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监管者: Foxy Lady , Eriisa , ajtgirl 
 Garden and Winter Chat

Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.

Please remember children read this board.

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4. 五月 2006, 22:52:28

14. 四月 2006, 20:07:26
ty I am an amateur botanist..but still fungi ID is difficult even for pros at times

14. 四月 2006, 07:30:34
I am being very careful ty FoxyLady

14. 四月 2006, 04:55:21
题目: I found some puffballs
nobleheart修改(14. 四月 2006, 07:30:01)
they are fresh
researched them..think they are Calvatia gigantea.

shall I try them?
I am being very cautious because i know many fungi are edible & delicious but many are very poisionous.
but i heard ALL puffballs are edible.has anyone had any experience with them?

7. 四月 2006, 19:36:37

7. 四月 2006, 19:35:17
题目: Re:
Foxy Lady: bok choy :
Bok choy is an Asian member of the cabbage family that has a mild flavor. It consists of long, thick, white stalks, topped by intensely blue-green leaves. Bok choy is a familiar vegetable in Chinese restaurants, where it appears in won ton soup and many stir-fried dishes.

it is more like chard or broccoli in taste.

4. 四月 2006, 00:18:42
but aside from these monster veggies..i grow:
corn,chard,spinach,sweet orange peppers,carrots,parsnip,green & yellow bush beans,bok choy,broccoli,kohlrabi,peas,tomatillos.

wish i could get some okra seeds.

4. 四月 2006, 00:14:38
Eriisa I was kidding..
but seriously what is everyone planting in their veggie garden's this year?
last year I discovered something.
what made me think of triffids was last year,I planted lotsa veggies...among them..artichokes & cardoon.
The artichoke is a perennial in the thistle group of the sunflower family. In full growth, the plant spreads to about 6 feet in diameter and about 3 to 4 feet high. It has long arching leaves that give the plant a fern-like appearance.
The vegetable that we eat is really the plant's immature flower bud.
If left to flower, blossoms measure up to 7 inches in diameter and are a beautiful violet color.
note : thorns & bumble bees they attract.
Cardoon is similar to the globe artichoke. With cardoon the young tender leaves and undeveloped tender flower stalks are eaten rather than the flower bud. The thistle-like cardoon plant grows to a height of 3-5 feet and spreads over an area 6 feet in diameter.
An old greek neighbour told me that was eaten in ancient times as artichoke,was really cardoon immature flower buds.
I researched this...tried a few..I still live.but cardoon buds are a little bitter compared to
artichoke.some like this,if not..stick to eating the young tender leaves and undeveloped tender flower stalk
both plants are delicious,worth the trouble..if you have the space.

4. 四月 2006, 00:03:04
题目: Eriisa
nobleheart修改(4. 四月 2006, 02:06:59)

20. 三月 2006, 21:43:04
题目: Re:Eriisa: are we talking about men??
ScarletRose: ha ha ha smart pants:
I am planting thease this year,anyone want some seeds:

2. 三月 2006, 19:35:44
all fooling around outside..anyone seen any early crocuses yet?

2. 三月 2006, 19:35:06
题目: Re:

29. 一月 2006, 21:58:33
only a trace of snow here miss Foxy..but it has been BITTER cold..hands up all those ready for a little outdoor warmth.

29. 一月 2006, 21:56:22
nobleheart修改(29. 一月 2006, 22:52:45)
their are a patch of Snowdrops (Galanthus)in the cemetery near here:


that come up ..often thro the last snow..as soon as the ground starts to thaw.
it is one of the early signs of winter.I will take a piccie & share..as soon as I see this early sign of spring.

* * * edited by plaintiger to make the link work right, which it wasn't for me before i jumped all over it and fixed it. * * *

23. 一月 2006, 23:19:12
题目: psstt...
hey the buds on the hazelnut tree in the cemetery are developing..and I saw a bug,outdoors...is spring waking up slowly??is it too early to wish..hey when is ground hog day?

24. 十二月 2005, 08:39:50
seasons greeting to all my BK freinds.

20. 十二月 2005, 07:00:21

30. 十一月 2005, 07:12:35
题目: more for my garden buddies,to help beat the winter blahs.
use robots controlled online to plant a flower in a real garden and to water your plant
much more than that to this "growing" community.its free but your must create a login & password:
remote cams can be roboticallly controlled to view the garden & more:

an online gardener game:

30. 十一月 2005, 02:16:07
people think we are all in snow up here in "canada eh" but we got our 1st trace of snow here in richmond hill 2 days ago but rain washed away last night.its been unseasonably warm here too.
our weather here:

24. 十一月 2005, 00:56:47
题目: for my garden buds to fight off the winter blahs
Forcing branches for indoor bloom is one of the great pleasures of late winter, and it's a snap to do. Branches that force best include the Forsythia & Redbud, as well as Pussy Willow, Quince, Cherry, Apple(ornamental crabapples work well), and Witchhazel.
The easiest way to force blooms is to wait until you notice the buds starting to swell. Then just cut the branches, bring them indoors, put them in water, and wait a few days for them to work their magic.
If you want to introduce the season even sooner, you can cut the branches after the shrub has been dormant at least six weeks. Completely submerge the cuttings in a tub of cold water for several hours. Re-cut the ends, vertically slicing the lower inch or 2 of each branch in half so it can better take up water. Put the branches in a large vase of water in a cool spot near a window, and in two or three weeks, you'll have beautiful blooms.
to learn more this subject can be searched online
its not to everyones taste,I myself hate cutting growing things.

