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20. november 2007, 10:18:54
Onderwerp: Re: Settings.
Mousetrap: Mouse I got confused. I realise now that is was the longest time-out games.

20. november 2007, 08:48:15
Fencer: Thanks, i really missed BK :O( ... Its still

20. november 2007, 08:05:54
Onderwerp: Re: Settings.
crosseyed: It was happening to me before time out. But maybe it will sort itself eventually.

19. november 2007, 23:32:23
Onderwerp: Re:
Bernice: We need a new "LindaJ" now, no doubt! 

19. november 2007, 22:35:00
Onderwerp: Thanks, Fencer
    Thanks for getting the site back up so quickly and in such good shape.

19. november 2007, 22:27:47
Onderwerp: Re: Settings.
Bernice: Yes it could be something to do with that.

19. november 2007, 22:26:53
Onderwerp: Time left...
I tried that and can't get the least time left first. So I went to settings to see if I could change things there and still can't make the change.

19. november 2007, 22:25:42
Onderwerp: Re: Settings.
crosseyed: could it be because the "timeout" is still on?

19. november 2007, 22:23:00
Onderwerp: Re: Settings.
crosseyed: the settings are on the main page , above your games .....look whick way the green arrow is facing.

19. november 2007, 22:20:36
Onderwerp: Settings.
I can't get my games in the order of time left. I have been to settings and tried to change things.
Is anyone else having the same problem?

19. november 2007, 22:07:47
Thanks was back a lot quicker than i'd expected now time to play play play till + minutes or hours lol!

19. november 2007, 22:02:59
Aangepast door Bernice (19. november 2007, 22:04:00)
was it after the last crash that LindaJ had a tournament to raise money to assist Fencer with the costs?...and if so is anybody going to raise money again to help Fencer with the cost (Don't ask how much I had to pay for the data restoration)

19. november 2007, 21:53:45
Wow, the DB seems completely undamaged ! That recovery company did a great job

Too bad it was expensive, but the BK DB deserved it, it is pure gold. Thanks Fencer.

19. november 2007, 21:46:57
Yea Fencer, you did good!! Thanks for all your hard work!!

19. november 2007, 21:11:11
Wohooooooo!!!   BK is back!!  good job guys!! 

19. november 2007, 21:04:14
Onderwerp: Re: Holiday in US
coan.net: Auto vacation works well, and I suspect most don't really care if they lose a few games. Otherwise it's setting up the possibility if the site goes down again for a few days we who are not having a national holiday to have to wait yonks.

19. november 2007, 20:45:54
Onderwerp: Re: Holiday in US
Jules: No, you misunderstood - I'm not asking for holidays to be placed back on the site - what I was saying was because of the site being down, there is a good possibility that players did not get a chance to catch up their games, or set vacation days to cover the days they will be gone since the site was down - and that in the US, there is a big holiday which many leave town. (one of the biggest travel weeks of the year in the US) So I'm not asking for holidays to be added back to the site, I just want to make sure that no one times out on games because of the site being down. The site being down should not be a reason anyone should lose a game in my opinion.

19. november 2007, 20:32:27
joshi tm 
Better BK is turned to normal again. Phew.

19. november 2007, 20:26:54
So glad this place is back!!

19. november 2007, 20:23:14
Onderwerp: Re: YAY!
AbigailII: Not all. Some of them have been saved. But not the most recent ones, of course.

19. november 2007, 20:21:48
Onderwerp: Re: YAY!
Fencer: Redundancy has crashed too.

And all your daily backups as well? ;-)

19. november 2007, 20:11:43
Onderwerp: YAY!!!!
Fencer: You ( & Liquid, I assume)got it up and running faster than I thought too! Thank you!

19. november 2007, 19:53:50
Onderwerp: Re: Holiday in US
coan.net: Then you'll get everyone wanting their countries national holidays added. I thought that idea was dropped??

19. november 2007, 19:41:09
Onderwerp: Re: Holiday in US
coan.net: Well, actually, it should not be too hard to make such a tool. Maybe tomorrow. I need some sleep too.

19. november 2007, 19:37:18
Onderwerp: Re: Holiday in US
Fencer: Well I just worry about some people who had planned a vacation. My plan was to catch up on all my games, and then get my few remaining vacation days set just right to cover me until I got back. (And if I did leave, with the site down - I would have been behind with hopefully my auto-vacations saving me)

What you need is a tool to "reset time on all games" - so if something like this happens, before the time-out is lifed, all game times are set at the max. (So if it is a 5-day move game, the game is set to 5 days (for whoever turn it is waiting for), then time-outs turned back on). (Same with Fisher clock game)

I guess we can see what others think - but this week is a very busy travel week in the US, so I can see many not being on until early next week.

19. november 2007, 19:32:36
Onderwerp: Re: Holiday in US
coan.net: Well, it's set to restart timeouts after 48 hours now, but if you think it's necessary, I can change it to, uh, 200 hours? The only problem is that ponds are stopped too, so people might object that they cannot play next rounds until next week.

