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16. augustus 2006, 00:53:24
Onderwerp: no games!
a note to go somewhere else,lol.at least that one is small.

13. augustus 2006, 09:36:51
Onderwerp: Re: did i miss something
imsoaddicted: your bottons are showing back up now as they didn't show at all before. hope you figured it out!

13. augustus 2006, 09:05:07
Onderwerp: Re: did i miss something
imsoaddicted: probley meaning yes there may be an autopass

13. augustus 2006, 09:03:36
Onderwerp: Re: did i miss something
imsoaddicted: the ones that do, as others check, are not alowed in to see, for some reason its takes so long to load the games to see what you are talking about. are you having this is more than 1 game? if so i'd say there is an auto pass and you are with the testing.

13. augustus 2006, 08:55:48
Onderwerp: Re: did i miss something
imsoaddicted: nothing to ask really, was checking things out as your played games to see what you saw.

13. augustus 2006, 08:40:05
Onderwerp: Re: did i miss something
imsoaddicted: is this a test too. won't let me check your playing games to see what you see.

13. augustus 2006, 08:37:23
Onderwerp: Re: did i miss something
imsoaddicted: maybe, i went to send u message, you have no message link, strange...

13. augustus 2006, 08:04:10
Onderwerp: points????
Aangepast door nightmagic (13. augustus 2006, 08:06:08)
who and who not to play was an incorrect and rude statement to make as to who one knows who to play or not to play. i get points to beat you or you get them to beat me. action, i have found i/m here more to play my games. so if you are here 2 hours to grab the action points, don't forget my game, so i can make my move :)

12. augustus 2006, 10:01:59
Onderwerp: take it to the limit!
i see that alot here!

12. augustus 2006, 09:51:19
Onderwerp: Re: Past moves
Aangepast door nightmagic (12. augustus 2006, 10:02:47)
nightmagic: on game page you want to see game moves

12. augustus 2006, 09:45:13
Onderwerp: Re: Past moves
beeza: click show game moves

11. augustus 2006, 07:13:12
Onderwerp: Re: Action Points
Fencer: lol, they did more than go crazy. waking some up at 4 am, whats this mean? glad to hear it. all thats there for it go for it, gl

10. augustus 2006, 09:02:21
Onderwerp: Re: Just for the record
*BOB*on*Bush*: as a few found to work it. its what is done to help get bugs out of system.

10. augustus 2006, 08:54:12
Onderwerp: if others got the specials as per say
why retire or remove them, just remove the action that was, unless they fought it. thinking they could get away with it.

10. augustus 2006, 08:40:37
Onderwerp: Re:
sewzay: cool! another player... not one just out for the click send, nice to meet you!

10. augustus 2006, 08:21:09
Onderwerp: Re: Just for the record
WatfordFC: we heard,thanks

10. augustus 2006, 07:51:06
Onderwerp: Re:
Foxy Lady: not that i can't buy a black rook cause I can, but don't need too. enjoy yours as i enjoy mine.

10. augustus 2006, 07:29:25
Onderwerp: Re:
Aangepast door nightmagic (10. augustus 2006, 07:30:32)
Foxy Lady: i like where i am but thanks 4 the invite to buy more. i enjoy the games i'm able to play as well as handle. i do not worry about my games, i play to enjoy them as well as meeting others that are here. i have been at 3 plus other game sites and like and enjoy this one more. as far as unlimited game action i don't need it nor want it. this site is a pass time enjoyment site for me. as for him getting the jinks out i wish him the best. truly i do. as this site may need od's and end's but at the risk of losing players and paying players that can not do the game click send to work the bugs out, what is he going to do when players can't keep up and slow down? my advice is to take players off that are no longer here. space saving,lol. and get more to join.

10. augustus 2006, 07:11:21
Onderwerp: Re:
Aangepast door nightmagic (10. augustus 2006, 07:12:30)
Foxy Lady: Is it? how? all are speaking minds of how the change that was a good idea at first impression was a good one but to many flaws and not all can play the game.

10. augustus 2006, 07:08:50
Onderwerp: Re: funny!
*BOB*on*Bush*: Great. glad to hear you are back to playing the games at hand and injoying it. love to play at free time after my job that pays to keep me here,lol. nice to meet you!

10. augustus 2006, 06:49:52
Onderwerp: funny!
Aangepast door nightmagic (10. augustus 2006, 06:54:09)
some with 1500 t0 3500 are carrying bags under there eyes for the lack of sleep cause of move points but not even worrying about the game at hand with a friend there playing. good going. instead of a place to come to to play ,meet and relax, it's became an rush thu life that most try to avoid.

10. augustus 2006, 06:40:44
Onderwerp: Re: Fast Players Club
CRY ME A RIVER: NOT TRUE as to who to avoid in future games, unless your not looking to make friends as you play and you are a person only after the click send button for a POINT...

10. augustus 2006, 06:36:51
Onderwerp: Re: so where do i find these?
amandalove: not true as to who is here to play or not to play.

10. augustus 2006, 06:29:26
Onderwerp: if all did 12 hour games
thats who you play,lol, have fun, lose members as well as players.what ever happened to playing a game to win or lose? as well as chatting along with the game and meeting new. click move click move click move, not a game...

10. augustus 2006, 06:24:09
Onderwerp: who and who not to play with
I'm here 12 out of 24 hours, i do not get this talk about who and who you can tell is here to play. i make all my moves plus alot that come back 10 plus times in a day. i do not want ad's i want game play.That is an unfair statment to make in terms of who to play or not because of the points they are collecting and how fast they are going up the ladder of getting the points,

9. augustus 2006, 07:51:14
Onderwerp: re just to say im' not on PMS
wouldn'd wany any thinking i've gone off the the deep end, but i can swim!!!!

