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 Feature requests

Do you miss something on and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
If there is a more specific board for the request, (i.e. game rule changes etc) then it should be posted and discussed on that specific board.

For further information about Feature Requests, please visit this link on the Brainking.Info site :

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5. Luglio 2005, 07:35:39
Argomento: Re: Math?
MidnightMcMedic: I agree!!! OH!! the nerve of some peeps!!..

4. Luglio 2005, 09:14:23
Argomento: Re: RE: as if
danoschek: lol

19. Giugno 2005, 16:53:37
Argomento: Re:
reza: The counter thingy.. sounds like a kewl idea.. :)

19. Giugno 2005, 16:52:08
Argomento: I would like to..
say.. Happy Daddy's Day and Thank you To Fencer..

Fencer and Liquid, Thankies for making this site like it is.. you put so much time and heart into this site.. I just wanted to say that..

I continually see the "I WANT!!.. I WANT!!.. I WANT!!".. and I never see the .. "What Can I Do For You?" I just want you two to know you are much appreciated.. :)

19. Giugno 2005, 16:44:47
Argomento: I think it would be kewl to have the sense of touch here..
it would be nice to shake hands at the beginning and ending of each game.. so I would like Fencer to add that as well.. :)

*tries to lQQK as serious as can be with this request*

23. Maggio 2005, 16:06:23
Argomento: Re:
MidnightMcMedic: hehehe.. Yeah Medi... I use that term to have a separate style then the ordinary one.

23. Maggio 2005, 09:34:19
Argomento: Re: Cloak Mode
EdTrice: I don't know about the dagger.. but, heck.. I don't use the Cloak Mode.. let's face it.. being able to spy on peeps was one of the reasons I liked this site.. I have nothing to hide.. I will still look at peeps profiles and view my lists of friends..

In my opinion... those who use the cloak mode.. shouldn't be able to see those of us not using cloak..

28. Aprile 2005, 20:48:48
Argomento: Re:
Jason: yes.. I know that route.. but, it would be easier to be able to look in your own profile..

28. Aprile 2005, 20:43:04
Argomento: Is there a way.. or could there be a way to look at past games..
from a particular opponent.. in one list.. rather than having to go through each type of game and each year.. ??

For example.. I might want to see all my games I played against opponent X.. so I just type in that opponents name.. and wha la!!

19. Aprile 2005, 08:09:48
Argomento: Re: fencer,a chess variation I dreamed off.
nobleheart: Ummm well.. he could say jump over pawns and hit the square after them.. heck.. I don't know.. I just like unicorns.. *blush*

18. Aprile 2005, 17:08:32
Argomento: Re: fencer,a chess variation I dreamed off.
nobleheart: Why not change the horsey to a unicorn! *pouty~pout*...

5. Aprile 2005, 04:58:13
Argomento: Re:
EdTrice: Yeah.. that would be a nice addition.. ;)

26. Marzo 2005, 02:42:08
Argomento: Re: Replying to someone's posts
bumble: Lots of baby carrots! hehe

22. Marzo 2005, 21:59:14
Argomento: Re: Re:
pauloaguia: I looked through them.. nothing interested me..

22. Marzo 2005, 19:35:08
I say lets each take a couple of the games.. and then delete them..

19. Marzo 2005, 05:42:06
Argomento: Re: Re:
nobleheart: That doesn't work unfortunately.. they have the rating system at IYT.. and all it takes is a group of peeps standing up for the leader.. to ruin someone by ratings..

4. Marzo 2005, 00:35:11
Argomento: I should have said pre teens..
I surely didn't mean to offend any of the older teens on the site..

and it was merely a suggestion due to the rise of the kiddies getting online..

I just done watching a talk show this afternoon.. this was after I had asked for such a board.. it was about a girl (really a cop) posing as a 12, 13, and 14 year old.. and how many men were hitting on her.. absolutely sick.. anyway.. within 2 1/2 days.. she had 18 men come to her house to meet her.. one was a tv producer.. another was a NYC Fireman..

One of the hosts stated.. We as parents know we are to protect our children from the World.... but, we don't always know we need to protect them from the Web World..

Just something to think about..