19. november 2007, 19:29:34
Onderwerp: Holiday in US
Fencer - Thanksgiving holiday is this week in the US, and many people may be on vacation already (I was planning to be out of town starting today until next Monday, but those plans feel through)

But if they did, I would be in trouble with my games and such.

Since there might be many already on vacation for the holiday, since the site was down for awhile - any chance to keep time-out's off until next week (Tuesday, 27th would be good)

I can just see a lot of people in trouble if the time-outs are turned on too soon.

Ohh... something you don't see often: "Yesterday's most active player: (0 moves)"

19. november 2007, 19:26:41
thanks!!!! i was afraid it would be much longer ! !

19. november 2007, 19:16:49
Onderwerp: Re: Fischer clock question
rod03801: I think you are right. You know, I programmed the Fischer's Clock system more than a year ago, so I am not sure about all details of its BrainKing implementation.

19. november 2007, 19:15:26
Onderwerp: Re: Fischer clock question
Fencer: Hmm.. I just moved on one. Before the move it said I had negative 2 or 3 days. After the move, it says I have 1 day and 15 hours. So, maybe it won't be much of an issue?

19. november 2007, 19:13:18
Onderwerp: Re: Fischer clock question
rod03801: Unless I change their timeout times manually.

19. november 2007, 19:13:09
Onderwerp: Re: YAY!
Fencer: lol .. thats what i call risc calculation :)
(hmm probably another term in english ;))

19. november 2007, 19:11:57
Onderwerp: Fischer clock question
I am curious how this affects Fischer Clock games? Obviously, they have not timed out right now. However, any of them that were my turn when the site went down, now have a negative amount of hours in the "bank". (Though they had PLENTY when the site went down, as I am really good at keeping up with those now that I have DSL!!! ) When the time outs are turned back on, will these instantly time out when they come back to me?

19. november 2007, 19:11:22
Onderwerp: Re: YAY!
Hrqls: Redundancy has crashed too.

19. november 2007, 19:10:42
Onderwerp: Re: YAY!
Fencer: you had a real harddisk crash ? had to recover the data from it ?
dont have any redundancy ? (however it is spelled)

19. november 2007, 19:08:50
Onderwerp: Re: YAY!
rod03801: Don't ask how much I had to pay for the data restoration.

19. november 2007, 19:07:29
Onderwerp: Re: YAY!
rod03801: yep i think you are correct :)

19. november 2007, 19:06:34
Onderwerp: YAY!
Brainking is back!!!

And unless I'm missing something it doesn't look like any data was lost?

13. november 2007, 20:05:21
Onderwerp: Re:
pauloaguia: No, incorrect implementations are to be corrected.

13. november 2007, 17:54:12
Onderwerp: Re:
Fencer: Does that include currently incorrect implementations of games?

13. november 2007, 17:47:42
Onderwerp: Re: Interviews
Dolittle: because the current interviewee chooses the next one from the list of most voted ones.
Someone suggested that current interviewees select the next one and I went along for a while. But then I started thinking that I could risk making interviews for the same group a friends for a very long time... and it's easier to collect questions for people that others are curious about than it is for people who could be known by only a few.
This way the community decides who they want to see interviewed and the current interviewee still has a word to say. And, if for nothing else, it helps to have a list of people to choose from in case the current interviewee can't make a choice for him/herself.

Sorry if this looks like it's being made up as I go long but I haven't been in the job for that long... and so I'm really making some things up as I go along

13. november 2007, 16:27:52
Onderwerp: Re: Interviews
pauloaguia: Why should we send in our nomination for the next interviewee if the current interviewee chooses the next one?

13. november 2007, 16:12:22
Onderwerp: Re:
Fencer: I find fair enough that no game rules are changed unless there are pretty strong reasons to. But what procedure do you suggest for proving practically that a game can be improved ? "I've tried it with a friend and it was so much better" doesn't sound that convincing.

13. november 2007, 13:50:58
joshi tm 
Good point.

13. november 2007, 13:49:47
Onderwerp: Re:
joshi tm: No changes to any game will be made until it is proven that it would be better than the original model. Practically proven.

13. november 2007, 13:47:17
joshi tm 
Dear Fencer, would you like to read these board: http://brainking.nl/nl/Board?bc=6 where we are trying to solve the Cheversi advantage?

13. november 2007, 12:13:32
Onderwerp: Re: Interviews
Aangepast door pauloaguia (13. november 2007, 12:13:49)
rabbitoid: BrainKing.com (pauloaguia, 2007-10-25 09:43:34)
I don't know what's keeping Fencer from puting it online, you'll have to ask him. But knowing how little he likes to work on side subjects, I'm sure he'll come up with something soon to get rid of that last step in the interviews process. Either that or he's waiting to have a ton of interviews to be published all at once

13. november 2007, 12:13:28
Onderwerp: Re:
pauloaguia: Thats all i could think of, just wanted to find out (thought maybe a bug lol)

Can not have one of my Teams vanishing

13. november 2007, 12:09:42
Onderwerp: Re:
MadMonkey: maybe because it already has enough players to enter? I think (but not sure) that it only shows teams that don't have enough players yet

13. november 2007, 12:00:00
Onderwerp: Re: Interviews
rabbitoid: maybe I gave a wrong answer

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