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5. augustus 2003, 00:00:21
Onderwerp: re: waiting games
On webtv once you create a game you can hit back button, then submit, then back, then submit so it doesn't take much. I don't know much about pcs,

4. augustus 2003, 23:58:30
Onderwerp: Re: waiting games
Nonsense Uil ... there's an option to determine the amount
of games submitted at once ... glad to be helpful again ... ~*~

4. augustus 2003, 23:55:10
Onderwerp: Re: waiting games
Nonsense Dano, they also have to post 1 game at a time but they are doing it for one hour or more. I presume you like scrolling?

4. augustus 2003, 23:23:43
Onderwerp: Re: waiting games
how ineffective and inflicting frequent and high loads ...

Eddie and Maximusi do it the sophisticated way
- by ONE click only ... thank you both ... :D ~*~

4. augustus 2003, 23:19:58
Onderwerp: waiting games
What is the use of posting over 50 games of the same type by the same player? Post a few and do it again when they are gone (or almost all are gone)

4. augustus 2003, 11:08:25
Onderwerp: Re:
I'm happy to play here and I am enjoying, I'm not saying that this site is not well made and the service is not good, otherwise I'd not be here! 8-) I'm saying that 20 games is enough as a limitations, let me try this service the way I like, with tournaments or with free games as I like. Only in that way I can judge myself the if it's worth paying.

4. augustus 2003, 10:49:50
Onderwerp: some of the friendliest players on the net
thank you so much Harley for mentioning me in particular ... :D ... ~*~

PS not to forget my modesty that is world-famous ... 0:)

4. augustus 2003, 10:41:00
Pitch, if you have finished all your games in that tournament and will not go any further you can message Fencer and he will remove you from that tournament which will free you to join another.
Pawns cannot have unlimited tournaments, there has to be some restrictions or what would be the point of paying for membership? As a rook you would be allowed to enter unlimited tournaments, as well as many other benefits. It is definitely worth the cost.
As for the service, you really can't get better. Fencer is on hand pretty much every day to resolve any problems, which are done immediately. He listens to everyones suggestions and ideas, and acts on them.
As a pawn you have many benefits here you do not get at other sites. You can play all the games, and variants. You can have unlimited moves per day, and join a tournament. You also have the benefit of some of the friendliest players on the net! lol! If you are not happy with your restrictions you really should consider membership, as a rook it is unlimited everything! I have never looked back since buying mine, I'm very happy with my membership benefits and highly recommend it to everyone.

4. augustus 2003, 10:08:16
Onderwerp: Unregistered players!?
I am an unregistered player and I was very upset finding that, having joined a tournament, I cannot subscribe any one else without paying. I find it very annoying, I started playing 14 games and obviously they went decreasing until I only had 1 or 2 and I still coudlnt's subscribe other tournaments, and this all depends from other people's playing speed.
Well, this is a commercial strategy, it must be respected.
But what I found today is incredible, I ended my tournament's games and I still cannot join other tournaments because other people are still playing other games of the same tournament! And btw that tournament's winner is already decided. This is completely out of any logic, the 20 games limit is enough and the 1 tournament limit is really awful. Playing free games is not the same thing. I understand that keeping this site is expensive, I'd be ready to pay as I do on other sites if the service is good, but I cannot enjoy it well enough with such limitations and so do my opponents, that are necessary few. Please take away the 1-tournament limit!

2. augustus 2003, 23:59:43
Onderwerp: Re: rating question
The provisional formula is very simple. It is +400 to your opponent's rating if you win. -400 if you lose and +0 if you tie then that number is added to (your rating times the number of games you had played). That number is then divided by your new number of games played.

2. augustus 2003, 23:29:56
Onderwerp: Re: rating question
Even more with a loss. Another thing..you may begin a game with a 1700 player and by the time you finish he/she has lost 10 more games to other people and you end up with a 1200 player. Lose that one and it really smarts.