9. augustus 2006, 07:34:05
Onderwerp: Re: I do know some as webtv whick i loved the 6 years i had it but as any paying member if it says you do not get ad's you should not have to see ad's. now as he is implying new trhings, we have the right to say no. say no to drugs,.... unless they help y
nightmagic: please excuse my spelling as i do get hyper. i like playing my games here, win or not, i have fun here, he is risking some. as a pay check i wouldn't play with it if it works. new is ok if it's ok'ed by the most, as the payers...yes the ad's give him % but his enployee's make his check!!!!

9. augustus 2006, 07:25:20
Onderwerp: I do know some as webtv whick i loved the 6 years i had it but as any paying member if it says you do not get ad's you should not have to see ad's. now as he is implying new trhings, we have the right to say no. say no to drugs,.... unless they help you!

9. augustus 2006, 07:22:07
Onderwerp: Re: playing points
imsoaddicted: answering for me. no ad's there ,no ad's here

9. augustus 2006, 07:14:44
Onderwerp: Re: playing points
Somelaughs2: no we don't, and he needs to figure a way do do what he wants with out making us do ad's.

9. augustus 2006, 07:10:35
Onderwerp: wheres the party
i need a drink now, lol, i spoke my mind and it hasn't seen life in 3 years,lol

9. augustus 2006, 07:09:14
Onderwerp: Re: playing points
imsoaddicted: ad's take time to load.... which hinders the other party, in more ways than 1 . and u if on dial up. now please make it clear... dail up, comcast, telphone , is not my concern as to how long it takes one to turn, but ad's as u pay does and should make a difference, nomather how much. i am hearing \ that they are being hindered by this and as if they are on foxfire or ie it's in there personal preferences that this site should not be messing with, it's each there settings to get and or recieve these nonsence things called ad's. it messes people up with their computer, as there personal settings with their computer and they have to reset them in order to get these points. that also alow them prey.....

9. augustus 2006, 06:58:06
Onderwerp: good luck to top guy or gal!
some just can't get there, some don't want ad's, some can't stop the ad's.... ME I liked it as is was but they life tells me it doesn't stay the saME. CHANGE..... oh mywhat have they done now?

9. augustus 2006, 06:53:06
All I hear from alot is paying member shouldn't be having to do this with ad's...

9. augustus 2006, 06:50:24
Onderwerp: playing points
ad's, members pay not to have ad's.if points are based on ad's, alot of members dont like ad's. paying members i thought kept ad's from them. to play games with members using ad's can cause losing members.

9. augustus 2006, 06:41:59
Onderwerp: Re: Secret Points are for the Birds.
Uninvited: I'm having rum & coke diet,lol. enjoy. the more i read all everywhere most don't like the ad's/ take ad's away and see where it goes.

9. augustus 2006, 06:09:03
Onderwerp: Re: Not fair to all....
Baked Alaskan:nothing in life is fair, my mom told me this everyday of my life as i grew up with others in family BUT yes i agree, i 2 paid to not have ad's, and to enjoy my game time away from home work, it was my time here. What ever is planned on this site i hope owner does not lose site of why me and others are here verses IYT, gt and many others alto many are at all sites to. I like being here verses others i've been at and stopped playing at. Change? can be good and can be harmfull to those that pay to be here to not recieve what is at otheres. I've always said if it's not broke don't fix it! :)

3. augustus 2006, 06:17:23
Onderwerp: re action points
i'll take the win point for the game :) i see so many just point click it's funny from this side.I win.....

3. augustus 2006, 06:09:53
Onderwerp: i'm having to much fun
All the?'s wondering! where are the players? lol, all the gamers when from playing games to action points. so many lost games,lol. thanks, my score went up!!!

3. augustus 2006, 06:05:56
Onderwerp: secret
there secret

3. augustus 2006, 06:03:51
Onderwerp: Re:

3. augustus 2006, 01:15:41
Onderwerp: features and future
great site, i was at gold token, it's your ture and little and a few others. i like it here the best, any and all inprovements are welcome, as for me. like playing the games.good luck all. i have meet alot of nice people here. when not wound up i can even spell

1. augustus 2006, 07:41:49
Onderwerp: Re: wrong isnt it
Stevie: it's his computation his way, no one likes ad's but his way to check things out rumming in full works with ad's. crazy me i'm not into all this point making deal as some of you are but i sure do love the traffic,lol. many more people playing more games and more moves in a day, i'm loving it when i am here. deside wheather you want the points or just plain jane games. the ad's help him and this site.

27. juli 2006, 08:16:33
Onderwerp: Re:
gambler104: u r a gambler!

13. juli 2006, 06:43:34
Onderwerp: lol
its funny but not funNNNy, my neighbor lost his job yesterday, trying to play over 982 games to get points,i tryed to pull him away from computer, was doing to put 45 dollals in gass tank to go to ocean for the day, he told me i was crazy.lol, i'm going friday to sunday, it's not costing me anything,but the food i eat. he has no job, the internet bill ends angust first. hope he makes it.some just go over board.

13. juli 2006, 05:11:42
Onderwerp: 2000 points
5 games lol

4. juli 2006, 04:11:32
Onderwerp: Re: i will play as i did
nightmagic: hope this doesn't take the fun out of the games i play, i don't think it will. i play for fun here, not to win any extra but yes it's nice but here to play games win or lose, don't think i'll not know your her for the points and there is a way around that...

4. juli 2006, 04:07:15
Onderwerp: i will play as i did
gl 2 all grabbers

4. juli 2006, 04:03:42
Onderwerp: Re:refresh lol
nightmagic: you got me wound up,,,,

4. juli 2006, 04:02:39
Onderwerp: Re:
TheLamer: lol, even with slow speed some are able to keep up setting settings to 10 sec. fefresh

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