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 Thoughts and Prayers

A sacred place for remembrance, prayer, support, love, affirming eachother, honor and praise.

For people from this site, but also for people in your life all around this globe; whom you would like to keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
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9. March 2005, 18:42:57
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: In sincere memory of a dear friend... (what i posted in my FS this morning)
Radiant 36 9 9. March 2005, 10:58:26
Today I feel much pain and feelings of loss.. as I just received an email from a friend in Canada, that her husband passed away. He was the warmest person I have known in all the years im playing here online.. He was that kind of person who helped and listened and shared what he honestly thought of things... I know he is with God and looking forward seeing him again once I arrive there aswell.. [] Please remember Anne and her family in your prayers! Thank you,

God bless,

9. March 2005, 18:19:01
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Cotter
Horseman: His wife sent me an email this morning.. He was a very good friend... one of the most sincerest people i met while playing online..

8. March 2005, 14:21:10
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Received this in the mail the other day: My Sisters in Christ
There comes a time in every woman's life when she has to take a close look at herself.
Not at her circumstance, not at what she did, not how unfair life is, or not at whom made you do it.
She has to just look at herself in all her glory and imperfection.
Have you ever admired a woman who has been through changes in her life?
Or have you made up in your mind that she is just messed up.
Before you make this mistake, take a closer look.
A woman who has endured the most unusual life is someone of wisdom,
Someone who has been chosen by God to go through things that have made her stronger.
Think of all the great women in the bible:
Mary Magdalene, Ruth and Naomi, the woman with an issue of blood flow, and Esther, to name a few.
Mary was a prostitute, a very uneasy woman.
But by the time Jesus was done with her, she was His closest follower.
Esther was unfortunate in marrying an abusive man,
By the time God was done with her, she had married one of the wealthiest men in the land.
Women are so quick to beat the next one down instead of trying to hold her up.
Before you wonder, "What's up with her?" ask yourself, "What's up with me?"
That woman could be my mother, sister, aunt, niece, grandmother, friend, etc.
That woman could be me.
Women are the carriers of life, not the channels of death.
Let's build and encourage each other, as did Ruth and Naomi.
Pass this to all the women in your life.
Encourage and Love
Forgive and Forget
Trust that the woman that receives this will be touched in some way.
May peace and love be upon you

We're building up or tearing down, in everything we say or do......
Are you on the construction team, or the wrecking crew?


8. March 2005, 14:19:56
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Bwildman..
My sincere thoughts for you and your loved ones during this time of loss.. I pray God will comfort all of you and lift you up and keep you protected under His wings...

Thank you Tuesday for sharing.

24. February 2005, 19:58:14
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Prayers for Iran..
Prayers go out for the families who has lost their relatives and friends; their houses, their belongings.. because of the earthquake that took place last Tuesday in IRAN.

Let us give them some of our time and remind them in your prayers..

**lights a candle**

1. February 2005, 01:13:28
Radiant2008 :-) 
Pbarb2: OMG Barb! Of course.. my hopes, thoughts and prayers are with you all now!

30. January 2005, 01:40:56
Radiant2008 :-) 
Yep, thank you Meddy.

28. January 2005, 03:52:32
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Update from Barb
Modified by Radiant2008 :-) (28. January 2005, 03:53:23)
This the message she posted in Gods Place and she asked me to post it in every F/S we both are in and on this board, because she is still too weak to be long online.. Please keep this lovely sister in your prayers and thoughts.. May the Lord lift her up and touch her with His Healing Power!!

I just got home from the hosp.this afternoon. Not the best of news but I pray all will go well for me. I am still very tired and weak. So I hope RamblinMan can stay on as Big Boss till I gain my strength back. He has done a great job for God's Place.. Thank you so much..Mike Hopefully I can get my games caught up a little. Not sure how I will feel and how long I can be on at a time yet. Dr. found the tumor and it was the size of our nickel. Dr had to take out one parathyroid gland. This tumor was also connected to the cord of the voice box. The Dr had to scrape it off .. Lucky he didn't have to cut the cord or I couldn't speak at all. But he did bruise it and my voice is now very faint and can't talk to much. My voice is injured.. The DR. said it may come back in time..But can't say for sure. Something we have to wait out. So please keep me in your prayers for this difficult time for me. I know God is with me and its his will for what is in store for me. Thank you for your prayers and God Bless

24. January 2005, 03:10:25
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: A prayer for the PBarb2
Modified by Radiant2008 :-) (24. January 2005, 03:12:51)
for she is going in for surgery tomorrow, here is a prayer for her - so that every one on here may pray along with it, for her to get out of surgery safe and for her to recover soon, without too much pain; but with the Healing touch of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Take heart, Barb! We love you.. hope to see you on here soon again!

