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10. juni 2006, 22:13:48
Onderwerp: Re: Time and information
alanback: The fact that we can never buy more time is what makes it so valuable...

10. juni 2006, 21:54:06
Onderwerp: Time and information
I must respectfully differ. A commodity is a substance that is standardized; one unit is like any other unit, which enables commodities to be traded in public markets at quoted prices. To be sure, some information is a commodity; that information which is freely available, now more than ever due to the internet. However, the most valuable information is that which is unique and not generally available; that is what can be sold at a premium price. That is why there are laws protecting "intellectual property". Therefore, while commodity information no doubt has value, it is not particularly valuable; and the most valuable information is not a commodity at all.

Time could be regarded as a commodity, since many of us sell our time at fixed prices, albeit over a wide price range. Few if any of us are able to sell our time at the price we choose; the price is fixed by market forces.

Yet the most important aspect of time is fundamentally not really a commodity at all. While we can buy the time of others, we can never buy more time for ourselves. And the most profound spiritual traditions regard time as only an illusion.

10. juni 2006, 16:00:48
Onderwerp: Re:
BerniceC: ahhhh, you are correct, of course! Maybe time is a commodity as well then?

10. juni 2006, 02:51:56
Onderwerp: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: Fencer said commodity and you are referring to assets...there is a difference I believe LOL.....sorry I know Im splitting hairs LOL

9. juni 2006, 18:27:49
Onderwerp: Re:
Fencer: What about time? Time is my most valuable asset!

9. juni 2006, 18:19:17
Onderwerp: Re:
Chicago Bulls: INFORMATION is the most valuable commodity in the world.

9. juni 2006, 17:49:18
Chicago Bulls 
Onderwerp: Re:
Fencer: And what you or we would gain from that....?

9. juni 2006, 17:30:26
Onderwerp: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: Yes, I can look at the database. But I could make a table of most popular boards, based on this data. Not a bad idea.

9. juni 2006, 11:34:55
Is there a way to find out how many people keep a particular discussion board on their list of favorites?

8. juni 2006, 23:40:23
Onderwerp: Re: Trouble with the site?
Chicago Bulls: One bit of information I didn't give you was that there was an error in the javascript console log. This was what convinced me it was a scripting problem, and since the update checker is a javascript app, I attributed the problem to it.

8. juni 2006, 19:57:28
Chicago Bulls 
Onderwerp: Re: Trouble with the site?
alanback: I think the problem was associated with the page update checker extension. I uninstalled that, and the site is now functioning properly in Mozilla.

I don't think it's this the problem. I had the same problems from time to time the last 20 hours and for only 10-80 seconds each time. With both Firefox and IE....

8. juni 2006, 19:49:15
Onderwerp: Re: Trouble with the site?
alanback: I have that from time to time, always thought it happened when the site was slow (I know that Mozilla is very impatient when he doesn't get a quick enough response).

8. juni 2006, 19:28:50
Onderwerp: Re: Trouble with the site?
Czuch Chuckers: I think the problem was associated with the page update checker extension. I uninstalled that, and the site is now functioning properly in Mozilla.

8. juni 2006, 18:59:53
Onderwerp: Re: Trouble with the site?
alanback: no problems for me on mozilla too. Try clearing you cookies and cache etc?

8. juni 2006, 18:59:05
Onderwerp: Re: Trouble with the site?
alanback: I am using Mozilla Firefox. I am NOT having any problems. BK does seem a bit slower today. though.

8. juni 2006, 18:54:13
Onderwerp: Trouble with the site?
Is anyone else having trouble with the links here? I have been experiencing a lot of situations where the browser just goes to a blank screen and stays there.  This happens when I log in and when I submit a move, which implies to me it's some kind of a script problem.  When I return to the site I find that I am logged in and that my move was made; I just never got to the page that follows those actions.  It also only happens when I am using Mozilla, not with IE.

8. juni 2006, 17:04:23
Onderwerp: Re: Fencer did it again!
Summertop & Chicago Bulls: If we can´t we´ll have to move to the pit, ..!#?

8. juni 2006, 16:34:44
Onderwerp: Re: Fencer did it again!
Chicago Bulls and gogul, This sounds like a fun debate in the Debate Club. If you take it there, I will follow.