2. augustus 2003, 23:17:34
Onderwerp: rating question
In a recent game, I lost 68 rating points with a tie in reversi. I under stand that I should lose points since I was ranked higher then the other player, and since I did not win - I lose points.

My questions is would I have lost more points if I actually lost, or would I have lost the same amount of points either way?

Plus I think it might have been posted before, but isn't there a website I can checkout that explains in detail how the ratings here are caculated?



2. augustus 2003, 21:46:56
Flipping coins sounds as a much more intelligent waste of time than playing games?

2. augustus 2003, 20:36:19
lilac fairy 
Onderwerp: Re: one question yet
hahahahahahaahah good one dano.

2. augustus 2003, 19:58:25
Onderwerp: one question yet
Dmitri - could you provide the link to the coinflipper-site ?
sounds fascinating ... - do they arrange tournaments ? :D ~*~

2. augustus 2003, 19:39:59
LOL.. whatever...I'm certainly not going to lose any sleep over it.

2. augustus 2003, 19:33:20
Onderwerp: Re: 2000
Well it depending on how you look at it I guess. There are people who like to play and there are people who like to win. Eddie is a person who likes to play. I'm guessing Dmitri is the type of person who likes to win. (I'm in the middle - I like to play and my current goal is to at least get a rating in each type of game here - win or lose .... but I like to win, which is why a major amount of my games are Gammon and boat games - 2 that I believe I'm best at!)

"Board for everybody who is interested in BrainKing.com" -- I myself belive this is a perfect subject for people who are interested in BrainKing.com, which include the players who play here!


2. augustus 2003, 19:30:34
Dmitri King 
Onderwerp: ok, I was wrong
2000 out of 4000 is indeed quite a milestone! Why, just the other day, I flipped a cion 4000 times, predictiing a heads every timne. s it turns out, I was a winner about 2000 times. Now, obviously the 50% rate was not very impressive, but just the sheer fact that I flipped the coin so many times is an accomplishment in and of itself! of course, I just realize I was silly to stop at 4000-- I could have flipped it 10,000 times and then boasted about my 5000th correct call! the possibilities are endless!

2. augustus 2003, 19:30:03
Onderwerp: Winning is not everything...perspective is...
People play games on sites such as BrainKing, IYT, and DG for a variety of reasons, but the one reason underlying it all should be that they're doing it for fun.

I've seen recreational golfers go out to the links on a beautiful day, only to come in on the 18th angry and frustrated because they didn't make their handicap or because they sunk a couple of balls into the lake. They missed entirely the joy of being outdoors...the fresh air, the singing of birds, the trees and beautiful greens, the pleasant exercise.

I've been with fishing partners who went home with a wet tail and a broken spirit if they didn't catch any fish. The whole idea of enjoying the outdoors and relaxing just totally passed them by.

I feel sorry for people who get so fixated on golf scores, whether they caught a fish, or their game percentages and ratings that they miss out on the real fun in life. I share Eddie Spaghetti's enthusiam for reaching his 2,000th-game milestone, not because of his wonderful win-loss percentage or fabulous BKR ratings, but rather because he approaches his time spent here with the right attitude and wanted to share his joy and enthusiam.

2. augustus 2003, 19:29:49
Onderwerp: Re: 2000
Pioneer54: not according to the description of the board.
And I don't need to be flamed for pointing that out. Thanks.

2. augustus 2003, 19:25:19
Onderwerp: Re: 2000
I think Eddie's endurance should account for something. It is amazing that anyone could even complete that many games in the time he has, let alone win at least better than half of them. The winning percentage isn't that spectacular if taken only on its intrinsic value, but when coupled with the sheer volume of games, it is indeed very remarkable!

I disagree with the assertion that this board is not the place to mention such a significant milestone. Quite the contrary, this board is the perfect place to do just that!

2. augustus 2003, 13:52:02
Should rather say childish and snobby LOL..thought this site was for people who likes to play games AND HAVE FUN..im sure there are sites for "elitesnobs" too!!