Ephesians 3:12-21

In Him and through faith in Him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. I ask you, therefor, not to be discouraged because of my sufferings for you, which are your glory.

For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom His whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strenghten Barb with power through His Spirit in her inner being, so that Christ may dwell in her heart through faith. And I pray, that Barb, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide, and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-that Barb may be filled to the measures of all the fullness of God.
Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all she asks or imagine, according to His power that is at work within Barb, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! - AMEN

18. January 2005, 05:33:06
Radiant2008 :-) 
A site to check out: http://www.theophostic.com/

18. January 2005, 05:31:05
Radiant2008 :-) 
My prayers go out to the many wounded warriors all over this globe.. The wounded Asian who lost so many of their loved ones and their homes, their places to shelter.. I pray especcially for people who got wounded in their daily life.. May they find healing through Jesus Christ! - AMEN

28. December 2004, 11:40:11
Radiant2008 :-) 
Well, God will know her name..

28. December 2004, 11:34:26
Radiant2008 :-) 
Thank God Novo3's wife if OK.. Hallelujah!

Thank you for updating more.. Terrible of what has happened with that lady! What is her name?

27. December 2004, 18:07:32
Radiant2008 :-) 
You are very welcome, BananaD :-)

27. December 2004, 17:53:55
Radiant2008 :-) 
Sorry BananaD.. nothing heard from Novo3.. Hopefully the entire BK-family read this board and will inform you as soon as somebody did has heard from him.. Take heart!!

27. December 2004, 17:52:24
Radiant2008 :-) 
Yes, and Indonesia too and India.. all the countries around the Bengal Sea. And yet I heard of still more lil earthshockes to come from the epicenter.. so still not yet save situation there..

27. December 2004, 17:30:19
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re:
ADizBALD: Thank you, AD, for mentioning this!! Me and my man started praying for them last night.. how awful. Today in the news they talk about at least 23500 casualties in the entire region, that got killed..

What is the name of your Sri Lanka daughter? Bless your heart!!

25. December 2004, 09:31:04
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Silent Night - Holy Night!!
We sang that song last night in our Christmas Eve Service, while the lights were out only the Christmas Tree and everyone's candle enlightened the Church!! How wonderful romantic that was.. Also the man of my heart told me they did that in their Church last night.. in the Holy Night.. I wish that everyone on this entire had a special moment last night, with the Lord, Jesus Christ, who came to Earth as a Savior.. Who came to earth to SAVE us and to GIVE us eternal life!! WHat a GIFT!!

Now how wonderful it will be to GIVE HIM our life, then we will never perish, but have eternal LIFE in Freedom!!


25. December 2004, 09:30:42
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Prayers for....
BananaD: Awww, we certainly keep Ferjo and his beloved ones in our prayers!

The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ
the Love of God and the
Fellowship of the Holy Spirit
be with us now and forevermore - AMEN

22. December 2004, 15:27:18
Radiant2008 :-) 
Modified by Radiant2008 :-) (22. December 2004, 15:28:43)
Click on "Silent Night
" to hear the audio
story of this favorite Christmas Hymn.

***edited because forgot to add the subject***

22. December 2004, 14:46:29
Radiant2008 :-) 
Mindy, where two or more are gathered to pray.. we can feel HIS presence!! Bless your heart.. AMEN

21. December 2004, 23:18:48
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: To Pray and To Praise Him Openly and Freely
Thank you RamblinMan to reflect upon that Freedom we have here. To HIM be the Glory each day in every way!!

Dear Lord, in the Light of Your Light and our Freedom to worship and honor you on these boards, Lord I especcially lift up tonight ALL Christians arround the world who are persecuted simply for being a Christian and to choose to worship, honor and praise You!!

Lord, I lift up before you our brothers and sisters from North Korea, China, Peru, Iraq, Israel, Palestina, Middle East, Saoedi Arabia, Indonesia..

Christmas is approaching quickly now and also these brothers and sisters should be Free to celebrate Christmas in their 'church'... Sometimes its just a hidden room, to protect themselves from bombattacks.. I read a few days ago that Christians in Iraq cannOt go to church this Christmas, because their church has been attacked.. I pray they will be able to find a place where they indeed will be able to worship Thee - and if they are still in danger, Lord, I pray you keep them under your wings and keep them safe! Lord, You are an Awesome God.. The Alpha and Omega, Lord of the beginning and the end... with You everything is possible.. And I lift my arms to You.. to surrender, surrender this situation, Lord.. we are Yours and in You we are FREE!!

