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8. 三月 2013, 21:33:57
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: Some people think the constitution is outdated, but that's nonsense
"Some people think the constitution is outdated, but that's nonsense"

[ It would be fair to say that there are some things that were never imagined of when it was written. ]

Of course, but no one needed to imagine a fundamental change in people... why would they? What worked then works now, and what didn't work then still doesn't work. This isn't news, we have thousands of years of history proving out what works and what doesn't, and why.

8. 三月 2013, 21:20:12
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: Some people think the constitution is outdated, but that's nonsense
Iamon lyme: Oops, I meant to say --- Is there anything government can't do better than you or me?

8. 三月 2013, 21:03:42
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: Some people think the constitution is outdated, but that's nonsense
(V): "In the UK it has been seen recently that even if the Government gives money for banks to help businesses they won't. Even when they have said they will."

Well, you have to understand that our government knows better than anyone else how to run healthcare, and your government knows better than the banking industry how they should be doing business. I mean seriously, is there nothing government can't do better than you or me?

8. 三月 2013, 20:53:13
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: Some people think the constitution is outdated, but that's nonsense
(V): "and institute tort reform to correct the REAL problems with health care."

[ Tell that to the lawyers... the same ones that are at the heart of much of the tort problems in the USA. ]

It's not enough to tell them. If the law says you can file frivolous lawsuits and sue for exorbitant claims then why wouldn't they? It's not just McDonalds that can be forced to pay someone for spilling coffee on themselves. Doctors and hospitals are also forced to pay out more than they should have to, and so the cost of health care naturally rises to cover those costs.

It's not the lawyers who are at fault, it's the fault of lawmakers who have steadfastly refused to fix this problem. Instead, they want to take control of healthcare and completely change how it is payed for and administered. This is what they have wanted to do for a long time, so it's no wonder why they have refused to fix any of the real problems that drive health care costs up.

8. 三月 2013, 00:33:47
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: We've always managed to reverse or at least slow down our own self destruction, but we may have gone too far in the wrong direction this time.
(V): There is only one circumstance I can see that could turn things around in the US, and do it relatively fast... like within 10 years. But I also know it's a pipe dream and won't happen.

In order to correct (just one of) the problems we are creating for ourselves, half of the population of this country would need to change its mind about taxation, and insist on limiting government according to the constitution. Some people think the constitution is outdated, but that's nonsense. In order for it to no longer be relevant people would have had to become fundamentally different, and last time I checked people have not evolved into some other species. They still need the same things they've always needed, and still do things in the same way.The only thing that has changed in over 200 years is technology... people are still fundamentally the same.

So here are a few suggestions for the powers that be to ignore: Empower the politicians (all of them) to reject government funded health care, and institute tort reform to correct the REAL problems with health care. Defund unnecessary government programs (to reduce spending) and stop discouraging businesses from growing and hiring new people.

If government can defer its greed for a few years and stop interfering with our lives and businesses, reduce the tax burdon instead of increasing it, then government coffers would beginning filling up again. Increasing a tax burdon insures there will be fewer sources to tax, but reducing tax burdon means more sources spring up for the government to tax. Grocery stores understand how low price / high volume will net greater profits than simply charging as much as they can get away with. Less is more, but many of the geniuses in Washington can't seem to grasp this simple concept. Taxing less encourages growth, and growth means more taxable income. How hard can this be for anyone to understand?

I remember when there were so many jobs to chose from it was an employees market, and businesses were bending over backwards trying to entice people to work for them... we won't see that happening again anytime soon.

6. 三月 2013, 21:08:08
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: Obama and Biden are a team, and it's Joes job to make his boss look good by comparison. Good luck with that, Joe.
(V): "What do you think??"

I think regardless of candidates or party, the US will be involved in damage control for at least the next 20 to 30 years.

It takes far less time to tear something down than it does to build it up. We've always managed to reverse or at least slow down our own self destruction, but we may have gone too far in the wrong direction this time.

