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Moderatore: Foxy Lady , Eriisa , ajtgirl 
 Garden and Winter Chat

Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.

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<< <   12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21   > >>
17. Marzo 2007, 03:16:31
Foxy Lady 
Juat when i thought Spring was upon us we get hit tonite with a Snow storm

13. Marzo 2007, 19:37:44
Foxy Lady 
Argomento: Re: Bernice
BerniceC: I wasn't sure where you were in Australia.I'm glad your ok.

13. Marzo 2007, 18:12:31
Argomento: Re: Bernice
Foxy Lady:me here and fine :)

Thanks for your concern, but on the 1st March my you beaut, super fast, faster than the speed of sound, INTERNET provider.....went broke . So now Im back on dial up until the whole horrible mess can be sorted. it is so slow that Ive only been coming on here to play games etc and havent been posting as such.

Again thanks for the concern tho ,

13. Marzo 2007, 04:14:59
Foxy Lady 
Argomento: Re: Bernice
skipinnz: Thanks for letting us know,i got worried.

12. Marzo 2007, 20:06:00
Argomento: Re: Bernice
Foxy Lady:Bernice is in Townsville east coast and the cyclone was hitting the west coast around port hedland. So she 'll be fine.

12. Marzo 2007, 17:07:51
Foxy Lady 
Argomento: Bernice
Does anyone know if she's in the area that had a Cyclone? Please let us know.

12. Marzo 2007, 02:36:10
Foxy Lady 
Argomento: Re: How about this :(

12. Marzo 2007, 02:34:49
Foxy Lady 
Argomento: Re: How about this :(
Mousetrap: Wow thats awful really.

12. Marzo 2007, 01:29:19
Argomento: Re: Chicken tastes like anything
Jim Dandy: CRUMBS!

11. Marzo 2007, 21:05:38
The Col 
Argomento: Re: How about this :(
Mousetrap: It's either you or chicken,and chicken tastes like everything

11. Marzo 2007, 20:18:53
Oceans Apart:

11. Marzo 2007, 18:36:29
Adaptable Ali 
Sorry i asked

11. Marzo 2007, 18:30:50
Argomento: Re: How about this :(
Foxy Lady: No I,m not kidding, welcome to the UK lol! My mam has a hose pipe ban and she did,nt even get flooded, just lots of rain.
Its mostly the Council that come up with these rules. Even when our resoivoirs are full they still slap a hosepipe ban on some areas. Mosetly down south but they do nearly every year Manchester up north.
As for the flooding I guess there is not much they can do about it. Fortunately even though here we are surrounded by canals we don,t get flooded a lot.

11. Marzo 2007, 18:20:47
Argomento: Re: How about this :(
Oceans Apart: I know your game! You just wanna know where I am so you can eat me for dinner! I not just any ole mouse, I,m a smart mouse!

11. Marzo 2007, 17:23:39
Foxy Lady 
Argomento: Re: How about this :(
Mousetrap: You got to be kidding?So what happens with all the flooding?

11. Marzo 2007, 17:20:30
Foxy Lady 
Argomento: Re: help me with the wintr blahs.a challenge..find a beautiful garden photo..
nobleheart: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh looks almost like an Arch.

11. Marzo 2007, 16:06:04
Adaptable Ali 
Argomento: Re: How about this :(
Mousetrap: have u got a hosepipe ban where u r ???

11. Marzo 2007, 07:45:01
Argomento: help me with the wintr blahs.a challenge..find a beautiful garden photo..
heres mine:
The famous laburnum arch in full bloom at Bodnant Gardens in wales.

11. Marzo 2007, 01:24:57
Argomento: Re: How about this :(
Mousetrap: its crazy isnt it!!!!

11. Marzo 2007, 01:18:18
Argomento: Re: How about this :(
BerniceC: Well! If its any consulation it would not make any difference if you lived in the UK. We are drowning in water and there is still a hose pipe ban lol!

10. Marzo 2007, 22:41:52
Argomento: How about this :(
there is a massive shortage of water in Queensland (actually all of australia) but south of me in Brisbane they are on level 5 water restrictions.
no hoses, no sprinklers, only able to water from 4am to 8am and then only by bucket. No washing cars, houses . 140litres per person per day only. If you are caught flouting the laws you will be heavely fined.
For your information 1 gallon = 3.7 litres, so you can imagine how short showers will be.

things are really bad.

thank god we arent that desperate yet because of the big wet we got this year, but if the local authorities dont clamp down we will be looking at the same thing in the future....

water is such a precious commodity and with australia being the driest continent on earth we are having massive problems.

thought you might be interested in this useless piece of information hahaha

Actually the nurseries are talking of suing the local govt. because a...there plants are dying and b...they are losing lots of business because people wont buy because they cant water. it is having a dominoe effect.

10. Marzo 2007, 09:28:26
Argomento: I would love to visit here sometime

10. Marzo 2007, 09:19:48
Argomento: I got volunteered
to help with a garden project at the club. We are gonna have a BBQ, probably throw some astro turf down. A bench in honnor of a club member who died NYEve with her name on. A water feature and garden. The club had money donated to them by the girls parents and B&Q.
Just thought you would like to know(or maybe you did,nt really wanna know but tough you do now lol) that I got volunteered to help plan it.

