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30. maart 2005, 10:32:57
Onderwerp: Re: Isn't there somewhere that a player
ScarletRose: I think you can see how many you moved the previous day? Where it says the most moves made hit the MORE and look for your name!

4. maart 2005, 12:56:11
I think that normal games should maybe be allowed to take advantage of this rule, but a tournament?? Planned hoildays...YES but not technical issues, or things like that? You would not get conditions like that in a real tournament?

But what the heck, its an added feature now LOL

4. maart 2005, 12:41:38
Thats a good point mate

4. maart 2005, 12:25:36
I guess a better use of the feature would be that if you had set some vacation days, but were late back it should kick in??

That way if you know you are going away then you set holidays, and if your are delayed for whatever reason it kicks in upto maybe another 7 or so.

But I guess I can see its easy for someone just to disappear for 30 days LOL

4. maart 2005, 12:24:01
How so mate?

4. maart 2005, 12:15:09
Infact it didnt end the game but added 1 day as auto-vacation, I like that feature :)

4. maart 2005, 12:11:22
Ahhh thanks, it went to -5 then ended the game I think :)

Thank you both

4. maart 2005, 12:06:37
Has the time out rule on games changed?? I have a game at time to move = -4mins and counting??

Not that im complaining, I dont like to win games by time out! Just curious

17. mei 2004, 17:05:29
I agree with that BBW, what i dont agree with is Cheaters being allowed to moderate on the board for the game that they were cheating at!! And by all accounts STILL cheating!!

17. mei 2004, 16:58:02
NOT only does the renowned cheater aka Checkers Moderator have an acclaimed moderating position (which in itself is sickening) but he also has full BAN/HIDE facilities?? Come on Fencer you are having a laugh right?

17. mei 2004, 12:14:22
Fencer I think its time that this fiasco be stopped, having people banned for cheating (AT CHECKERS) and then bringing them back to moderate the board for said game is disgusting.

14. april 2004, 11:58:43
LAMo indeed..

14. april 2004, 11:48:58
well the wheel on my mouse gets way more play time than the bar LMAO

14. april 2004, 11:40:55
LOL group them by most new messages ya mean?? Im sure that would be easy enough (although im sure fencer would know better LOL)

Dont want much does we Ian LOL anything to stop the need of having to use that gry bar at the right of the screen that makes it go down the page LAMO

14. april 2004, 11:09:48
That is my problem LOL, or maybe its cos i have so many favs LOL currently about 30 and the ones at the bottom do get missed from time to time LOL

14. april 2004, 10:55:17
LOL im told i get one every now and then :)

14. april 2004, 10:48:31
Perhaps in a persons settings that can set their 10 most fav or something so that thier Fav boards are sorted the way they want it?

29. januari 2004, 22:48:58
Great Interview NHB and Harley :o))

21. november 2003, 23:13:19
Another super interview harley :O)

16. november 2003, 15:05:42
ROFL @ rabbitoid

16. november 2003, 14:57:42
Woops, Sorry Harley gone off topic :( *leaves room*

16. november 2003, 14:56:57
LMAO that only the case in your house Stevie ;oÞ

16. november 2003, 14:48:49
You can get that there? Nice one :o))

16. november 2003, 14:36:21
Hot lemon with pepper helps, or is that the half bottle of Aftershoch I take after??

GEt Well

12. november 2003, 18:07:00
Me either and have been on solid for 9hours today without a glitch. Although if my boss see this, I was only on for 20mins during lunch :o)

11. november 2003, 20:02:40
Well Fencer I have been on the New one ALL day, and apart from a few glitches first thing it has been super. Nice One :o)

11. november 2003, 19:53:30
ROFL @ Bumble, maybe he is more of homer than we thought :oÞ

11. november 2003, 19:44:05
It works for me OK :o)

11. november 2003, 17:44:19
And 99.9% of the time Medic you would be right LOL

11. november 2003, 17:38:25
Making links now within BrianKing sometimes won't work, unless they have an option for both systems currenty running!!