2. augustus 2003, 11:04:30
Onderwerp: BLAST !! :D
(i.e. humble and modest flame)

no you're not the lonesome ranger, but I wouldn't reduce it to
the percentage - the sheer amount played at brainking.com 0:)
is remarkable ... Eddie always happens to offer a lot of games
in the waiting room and is a good oasis for newcomers peeking ...

and yes, you are very mean and whatever, as opposition
on the pente-board ... - but I'm used to enjoy that ... :P ... ~*~

2. augustus 2003, 10:53:25
Dmitri King 
Onderwerp: 2000
I don't know what personal milestones have to do with with brainking.com message board, but since there were about twnety or thirty posts on the subject, I guess I'll chime in also.

With no disrespect meant towards Eddie Spagetthi, exactly what is there to congratulate about someone playing 3900 games and winning 2000 of them? This is a winning percentage that is barely over 50%, nothing to get veyr excited about. I have noticed that few (if any) of the players who play the high volumes of games manage a good winning percnetage. this is most likely because it is difficult to make good moves or plan the necessary strategies when simply clicking on game screens one after another in a frenzied effort to complete 2000, 3000, 0r 4000 games in less than a year.

As often is the case, I am sure I will get flamed for this post, with poeople telling me I am mean, insulting, or whatever, but I don't care, because I just don't see winning 51 or 52% of one's games as much of an accomplishment. Am I the only one who feels this way?

2. augustus 2003, 06:15:39
Onderwerp: hi all
new to the site..anybody wanna play some backgammon?

1. augustus 2003, 23:22:26
Onderwerp: Down time ( MOAN )
there seems to be a lot of down time on here its a good site cant take that away from it but can you not sort out the down time as it gets me down :)

1. augustus 2003, 19:20:57
Onderwerp: Re:
In response to Uil's point that you are running a business. I agree that you must find a way to make a profit. I have been reluctant to sign up for any level of service due to all the down time. If you can work out the bugs then you can push people for money. Itsyourturn charges much more for their service and doesn't offer as nice a site as brainking.

1. augustus 2003, 14:56:50
Onderwerp: hi
good morning my fello brainking players

1. augustus 2003, 07:13:35
Onderwerp: suspended time
Thanks Fencer! Nuff said : ))))

1. augustus 2003, 07:13:01
Onderwerp: Re:
Eddie I hope you won't keep it to yourself..ignore the negative ones. Like you said....you accomplished something in what you enjoy doing! Way to go! : ))))

1. augustus 2003, 00:22:30
Onderwerp: Damian
perhaps you have tried to do your move a 2nd time
after not being sure that it was submitted properly ?

in such a case I too noticed that the played stone
of sudden seemed to change its colour ... but that
'fata morgana' has always vanished next move, for me ... ~*~

1. augustus 2003, 00:17:26
Onderwerp: Bass Ackward move
I just made a move against Brain08. When I( went to look at it, two strange things happened:
1) Rather than my white stone being there, his black stone was (in K-P) and
2) There was a red sentence saying the game had been suspended.
What is going on here?

31. juli 2003, 23:48:50
Make the pawn a free trial membership for 6 months, those who are really interested will pay for an upgrade to a higher level. Delete all others after that 6 months. I know some will make a new account but with the actuel "pawnship" it is a lifetime free membership! The membership fee for the levels is up to Fencer and Liquid. They have to see it as a kind of business, value for money will make it a success. Asking to much the players will leave, asking for just a pittance BK can not survive by a shortage of money

31. juli 2003, 20:43:18
Well the only reason I really have over 400 games is because I have been unable to play all my games like I use to - or it would be around 200 games - which is a good number for me. And actually I think there should be a limit for rooks - but it should be around 400-500 games - way more then *most* will even get too.

If I were to do things, I would probable make 2 different "pawn" accounts and leave everything else the same.

Free Pawn: 5-10 non-tournament games, 1 tournament at a time (which at most would be 7 additional tournament games) - total 17 possible games at a time, and possible a high move limit like 50 moves per day - way more to play many of their games, but still a limit to make sure they don't use too much of the system.

