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监管者: rod03801 
 Feature requests

Do you miss something on BrainKing.com and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
If there is a more specific board for the request, (i.e. game rule changes etc) then it should be posted and discussed on that specific board.

For further information about Feature Requests, please visit this link on the Brainking.Info site : http://brainking.info/archives/20-About-feature-requests.html

状态: 所有人能发表

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1. 三月 2006, 09:00:05
题目: Re: E-mail notify for New Messages?
nobleheart: To quote you "There are Chatrooms"

Nobleheart, I'm not sure why you felt you had to strike out at me with a sarcastic remark. In answer to your reply, I'm not looking for a "chatroom" as you put it, I was just suggesting a notification of New Messages. Another popular games site has this handy feature.


1. 三月 2006, 07:11:18
题目: keryo pente standard stairs inactive players
several players on step 1,standard stairs ,appear to be inactive.players can challenge and advance on "ran out of time" victories. any way to change this?

1. 三月 2006, 04:01:07
题目: Fellowship feature requests...
The fellowship I inherited doesn't have much activity in it, and I've been brainstorming on how to get it more active. In the process I've thought of some things that might make that easier to do.

It would be nice if Big Bosses, Managers, and Team Captains (maybe all members in general) had a settings page where they could opt to select being notified (via their message box) of events happening within the fellowship/team. Things like ...

When a tournament, in which one of the fellowship's teams is playing, begins/ends.
When a team challenge begins/ends.
When a fellowship tournament begins/ends.
When a fellowship pond begins/ends.
When a fellowship member wins a tournament outside the fellowship.
When a new fellowship team is created.

From looking at my Fellowship's page, I see that our team is currently playing in the 'Veuve Cliquot' tournament, but only because there is a message at the very bottom of the page that says "You cannot delete the fellowship because one of its teams is currently playing in this team tournament: Veuve Cliquot". Could there be a lists of events, that a team is participating in, somewhere closer to the Team name and list of players? Although one probably could go to the 'Team tournaments' outside the fellowship to find which ones our team is in, I don't see where Team Challenges are listed. Also, having these events listed might be of interest to others in the membership who either aren't on a team, or are on a different team.

Also, for all users, how about an option on one's settings page to not have the "Invite UserID to my fellowship" available on their profile page? It would save people from having to write in their profiles that they don't want such invitations, and would prevent people from having to deal with unwanted invitations in their Message Box.

28. 二月 2006, 23:23:00
题目: Re: E-mail notify for New Messages?
blazeinshore: there are chatrooms

28. 二月 2006, 22:41:12
Lets have this variant , but i would like to see a game where is this rule.

And many ships one one place is not cool , remember Pearl harbor ?

28. 二月 2006, 20:29:18
My hardest ships for others to find and when I have them touching.

28. 二月 2006, 20:11:48
And request number 10000 :) What about the ships , where is a rule , they cant touch each other ? :]

28. 二月 2006, 14:23:13
题目: E-mail notify for New Messages?
I know this is predominately a Games Site and wouldn't want to take the focus away from that; but it is also a venue where people talk to each other away from the games as well as during the games. People talk to friends who they aren't playing just using the message section of the site. I'm wondering if it would be possible to incorporate something into the site whereby the "e-mail notify" could apply for when someone has a new unread message. Basic e-mail notification is already there as an option on "settings" ("Notify by e-mail if the opponent makes a move and I am not online") to notify when your oponent has moved, would it be possible to add the option to be notified we receive a new message when we are not online


27. 二月 2006, 16:12:45
题目: Blocked Lists
Is there a way to find out who's blocked list you are on? Be interested to know who is winnng that competition ... maybe we could have it Statistics too? :)

27. 二月 2006, 06:41:47
题目: Re: graph feature request
emmett: or even for some games, like Maharajah Chess, where there is a distinct bias, the ability to separate stats / graphs.

27. 二月 2006, 04:15:49
题目: graph feature request
On each player's game graph, it would be interesting if a percentile could be shown of the number of games where the player made the first move.

27. 二月 2006, 03:32:10
题目: Re:
mctrivia修改(27. 二月 2006, 03:32:38)
rod03801: I figure rooks have unlimited everything else why not make it so you can be given big boss for unlimited number just can only create 2 or take the restriction out all together

27. 二月 2006, 03:22:05
Another level of membership would be good! Brain Bishop maybe? 1 level up from rook. One addition could be the ability to create 3 fellowships. I had been wanting to suggest it for a long time... but I hadn't thought of any other extras to give for the higher price.. Maybe there are thoughts?