Thank You so much, Lord for what You did for us on the Cross! You died for us and You washed us clean from sin... The old has begun new - each day in worship we lift up the world to be healed and to be loved by You!

Thats what I ask in Your son's precious name - AMEN

20. December 2004, 21:04:11
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: A Prayer for You
AMEN, Mindy!! Hallelujah :-)

Thank you Lord for this wonderful prayer sister!! Bless her heart :-)

20. December 2004, 02:44:49
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Computer test
This email was sent to me by mail... Its sooooo GO(O)D ;-)

Jesus and Satan were having an on-going argument about who was better on the computer. They had been going at it for days, and frankly God was tired of hearing all the bickering. Finally fed up, God said, "THAT'S IT! I have had enough. I am going to set up a test that will run for two hours, and from those results, I will judge who does the better job."

So Satan and Jesus sat down at the keyboards and typed away.

They moused.

They faxed.

They e-mailed.

They e-mailed with attachments.

They downloaded.

They did spreadsheets.

They wrote reports.

They created labels and cards.

They created charts and graphs.

They did some genealogy reports.

They did every job known to man.

Jesus worked with heavenly efficiency and Satan was faster than hell.

Then, ten minutes before their time was up, lightning suddenly flashed across the sky, thunder rolled, rain poured, and, of course, the power went off. Satan stared at his blank screen and screamed every curse word known in the underworld. Jesus just sighed.

Finally the electricity came back on, and each of them restarted their computers Satan started searching frantically, screaming:

"It's gone! It's all GONE!

"I lost everything when the power went out!"

Meanwhile, Jesus quietly started printing out all of his files from the past two hours of work.
Satan observed this and became irate.

"Wait!" he screamed.

"That's not fair!

He cheated!

How come he has all his work and I don't have any?"
God just shrugged and said, "Jesus saves."

16. December 2004, 23:17:42
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: God_is_Love needs prayers
this what i received today from her in the mail:

I went to the Dr this afternoon for a problem that I have been having with bleeding for about 3/4 weeks. He said there is a tissue where there
should not be and i have to go next week for some test. If God does not heal this, I probably
will have to have surgery maybe, not sure because of the situation with my heart. So, I
would appreciate your prayers. I know God can work miracles, he has for me and my family in the past and he can do it now also.

Gods Blessings and have a wonderful day.

I hope you all can pray for my dearest sister in Christ. God bless you all,


16. December 2004, 16:44:35
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Happy Holidays!!
and the most wonderful Holidays for you and your loved ones, Blue Sapphire :-) Welcome on the site!

13. December 2004, 23:06:33
Radiant2008 :-) 
For what, Bwild? :-) Remember, its not about us, its all about God!

Hallelujah! Praise His Name forever and ever, AMEN

30. November 2004, 19:41:31
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: PLease keep me in your prayers
An Irish Prayer for Barb..

May God grant you always
A sunbeam to warm you
A moonbeam to charm you
A sheltering Angel
So nothing can harm you
Laughter to cheer you
Faithful friends near you
And whenever you pray
Heaven to hear you.

I keep you in my thoughts and prayers Barb!(((Patty)))

23. November 2004, 17:15:11
Radiant2008 :-) 
You are very welcome AD :-) Prayers are powerful; better then words ever can be! Have a good rest!!

21. November 2004, 13:14:08
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: I had an interesting weekend
How awful, AD what happened to you!!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers! :-) Always! Be safe and have faith and Im glad you have your loved ones around you to take care of you!!

Love in HIM, ~*Josetta*~

10. November 2004, 00:19:40
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Thank you for your kind words and thoughts.
Musiclover, does your sister know the Lord?
Its with pleasure and compassion that I remember her in my prayers..

5. November 2004, 12:57:14
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Thank you for your kind words and thoughts.
Godspeed on your sad travel and blessings for you and your family, Musiclover! Keep you in my thoughts and prayers..

28. October 2004, 08:26:12
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Awww a widdle girl
Youpie AD!!! ***hugs ya**** happy for ya and prayers go along :-)

23. October 2004, 01:49:26
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Rommel / Ronaldo
Thank you Nirvana, for sharing this awful sad news..

My heart goes out in deep sympathy to him and his family and his friends... He will be missed!!!

20. October 2004, 00:24:01
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Thank you all for your posts...
Praise the Lord! Hallelujah :-)

Good to have ya, Mindy - enjoy a blessed day!