22. 十一月 2005, 05:03:05
yes happy thanks giving to all my american buds...save me a piece of punkin' pie

21. 十一月 2005, 06:10:08
maybe we should say thae arctic weather comes from nunavut province:

20. 十一月 2005, 02:25:49
yes but stop saying" cold from canada"..as i said,we get it too

18. 十一月 2005, 06:48:10
题目: Re: hi to all my garden buds
ScarletRose: mmm.a tree for christmas...mmm...doubt they would let me ho ho ho across the border with a big real tree..but I willl start tomthink of something clever as an alternative.

18. 十一月 2005, 06:45:16
题目: Re: hi to all my garden buds
Foxy Lady: re:
nobleheart: Nice to see since were expecting snow lol........A blast coming down from Canada is going to hit us good so the weather channel says.
why is it canadian weathermen(correctly say the cold snowy weather is coming from the arctic.
why is it USA weathermen(incorrectly say the cold snowy weather is coming from the canada.
off all people,shouldn't the US weather men have some idea of were it comes from & dont they know that we get it too?
PS foxy,I am not wanting the snow..yuck to snow.
we have had nothing but cold rain so far.

16. 十一月 2005, 01:17:07
题目: hi to all my garden buds
saw this on the dicovery channel..thought it was interesting,so I looked it up,the rarest tree,a living fossil:

when 1st discovered,they were fenced & locked in,fearing tree poachers.
thought to be priceless.
now,it is thought the best way to protect them,was to breed them & sell them to promote there spread.
arboretums & botanical gardens can even order them now:

31. 十月 2005, 18:11:59

20. 十月 2005, 07:13:49
题目: fragrant foliage

19. 十月 2005, 02:22:59
I though my fellow garden gnomes would find this interesting:

celeb treehuggers


14. 十月 2005, 23:32:29
题目: Re:

14. 十月 2005, 06:11:36
题目: Re: todays cool plant
ScarletRose: smarty pants,I should have known

14. 十月 2005, 05:53:06
题目: todays cool plant
Arbutus Unedo ("Strawberry Tree"),there is one at the royal botanical gardrens:

12. 十月 2005, 03:04:53
题目: Re:
Foxy Lady: oh foxy,wasnt calling you a sap,it was a play on the word "sap",I had used many botany words to make a silly paragraph..still have the text if u want to see it again..dont worry about it,it was a waste of time anyway.I thought it might give you a chuckle.

11. 十月 2005, 05:53:57
Foxy Lady
was there something wrong with my humourous sentence using botany terms that you edited?
there was nothing vulgar in it,just silly.
BerniceC I have an indoor arica palm.

10. 十月 2005, 00:55:15
题目: Re:Oh wow i hate just trying to keep up with the leaves.
nobleheart修改(10. 十月 2005, 12:22:09)
Foxy Lady: well there is no use barking about falling leaves,they wont stop this time of year.

7. 十月 2005, 22:56:23
oopps I mean GFC

7. 十月 2005, 22:55:36
what is a GFG...s'plain please

7. 十月 2005, 04:54:16
题目: Re: Desert Rose
tinksbell: nice link tink ty

7. 十月 2005, 00:58:30
there is one of these near here,in the cemetery:

7. 十月 2005, 00:57:26
I know I said it looks like,but they r diff

7. 十月 2005, 00:52:02
题目: Re: desert rose
re :http://www.anbg.gov.au/emblems/nt.emblem.html
this is about the most I can find on Desert Roses
that is a very pretty,simple flower.it look a look like a shrub that grows here:
rose of sharon:
it comes in pink,red,white or purple.

7. 十月 2005, 00:22:41
题目: Re:
BerniceC: I thought ScarletRose was our desert rose?or is she our mountain maiden?

7. 十月 2005, 00:21:11
Eriisa: ty for the link wink

3. 十月 2005, 22:22:26
题目: more garden stuff

3. 十月 2005, 02:31:28
I bet you cant get over how fast they grow too

2. 十月 2005, 18:10:24

2. 十月 2005, 18:06:21
re :BerniceC 2. October 2005, 00:34:40
that looks very much like a "BOAB" tree
yes,ty for your time,I know all trees,I love em..lol,but the funny thing it isn't.the tree has an internal fungus that affected its growth.
another strange tree:
why did the tree cross the road?
more weird tree pics
re :Foxy Lady Re: dear Foxy Lady 2. October 2005, 00:09:18
...Next month i'm putting the babies pic on for her birthday she'll be 1.. one year already?gee time flies.

2. 十月 2005, 03:25:10
题目: dear Foxy Lady
whats that in your new piccie?
is that your aura?
do you have a halo?
this tree has to go to weight watchers:

1. 十月 2005, 02:43:58
题目: arboretums & gardens
we have this near here :
it is huge,you could spent all weekend hiking around it,and not see it all.five garden areas,four nature sanctuaries and 30 kilometres of walking trails thro woods,grasslands,gardens,one is a boardwalk over the reeds.

and if you keep walking west of it a bit,you end up here:

1. 十月 2005, 02:38:49
题目: look what I found wow this looks nice

anyone in wales ever been here?is it as nice as it looks?

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