I for one would consider upgrading.. I'm sure there are probably others out there. The only current level up from rook is golden, which those people might not like because it doesn't give any extra for the money. (And i'm sure most cant afford the black one!)

27. 二月 2006, 02:47:37
题目: Big Boss
It would be nice if we could be the big Boss of more then 2 fellowships. I want to recreate a fellowship that got deleted but can't because I can't find someone to take that Battleboats fellowship

26. 二月 2006, 20:56:31
Universal Eyes 
题目: Re: Innerfellowship team challenges.
Universal Eyes修改(26. 二月 2006, 20:58:22)
rod03801:Seeing how everyone has the settings,that solves that problem according to the time per move listed,which has to be the captain to do it,therefore if you diagree with the captain then just leave and if you you are the captain then there is no problem as to setting short games and times.

26. 二月 2006, 19:00:17
题目: Re: Innerfellowship team challenges.
rod03801: this would also allow f/s to send more than one team to an offical team tourney....

26. 二月 2006, 18:57:26
题目: Innerfellowship team challenges.
It would be great to have the ability to create sub-teams within teams. That way, not only could teams challenge outside teams, but even teams within the fellowship! There are some fellowships with some pretty big teams where this would work well.
Also, this would be good for if there are people on a larger team who like fast games, and ones who like longer time limits. Then they could be seperated easily on the team.

26. 二月 2006, 18:29:12
题目: Re: broadcast messages
Fencer: good point - i was thinking about tournament notifications and such - but really - thats what the discussion boards are for.... i wouldnt want to deal with those on the site that would abuse the feature.... cancel that request... lol

26. 二月 2006, 18:26:59
题目: Re: broadcast messages
redfrog: What would you like to send to all online players? What if half of them doesn't speak English?
Wait until I develop an antispam filter. This feature could be easily misused.

26. 二月 2006, 18:22:27
题目: broadcast messages
so we can send messages to fellowship members - team members... how bout to all online players?

26. 二月 2006, 04:10:00
题目: Re: fellowship team display
emmett: yes it does - i only wish there was a quick link to the f/s to see who those players are.... but the number is there...

26. 二月 2006, 04:09:53
题目: Re: fellowship team display
emmett: yes

26. 二月 2006, 04:07:01
题目: Re: fellowship team display
emmett: if you are a captain on a team - you can use a drop down menu to see what f/s have teams to challenge

25. 二月 2006, 21:48:43
just some ideas for turn based games..I wont provide links,unless uncommon games..data exists online..clones possible?
some would be ideal for multi player games
what say fearless leader?
painted yatzee
mille bourne
slay http://www.windowsgames.co.uk/slay.html
capture the flag

25. 二月 2006, 19:28:03
题目: Re: More power for managers
I like Walter Montego idea of allowing the big boss to delegate responsibilities to other people. I would hover like to see that in my list of fellowship members check boxs beside there names so I can check say 10 people that I want to give more powers to and then have it go to a new page were i could give all 10 at once the ability to invite new people, create ponds, ect. And also a select all button so that I can allow everyone the ability to invite.

25. 二月 2006, 15:34:59
eagle eye 
题目: Re: Statistics
fencer: what do you think about distinct list of players per game to be added?

25. 二月 2006, 01:18:56
题目: Re: More power for managers
Walter Montego: Two good posts with great ideas ... I agree wholeheartedly.

24. 二月 2006, 21:43:45
Walter Montego 
题目: Re: More power for managers
Mr. Shumway: See, I simply updated your suggestion and there it is. :)

24. 二月 2006, 20:38:22
题目: Fellowship challenges
Would be nice to see a list of all on-going (and completed) fellowship challenge tournaments - that is in one list like the "Tournaments" link, and not by going through each fellowship.

24. 二月 2006, 19:25:58
题目: Re: More power for managers
wekke: At the moment I think you have to be a manager to become captain. I agree that this is just a matter of taste - but with the solution of checkboxes this all wouldn't be a problem!

24. 二月 2006, 19:17:09
Walter Montego 
题目: Re: More power for managers
Fencer: I like this idea I just made up for the managers in fellowship. I think it'd be one way to fix the out of control moderation on some of the boards too. The main moderator could have a check list like this too. If he has other moderators on board with him he could choose which reponsibilties to delegate.

For this co-moderator it requires my approval to:

[] Ban someone
[] Hide someone
[] Edit a post
[] Hide a post
[] Delete a post
[] Add a moderator

The main moderator could leave the checkmarks blank for full reponsiblity and check those he wants to retain exclusive control over.

And you need to make it so an individual post may be hiden without hiding everything else that this person has posted.