19. October 2004, 14:05:10
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Fish symbol
Does anybody as a better symbol to share with us and to use for future usage? Thank you :-)

19. October 2004, 14:03:45
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: <>
LOL - thats odd, it looks like I cannot create the fish symbol here.. I keep trying <> <> <>

19. October 2004, 14:01:06
Radiant2008 :-) 
Modified by Radiant2008 :-) (19. October 2004, 14:02:36)
<> Welcome and special thanks to my friend and co-moderator Grampa AD :-)

Thank you for offering your help on here, AD <>

19. October 2004, 03:24:48
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Losing Faith?...maybe...
Dear Mindy :-)

I don't know what happened or what caused you to think you are losing Faith.. but I think the enemy did some recent attacks on you; trying to make you believe your Faith is worthless..

Deep in your heart you know that HE is alive! And that HE is the Bread and the Wine of life.. Eating and drinking from HIM won't ever make you hungry or thirsty! John 6:25-59

You say, you love people.. that is HIS first commandment: John 15:12-17

I just finished studying the Gospel of John when I returned here and found your message.. Again, I don't know of anything what caused your distress, but know, that He is the Father of Love, Light, Forgiveness, Truth, and Scripture and please read and memorize Psalm 118:8 It is better to take refuge in the LORD, than to trust in man. And recently a friend sent me this verse:

"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." Phil. 4:13

I wish you HIS wisdom and HIS strength,
Radiant 36:9 refers to: psalm 36:9 - For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.

18. October 2004, 01:17:33
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Poem by Nelson Mandela
"...Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves:
who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small doesn't serve the world.

There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

6. October 2004, 21:09:40
Radiant2008 :-) 
My heart goes out to you, Roberta together with my prayers for you! Be blessed in HIS name,

~*Radiant 36:9*~

4. June 2004, 22:51:04
Radiant2008 :-) 
Same here, Nirvana.. I am so sorry!! But remember love doesn't know any borders.. it stretches the arms around the world and reaches hearts everywhere! Your light have reached them at the funeral, im sure and may God bless you and your beloved ones during these hard times!!

4. June 2004, 06:50:10
Radiant2008 :-) 
Find the correct spelling and we will all help you to get the best info!!

4. June 2004, 06:04:25
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re:
Take Heart, Linda J!! I am praying right now, that his doctors will heal him appropriately; that Gods healing works through the doctors hands and ability to heal his eyes and get you the best doctors there is to deal with glucoma - i dont' know how to spell it either...

Best of luck for you and your hubby!

29. May 2004, 06:41:58
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Song: Who am I
Who am I
Psalm 139 / Psalm 52 / Ephesians 2
Lyrics: Mark Hall / Music: Casting Crowns

Who am I
that the Lord of all the earth
would care to know my name
would care to feel my hurt.
Who am I
that the Bright and Morning Star
would choose to light a way
for my ever wandering heart.

Not because of who I am
But because of what you've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who you are!!!!!

I am a flower quickly fading
here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I am calling
Lord, you catch me when I am falling
And you've told me who I am
I am Yours! I am Yours!

Who am I
that the eyes that see my sin
would look on me with love and watch me rise again!
Who am I
that the voice that calmed the sea
would call out through the rain
and calm the storm in me?!!

Not because of who I am
But because of what you've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who you are!!!!!

I am a flower quickly fading
here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I am calling
Lord, you catch me when I am falling
And you've told me who I am
I am Yours!

Short musical intermezzo

Not because of who I am
But because of what you've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who you are!!!!!

I am a flower quickly fading
here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I am calling
Lord, you catch me when I am falling
And you've told me who I am
I am Yours! I am Yours! I am Yours!

I am Yours!
Whom shall I fear?
Whom shall I fear?
'Cause I am Yours!
I am Yours!

2003 Club Zoo Music / SWECS Music (Admin, by Club Zoo Music) BMI.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

24. April 2004, 03:48:19
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: More Sad News
CindyInTN, thanks for posting this on the board.. We surely will pray for RREDY for losing his beloved Mom..

My deepest sympathy goes to RREDY!

Keep Heart & God bless

24. April 2004, 03:45:11
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Sad news
Linda J, my sympathy to your honey on this loss and my sympathy to the family and the child his sister/cousin leaves behind!

Losing a loved one is heartbreaking.. but she will always live forever in their hearts and will always be with them..

Keep heart & God bless

20. April 2004, 04:40:56
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Car accident
My heart goes out to your brother and sister-in-law, Art! May they be well and safe and without pain and suffering soon!!

Peace and Grace to you,
~*Radiant 34*~

11. April 2004, 12:07:50
Radiant2008 :-) 
Efcharisto, Cariad! :o)

11. April 2004, 11:41:31
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: wishing you &
your loved ones a Blessed and a Happy Easter!!

He is ALIVE indeed!

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