6. 三月 2013, 06:37:44
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: Biden is telling women who have never owned a shotgun to buy one. He's telling people who've never shot one how easy they are to use.
Artful Dodger: "Biden had something else in mind."

They always have something else in mind. That's why politicians like him end up becoming confused. The problem is that as they get older the machinations of their own minds become harder to manage... they can literally lose control of their own mental processes. My mental processes on the other hand are quite simple, so there is very little that can go wrong.

I came, I saw, I farted... how hard can that be?

6. 三月 2013, 04:41:09
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: Biden is telling women who have never owned a shotgun to buy one. He's telling people who've never shot one how easy they are to use.
Artful Dodger: "To spend more we have to borrow, thus putting us in more debt. So to summarise, to get out of debt we have to get more debt."

That might make some sense if we were borrowing to pay down the debt, but as you say they are doing it so they will have more to spend. The powers that be don't seem concerned about paying off any of that debt right now.

I tried something like that a long time ago. I borrowed against my next allowance, but then got less allowance on my next 'payday'. I didn't like that at all, but I was only eight or nine years old at the time.

6. 三月 2013, 02:45:19
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: Biden is telling women who have never owned a shotgun to buy one. He's telling people who've never shot one how easy they are to use.
(V): Obama and Biden are a team, and it's Joes job to make his boss look good by comparison. Good luck with that, Joe.


5. 三月 2013, 23:23:04
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: Biden is telling women who have never owned a shotgun to buy one. He's telling people who've never shot one how easy they are to use.
(V): [ One video does not make Biden an idiot.... ... ... that takes years of practice !! ]


3. 三月 2013, 21:00:14
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: Maybe it's a game, and the Republicans are supposed to chase after Obama... and if we catch him, then he'll sit down and pretend to seriously negotiate in good faith.
(V): [ Does one have the ability to watch old UK TV shows such as "Yes Minister" or "Yes Prime Minister"?? ]

Probably, if I had cable or satellite, but I don't watch much television so any UK programing I get is whatever is shown on the Public Broadcasting System (PBS).

3. 三月 2013, 20:46:32
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re:Hey did ya watch the hippo fart?
(V): [ No... the link was a mobile version...didna work. ]

Didn't work for me either, so I copied and pasted the title... World's Biggest Fart - The Hippo ...into the youtube search engine and it took me to the video.

2. 三月 2013, 05:31:51
Iamon lyme 
Ego pedere ergo sum

2. 三月 2013, 05:31:03
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re:Don't pick on the hippofartamus!
Artful Dodger: Did you see what his tail was doing? It looked like a propeller!

2. 三月 2013, 05:09:57
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re:Don't pick on the hippofartamus!
Artful Dodger: "Hey did ya watch the hippo fart?"

Yep... watched AND heard him.

28. 二月 2013, 04:12:46
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: After all, when has a policy of appeasement ever NOT worked?
(V): "So.. stating something that has been seen to be true in many cases"

But in this case (the one I was talking about) a charge of racism is leveled by someone wielding power and influence to attack a police officer, who did nothing wrong. No politician in his right mind would try pulling a stunt like this, but this is who we have had as president for 4 years and will have for another four.

But at least he's not hiding under his desk, and has learned how to hide in plain sight. He's been running around complaining that Republicans won't work with him, but refuses to sit down to actually meet with them... to work with him. (?) And when Republicans submit a budget or anything they've authored Harry Reed just sits on it... like a hen sitting on an egg.

Maybe it's a game, and the Republicans are supposed to chase after Obama... and if we catch him, then he'll sit down and pretend to seriously negotiate in good faith. Yeah, that must be it... he's playing the 'catch me if you can' game.

25. 二月 2013, 22:10:28
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: Obama started off embarrassing himself (and us) by going on his world apology tour
The Col: "This part of the world enjoyed it, and found it refreshing ..I don't think anyone considered it an "apology tour" other than Republicans"

Who are you referring to when you say "This part of the world"?

Of course only Republicans would call it an apology tour... and only Democrats would see it as something that can improve relations between the US and people who regard the US as their enemies. After all, when has a policy of appeasement ever NOT worked?

