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17. 五月 2014, 03:32:55
题目: Re: mixed games in round robin tournament
Aganju: No not at all. Just check any random tournament. For a easy example, check the team tournament random tournament. You will see that every players 2 game match are the same random game.

17. 五月 2014, 00:56:40
题目: Re: mixed games in round robin tournament
BGBedlam: I can't remember ever playing a 2 game match in random format where you receive 2 different games in one match "per" player.

11. 四月 2014, 22:11:47
Sorry to hear of the passing of Barb. (pbarb) A great lady and a regular for many years at BK.

21. 二月 2014, 01:08:03
题目: Re: Friends of Barb Peterson
Purple: Her name at Bk is Pbarb2

21. 二月 2014, 01:05:48
题目: Re: Friends of Barb Peterson
Purple: I think he is talking of someone else. Barb use to have The friendship club 2 which is now the international friendship club. She has friends here from over 10 years ago. A very kind person

4. 二月 2014, 02:30:37
题目: Re: Fevga Rule
cd power: Is this a example of the rule? So by the rule I need to open my prime since all the other pieces are in my home area?

Fevga (Elly1962 vs. Marshmud)

2. 二月 2014, 22:50:37
题目: Re: Fevga Rule
cd power: I agree with you but I'm not sure you will get that clarification you ask for. If the game site can't implement the rules properly I'm not sure how you expect the members to play accordingly.

2. 二月 2014, 17:21:47
题目: Re: Fevga Rule
cd power: By forcing your opponent to open up that spot after all his men is in his final section how do you expect to win anyway? I realize its mathematically possible.

I'm not trying to be rude just trying to understand the rule. If I was asked (and I never have) I would immediately open up a spot in my prime. I think 90% of the fevga players are unaware of this rule.

2. 二月 2014, 13:38:47
题目: Re: Fevga Rule
Resher: I've played the games for years and had no idea of such rule. After 416 games and a fairly high ranking, I have never been approached of the illegal move.

22. 八月 2013, 17:16:19
题目: Re:
Hrqls: Is it not time to moderate? Its a bit offensive now..

11. 八月 2013, 23:42:58
题目: Re: Ludo.
coan.net: On August 23 2010 you asked Fencer to implement that game and he said it would be easy.

1. 三月 2013, 20:11:40
题目: Re:
MadMonkey: It is why I did not join in on your tourny and sure that is the reason for your low turn out. . Yesterday when most was complaining, I was fine. This morning (7am est) I could view any page it seemed but when I went to play a game it would not load. Now its fine.

1. 三月 2013, 15:23:56
题目: Re:
MadMonkey: I can't even get on the main game page.

7. 二月 2013, 15:48:43
题目: Re: Connect4
Roberto Silva: Those stats don't tell the true story. In Regular stack4 the 2nd player has a huge advantage. In the variants, like spider 4 The player who goes first has the advantage. Such an advantage that a good player will seldom loose.

3. 二月 2013, 20:41:38
题目: Re: Slow site with white page.
beach: 2 days of white pages for me but I'm use to it...and deal with it. This has gone on for years for me with uploads from bk while all my other sites work fast.

22. 一月 2013, 00:40:12
题目: Re:
Roberto Silva: No thats not it. This player has never been no more then a bishop. It happen last year also but have no idea if its fixed. In other words as a knight you can only play 1 tourny per game until it ends you can't play another. As a bishop however you can play more then 1. Only 5 bishops here and its easy to follow their membership status.

21. 一月 2013, 18:59:37
Why are bishops permitted to sign up for multiple same game tournys?

15. 十一月 2011, 02:53:14
题目: Re:
Aganju: How did you get a gift of brains? I didn't know that was possible. The last brain action (where you could get some free) was April 08. I think the brain system is disabled. The only members who have brains are those who bought them in the past or won a brain tournament.

6. 十一月 2011, 05:35:13
题目: Re: Slow players
Mélusine: Yes Art is correct , how can anyone get upset with you. lol. You should be a professional arbitrator.

I would never ask you or any BB to change anything due to a slow player and have you decide such a matter. But on the other hand if asked, as I have in the past I just tell them so. In your fellowship I play games but limit myself on who I play. There is many ways on bk to stay away from players you choose not to play.

