, that is...

More than one black hole/hotspot in each game. The person creating the game chooses how many there should be (up to a certain number of course! Maybe 5?) and they also choose where to place them.

20. augustus 2003, 23:34:12
Absolutely NO comment whatsoever!!! ROFL!!!! :OP

20. augustus 2003, 23:26:22
Yeah but even the best layouts can only be used a couple of times at best, because othe rplayers may look back through your old games and spot any that you use more than once.

13. augustus 2003, 17:33:58
Onderwerp: Re: :0 ... pardon ?
Well we can have 2 fellowship boards (per fellowship) under favourites, right? The discussion one, where anyone can post, and the news one on the main page, where only the big boss can post messages.

What I was saying is that if 'new messages' are to be shown beside the fellowship name (under our 'fellowship list' then which one would show up?
Would it show the new messages by the big boss, or on the discussion board?
I would guess the messages by the big boss, since they are often the most important.
So, I would still have the discussion board under favourites.
Did that make more sense?!

Aragon, you're welcome! :o)

13. augustus 2003, 17:00:28
Oh sure it will be better when new messages show on the 'fellowship' list... but would that be new 'news' messages, or new messages on the discussion board of that fellowship?
I would guess it will show when there is a new 'news' message. So I will still have the discussion boards as favourites so I know when there is new messages there! :o)

13. augustus 2003, 16:50:40
LOL, there is, if you go on your fellowship discussion board it says 'add to faves' underneath... and for your news boards, click on archived news, and the 'add to faves' is there!

13. augustus 2003, 16:44:18
It should already be on, Aragon, if you have them on your favourite boards.

9. augustus 2003, 00:06:03
I like the different levels of membership. I think its an ingenious idea to use chess pieces for levels. I don't think it segregates people, when I was a pawn I never met a rook who treated me badly because of my membership level, and I hope I have never said anything to make a pawn feel lowly since I have been a rook. From my experience the majority of people on this site are just not like that.
I think it did encourage me to buy membership though! I liked the look of the rooks next to members names and wanted one for myself! :o)
Stick with it, Fencer, theres far more people appreciate this site than you think.
Maybe we should have an 'appreciation board'! lol, we seem to have boards for everything but saying how great this site is! (only kidding!)

6. augustus 2003, 21:05:59
It has already been discussed there, Zucan. It usually comes back to the same thing, needing a new server! Its pretty much been talked to death. Fencer will fix the problems in time.

19. juli 2003, 10:47:50
It is, and when we have enough paid members that WILL be enough. But right now it isn't. And as someone pointed out, its a vicious circle. People will not pay for membership while there is access problems, but these problems cannot be fixed until there is more money available!
So the die hard BK addicts are willing to donate a little extra to try to help!

27. juni 2003, 17:51:57
I dont think so, Tony. I could just see (for example) if I was stuck on a bar for, say, 10 moves... my opponent making a comment about how much quicker this game would go if I only switched the auto-pass on. A person could feel pressured into switching it on, rather like being pressured into resigning a game one would rather see to the end.

27. juni 2003, 15:30:52
I really wouldn't be bothered if it was auto pass or not, but I dont think it should be an option. Either way!

27. juni 2003, 14:06:23
I'm not saying it would be confusing, just that those who chose not to use it might come under attack from those who want them to use it.

27. juni 2003, 10:51:26
Yes but if it was optional, you would have people saying that players SHOULD use it and it could easily cause arguments. Its like the old argument about if a person should resign a game when the outcome is an obvious loss for them, or should they play to the end.
Many people get irate if a person doesn't resign when they'd like them to. It would be the same here, if a person for instance was stuck on the bar in backgammon, but wished to see their opponents moves, they would not use an auto feature.. and their opponent would say 'can't you use it?'... It could cause a lot of tension. IMHO

20. juni 2003, 22:05:44
Oops, I deleted my message by mistake! I was replying to BBW's message, saying I dont think anyone would be bothered about playing an extra section, and maybe the tournaments running now should be left as they are, and the new ones can start with the bug removed.

20. juni 2003, 22:01:14
Well our tournament only started yesterday so we'd be ok with that, but some started a while ago and might not be happy having to start again.

20. juni 2003, 21:54:19
The same has happened at HOME fellowship (3 in one section, 4 in the other) and I hadn't even noticed!
What will happen when the bug is fixed Fencer? Will the two sections merge together and we will get new games?

17. juni 2003, 23:33:54
Ah, I see, Kev, thanks for explaining. Still seems like a lot of work, especially when I might set all that up, and my opponent wouldn't move there!!
I suppose for chess pro's it could be a bonus, but I doubt I'd use it!

17. juni 2003, 09:31:32
I dont think that would be a good idea anyway, I'm pretty bad at chess and my next moves may not be what would normally be 'obvious' moves. I like to make my own mistakes in chess, and if I am to win then I'd like it to be by myself, not because a computer has suggested moves for me!

5. juni 2003, 16:55:10
BBW, I like those ideas, but what would happen in dark backgammon, if you had doubles, and tried to land all four moves on a place where your opponent had more than one piece? Would you lose all four pieces?

1. juni 2003, 12:48:36
I believe site news stays on for an average of 3 days? It needs to be on for a while to allow everyone to read it. Some people log on only every few days, or every week.

30. mei 2003, 18:38:14
Hi Fencer... is it possible to have a page with details of who has given you brains? Or a bit added on your profile?
I have had 100 more brains given me, and no idea who from! I would like to thank them.