25. 二月 2013, 21:28:33
Iamon lyme 
题目: IMO
Obama started off embarrassing himself (and us) by going on his world apology tour, and interjecting himself into news stories that have nothing to do with his job as president. Like the time he commented on a black professor who ran afoul of the law. He criticised the police for being racist, then held a news meeting with both sides for the purpose of repairing his own image. But now he's settled into doing what he does best, making speeches to promote what his party wants. I think this is mostly what he will be doing from here on out. It's either that or hide under his desk for the next four years.

25. 二月 2013, 20:58:07
Iamon lyme 
题目: IMO
I thought Obama was Carter on steroids, but it's actually the other way around. The difference between Carter and Obama is like the difference between watching a train wreck in real time and watching it in slow motion. Carter created so much havoc in so little time it shocked the voters into making a drastic change. Obama on the other hand just plods along, putting himself in front of the cameras so as to keep us busy focused on peripheral issues.

Republicans have made the mistake of thinking they need to do more than simply hold the line. They will probably lose more ground than they will gain in the next four years no matter what they do, but at least voters will be able to clearly see where the Democrats are taking them...and they will have to decide for themselves if that's where they (the voters) want to go.

23. 二月 2013, 06:57:10
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re:Hey, don't hate us just because we're gorgeous!
Artful Dodger: No kidding, you would be surprised at some of the "technology" that has been pirated by the 'you know who'... It's not just the high end stuff. A few years ago someone in California went to court to sue (to sue who, the Chinese government?) over a particular type of packing material and design he developed for packaging electronics. He discovered the same packaging material and design was showing up in US markets, but it wasn't his stuff.

But that's not what I wanted to talk about. I had something important to say about farts, but if we keep this up they might have to rename this the Gorgeous Men Farts board.

23. 二月 2013, 05:18:23
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re:Hey, don't hate us just because we're gorgeous!
(V): "...my idea of an eco green fart deposit station..."

What?!?!? Harvesting green farts was MY idea!! I knew I should have patented it, but I was afraid the Chinese would steal my idea once they found out about it.

My next project is to make and capture rainbow colored farts...

22. 二月 2013, 20:09:04
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re:
(V): Hey, don't hate us just because we're gorgeous!

It's been so long ago now that I've forgotten what it tastes like. It probably made me gassy, but everything I eat does that so it's not really relevant or even worth mentioning... Obama is an incompetent moron.

22. 二月 2013, 02:14:02
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: You must mean me
Artful Dodger: She wasn't just talking about you. She said all of us men here were gorgeous... and Obama is an incompetent moron.

21. 二月 2013, 04:43:07
Iamon lyme 
Not yet. Todays lesson is how to make fire with a pencil, a 3x5 card and a pair of sissors.

20. 二月 2013, 21:11:03
Iamon lyme 
schooooOOOOooool !!

20. 二月 2013, 20:15:47
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: I don't blame the school you went to for saying dumb things, but it was you who said she should be sent back to school.
(V): "school"

1 school noun \ˈskül\

Definition of SCHOOL:

1: an organization that provides instruction: as a : an institution for the teaching of children b : college, university c (1) : a group of scholars and teachers pursuing knowledge together that with similar groups constituted a medieval university (2) : one of the four faculties of a medieval university (3) : an institution for specialized higher education often associated with a university <the school of engineering> d : an establishment offering specialized instruction <driving schools>

2a (1) : the process of teaching or learning especially at a school (2) : attendance at a school (3) : a session of a school b : a school building c : the students attending a school; also : its teachers and students

3: a source of knowledge <experience was his school>

4a : a group of persons who hold a common doctrine or follow the same teacher (as in philosophy, theology, or medicine) <the Aristotelian school>; also : the doctrine or practice of such a group b : a group of artists under a common influence c : a group of persons of similar opinions or behavior; also : the shared opinions or behavior of such a group <other schools of thought>