8. juni 2006, 05:51:34
Onderwerp: Re: Fencer did it again!
Aangepast door gogul (8. juni 2006, 10:14:42)
Chicago Bulls: It was a general thought and had nothing to do with what you´ve said and I´m not offended in any way. I felt upset when someone complains the free speech for him self and uses it to harm others. Again, nothing personal. And regarding to the public boards I just wouldn´t say avoiding "bad" words is the "only" guidance (again not what you´ve claimed). I think probably as you do there are no "bad" words, so I would talk about "offensive" words which I can´t know or can´t be sure in advance if they do or not. I use some of them as well if I´m with friends in the pub or whatever, as I avoid them in other situations...

8. juni 2006, 01:56:02
Chicago Bulls 
Onderwerp: Re: Fencer did it again!
gogul: I didn't say anything against that! I just said that words should not be considered as harmful in any way....
Of course if some consider them as harmful, then in this spirit of brotherhood i simply retreat....

8. juni 2006, 01:26:26
Onderwerp: Re: Fencer did it again!
Chicago Bulls: If you refer to the freedom of speech consider also: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. ;)

8. juni 2006, 01:14:08
Chicago Bulls 
Onderwerp: Re: Fencer did it again!
Aangepast door Chicago Bulls (8. juni 2006, 01:14:44)
Rose: Oh, OK no problem, i just noticed that, so i've said that....
So as a general guidance i should avoid posting words considered as "bad", right?

8. juni 2006, 01:10:12
Onderwerp: Re: Fencer did it again!
Chicago Bulls: We can't mod Fencer. A note was sent to him to ask him to 'mod' his own post!

8. juni 2006, 01:04:49
Chicago Bulls 
Onderwerp: Re: Fencer did it again!
Aangepast door Chicago Bulls (8. juni 2006, 01:08:19)
Czuch Chuckers: .
Personally i'm against of any try of putting limits to the freedom of speech and i consider all tries from anyone to restrict the used vocabulary to something known as more "appropriate", as hypocritical.....
How can some words make any harm?
Of course your mileage may vary and i guess it varies, as almost all people i know disagree with me.....

A tip to moderation: You removed all "bad" words except one case: Fencer's case.

8. juni 2006, 01:00:00
Peón Libre 
Onderwerp: Fencer did it again!
Aangepast door Peón Libre (8. juni 2006, 01:01:34)
Czuch Chuckers: Don't ask me. I'm just a Pawn. I don't set policy, and I didn't choose the title of this thread. But it may be worth noting that your example was profane, while the present case is merely vulgar.

8. juni 2006, 00:53:03
Onderwerp: Fencer did it again!
Aangepast door Czuch (8. juni 2006, 01:01:09)
KotDB: **** Is that an acceptable term on this site? I said **** in a private fellowship and it was moderated, and this is a very public board with many sensitive people and children reading it! Where is the outrage? Where is the protection?

8. juni 2006, 00:45:13
Peón Libre 
Onderwerp: Fencer did it again!
Aangepast door Peón Libre (8. juni 2006, 01:00:36)
Chicago Bulls: That's where I thought it would be, but sadly, it's not there. Ah, well.

8. juni 2006, 00:42:52
Onderwerp: Fencer did it again!
Aangepast door pauloaguia (8. juni 2006, 01:00:14)
pauloaguia: Forget my posts... I was on the wrong thread :P

8. juni 2006, 00:42:14
Onderwerp: Fencer did it again!
Aangepast door pauloaguia (8. juni 2006, 00:59:47)
KotDB: (of course, you must first have a blocked user to change the descrption to)

8. juni 2006, 00:41:32
Chicago Bulls 
Onderwerp: Fencer did it again!
Aangepast door Chicago Bulls (8. juni 2006, 00:59:23)
KotDB: .
Go here: Dark Chess and if at the top of the screen there isn't an obvious option of "Export PGN to a zip file" then i guess it is for paying members only.....

Fencer 2 questions:
So are all the Gothic Chess games available to give them to me....?
Does the exported PGN of one game, for example Chess, includes the games that have been private....?

8. juni 2006, 00:41:12
Onderwerp: Fencer did it again!
Aangepast door pauloaguia (8. juni 2006, 00:58:55)
KotDB: On your BlockedUsers page, over the list of blocked users you have an option to change the description to one of them.

8. juni 2006, 00:22:42
Peón Libre 
Onderwerp: Fencer did it again!
Aangepast door Peón Libre (8. juni 2006, 00:58:31)
Chicago Bulls: This sounds like a very useful feature, but I can't find it anywhere. Is it for paying members only, or am I looking only in the wrong places?