I won't put anyone in such a dilemma and you know well I respect you more then ANYONE on this site. You announced you point of veiw in a general form, speaking of the thousands of members who play. I agree with you and I know the person you are and you always give everyone the benefit of doubt. I was'nt speaking in a general term. I don't believe in game limits, however if a player over time proves he/she can't handle them all I do believe a limit should be placed. I have several good friends who play thousands of games and never a timeout.

Even with 3 day limits and the reset of vacation days at the 1st of year takes a simple 3 day tourny 2 years to complete....for some.

We speak of trying to get pawns to join, and some even say they play their pawns first so they can play quicky, enjoy more games and become members. I also believe this ....and the bishops and knights who can only play one tourny of each game....so I wonder how they all feel having to play 1 tourny for a year because someone holds the tourny up....

6. 十一月 2011, 00:42:55
题目: Re: Slow players
Mélusine: I respectfully disagree. Maybe some history to this matter and you would understand. Then again play 2000+or- games and see how frustraiting it is to keep up. Then blame everyone else for your time outs. (btw at one time over 4000 games in progress)

This is not a simple issue of one time out. And I'd like to see these rude messages. I can only imagine what he received but as he said its all fencers faught for his sporadic play.

We have spoke about one player only. Not pawns, knights or you....

"Get better results if your nice"

Well in that case I see why fencer doesn't respond to his HUNDREDS of complaints and sarcasium, but I'm (or others) can't complain of his massive amount of time outs? Do you have any idea what it does to a tournament? He is a very smart player, so he beats a few players and times out on the rest? It doesn't sound like a fun tournament at all to me.

Your correct that he is doing nothing wrong. I meant ask the BB to create shorter tournaments. I have been asked "Why are you not joining my tournaments" so should I lie or tell them the truth?

Also I am not the one who sent him the messages in question. In fact I never have wrote to him. But when he mention the fact of his timeouts and tries to justify them I had to speak up. How often do you see me here complaining?

4. 十一月 2011, 02:11:10
题目: Re: can't win
rod03801: Look at his threads Rod. Speaking of being rude ....I think fencer has heard every complaint in bkville that can be made.

His comments made just opens a can of worms. Its a two way street here.

My last comment on the subject. Good night all

4. 十一月 2011, 01:36:37
题目: Re: can't win
rod03801: And with all due respect Rod, being the "slowone" a few times over the years is a bit different to this scenario I speak of.

4. 十一月 2011, 01:32:15
题目: Re: can't win
rod03801: I wasn't rude, just to the point and speaking for many palyers at bk about his comment. I would never be rude to any player who just is a slow player, I just avoid them as I suggested and would of never mention the slow play until he first made a comment. Slow play doesn't bother me but when people have problems playing the games they currently have, and I notice they have join new tournaments I just avoid them. This also not the first time its been brought up, and imo, some players who time out constantly should be placed on a game limit.

4. 十一月 2011, 00:34:27
题目: Re: can't win
thisbeme: I have many friends complain of your play in the past. I've never said anything about all the time outs, but that is what happens when you have thousands of games to play. Your a smart player. When you timeout constantly it lowers your BKR. It upsets people who play their games on a daily bases. All my tournys from last year that I'm still in are because of your slow play. I can see why people get upset, but its your right to play thousands of games and time out on as many as you wish as long as we have no limit on games played. I suggest those who are upset is to just not join tournaments you are part of, and explain to the BB of said fellowship and explain why you won't play.

18. 八月 2011, 04:01:29
题目: Re:
Marshmud修改(18. 八月 2011, 04:02:03)
Thad: Windows Internet Explorer formerly Microsoft Internet Explorer, commonly abbreviated IE or MSIE

14. 八月 2011, 19:52:05
题目: Re: I can't access the vacation calander
The Col: If you are just worried until next saturday you have nothing to worry about. The time on your "no days off" games is between 9 and 15 days where you must move again as of now.

14. 八月 2011, 19:33:55
题目: Re: I can't access the vacation calander
The Col: I see no games that will time out by next saturday. even your "no days off" red dot games seem ok. Just make sure you have enough "bonus time" in your red dot (no days off) tournys. Your auto vacation will take care of your regular games.