5: the regulations governing military drill of individuals or units; also : the exercises carried out <the school of the soldier>

Origin of SCHOOL: Middle English scole, from Old English scōl, from Latin schola, from Greek scholē leisure, discussion, lecture, school; perhaps akin to Greek echein to hold — more at scheme

First Known Use: before 12th century

Rhymes with SCHOOL: boule, boulle, cool, drool, fool, fuel, ghoul, gul, mewl, mule, pool, Poole, pul, pule, rule, spool, stool, tool, tulle, yule

2 school transitive verb

Definition of SCHOOL:

1a : to teach or drill in a specific knowledge or skill <well schooled in languages> b : to discipline or habituate to something <school oneself in patience>

2: to educate in an institution of learning

First Known Use of SCHOOL: 15th century

3 school noun

Definition of SCHOOL: a large number of fish or aquatic animals of one kind swimming together

Origin of SCHOOL: Middle English scole, from Middle Dutch schole; akin to Old English scolu multitude and probably to Old English scylian to separate — more at skill

First Known Use: 15th century

4 school intransitive verb

Definition of SCHOOL: to swim or feed in a school <bluefish are schooling>

First Known Use of SCHOOL

19. 二月 2013, 05:34:56
Iamon lyme 
The chances of an asteroid passing by the same day we see a big meteor like the one seen over Russia is 1 in 100 million. It happens about once every 1,000 years.


19. 二月 2013, 04:17:41
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: I don't blame the school you went to for saying dumb things, but it was you who said she should be sent back to school.
(V): "It's a line from a film called "RocknRolla"... the context is not the same as usual!!"

Uh huh... so, what is the 'usual' literal context? I didn't think you meant that literally, although I did (literally) mean it probably wouldn't help (if she was sent back to school).

"Is this line gonna be used forever more?"

ooooOOOOoooo ... In other words, if you don't believe it then it can't be true!!


16. 二月 2013, 22:32:01
Iamon lyme 
(V): The most important lesson Obama has taught us is that no one is responsible for anything they say or do... unless they happen to be conservative, because they are responsible for everything that happens. Of the four clowns I've seen in the news (Obama, Pelosi, Reed and Biden) the one I have the most respect for is Biden. He at least doesn't try to cover up his goofiness or make too many excuses for himself. He's mostly busy making up excuses for everyone else.

16. 二月 2013, 21:56:33
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re:Chances are she graduated from a liberal university... 'nough said.
(V): Iamon lyme: "ooooOOOOoooo ... One could say the same about graduating from a conservative university.... but are they to be blamed for her saying dumb things... production team?? A HaNgOvEr????"

Chances are (given the position she has as an anchor at a major news network) that she IS a college graduate. And in light of WHO she is working for, the odds of her graduating from a liberal college is a safe bet... it would be listed on her resume. CNN panders to the left, so why would they hire conservative anchors and commentators to occupy key spots in their programming? I don't doubt there may be a few, but it would be for the purpose of not appearing biased.

I don't blame the school you went to for saying dumb things, but it was you who said she should be sent back to school. Schools are responsible for teaching, but it's the students who are responsible for what they learn. Taking what any teacher says as gospel regardless of the college or university is not wise, and it's the wisest teachers who encourage students to think for themselves.

16. 二月 2013, 18:59:42
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: anyone know about this?
Iamon lyme: Two more meteors were spotted yesterday over the west coast. There could have been more that were either not seen (over the ocean) or not reported... or only reported locally.

I don't know how anyone can see this as a mere coincidence. It's possible there are fragments traveling the same path as the asteroid, possibly due to some other asteroid slamming into it... and those fragments wouldn't necessarily be traveling in very close formation and proximity to the asteroid. I think scientists know this is a possibility, but don't want to be blamed for creating any unnecessary panic.

16. 二月 2013, 01:37:08
Iamon lyme 

16. 二月 2013, 01:27:15
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: anyone know about this?
Artful Dodger: I saw a newsline that said "meteor not related to passing asteriod." So apparently it's just a coincidence...

... ?

