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Forum for discussing local and world politics and issues. All views are welcomed. Let your opinions be heard on current news and politics.

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11. 一月 2009, 22:01:25
题目: Re: if you said he was a bad choice,I wouldn't really care WHY you thought he was,point is,its YOUR right to believe he is a bad choice.
Vikings: do YOU understand the meaning of helping others?
doesn't really matter...like I said said agian and again..we will never agree on this stuff,so be it,whatever.
Bush had a few good things while in office...I think he had more negative..MY OPINION.
your is that..what he was wonderful?? ok,cool,glad ya feel that way..glad ya feel which ever way ya wanna feel...I'm done with this whole thing...I don;t care what I say,what I don't say...what you say,what you don't say.....we disagree...THAT I think is something we can agree on!

11. 一月 2009, 22:46:55
题目: Re: if you said he was a bad choice,I wouldn't really care WHY you thought he was,point is,its YOUR right to believe he is a bad choice.
anastasia: I can sense and understand your frustration.... opinions are just that opinions... but heres the point, If you say you dont like Bush because he never signed a law protecting albino wambats, then that is your opinion and i might not agree but thats that.

But lets say Bush had signed that law, and your opinion of Bush was based on wrong intel?

Your gonna tell us you werent one to hate Bush from day one, that your hatred for him is based on certain things he did or did not do?

he handled Katrina poorly you say? Well even though he stayed away at the request of the governor of that state, your opinion is that he should have done something more anyway, and that is totally legit opinion, yeah he should have broken the law and helped these people anyway. That works for me!

But if you say he handled Katrina wrong because he did not follow some specific guidelines set forth in the constitution or set forth by whomever, well that is an opinion based on false information, and is therefore less legitimate.

See you cannot have an opinion about facts, facts and opinions are two different things! Also if your opinions are based on facts that arent really factual, well that brings those opinions into debate as well.

But in a discussion board format you either need to keep your opinions more open and vague, IE I dont care what the laws were, he should have done more anyway, or you have to be able to defend them when they are not, IE he broke the law so I dont like him!

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