9. Marzo 2007, 20:17:48
Argomento: hey,found some links re "gardening news"
Modificato da nobleheart (9. Marzo 2007, 20:30:05)

7. Marzo 2007, 19:30:57
Foxy Lady 
Argomento: Re:
Mousetrap: ROFLMBO

7. Marzo 2007, 19:29:47
Foxy Lady 
Argomento: Re: interesting news re ancient remains of chilli peppers have changed the way scientists think about prehistoric Latin American agriculture and cuisine
nobleheart: Thanks for sharing.

7. Marzo 2007, 17:50:43
Argomento: interesting news re ancient remains of chilli peppers have changed the way scientists think about prehistoric Latin American agriculture and cuisine

5. Marzo 2007, 23:20:09
Foxy Lady:

5. Marzo 2007, 10:21:22
Foxy Lady 
Argomento: Re:
Mousetrap: Look what i found

5. Marzo 2007, 01:42:15

27. Febbraio 2007, 20:49:00
Argomento: Re: well we got more snow,so either we cry or try to enjoy it...
nobleheart: Live in a warmer climate and you don't have snow problems. LOL

27. Febbraio 2007, 20:43:00
Argomento: well we got more snow,so either we cry or try to enjoy it...

22. Febbraio 2007, 08:53:55
Foxy Lady 
Argomento: Re:
☼ajtgirl☼: Yes it did than we got rain.

22. Febbraio 2007, 04:58:48
Argomento: Re:
Foxy Lady:

Did it melt all the snow and ice?

21. Febbraio 2007, 01:10:45
Foxy Lady 
Argomento: Re:
☼ajtgirl☼: Ehhhhhhhhh we hit 45 today a heat wave.

21. Febbraio 2007, 01:06:42
Argomento: Re:

It sounds like a little prayer and is adorable
I am impatiens for spring, myself

20. Febbraio 2007, 05:23:19
Foxy Lady 
Argomento: Re: Lilac
Mousetrap: Love to see them post the pics if ya find them.

19. Febbraio 2007, 20:57:07
dont vine about the winter.
spring will come soon and squash the snow..and wintr will just have bean a memory.
try to maintain a cherry outlook till then and dont beet your head against the wall.lettuce pray for sunshine and pretend we dont carrot at all the snow & cold.

19. Febbraio 2007, 16:25:49
Argomento: Re: Lilac
Foxy Lady: My mam has some beautiful Lilac trees! I have some photos in a cardboard box of them. But there are lots of other photos in the cardboard box too lol! I threw loads of photos away when I was moving, I had bags and bags and I just spent a day going through them all that were not in albums and deciding if I would ever want to look at them again and if not I scrapped them. A shame but I just had too many. And I scrapped all that I though were bad photos too, either out of focus or something wrong with them.
Maybe I will look up me mam,s garden ones sometime and post them.

19. Febbraio 2007, 12:20:45
Foxy Lady 
Argomento: Re:
skipinnz: We use compost mostly sometimes Miracle Grow.

19. Febbraio 2007, 07:48:17
Argomento: Re:
Foxy Lady:Is that just a general fertilizer?

19. Febbraio 2007, 07:35:56
Argomento: Re:
skipinnz: really....OMG they are the best tasting I actually did a search (google) aussie and you can buy the plants....there are none in stock at the moment but have left a message to contact me when they have them narnie pasho's LOLOL

19. Febbraio 2007, 07:09:44
Foxy Lady 
Argomento: Re:
skipinnz: You have to cut the flowers off and feed it.Once they open i cut them for the house.We feed ours every fall.

19. Febbraio 2007, 07:02:01
Argomento: Re:
Foxy Lady:We've got a Lilac but it's pretty small. I suppose it's not old enough to have to many flowers.

19. Febbraio 2007, 06:58:44
Argomento: Re:
BerniceC:Banana Passionfruit are a no-no over here noxious weed.

19. Febbraio 2007, 05:36:54
Foxy Lady 
Argomento: Re:
skipinnz: I wait and go crazy for my Lilac trees to bud,than we know it's Spring.

19. Febbraio 2007, 03:42:42
Argomento: Re:
skipinnz: never even heard of chutney, but do adore the jam....gosh I miss feijoa's, and banana passionfruit...would kill for a banana passionfruit......would love someone to send me some seeds but I worry about the customs lOLOL

19. Febbraio 2007, 03:12:17
Argomento: Re:
BerniceC:I've got mine planted as a windbreak for the orchard, so with 29 trees we get plenty of fruit. Friend has a reciepe for feijoa chutney, we supply the fruit she rewards us with chutney

19. Febbraio 2007, 02:26:40
Argomento: Re:
skipinnz: that is a yummy LOLOL....actually I found a small nursery here that propogates and growns foreighn tropical fruit....I bought a Feijoa tree last year and am waiting for it to do something special LOL....cost me nearly $40 for a tree/plant about 12 inches high, but if it works here it will be a bonus :)

18. Febbraio 2007, 20:41:33
Argomento: Re:
Foxy Lady:I only like to look at snow and then from a distance, I'm shivering just thinking about it. Thank goodness we don't get it here.

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