15. 二月 2013, 05:09:27
Iamon lyme 
题目: Ignoramus et ignorabimus
~Emil du Bois-Reymond, promulgator of the maxim ignoramus et ignorabimus.The Latin maxim ignoramus et ignorabimus, meaning "we do not know and will not know", stood for a position on the limits of scientific knowledge, in the thought of the nineteenth century. It was given credibility by Emil du Bois-Reymond, a German physiologist, in his Über die Grenzen des Naturerkennens ("On the limits of our understanding of nature") of 1872.~

14. 二月 2013, 23:13:47
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re:'Farting causes painful asteroids.'
(V): "The guy should be "Archie'd" for making such a dumb comment... aka sent back to school!!"

The guy was a gal, and sending her back to school wouldn't help. Chances are she graduated from a liberal university... 'nough said.

"nooo.... it causes comets."

Hey, if an asteroid slammed into your home with so much force it caused you to disappear into a black hole, then yes, that would be VERY painful. And humiliating. We are talking maybe science here, ya know...

14. 二月 2013, 07:09:34
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re:
Artful Dodger: Just watch, the next news story could say something like 'Farting causes painful asteroids.'

14. 二月 2013, 04:48:58
Iamon lyme 

13. 二月 2013, 06:41:41
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: Dorner is dead but....
Artful Dodger: Dorner claimed his termination was unfair, then went and proved to everyone there was probably justification for his termination.

13. 二月 2013, 05:50:20
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re:
Artful Dodger: I've never even heard of the guy until V mentioned him... but now I know why V mentioned him. I should have known it meant something, but the truth is most of the time I don't care. I don't follow a story just because "It's been in the news!!" Good grief... I have nothing but time on my hands, but that doesn't mean I want to waste any of it on goofy news stories.

13. 二月 2013, 04:39:42
Iamon lyme 
from The Telegraph

"Earlier this week Morgan invited radio host Alex Jones, a gun advocate, onto his show. Mr Jones, who claims that the US government was involved in the September 11 terror attacks, repeatedly screamed at Mr Morgan and went on several incoherent rants in which he blamed "suicide pills" for gun violence."

Okay, so Morgan went out of his way to get the nuttiest guest he could find for that interview... no big surprise. So what's next for Morgan, finding someone who blames the September 11 terror attacks on aliens from outer space? If Morgan wants to conduct his program like a trashy tabloid rag, then what's the big deal? Most of the major news shows have sunk to that level anyway, so as far as prevailing standards of newscasting go he hasn't actually broken any taboos.

13. 二月 2013, 03:55:13
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: If Piers Morgan is the dude I think you are talking about (I think he was a judge on a talent show in the US) then I won't interfere with anyones effort to deport him.
(V): Maybe we can work out a trade. You got any US citizens over there you don't want?

13. 二月 2013, 03:44:05
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: If Piers Morgan is the dude I think you are talking about (I think he was a judge on a talent show in the US) then I won't interfere with anyones effort to deport him.
(V): "No way!!!! He's your problem now."

Aha, I knew it! But other than being an annoying prig what did he do? On what grounds is anyone saying he should be deported?

Sharon Osbourne is okay, she can stay. Howie Mandel is Canadian but I don't hold that against him, so he can stay too.

12. 二月 2013, 23:19:29
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: So once again, you underestimate the "unwashed masses" ability to think for themselves.
(V): "Some pro gunners tried to get Piers Morgan deported. It's been in the news!!"

If Piers Morgan is the dude I think you are talking about (I think he was a judge on a talent show in the US) then I won't interfere with anyones effort to deport him.

12. 二月 2013, 23:03:42
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re:Everytime there's a mass killing the phony politicians try to dismantle the 2nd amendment. It's not gonna happen.
(V): "I've seen people who treat guns as a tool.. hunting, etc"

I've heard people on the left who believe the 2nd amendment addresses the right to hunt. Seriously, is loving ridiculous rhetoric any less nutz than someone 'loving' their gun? The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with people obtaining food for their families. Granted, today it's more of a luxury than a necessity, but does anyone really believe a right to gather food for themselves (hunting) would need to be included in any list of rights?

