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1. juli 2006, 06:09:41
Onderwerp: Re:
..ok, so that threw that theory out the window, but I just got 6 points for reading vikings message, then went to main page, checked online opponents, saw a new message in my fav boards area(this one I am replying to, and got another 6 points... so as well as making available moves it looks like it pays to read every "new" message that hits the discussion boards... correct me if I'm wrong...

1. juli 2006, 06:06:28
02i: You're right. Whatever Luisifer's trick was he was doing it with this board, which has only 20 messages! ;-)

1. juli 2006, 06:03:52
ive had many unread messages as i dont regularly read messages but when i open page with 2000 new messages , i still only get 6 points for all on the page or next so i dont think that this flaw is present or if it is theres another trick to it and not just having lots of unead messages.

1. juli 2006, 06:01:14
Onderwerp: Re: scam or flaw?
LionsLair: it's only a flaw if people set it up to be. otherwise they would only get 6 points no matter how many messages there are on the board.
by the way, I'm setting the over-under at 200,000

1. juli 2006, 05:57:28
Onderwerp: scam or flaw?
...nothing scientific here, but it seems all top action points winners at this point have gotten the bulk of their points from board points...
... the flaw with this is that someone that reads boards regularly is at a disadvantage, as they may only have say 10 "new" messages to read on the "brainking.com" board, and a user that never has read the board has 18,000+ "new" messages to read... thus creating a very large margin of points for such...
...is this a scam or cheating?... no, just a minor flaw in the tallying system for said "action Points"...
...I'm sure Fencer will fix this problem...
...just my two cents worth... as always, "happy Gaming!" >^.^<

1. juli 2006, 05:33:08
Onderwerp: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: i agree - not something to worry about - fencer is not likely to let people abuse him like some are trying to do....

1. juli 2006, 05:31:53
Onderwerp: Re:
nightmagic: My actually reason for posted at all was to make sure others who were worried about a scam, or possible others worried about cheating (or wanting to cheat themselves) would probable most likely be fixed by Fencer the next time he is on - I never meant to get so worked up about it but just started to answer posts which made it seem like I'm the one worried about it, but like I said - I'm not worried about it since Fencer will probable clear it all up in due time.

1. juli 2006, 05:27:54
Onderwerp: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: all can have my points,lol. i just popped in to see how it all was going with point grabbers,lol.and what there saying about how 2 and how not 2. going to be interesting to see people sleeping points. jobs lost cause they are collecting points.appointments missed cause they fell asleep getting points.lol

1. juli 2006, 05:03:33
Onderwerp: Re:

1. juli 2006, 04:58:19
it's simple, set messages per page to minimum and set it to read oldest messages first, I had over 4,000 messages alone in flame pit, that would have added up to quite a lot

1. juli 2006, 04:14:02
Onderwerp: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: Well, congrats on the successful move anyway!!!!

1. juli 2006, 04:09:07
Onderwerp: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: Yup, I should be moving more now that I'm just about done moving to my new house - but I'm sure I will not be near the top... I still don't have that much free time.

1. juli 2006, 03:44:49
It will be interesting to watch BBW play more moves per day than he has since he tried for the top of the most moves per day average!

1. juli 2006, 03:38:20
Onderwerp: Re:
Luisifer: LOL, BBW is very competative, and he is likely upset that he didnt find it first, and the fact that he still doesnt know....

1. juli 2006, 03:35:10
Luisifer: Lol. We say "get out of bed on the wrong side". ;-) I reckon you've sounded so serious that BBW hasn't realised that you're having fun with this trick that you've found. ;o) 10,000 points?!! Wow, that's a lot of "reading", lolol.

1. juli 2006, 03:30:53
Onderwerp: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: did you wake up by left leg? :)) take it easy

1. juli 2006, 03:27:07
Onderwerp: Re:
Luisifer: You can try to justfy it all you want, but to purposly do something to gain more point, even though it is not written or programmed correctly to stop you from doing so is unfair to everyone else who plays how this system is suppose to be played. I'm sure Fencer will take care of the issue, and hopefully either remove all points and/or ban people from the point system if he feels that is needed.

1. juli 2006, 03:25:17
Onderwerp: Re: NEW FEATURE!
BIG BAD WOLF: only couple of days you cant stop the spam

1. juli 2006, 03:24:22
Onderwerp: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: When You look to rules, You will see that you recieve more points when You will read than when You will play....
So ... I am reading for recieve more points. :-)

1. juli 2006, 03:23:07
Onderwerp: NEW FEATURE!
Hey, I just found something new - in the fellowships, you now have the option to check or uncheck "Receive group messages from the Big Boss"

This is great! I've quit fellowships where the BIG BOSS would send too many messages for my taste.

hum... I wonder how long that option was there.....