3. Marzo 2005, 21:27:04
You know.. is able to keep adults from contacting children.. without prior permission from the parents.. Which I highly suggest of this site.. if it is going to be family orientated.. besides.. none of the other game sites have done anything like what I am suggesting before.. which would be a bennifit of BrainKing.. maybe even help build up more paying members..

3. Marzo 2005, 21:24:08
Argomento: Re:
Merrily Watkins: yes.. there are some obstacles .. there always will be.. but, there is a way and if a designated board for their age is given.. it will at least give them a place to chat without being exposed to the harsher topics.. especially once their board gets established..

Heck.. when I was their ages.. I surely didn't want to talk with adults.. I wanted to meet others who were in my age group..

3. Marzo 2005, 21:14:07
Argomento: Re:
pgt: we all used to be.. but, I would hope that the adults would stay off the board unless it is a moding issue..

I foresee some upcoming problems.. innocent problems.. when youngers get in the midst of discussions because they are curious.. and permitted to venture on the boards.. and this isn't meant to get anyone upset..

There really isn't a specific board they can currently mingle on.. when they want attention they come to the busiest board at the time.. the youngster might get insulted.. Or.. in worse case be exposed to adult behavior due to some of the members blowing up at others.. (no fingers pointed here).. or even worse.. they may get privately solicited from someone not realizing they are a younger member.. or pawn..

just my thoughts..

3. Marzo 2005, 21:05:53
Argomento: Re: Would it be possible to have a board
Bry: thank goodness someone else sees it.. perhaps a younger gal can do the moding as well.. someone like Harleys daughter?? just a thought..

Then they wouldn't have to compete to get attention in the midst of a conversation of adults..

3. Marzo 2005, 21:02:29
Argomento: Would it be possible to have a board
for the younger crowd.. say like a teen board?

17. Febbraio 2005, 14:58:01
Argomento: Re:
pgt: lol @ Pgt.. whoo hoo.. you go!!!

4. Febbraio 2005, 07:36:07
Argomento: Re: 300 games
rod03801: Heck.. I know someone who carries over 700 games.. or at least he was about a month ago..

27. Gennaio 2005, 16:05:05
Like getting a confirmation that the person you sent the message to has read it..

26. Gennaio 2005, 21:33:10
Argomento: Re: PM's
Purple: OooOOppPSss. I should have been more clearer.. I was meaning is there a way to find out when the person you sent the message to has read the message? Like a notification thingy.. and of course when selected perhaps.. that way not all messages are pinging back that they have been opened and read..

Heck.. now I am confused on what I am even saying.. LOL

Basically.. something that tells the sender that the addresses has read the message..

26. Gennaio 2005, 21:17:19
Argomento: Re: PM's
Purple: On that same note.. I would like to see if there is a way to show when and if the message had been read..

26. Gennaio 2005, 11:08:38
Argomento: Re: Adding a bell sound to the auto-refresh.
Modificato da ScarletRose (26. Gennaio 2005, 11:09:07)
Spirou: hehehehe.. I know.. I was just foolin with ya.. due to the fact that everyone has different tastes in music anyway.. and I am sure there would be lots of fuss over that extra type of feature.. :)

But I do like the bell sound feature that was suggested.. :)

26. Gennaio 2005, 10:57:33
Argomento: Re: Adding a bell sound to the auto-refresh.
Spirou: Oh yea.. a little music to the site.. Hmmm that is kewl.. Why stop at just the bell though.. Why not.. Hmmm a song to play continuously, like elevator music.. something comforting.. and relaxing..

16. Gennaio 2005, 05:09:09
Argomento: Re: OH?? other than being able to catch a virus
Czuch Chuckers: I would really love to learn more?? Tell me what all advantages webtv has over a puter?

13. Gennaio 2005, 21:46:06
Argomento: Re: Re:
Thad: yes.. and I like looking at the profiles seeing who has the larger pics posted.. :)

10. Gennaio 2005, 04:06:27
Argomento: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: Oh okay.. I see it now.. silly me.. :)

10. Gennaio 2005, 04:00:42
Argomento: Re: Is there a way to put a symbol next
BIG BAD WOLF: I was meaning on the main pond page link.. that way you wouldn't have to go into each individual game.. to find they are full..