The 1st and 2nd amendments appear first and second on the list... they were not afterthoughts. To suggest the second amendment had anything to do with a right to hunt is tantamount to assuming it addresses the right to eat... ?

It was assumed that weapons would be used for hunting, so I doubt it occured to anyone back then to include a right to obtaining groceries in the constitution.

12. 二月 2013, 22:04:03
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re:Everytime there's a mass killing the phony politicians try to dismantle the 2nd amendment. It's not gonna happen.
(V): [ "If they keep this up, more people will own guns than ever in the history of the US. People who have never shot a gun are buying one. And bullets are being sold like crazy. All thanks to the hype from the left."

All the hype from the left, no-one else... like the NRA and right wing fear/love the gun promoters. ]

Membership in the NRA grew by a quarter of a million people in the month following the massacre of innocent school children... it had nothing to do with the NRA promoting anything. It was a reaction by people who were horrified by the mass murdering of children, but it was also prompted by the Presidents lame efforts to captalize on this tragedy. It's bad enough that it happened, but the President unwittingly fanned the flames of indignation by trying to use it to promote one of his political agendas. So once again, you underestimate the "unwashed masses" ability to think for themselves.

12. 二月 2013, 07:02:15
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re:
(V): "Read more via your search engine rather relying on bad thinkers."

You can't find bad thinkers using your search engine? Why, what's wrong with your search engine?

The problem we have in the US isn't so much the bad thinkers as it is the no thinkers. The no thinkers don't realise that reducing the number of bullets in a magazine only means that a killer intent on mass murder will need to take more magazines with him. It won't do anything to stop a mass murderer from waltzing into a gun free zone to do as he pleases, until someone finally shows up to stop him... but most of the time that doesn't happen, and they don't stop until they decide to kill themselves.

And if the no thinkers understood how much hot air has been coming out of Washington they would realise that global temperatures will be rapidly rising. Within a few months from now it should become noticeably warmer. I predict this warming trend will begin peaking in June and July, and by August it could become unbearably hot.

12. 二月 2013, 06:21:12
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re:
Artful Dodger: "especially those politicians that are long-timers"

Without term limits there is always a strong motivation to do or say whatever it takes to stay in office. A lot of politicians start off with good intentions, but then are tempted to keep their cushy jobs. The same thing can happen to good teachers... tenure can become the goal instead of good teaching.

12. 二月 2013, 06:13:52
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re:
(V): It certainly wouldn't stop a liberal from having a gun, if that's what he wanted.

As a group liberals don't exactly have a sterling track record when it comes to obeying laws they don't agree with. In principle they would comply with restrictive guns laws because this is what they want, at least for the time being... unless or until they change their minds. When it's about laws they agree with they are adamant about compliance, but with laws they don't agree with they talk about and encourage civil disobedience.

12. 二月 2013, 05:52:52
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re:
(V): You didn't include Wales in your stats.

AD said "...the most recent government statistics show gun crimes in England and Wales have gone from 5,209 in 1998 to 9,865 in 2012 -- an increase of 89 per cent."

You said "Of the 30,470 firearm-related deaths in the United States in 2010, 19,392 (63.6%) were suicide deaths, and 11,078 (36.4%) homicide deaths."

It's not a good comparison because not all gun crimes result in death. And it's not clear if suicides are always included in stats showing gun crimes... suicide is illegal but the 'criminal' is also the victim, so whether suicide counts as a gun crime or not is unclear. Also, if gun ownership is almost completely banned in the UK, then how do you account for there being any gun crime? Where did the guns come from and who has them?

A complete prohibition against gun ownership would mean that gun sales and ownership would be illegal instead of legal... and that's all it would mean. It can't actually stop anyone from getting and using a gun.

9. 二月 2013, 02:07:00
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: There's no way to disable that feature with, uh, that particular model. I've tried, so I know.
(V): tgif

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