1. juli 2006, 03:21:47
Onderwerp: Re:
Luisifer: reading the boards to read post is fine, but it sounds like you are reading post to purposly gain more points. See, there is a difference.

1. juli 2006, 03:20:24
Onderwerp: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: What is bad on the reading (which i am doing)? :)
points unpoints ... i read ... when someone fix this way of reading (and summing the points) it'll be fixed (not hidden for someone else)
(it's main thing of betatesting :) )

whopper: so, they will :) and jep, i found :-)

1. juli 2006, 03:15:11
Sylfest Strutle 
Onderwerp: Re:
Luisifer: Your points will be gone when you wake up, so I hope you found something interesting to read.

1. juli 2006, 03:13:24
Onderwerp: Re:
Luisifer: To purposly do something which was not intended, even if it is not written that you can not do it is still wrong any way you look at it - it's unfair to everyone else that plays how the system was set up to work.

1. juli 2006, 03:11:38
Onderwerp: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: I (use only one bug, but it isnt main thing) only fill the conditions - reading. so ... I read and read ...
no wrong thing on it :)

1. juli 2006, 03:10:31
Onderwerp: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: oh I am sure he will, but now I am trying to figure out how to do it, not to gain an advantage, but because that sort of thing bugs me until I find the answer!

1. juli 2006, 03:08:33
Onderwerp: Re:
Goonerg: Well hopefully Fencer will fix the bugs, and remove any users who goes around the system - leave the game to the players who play how it is suppose to be played.

1. juli 2006, 03:06:55
Onderwerp: Re:
Luisifer: no! he must not have!!

1. juli 2006, 03:06:14
:))) i will go sleep soon :)
but i see that Fencer hadn't beta testing of new features ;)))

1. juli 2006, 03:02:11
by the time Fencer wakes up, he will have 1,000,000,000 points!!!!
(insert Dr. Evil laugh here)

1. juli 2006, 02:59:53
Sylfest Strutle 
Onderwerp: Re:
Luisifer: Don't tell them. Then Fencer will have to remove their points too.

1. juli 2006, 02:59:04

1. juli 2006, 02:58:03
Onderwerp: Re:
Goonerg: :)) I dont tell the "secret" :) it's easy to find it :) and i think that it will not work soon (as soon as Fencer wake up) :))

1. juli 2006, 02:56:57
LOL Tell us!!!!!


1. juli 2006, 02:56:32
now he is writting a message to one of his buddies telling of the great scam!

1. juli 2006, 02:55:56
Onderwerp: Re:
Goonerg: I tried that and following threads and all users posts, but those didnt work for me....

1. juli 2006, 02:55:35
Onderwerp: Re:
Luisifer: LOL tell us the secret!

1. juli 2006, 02:55:02
go through all the pages maybe?

1. juli 2006, 02:54:05
Onderwerp: Re:
Goonerg: If you could somehow count every message instead of all new counting as one?

1. juli 2006, 02:53:50
I dont cheat, i only read *1*

1. juli 2006, 02:52:28
Onderwerp: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: has to be a scam there are not enough messasges to read to get that many points!!

1. juli 2006, 02:51:53
Onderwerp: Re: Good points
Goonerg:  Perhaps all his "action" will earn him nothing but a BrainKing reputation   

1. juli 2006, 02:51:39
Sylfest Strutle 
Onderwerp: Re:
Is there a way to mark messages as unread, maybe?

1. juli 2006, 02:50:29
Onderwerp: Re:
Goonerg: its got to be a scam, but I just cant figure it out, unless you have to be a pawn for it to work?

1. juli 2006, 02:48:40
lol he is pushing it a bit!

1. juli 2006, 02:44:04
Onderwerp: Re: Points scam?
Czuch Czuckers: and again 400 more already!

1. juli 2006, 02:42:40
Onderwerp: Re: Points scam?
Czuch Czuckers: hes just got 400 more points and still hasnt left the talbut board yet? maybe he has figured out how to get points for each message?

1. juli 2006, 02:41:57
Onderwerp: Re: Points scam?
Czuch Czuckers: Don't worry about it too much - I'm sure if Fencer finds people trying to "cheat", hopefully he will ban them. (again, don't know if anyone is cheating, have not really had a chance to look - but I'm sure Fencer is watching everything very carefully.)

1. juli 2006, 02:40:25
Onderwerp: Re: Points scam?
playBunny: Lucifer was browsing the tablut board and got 200 points, somehow????

1. juli 2006, 02:34:27

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