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创建者: rod03801
! The Zoo *1173**1104**1109**1106* (1. 五月 2009, 13:41:52)
This pond is part of a special prize competition. The winner of the whole competition will receive one year Rook membership.

It is in combination with the other 2 ponds open for sign up, and the Random Dice games tournament.

It is NOT required that you sign up for everything, however your chances of winning the prize, are better, if you do.

It will work as follows:
1. Each part will be worth 5 points.
2. In this pond, the winner will receive 5 points, 2nd place 4 points, 3rd place 3 points, 4th place 2 points and 5th place 1 point.
3. This will be the same in the Random Dice games tournament.
4. In the case of ties in the dice games tournament, it will be decided by S-B points, of course. If for some reason this still makes the results ambiguous, I will come up with a random quick "contest", at my discretion, to decide who gets what points.
5. In the case of ties in the ponds, it will be decided by who ends with the most points left. (Let's say 3 people fall in the pond in the same round. The person with the highest points left gets the higher amount of points towards this prize. Again, if this still makes the results ambiguous, I will do the same as mentioned in #4.

Feel free to ask me any questions on the fellowship discussion board! http://brainking.com/en/Board?bc=2077 This description may not be as clear as it could be! LOL

The Zoo - Watering Hole in the Dark

The Zoo - Watering Hole in the Rain

! The Zoo Welcome back AGAIN Eriisa!! The sections in this tournament are very large, to avoid having too many rounds, and lasting for 18 years!

Good luck!


联谊会: ! The Zoo *1173**1104**1109**1106*
池塘类型:  绕着池塘奔跑
池塘ID: 5611
最少玩家数额: 16
最多玩家数额: 无限
走步时间: 2 日
开局: 11. 五月 2009, 19:04:56
结束: 16. 六月 2009, 20:05:14

游戏 | 讨论

步号: 10
rod03801:(30. 五月 2009, 02:40:41) Give me a break. There was no question about what you meant. What other bid looked "funny"? If that wasn't the one you meant, then clear it up. If you have no intention of clearing it up, why even bring it up in the first place?
Bernice:(29. 五月 2009, 23:33:32) I never mentioned numbers or names...how sad that you 2 did
步号: 9
rod03801:(29. 五月 2009, 16:34:01) Yes, what coan.net said. Plus, there is NO doubt in my mind that Skittles would NOT cheat.
coan.net:(28. 五月 2009, 03:45:42) Bernice: I would guess you see the 797/798 bids as possible cheating? With the "*" next to the 797 means that the person never made a bid, and with this being a 2 day pond, the 798 bidder may have seen the person had not been online for those 2 days and placed the 1 higher bid right before the deadline. Not cheating - good playing if you have the time to check other players.
Bernice:(27. 五月 2009, 22:17:29) someones "bet" seems strange....is there cheating going on?
步号: 1
rod03801:(13. 五月 2009, 04:00:05)
SEAWOLF2:(12. 五月 2009, 14:35:05)
Eriisa:(12. 五月 2009, 01:25:42) hooray! Let's Play!
baddessi:(11. 五月 2009, 20:12:37) good luck everyone!

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