9. Gennaio 2005, 21:10:01
Argomento: Is there a way to put a symbol next
to the pond games that have already met their maxium sign up??

9. Gennaio 2005, 19:02:25
Argomento: Re: Notepad
Modificato da ScarletRose (9. Gennaio 2005, 20:47:13)
volant: only way to do that now is to pretend each notepad is a folder..

One is for recipes for instance, another for stories (such as the one I am writing at Fantasy Island).

I just keep adding to them.. and separate the entries with something like this..

13. Dicembre 2004, 02:55:11
Argomento: Re: Special Counsel.
Good Idea.. but, with all these little cliques.. I would have to vote against it..

10. Dicembre 2004, 00:20:16
Argomento: Re:
Oh no.. is there a way to tune your firewall? I know when I used zone alarms you could adjust it as to which sites would be allowed to pass through..

9. Dicembre 2004, 22:50:27
Argomento: With some tuning it should work fine
I am over there now...

And Stevie you are most welcome over at BrainKing Live..

just click on the link and we can get ya going

I am in the chat room now.. can't stay for too long since I have my son coming home.. and need to run some quick errands..

you can edit color and text as well as hide a user so.. this should be a rather nice area.. :)

9. Dicembre 2004, 22:32:59
Argomento: Re: Introducing the New Group ~ BrainKing Live
No.. same group format.. just fresher.. and opened to all.. I had forgotten about BrainKing Home..

Oh well.. this will give us two separate chat rooms..

Just wanted to try and lighten the load for the message boards here..

9. Dicembre 2004, 22:20:38
Argomento: Introducing the New Group ~ BrainKing Live
and EVERYONE is invited to join in. I will need some moderators there since it will also be maintained as a family feature..

I am hoping it is a way to build on to some extra fun, and give us a different avenue. The group is accessible to those using computers, and webtv units. I don't know as of yet, if the chats are for webtv though. It would be nice to learn that it is.

For those of you not familiar with yahoo groups. Then, you will be excited to learn that there is so much to offer over there to build on to help compliment BrainKing.

  • Photo Albums
  • Message Board
  • Calendar
  • Link Page
  • Polls
  • Data Bases
  • File Storage
  • Chat Room

    The chat room offers voice as well. And allows you to have fun with smilies and emoticons. It can be lots of fun.

    I would suggest if you are wanting to have a chat. That you mention it on the main page the time that you are planning on going in. Since unfortuately Yahoo doesn't show who is online from the group members. Besides, it may take some time to have it catch on..

    Thanks.. Cathy

    Please see me if you are interested in moderating..

    *´`¤BrainKing Live¤´`*

  • 9. Dicembre 2004, 21:18:19
    Argomento: Re: Hmmmmm
    Good Idea.. I think I will.. hehe..

    9. Dicembre 2004, 21:15:35
    Probably.. at least the chit chat stuff anyway.. :)

    9. Dicembre 2004, 21:06:50
    Argomento: Hmmm was just thinking about something..
    How hard would it be to get in a chatroom or three on the site..

    just wondering cause sometimes we all get on a topic of discussion and next thing you know we have added 300 posts to the board..

    5. Dicembre 2004, 04:51:56
    well heck.. even so who would use the same set up anyway?? If four boats are sunk.. they will obviously show up for anyone who does surf through old games of Battleboats.. so those that were hit are going to be easy to locate.. it just doesn't make any sense why it is like it is..

    3. Dicembre 2004, 08:12:14
    Argomento: Re: hey.. you had a thumbs up on your idea
    from me.. I thought it was a great idea..

    2. Dicembre 2004, 16:29:40
    Argomento: Re:
    Hey.. that is a good Idea Bernice.. I like that..

    30. Novembre 2004, 15:50:58
    how bout visible numbers on the messages.. I know it would be nice to say..

    refering to post #333 on the GCB I noticed there was a big difference now in your play than months ago..


    Oh Johnny cussed on Message 444

    24. Novembre 2004, 22:45:04
    Your welcome.. :)

    Cute smile ya got there..

    24. Novembre 2004, 22:35:31
    Argomento: yes it does..
    Thank you.. :)

    24. Novembre 2004, 21:00:00
    Argomento: I appologize if my questions were off topic!
    I assumed Feature requests would cover certain features capabilities as well..

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