Super Pawn: A smaller fee - say $6 for 6 months, or $10 for year. 20 non-tournament games, and 1 tournament (with max 7 more tournament games) - for a total of 27 games possible. Very high more limit - like 100 moves per day - again, way above what most pawns use, but will stop the few that may take too much from the server. Also maybe let them enter 1 Fellowship as a guest where they can view/post in their message board, join tournament, but NOT join a fellowship team.

31. juli 2003, 20:42:00
Onderwerp: friends and neighbours and auntie hildegard ...
you must have a big house ... :D

and still the day will have only 24 hours, 60-120 moves each.
( that you pay for ) ~*~

31. juli 2003, 20:16:41
Onderwerp: Re: Many games only a few money
BBW: My membership for the next half year is Brainknight indeed, but look the number of my games 10,12 or 15 (possible are 50). But you have over 400...
Unlimited offers are always bad.Today one player has 200 games next day 400 games and next week with his brother,his friend his neighbour 800 or 1000 games all on the same account.
That is impossible and cannot go !
And to the argument the price is already to high: I know there are everywhere people who want all for free,the best service and the best technic! This is impossible!
But for Brainking counts the maxim too: It must be nice a n d economical,or it will disappear!
To the Brainpawns:Okay they could delete their accounts and make a new,okay they can economize 6 Dollar in the year but they lose their ratings and other.
Okay if they want to economize,they should economize. I think the greater number of pawns would pay this little amount.
If only the half of the pawns pay the small amount then you have in one year the money for a better server.

31. juli 2003, 18:25:31
CaissasDream: I like that the only thing you don't propose to change is the membership that you have! Just find that kind of funny!

Anyway, to limit pawns to a year a free membership might get a few user to pay something so they don't lose their stats, but a majority of the pawns you just delted their account and create a new account. That in my opinoin would cause more of a pain to everyone involved, it would not be worth it. (System having to register new account, other users having to figure out what their new friends name is, etc...)

And as was pointed out about rooks with many games - they can only play so many games per hour - so if they have 500 games going or 150 games going - they are still only going to play XX games per hour. And depending on what opponents are on-line, they can easly still make the same number of moves and using the same amount of the "system", that it really would not matter. (Take up a little more disk space holding the game, but I'm pretty sure that with how cheap disk space is, that is NOT the problem with the current server).

lullobear: These new options that are added do not slow the server down. Fencer has many ideas of things to do for the server THAT WILL slow the server down, and he is holding back on doing any of those until the server issue is fixed.

31. juli 2003, 18:24:59
Onderwerp: I don't agree... (maybe I am just a doubting thomas?)
Adding more options doesn't mean worse performance. Adding the ability to have a game unrated doesn't hurt anything... when the game is created, the only thing that would be different is the fact that a flag is set as unrated vs rated. Adding extra options on the games page so that you can "make move and go to certain page" doesn't affect performance, in fact, it should help, since you can get to pages faster without going through more clicks, which means more database queries and more pages to show.


31. juli 2003, 18:18:48
Onderwerp: new options
Fencer has added new option to the site a few days ago and is still working on other options. I don't know much about computers but as far as i know every new option costs space and server time on this overloaded server. As i see it: more options (nice) but less access to the site (not so nice). Can somebody convince me that i am wrong?

31. juli 2003, 17:54:05
Onderwerp: the price for rook membership is already too high
I strongly disrecommend lacking respect for
non-american loan levels - this is not iyt ... ~*~

PS it's the common, invalid milk-maiden calculation
to assume raising prices means higher income ...
one of the main reasons why CD- and software
companies have problems since years ...
impudent attitude leads to sharing and cheating.
e.g. I simply refuse to pay 50$ for a computer game
- I get it from a friend when he's done. if the price would
be 25$ - four times the sales minimum would be acchieved.
equals double income. sounds odd ? think. ~*~

