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监管者: WhisperzQ , Mort , Bwild 
 Chess variants (8x8)

including Amazon, Anti, Atomic, Berolina, Corner, Crazy Screen, Cylinder, Dark, Extinction, Fischer Random, Fortress, Horde, Knight Relay, Legan, Loop, Maharajah, Screen, Three Checks

For posting:
- invitations to games (you can also use the New Game menu)
- information about upcoming tournaments
- discussion of games (please limit this to completed games or discussion on how a game has arrived at a certain position ... speculation on who has an advantage or the benefits of potential moves is not permitted)
- links to interesting related sites (non-promotional)

Community Announcements:
- Nasmichael is helping to co-ordinate the Fischer Random Chess Email Chess (FRCEC) Club and can set up quad or trio games if you send him a PM here.

状态: 所有人能发表

15. 五月 2006, 21:21:15
题目: Re: I protest!
Pythagoras: You will.

15. 五月 2006, 21:08:14
题目: Re: I protest!
Pythagoras: I think you should start getting used to it ....

5. 二月 2006, 06:46:59
题目: Re:
Pythagoras: To the best of my knowledge, yes, it is wrong. Any help from natives?

5. 二月 2006, 00:21:54
题目: Re:
Pythagoras: Reza is just fine.

4. 二月 2006, 23:24:40
题目: Re:
Pythagoras: You should not take this as an evidence of anything. Countless timeouts and too many weakies are the 2 reasons i can think.....OF

8. 八月 2005, 19:25:10

24. 六月 2005, 07:44:44
题目: Re:
redsales: I would probably say that in grey chess, not all the moves should be shown to the opponent. For example every three moves or every five moves. Now I think it'll be interesting.

23. 六月 2005, 17:46:52
题目: Re:
Chessmaster1000: So you think it's a well balanced game, huh? I think it is.

23. 六月 2005, 17:26:24
题目: Re:
Jules: Really? didn't know that. Still, I think it'll be a nice game.

23. 六月 2005, 17:24:53
题目: Re:
grenv: Fencer has corrected it. A few hours ago, any of your opponents may have seen all your moves. Fencer has switched everything back.

23. 六月 2005, 13:59:45
Hey all,

Due to teh current bug in Dark Chess games players can see what moves their opponents have made.

redsales named it 'grey chess' which I think is a good addition to the site!!!

What's more, based on that, I have a new game type in my mind named red chess.

When a piece is captured, its blood will split on some squares of the board randomly and both players for a few moves will not be able to see those squares and therefore, they'll have a good chnace to move their pieces in REDNESS.

I'll have to work on details more of course!

What do you all think?

Is it possible to play such a game?
I think it'll be an interesting variant.

14. 五月 2005, 20:49:21
It is really interesting for me. I have thought on it a lot and have come to this conclusion that in cylinder chess players really should not be allowd to make such moves.

Yes, even in checkers after you make multiple moves, after the move, the position on the board is changed and several pieces are captured.

In cylinder if such moves are allowed many moves can be made by the queen and the rooks that end in no obvious change of the position on the board and such moves seem to me strange and useless.

I'm very much willing to read everybody's opinion about this.

28. 四月 2005, 20:28:59
题目: Re:
nabla: It doesn't. I think it's not a nice move either. to me a 'move' has to be with some sort of a change in the board.

19. 二月 2005, 18:41:37
OK, OK, OK! Well done Mely. He finally brought me a loss. He's a perfect player. Have a look at the game if you like: http://brainking.com/game/ArchivedGame?g=651309

18. 一月 2005, 02:59:38
Off topic, but anyone playing a game with 'ustica' watch out. He was about to bring me my first loss in this game. Glad I could end the game in a draw. Have a look:


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