20. mei 2003, 14:42:00
Oh yeah, thats a great idea. Most fellowships I'm in, I go to the discussion board but rarely visit the main page! :o(
If I knew there was a new news item there I would go and see what it was!
I can't put all the news boards on my favourites list, that is too long as it is!

19. mei 2003, 15:42:39
Artful Dodger, there was some discussion about this on the fellowship board, but you gave some new ideas there.
I believe the team you are captain of, your players should have 'edit' next to their names. If you click on that I THINK you will have remove from team?

17. mei 2003, 14:36:34
TT, I'm neutral in all this, I like you all! LOL! BUT, I have to say that for how many weeks(?) now, Dano has not posted a thing on general chat. It has been lovely and friendly until this eggy person came on again. Luckily it seems like a minor flare-up, but it had nothing to do with Dano.

14. mei 2003, 21:13:06
Fencer does that anyway. I wanted to change to 'harley', but it was already taken by an inactive user (I think they hadn't been back for a few months and had neither finished or started a game). I asked Fencer how long it is before inactive members are wiped off and their name became available, he did it for me straight away.

12. mei 2003, 08:27:26
Yeah same here, it doesn't work for me either! :o)

11. mei 2003, 19:57:45
Fencer, when we resign a game is it possible to have a 'resign and go to next game' button? Right now we are taken to the main page and when you're in the middle of a lot of games its off-putting!

30. april 2003, 21:07:19
LMAO, dark atomic chess, I like it!!!

29. april 2003, 19:51:25
I'm with you there, BBW! I'm awful at regular chess, so much so that on dark chess I do moves that good chess players wouldn't even THINK I would do! (most of these are done by mistake btw!) and that has given me an advantage before, because I'm not moving as an experienced player thinks I will!

27. april 2003, 13:15:20
Eriisa, on Scrabble Bug to find a player go into 'start a new game', then its something like 'view profiles' or 'find player'. You can search for a player with a similar rating to you or by country. Theres quite a few on there!

21. april 2003, 20:10:28
Just one, MysticPhantom. Its counted as one win or one loss overall.

27. maart 2003, 12:40:11
Hey Tony, have you seen the tournament options on our profiles? Fencer does it again!! Nice one, that makes things loads easier.. I hadn't realised I've signed for so many tourneys that are yet to start!!

27. maart 2003, 09:23:00
Frodo, I think the message boards here are fine, you know what they say.. "If its not broke, dont fix it"!!!

26. maart 2003, 20:01:42
Onderwerp: Re: Messages
No, lwmc, theres no way to do that yet. Its been suggested before and hopefully it wont be too long before we can send messages to multiple people, but for now its good old cut and paste!

25. maart 2003, 22:24:07
Onderwerp: Re: Discussion Board
I guess its each to their own in this case BBW! I'm used to this type of board now, I guess you're more used to threads.
I just hope Fencer is never so short of things to do he has to change these boards! LOL! :o)

25. maart 2003, 21:39:04
Oh no, I much prefer this type of board. those threads are easy to miss subjects and I doubt I'd bother going through different threads like that. What a pain they are!! And time consuming! I'm here to play games, I like to browse the boards when theres no games going on... but those 'threads' are for serious chat board users.. not just gamers passing their time and finding out useful stuff! This seems to be a far easier way of discussing things, or is it just me being old fashioned?!

25. maart 2003, 20:52:51
MagisterLudi, how do you mean a board with threads? I like our boards how they are, they're easy to use and easy to read, theres the 'new!' sign so you can immediately see what hasn't been read by you. I'd hate to see these boards go the way of the 'Wiki Web' where nobody knows how to read anything, much less reply!!!

24. maart 2003, 17:23:31
Tony, yes, I see what you mean, I'm all for that as long as its on our profiles and not the main page! LOL! I lose track of tourneys I've joined too!

24. maart 2003, 14:06:23
Tony, these are on your profile, please dont ask for them on the main page... I have so many on my profile I wouldn't have room for the games if they appeared on the main page!!

23. maart 2003, 23:10:56
Why? In a real game of chess you can't get up, walk round to the opponents side and view the game that way!!

23. maart 2003, 14:31:57
That would be a lot of work to implement though, wouldn't it?! You'd need reminders sending out that you have to challenge somebody (otherwise you may not BE challenged!!), I dont know, it just seems a lot!! Its basically a good idea, but you'd end up with the 5 best players continuously playing each other.
Which would solve the original problem of frauds at the top, but it might take the fun out of playing if you're playing the same people all the time.

23. maart 2003, 11:48:29
I like the idea of a 'top ten tournament'!
I dont see how it could work forcing people to play, and some people have high ratings then get bored with the game and just dont WANT to play again!
The only problem with a top ten tourney is that you could end up playing people you really dont get on with. I avoid some tourneys so I dont end up playing a certain person, I'd hate to be forced into playing them just because our ratings are similar. :o(

22. maart 2003, 21:44:10
blazinshore... When you receive the notice to say if you have won a game or lost, if you press 'read' it SHOULD give you the final comments of your opponent. It always does with me! :o)

19. maart 2003, 17:26:55
Onderwerp: Re: Enemies/ Ignore
Unfortunately you can still see their posts. It just means they can't send you a private message or invite you to a game. But you can still end up playing them in a tournament if you both sign up.

14. maart 2003, 12:09:39
Thanks, Scampy, I hadn't seen that page!

13. maart 2003, 10:56:05
DmitriKing, You can join as many fellowships as you like, but in each fellowship you can only join one team of each game type.
You can also leave fellowships any time you wish, its not set in stone :o)

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