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Profilo: TAROU

TAROU - Brain Rook, 0 Cervelloni, 685 punti obiettivo
Punteggio complessivo: 1989 vittorie, 90 patte, 1143 sconfitte, 240 tornei vinti

TAROU messaggi più recenti (forum pubblici):
Chinese Chess
3. Dicembre 2022, 09:35:02
Argomento: Re: re: perpetual chasing
Wait for Sleep:
I think you have already forgotten it... I find the rule!
rule: Both sides keep checking the other is a draw. ("Resolve check and check back" is a draw.)
Mostra il contesto

TAROU messaggi nei forum pubblici:

Discussione generale su
  •  Members only - 4 messaggi - This discussion board is available for paying members only - anybody with the membership level Brain Bishop or higher. (moderatore rod03801)

  • - 6 messaggi - BrainKing in Bulgarian. (moderatore AlliumCepa)

  •  Languages - 5 messaggi - Ask questions or just talk about different languages. Since BrainKing is an international game site supporting many languages, this board can be kind of useful. (moderatore Walter Montego, Pedro Martínez)

Scacchi e varianti
Dama e varianti
Reversi/Othello e varianti
Forza 4 e varianti
  •  Go - 2 messaggi - Discuss about the game of Go or find new opponents. (moderatore hexkid)

Backgammon e varianti
Battaglia Navale e varianti
Giochi di carte
Altri giochi di tavoliere
  •  Run around the Pond - 2 messaggi - Discuss about this new multiplayer game or comment current runs. (includes all versions of the game) (moderatore Vikings)

Data e ora
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