24. 二月 2006, 18:33:45
Walter Montego 
题目: Re: More power for managers
Walter Montego修改(24. 二月 2006, 21:42:58)
Fencer: Aside from creating more ranks, you could give the Big Boss a check list of powers and responsibilities for each manager.

Also, with this structure in place it would be easier for you(site owner) to add or delete features or change them without having to create more ranks.

For this manager, allow him or her to:
[] Create tournaments
[] Offer fellowship invitations
[] Message all fellowship members
[] Hide a member
[] Create teams
[] Be a captian
[] .....

Doing it this way would allow the Big Boss to keep all duties if he chooses, or to delegate them to the various members of the fellowship. If a manager decides to leave the fellowship it shouldn't be to disruptive to adjust some of the other duties either.

24. 二月 2006, 18:22:40
题目: Re: More power for managers
Mr. Shumway: I think every member can become a team captain already...In my opinion the Big boss should have the final say in making captains, but that's just my feeling...I'm from Belgium, I compromize easily.

24. 二月 2006, 18:15:53
题目: Re: More power for managers
wekke: The main question was if from then on every member would be able to become a team captain, without a special rank. And I think, since Little and Big Boss would have nearly the same rights, why not let both of them set the captain? Some Big Boss might not care about specific teams ;)

24. 二月 2006, 18:10:29
题目: Re: More power for managers
Mr. Shumway: Chosen by the big boss of course...After all he is the owner...

24. 二月 2006, 18:09:15
题目: Re: More power for managers
And who is going to be able to be a team captain? Every member? And the captains are then chosen by Big or Little Boss?

24. 二月 2006, 17:14:09
*writing down*

24. 二月 2006, 17:13:34
题目: Re: More power for managers
BIG BAD WOLF: ok, sounds good, took me too ling writing this ;)

24. 二月 2006, 17:12:42
题目: Re: More power for managers
Fencer: Like Big Bad Wolfs idea. :)
He has been doing some thinking already I guess.

24. 二月 2006, 17:12:10
题目: Re: More power for managers
Fencer: There are basically two functions: Set up tournaments and ponds, and be a team captain as being a boardmod doesn't require any further rank. why not introduce a fellowship-manager and a team-manager. this team manager has the same rights as todays manager, i.e. becoming a captain of a certain team and managing it. and the fellowship manager may set up tournaments and ponds.
It would also be a possibility to introduce a third rank, something like a board manager, who can make new boards, delete boards, and announce moderators for boards.

24. 二月 2006, 17:10:45
题目: Re: More power for managers
BIG BAD WOLF: This sounds perfect...Takes a load of the work from the Big Boss.

24. 二月 2006, 17:06:49
题目: Re: More power for managers

  • Tournament Mgr (manage tournaments [ponds & stairs] - create, etc..)
  • User Mgr (Can also invite, accept - but not remove members from fellowship)
  • Little Boss (basicly all same powers of BIG BOSS except they can not delete fellowship (or remove BIG BOSS)

  • 24. 二月 2006, 17:03:17
    题目: Re: More power for managers
    wekke: It might be better to create more different ranks, associated with different functions. Any ideas?

    24. 二月 2006, 16:48:11
    题目: More power for managers
    wekke修改(24. 二月 2006, 16:48:28)
    I think it might be a good idea to give more power to managers in the fellowships...

    With the new tournaments and stuff, it might be helpfull if they are able to set up tourneys...

    24. 二月 2006, 10:05:45
    题目: Re: Fellowship teams
    BIG BAD WOLF: Now you can (send a message to all team members).

    24. 二月 2006, 09:44:42
    题目: Re:
    playBunny: Cool projector ... does it work with powerpoint?

    24. 二月 2006, 07:34:12
    Spherons and Torussians: You've all got it wrong. The four edges of the board actually meet at a singularity. The shape of the playing surface is akin to a tear drop or a high altitude weather balloon when it's at low altitude, but Fencer, through some clever maths, has a projection that makes the board look square on the page.

    Sphere Battleboats, please

    24. 二月 2006, 07:20:18
    Good Luck :)FLR 
    题目: Re:
    KotDB: ahaha maybe
    Fencer will use the toothpick but i do no think will make u black but he will ... lol :)

    24. 二月 2006, 07:10:56
    Peón Libre 
    题目: Re:
    BIG BAD WOLF: Suppose I like to use the word "euros" instead of "toothpicks". Does that mean I can send Fencer 280 toothpicks and become a Brain Rook for life?

    24. 二月 2006, 06:24:28
    题目: Re:
    KotDB: Yes, that discussion has already happened - and Fencer likes to use the word "Sphere" instead of "torus", which is why I suggested the name "Sphere PahTum"

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