8. 八月 2011, 04:42:32
题目: Re: Free initial brains - but where?
Aganju: I believe the brain system is disabled and you can not purchase them. The members who have them currently are players who purchased brains in the past or won prize tournaments that offered brains as a prize.

30. 五月 2011, 04:15:43
题目: Re:
Mélusine: So you can not use the link "Set this action as default" after you choose what type of move you want to make?

30. 五月 2011, 01:20:22
题目: Re:
El Cid: Yes that will work and take you to the next game of whatever you are currently playing, but what Mel wants is to view the boat game as soon as she submits the move and if you want to view the game immediately you must select "Move and stay here" if you want a direct link

29. 五月 2011, 19:49:57
题目: Re:
Mélusine: After you make a move on a boat game, and you want to see if you hit a target your move setting should be "Move " and "stay here" but after you view the board you still have to select another game from your game list, but my filter for this function works fine.

19. 一月 2011, 00:41:03
题目: Re: brains
Gabriel Almeida: There has been Team Tounaments with the winning team receiving brains for their win and also many fellowship team tounament that have brains for the winning team. However you must set up the tournament. Currently the brain system is inactive but I hope it soon will change.

2. 九月 2010, 23:45:45
题目: Re:
Marshmud修改(3. 九月 2010, 01:07:20)
MadMonkey: Some of us spend alot of money here, unlike you begging and it does bother me....but its ok my days are done as well.

2. 九月 2010, 23:26:57
题目: Re:
MadMonkey: That formula you speak of, or the 150% increase per move....150 bid after a bid of 100 has many variables. It depends on the size of the group, the bkr of the players involved...etc... and only works on the 16/16 ponds. Actually as the players now bid higher its obsolete and doesn't work. Many have asked me (or I asked them) to help them in ponds as I was trying to get more players involved ....and many currently play..

C'mon mate. we have known each other for over 5 years and we both have great respect for tenuki. He has won all my prize ponds and over 50% of all my prizes. My point is, that a player with his unbelievable gaming skills doesn't have to stoop this low....there is no formula for two players to be 1 point off an entire game. Can you at least agree to that point even if its not a game you like?

2. 九月 2010, 22:44:39
题目: Re:
MadMonkey: What kind of proof you need? A whole game with a one point difference needs no formula. If not for tenuki being your friend, and pedro not I think you would see it different.

It may not be a game to some, but I have always enjoyed the ponds. Even ran prizes with the ponds, and guess who won them?

Like tenuki needs to cheat....and he has always gained my respect....but he is history now.

11. 四月 2010, 16:13:37
When will we be able to purchase brains again?

20. 四月 2009, 19:47:33
题目: Re: Random colors?
alanback: I understand that now. I read all the boards, but never read each one for the topics I can or cannot discuss and only replied to the 10 or so messages before mine. Friendly discussion was my motive, not to have someone chase me off.

20. 四月 2009, 19:32:01
题目: Re: Random colors?
coan.net: Yes, but not in the beggining of the game,but I do see the advantage of going first and checking out blacks possibilities first, and then change your white sequence to the black line....Yes I agre there is alot of advantages to knight fight, but never noticed what you brought up, thats all. Want to play a few games?

20. 四月 2009, 19:28:42
题目: Re: Random colors?
alanback: I'm tired of having to be politically correct on a DB. I write a response to a reply once and I make people angry. Its unbelievable people get upset to such nonsense. Is there one DB you can read where you don't have to go elsewhere to reply?

20. 四月 2009, 19:18:56
题目: Re: Random colors?
Marshmud修改(20. 四月 2009, 19:20:33)
coan.net: Some knight fight tournys are set without a random start positon like the last team tournament and I see a advantage there if you study the game well. You can also end the game in several moves and if you play correctly and have a "good"set up with high numbers in your home side corners. I don't see a advantage with the colors at knight fight as long as you can see far into the game, and must always follow your opponents line of play. Now we talk about the advantages of the start colours but I think spider games and line games have the greatest advantage and white to some players like tenuki and masterx never loose white in spiders...or I think once in many years. I don't understand how starting on one particular colour can change things in knight fight as you can move to a different colour square on the next move, but that may be your secreat weapon, lol

8. 八月 2008, 17:51:51
题目: Re: Brainking store
Mousetrap: We where right mousetrap, there was a bk store

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