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24. July 2006, 19:53:33
Adaptable Ali 
Dad is now at home, and is fine, took no pain relief and his endoscopy was clear. So now waiting for the call to go back in to have his major op.

25. July 2006, 02:47:17
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:
WatfordFC:  My thoughts and prayers are with you too.  

25. July 2006, 05:21:40
Subject: Re:
Groucho: Glad you feel like being up and around. Pray you heal fast and have many days, months, years of feeling chipper!!

25. July 2006, 06:40:01
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:
Dolittle:  Thanks.  Drugs make me a bit dizzy (more than normal  ;)  and sick to my stomach now. Not sure why as I felt better earlier.  Not liking that.  But my right side is totally open.  I can breath!  Left side swollen shut.  The right may do that too but it's all temporary.  Medicine is amzazing, what they can do.  They go up the nose with a little camera and a light and a scraper.  yuck.  No pain, no gain I guess.  ;)

25. July 2006, 08:28:20
Adaptable Ali 
Subject: Re:
Groucho: I am glad everything went well for you. The same with my dad too, his prostate is clear, which means they can now operate on his aorta.

25. July 2006, 12:57:16
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:
WatfordFC:  Will keep your dad in my prayers.  

25. July 2006, 15:24:56
Adaptable Ali 
Subject: Re:

26. July 2006, 00:43:16
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
WatfordFC: I just read about your Dad he's in my prayers.

26. July 2006, 05:26:30
Subject: Re:
WatfordFC: What a week you are having...Came to let you know that you and your mum are in my prayers today & now that I'm reading all this, your dad too...Only good thoughts & great times, past, present and future...Take Good Care of You too

26. July 2006, 05:29:38
Subject: Re:
Groucho: Take it really easy, get better & stay that way - Thinking of you

26. July 2006, 06:16:06
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:
srnity:  Thanks.  I haven't felt well in over a year and it's all due to these constant sinus infections.  I've been researching the procedure and it's very promising.  It's not 100% but about 90% success at some level (most very good results).  Thanks for the words!

26. July 2006, 07:41:21
Subject: Re:
Groucho: Sinus infections hurt, really badly. Good that you have completed the surgery. I think now that you will get progressively better. Good health to you.!

26. July 2006, 08:42:22
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:
boop2004: ;) thanks.

26. July 2006, 09:25:56
Adaptable Ali 
Subject: Re:
Modified by Adaptable Ali (26. July 2006, 09:26:22)
Groucho: Jessica has had secondary nasal infections since she was 5. She has had her adenoids removed, and the small inner tube burnt, but still nothing. Because of her age (13) they cant operate now until she is 15, because her facial bones and nose are still forming. At 15 they will be breaking the cartliage (sp) in both nostrils and also the bridge of her nose, to widen it. What happens, when she has a common cold, the mucous does not release itself , thus it collects and gets infected.

26. July 2006, 18:01:26
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:
WatfordFC:   I've heard that a procedure like that is so helpful.  I've been reading about sinus surgery and didn't know until yesterday that most kids can't have the surgery because they are still growing etc.  That must be tough dealing with the constant infections.  That was my problem as the draining stopped for me due to other factors.  I have packing in my sinus's now so I can only breathe out the nose, but it will heal in about a week.  Depending on the serverity of the problem, full recovery can take up to sixty days.  Tell Jessica to hang in there! 

26. July 2006, 23:19:14
Adaptable Ali 
Subject: Re:
Groucho: Yes she gets, on average 2-3 infections a month, none of the sprays or tablets help her anymore, so she just has to ride with it.

26. July 2006, 23:43:14
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:
WatfordFC:  That must be rough.  I've fought the chronic stuff for over a year and it is frustrating.  But I didn't have it that bad.  My anitibiotics did help with the symptoms.  I feel for her!

27. July 2006, 02:16:12
Subject: Re:

Groucho: Does the packing dissolve?? Or do you go back in for them to remove??

I used to get lots of sinus infections also when I was younger.. found out also I only have one sinus cavity..

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