31. juli 2003, 17:50:39
i am one of the players with over 200 games, just because i have that anount of games does not mean i play them all at once, different players are on at different times of the day, i may have 20 going at one time (if the player's are on line!)
other times, only 2 or 3 players are on line at any one time, so the amount of games cannot make any difference to the server as far as i can work out!
i would be quite happy to pay a higher price for my membership. i have made a donation to help towards this, i have also bought my daughter a membership. but she hardly plays, but the money was sent just the same.. so in my way, i have paid a higher cost for the amount of games i play!
and quite happy about it :)

31. juli 2003, 17:43:48
Onderwerp: Re: Money for a new server, player with many games
I do not favor limiting either the advantages or the number of games Rooks can initiate, but I do strongly believe the price for a Rook membership should increase. For what they receive, a more reasonable price would be $45 or $50 per annum.

I have my own complex set of reasons for purchasing a Knight membership, but admit the Rook is by far a much more attractive deal. Why is it that, of the paying members, there are roughly twice as many Rooks as Knights? It is simple really. The benefits for Rooks are a lot greater than those of Knights for only a marginally steeper cost. Current contracts must be obliged, of course, but at some future point a price increase for Rooks should be worked in.

Putting limitations on Pawns is meaningless. It sounds good in theory, but any user can get around it by simply creating another account.

31. juli 2003, 17:17:38
Onderwerp: right Zucan
of course it makes no difference altogether,
whether one moves for a few hours in 100 games
or in 500 games - he has always only one of them loaded PERIOD ~*~

31. juli 2003, 16:54:32
Onderwerp: No...
I don't agree with the Brainrook aspect. I see no reason to limit games in that way. What kind of performance issues are we talking about if somebody is playing 300 games at the same time? I can't imagine it is a lot... disk space might be the biggest impact...

I personally think Brainrooks should have unlimited games.


31. juli 2003, 16:51:11
Onderwerp: Money for a new server, player with many games
It cannot be that there are 6000 user the most play free and pay nothing and some other "Brainrooks" are paying their amount and some of them play so many games 200-400 so that the server is collapsing!
For a player with 200-400 games the brainrook amount is to less!

It cannot be that there is no money for a better server, no money for the programmer who works hard for a nice site and earns nothing for his work!
But he has to make a reset every one or two hours round about the clock because we all can play and play and play....!
And the best is all are crazy and happy if there are players with hundreds or thousands of games!

Have you all considered that fencer at one day says "Good bye",finishs Brainking and then our nice site is away forever!

That`s why I suggest to reform the structure of the membership:

1.Brainpawn: As before but only free for one year!
2.Brainpawn: After one year he pays 6 Dollars in the year, that is really not much!
3.Brainknight: As before
4.Brainrook: As before , but limitation 150 Games

That is a lot of games but if somebody wants to play more games he should buy a second account!

31. juli 2003, 15:21:16
Onderwerp: Re: 2000
eddie spaghetti
the meatballs are ready
to pounce on you
but leave them alone
and they will go home
to contemplate how they can amass 2000 wins!

Way to go! Hope I can reach that milestone here one day. Congrats! ô¿~

31. juli 2003, 12:55:09
Onderwerp: 2000
Let us all play 2000 games,and all play 385 games simultaneously!
Perhaps is it good for the overburdens server?
If Eddie can increase the number of synchronous games to 500?
Fencer is sure very glad!
Who has the record?

31. juli 2003, 12:41:14
Onderwerp: Re: 2000
Congratulations, Eddie! 2000 is quite impressive.

Maybe we should start calling you Super-eddie spaghetti :).

31. juli 2003, 11:20:47
Onderwerp: Eddie
Congratulations Eddie. I agree with all you wrote. I would say alot of us come here to relax, have fun & play games. You pay & play, great to have members like you :)
(p.s. Wots a win ???)

31. juli 2003, 07:07:02
Onderwerp: Re: re: Eddie
Ill add my congratulations as well :) you go for all you can get eddie...as you said it is your money paying for it :)
Good one and go for the 3000 :)

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