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17. august 2012, 00:16:47
Iamon lyme 
Teema: huh?
What was Obama's point? It sounds like he's saying the civil rights movement took the focus off what he did as a community organizer.

????????????... ?

The civil rights movement wasn't doing that to you on purpose, Mr President. They didn't know who you were back then... no one did.

17. august 2012, 00:24:28
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re: huh?
Iamon lyme: I'm quite sure Obama wasn't born in the USA or if he was, he's not a US citizen. He may not even be from earth.

17. august 2012, 00:41:05
Iamon lyme 
Teema: Re: huh?
Artful Dodger: I'm still trying to figure out if The Col was agreeing with you, or attempting to shift attention to Glen Beck.

With less than 3 months to go before the election, I'm pretty sure the birth place issue has been replaced by other concerns... things like "Where the %$#@ are all these new jobs you created? Send me a list so I'll know where to apply, you goofy &^%*$#@!"

17. august 2012, 01:00:37
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re: huh?
Iamon lyme: The left have an unhealthy attraction to Beck. I'm sure they want to be him instead of their boring selves.

17. august 2012, 01:29:40
Iamon lyme 
Teema: Re: huh?
Artful Dodger: "The left have an unhealthy attraction to Beck."

Okay, I didn't really think he would agree with you. It's funny how the left focuses on the message when they like the message, but will focus on the source when they don't like the message... any 10 year old is savy to that game.

Or when a five year old says "That's not fair!", you know it doesn't mean "I've looked at this from other points of view, and it's obvious to me that standards meant to insure fairness are not being equally applied."

17. august 2012, 03:36:28
Iamon lyme 
Teema: Re: huh?
Iamon lyme: "...but will focus on the source when they don't like the message"

I should correct myself here. Obama is the source of the Obama quote. Beck isn't the source, he's the messenger.

But I'm supposed to forget it was Obama that said it, and only focus on who reported it, thereby fooling myself into thinking the point is not that Obama said it, but that Beck reported it...

Seriously, who believes anyone's attention can be that easily diverted?

17. august 2012, 04:24:00
Teema: Re: huh?
Iamon lyme: libs believe it. And simple people perhaps.

I'm baffled why anyone would vote for Ocrapa. I'm baffled how anyone can defend his lies. His broken promises.

I wasn't a fan of Bush, but I have ZERO respect for this current waste we have in the white house.

17. august 2012, 04:47:02
Iamon lyme 
Teema: Re: huh?
rod03801: "I'm baffled why anyone would vote for Ocrapa."

It's because liberals don't think in terms of ideology, they think in terms of party identity and party loyalty.

They don't want Biden on the ticket this time around, but they are stuck with him. Dropping him would make them look bad, not because Biden makes them look good, but because dropping him would be the same as admitting Obama had made a mistake.

Making a mistake is not the worse thing a liberal can do, but admitting to it is a grievous sin. Believe me, I am surrounded by and related to far more liberals than I am conservatives, so when I say they believe "It is better to cover thine ass than to admit iniquity", I am not kidding you. They freely admit this, as though they were quoting scripture.

17. august 2012, 16:38:24
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re: huh?
Iamon lyme: In a recent interview, Obama said that he is trying to bring the country together to fix the mess we're in. When asked if he's running a negative campaign he said no. He actually said no! When asked about Biden's "chains" comment, he said that substantively Biden was correct but that his reference to chains was unfortunate and distracted from the message. He must have missed the part where Biden was talking to blacks in the audience and claimed that the Republicans were going to put the blacks "back in chains." That's been the message of Debbie Blabbermouth Shultz too. And oddly enough, even with all this obvious race baiting, a tanking economy and record debt, AND the fact that a huge majority of voters think the country is heading in the wrong direction, the race is tied! Yeah, I think we're heading in the wrong direction and I'm dissatisfied with Obama's policies and wild spending but I think I'll vote for him anyway. When it comes to liberals, you can't fix stupid.

17. august 2012, 17:26:38
Iamon lyme 
Teema: Re: huh?
Artful Dodger: "...a huge majority of voters think the country is heading in the wrong direction, the race is tied!"

I'm not so sure the race IS tied. I'm just speculating, because there is no way to definitively tie this down, but I think a lot of people who know how they will vote aren't saying anything.

One black conservative said the percentage of black voters who will vote for Obama has been grossly over estimated. I saw a number that was so high I didn't think it could right... 98%. According to the black conservative, who is obviously closer to the black community than I am (so would hear things I wouldn't hear) believes the actually number is 2 to 3. That number could be off too. But his estimate of 2 out of 3 blacks either voting republican or not voting at all makes a lot more sense.

But that's just one example of how far off the numbers could be, because the same situation exists among white voters too. As well as other groups that have been divided into racial catagories, and are assumed to automatically throw their support to the democrats. Many of them are just as offended as I am that anyone would pander to them on the basis of their racial background.

The democrats have no idea how much resentment they have stirred up for themselves, and they still think of themselves as the champions of the oppressed. These various groups of people are not stupid, they know who has been oppressing them. And they are none too happy to see the same clowns who have been oppressing them coming back to act as their saviors.

17. august 2012, 17:35:10
Iamon lyme 
Teema: Re: huh?
Iamon lyme: "...his estimate of 2 out of 3 blacks either voting republican or not voting at all makes a lot more sense."

Correction: I meant to say 1 out of 3, not 2 out of 3. He believes 2 out 3 blacks will throw their support to Obama.

17. august 2012, 18:29:03
Iamon lyme 
Teema: Re: huh?
Artful Dodger: Something just occurred to me. No, I don't mean the toilet in the kitchen idea, I meant something else...

We have a large Mexican community in our area, documented and undocumented. Pandering to the Mexicans can backfire on democrats when they offer to take care of them via food stamps and other services that make it easier to avoid work.

Machismo is a big deal for many of them, and it's the kind of machismo that feminists will get their panties all twisted into a knot over. It's very ingrained in their culture, so to suggest to any Mexican male that we will help them to become dependant is huge put down. "Here, let us help your men become like a dependant woman". Like it or not, this is how many of them react to that kind of "help".

But that isn't the idea that just now occurred to me. It occurs to me that I have never seen or even heard of a feminist who is also a conservative republican. I know Mexicans who are more conservative than I am, but not once have I ever talked to (or seen anything written by) a conservative feminist.

17. august 2012, 01:04:57
Iamon lyme 
Teema: Re: huh?
Artful Dodger: By the way, what did blabbermouth mean when she said republicans stole the 2012 election?

It sounds to me like she knows the republicans will win, but forgot to wait until after the election to start snarling about it.

17. august 2012, 02:47:55
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re: huh?
Iamon lyme: No one really knows what DWS means except her shrink.

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