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Profilo: metamorphosis

metamorphosis - Brain Rook, 288 Cervelloni, 505 punti obiettivo
Punteggio complessivo: 4901 vittorie, 229 patte, 3026 sconfitte, 247 tornei vinti

metamorphosis messaggi più recenti (forum pubblici):
10. Gennaio 2021, 15:45:31
Argomento: Re: No brains
Mostra il contesto

metamorphosis messaggi nei forum pubblici:

Discussione generale su
  • - 4 messaggi - Board for everybody who is interested in BrainKing itself, its structure, features and future. (moderatore Hrqls,, rod03801)

  •  Tournaments - 8 messaggi - Please use this board to discuss Tournaments and Team Tournaments, ask questions and hopefully find the answers you are looking for. Personal attacks, arguing or baiting will not be tolerated on this board. If you have, or see a problem or something you are not happy about or think is wrong, please contact one of the above Moderators OR contact a Global Moderator HERE (moderatore MadMonkey)

  •  Jokes - 1 messaggio - A place to share jokes, funny stories, and to just laugh in general :-) (moderatore Purple, ScarletRose)

  •  Other game sites - 2 messaggi - BrainKing has never been afraid of a competition :-) Here are a few other turn-based game sites:

    - Gold Token - Many different games
    - Dragonheels' Lair - Many different games
    - Pocket Monkey - Many different games
    - Little Golem - Many different games
    - ItsYourTurn - Many different games (not updated for years)
    - Daily Gammon - Backgammon Games only
    - Chess Corner - Chess Games only
    These 3 sites of "sister" sites of each other, with many types of games:
    - Brettspielnetz(German) | - Jij Bent!(Dutch) | - Your Turn My Turn(English)

    Please keep things positive. Best advise I believe is to try out different sites. Find what works well for you. If you don't like it, don't go back and try another site. Nothing says you only have to play on 1 site. At one time, I played on about 6 different turn-based game sites. (moderatore

Scacchi e varianti
Dama e varianti
Reversi/Othello e varianti
Forza 4 e varianti
Backgammon e varianti
Battaglia Navale e varianti
Giochi di carte
Altri giochi di tavoliere
  •  Dice Poker - 2 messaggi - Dice poker and its variants (moderatore Bobes)

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