7. juni 2006, 21:34:21
Onderwerp: Re: emoticons


7. juni 2006, 21:09:24
Onderwerp: Re: emoticons
SharonV: Pawns can not use them, only knights & above.

7. juni 2006, 21:07:23
Onderwerp: emoticons
When I try to use the emoticons from the list above my message space, all that is showing up is the asterisk and the number. What am I doing wrong? Thanks, Sharon

7. juni 2006, 15:46:44
Chicago Bulls 
Right now i'm pushing the PC's of Brainking to their limits, asking for generation of many different game types from the starting date when the game intoduced here until today.....

7. juni 2006, 15:44:31
Chicago Bulls 
I mean all games for Gothic Chess game.....

7. juni 2006, 15:43:37
Onderwerp: Re: Fencer did it again!
Aangepast door Fencer (8. juni 2006, 12:05:55)
Chicago Bulls: Do you mean all games, including the types without PGN export option?

7. juni 2006, 15:40:26
Chicago Bulls 
Onderwerp: Fencer did it again!
Aangepast door Chicago Bulls (8. juni 2006, 00:57:54)
I don't know if this is old news but i just found something amazing that i just learn about its existence....
When you are on a game's description page there is an "Export PGN to a zip file" option where you can download all the games in the selected date interval of your choice!!!!

To Fencer: Is there any chance of emailing me or having available of all games of the Gothic Chess game?
Do you still have these games?

7. juni 2006, 08:30:00
Onderwerp: Re:
Aangepast door plaintiger (7. juni 2006, 08:30:59)
ellieoop: i hate all PC-first browsers. they work like PC software - unnecessarily complicated and unintuitive - and you can be running the Mac version on a Mac and when you invoke the help system, you're taken to help for the PC versions which are different from the Mac versions (so the help is of no help) and indeed there *is* no help for the Mac versions...and i take that as a personal affront. i won't use software written by people who make it clear that because i use a Mac, they have no interest in acknowledging my existence, let alone helping me.

don't *You* find that insulting? do *You* want to support software authors who make it clear that the difficulties You, as a Mac user, have with their software are of no interest to them? do You want to encourage that? don't You think encouraging that attitude would in time make the world a worse place for all Mac users? it's only because PC users tolerate crappy software that PC software sucks so bad. if it's allowed to, complacency will do that to the Mac as well.

6. juni 2006, 18:15:07
Onderwerp: Re: help please
BIG BAD WOLF: that's handy, BK does the work now. Thanks so much I never would have figured that out.

6. juni 2006, 18:08:03
Onderwerp: Re: help please
volant: Oh, I know what the problem is - you are probable using the rich text editor, which in that case - no, that will not work - you need to click on the "insert link" button (looks like a chain).

6. juni 2006, 18:06:35
Onderwerp: Re: help please
volant: It should work:


6. juni 2006, 18:01:39
Onderwerp: help please
I just tried to use <a href ....... to shorten and give a name to a link I wanted to post and couldn't make it work. Does it no longer work or have I forgotten how?

<a href="http://www.google.com/">G</a>

6. juni 2006, 01:24:15
Onderwerp: Re:
Reza: we will miss you hon.. hurry back! :)

5. juni 2006, 04:27:13
its now for about two weeks I can see a part of a replaced picture of a player during the moment the move is done.

4. juni 2006, 21:11:07
Hello All.  I know this is no place for bringing on personal things, but I thought since many people have games going with me, it is their right to know that I will resign all my games, except embassy chess and backgammon ones due to not having access to internet for a month.  I don't want tournies to be delayed for me. 

I'll be back with a new account after that and will play you again. 

Love you all,


4. juni 2006, 21:08:52
Onderwerp: Re:
i have a mac laptop and safari was the best browser, but it isn't anymore, i downloaded the free versions of mozilla firefox and netscape for the macs, they're fast and work like the safari used to. i find if i clear the history and cache pretty often and then quit the browser and then go back in it works great, another thing i do once in awhile while i'm clearing history and cache is go to where it say's enalble java, i unclick it and reclick it, everything is under preferences. i do all that pretty often, and it makes a big difference.

4. juni 2006, 17:45:22
Onderwerp: Re: re Server News
Niki: Add one year membership to the cart and then change the quantity to 2.

4. juni 2006, 16:55:04
Onderwerp: re Server News
How is is possible to get a 2 year membership please ? I only see options for 6 months, 12 months or forever.

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