Example, I was in on the new system and pasted some links I had sone on the old one to some tournaments, it chucks you to the main log-in page of the old system then :)

Just incase some of you click them and think they ain't working LOL

11. november 2003, 14:38:21

11. november 2003, 10:23:49
Don't know if its just me? But I have both running, when the original gets booted so does the new??? Although it comes back quicker

5. november 2003, 19:48:20
I scrapped ALL mine today, and have now started some new ones, and I must admit I am much happier for it, I can play without worrying about my moves? (did I move here the last time? etc)

And erm.....I do think you did win them anyhow bwildman LMAO

5. november 2003, 19:14:32
I had the senario this morning dano, the second (or thitd and fourth) start independantly after you resign the preceeding one.

5. november 2003, 17:35:26

its all in there High Tide :o)

5. november 2003, 17:15:09
LOL - you will be pleasantly surprised :o)

Who knows, you may even come back on here and let us know and maybe even become a member with your renewed faith in the site??

5. november 2003, 17:09:46
Well there you go then, simply resign all these 'GroundHog Day' games of yours, and then send Fencer the BKRs that you recorded. You will be back in the top ten and starting anew :)

5. november 2003, 17:07:05
Erm...... to what end would Fencer wish to manipulate the rating High Tide?? Just to keep YOU out of the top ten? I very much doubt it :o)

5. november 2003, 17:05:14
If you remember what they were then send them to Fencer, he will change them for you :o)

I for example, took note of mine, then resigned every game that I had previously completed (won or lost) and then got the BKRs put back, so in a sense I am starting a fresh (new games only) with my BKRs as they stood??

5. november 2003, 16:56:39
I think you should read Fencer's own post on the BrainKing.Info page. It is CLEAR as a bell i think :o) and from the horses mouth (so to speak)

5. november 2003, 16:47:12
As I understand it Jason, what you have now is all that can be(and has been) recovered. No further games will appear except for new ones you create.

5. november 2003, 16:18:56
I doub't holding off on creating new tornamnets will ease anything? As Fencer stated just before the crash (BBW could create as many tournaments as he wanted because it doesn't effect the loading of the server!!)

Sorry to use you as an example BBW, but I don't think that creating tournaments will TAX the server any more? It is after all fully re-installed a new and running better than before the crash I would expect?

Perhaps if Filip would clarify though incase I am wrong??

5. november 2003, 15:01:12
Onderwerp: Re: Not sure why so much negativity
Not perfect huh LOL :oÞ

And you are dead right Rose, it (with an sh) happens. I have at several times in the last 5 years lost data permanently, and I DO HAVE all the things that Filip would like to have in place on my system in work. Hot Swap SCSI drives, RAID 5, resilient back-up nightly and I still lost data, if its gonna go, you can not (will not) prevent it :o( it is the nature of the beast im afraid. And 6 weeks is nothing on the grand scheme of things LOL I lost 8 months once (try explaining that to the boss LMAO)

5. november 2003, 12:56:35
I for one to prevent this resigned ALL my games, even ones i knew that i won prior. A clean start is far better than the hassle :o)

4. november 2003, 21:14:39
were you at one stage using auto login and it has been reset to that Medic?

4. november 2003, 20:23:55
Im with BBW, most (if not all) of the games I now have have already been completed before. The ones that I know I lost (know for sure) I am resigning, but if unsure then I can't be sure I would make the same moves (good or bad LOL) this time around, my memory isn't that good :o)

Wiping them out and starting a fresh sounds good to me??

14. september 2003, 13:12:52
Onderwerp: Re: Fencer
If interested the JAVA for doing so: http://schultz.la.unm.edu/CS151S03/SupportFiles/CheckersDual/doc/Piece.html

25. augustus 2003, 14:06:32
LMAO @ Cariad!!

20. augustus 2003, 00:17:47
LOL @ BBW, yip I guess that would just about do it!!

19. augustus 2003, 20:40:06
I pity those players that appear at the top of my screen every day with 870 moves etc!!

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