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监管者: Vikings 

this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!

状态: 所有人能发表

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8. 十二月 2006, 21:01:20

8. 十二月 2006, 23:15:02
Adaptable Ali 
题目: Re:
prettymama: Oh my loaf, glad my 3 arent like that lol

9. 十二月 2006, 13:18:11
题目: Re:
xmas is soon: lol

9. 十二月 2006, 15:49:05
题目: Re:
prettymama: Good goodness!!! I thnk somebody needs a hug and a good downer,lol

9. 十二月 2006, 16:10:08
题目: angry cat
That cat isnt angry, he/she is terrified.. What a sin. No doubt that one has had a bad go of life.
Ive got a real scared one in that we rescued a few weeks ago. She is such a beautiful cat but is terrified and likely has been batted around as when you go to pet her she lunges to bite. Hopefully with lots of love, in time we can get her feeling happy and safe.

9. 十二月 2006, 16:25:08
题目: Re: angry cat
Rose: shows how much I know about cats,huh,lol...I can read dogs,kitties I'm a bit off on them.Shame the poor thing,still think it needs a hug!! I can't imagine people wanting to hurt an animal to the point that this is the end result.People like that are going to a very bad place when they die.

9. 十二月 2006, 16:39:11
题目: Re: angry cat
anastasia: I sure hope you are right hun. This poor kitty was left out to die a few weeks ago in sub zero temps.. she has frost bitten ears, one Canine tooth missing (im guessing she was kicked) she is a very beautiful cat that is so confused. She purrs when I am near and rubs up against me for attention but when I slowly take my hand up to rub she automatically bites.. I assume a women abused her as my hubby can give her big rubs with just a slight nip here and there.
She is a long haired, almost angora type cat.
My question is how can people be so cruel? I dont think as long as I like, that I ever will understand that kind of neglect and uncaring feeling for another living animal.

18. 十二月 2006, 15:05:22
题目: new pup alert!!!!!!!
wow...how long since you guys have had to endure a Damien story?? LMAO!!!!!! been busy with holidays and training,work,hubby's therapy (he may need yet another surgery) So...we have decided to hold off breeding damien..that honestly was always hubby's thing more so then mine..I was content to just go to the pound and adopt.We have decided to get a new pup this coming spring/summer,depending on when the female we picked concieves...we will be getting pup from people we know at the club...I donot think we will breed D at all now.I want to focus on getting him titeled.After I make this post I will be updating his website page...I found a new site thatnks to someone I play here at the site and it is VERY easy to navigate and you don't have to sign up for an account.I know for a long time people were having troulbe navigating snapfish this one is very easy.D is doing well in training althought his bite work isn't coming along as well as we has hoped.He is still young though,only 10 months so I'm not overly concerned.Even if my guy never titles or anything,he has a blast at the club,and I have a blast being out there working with him!!!

19. 十二月 2006, 20:38:54
题目: Re:
Tuesday: awww I am sooo glad you and the other lady where there to save the possums life. I will never understand how cruel humans are when they refer to creatures as pests. Wouldnt like it if a bear took a hammer to them would they??
Nice to see you Tuesday, we miss you!

21. 十二月 2006, 23:49:56
Adaptable Ali 
I hope this is ok to put here, but just wanted to put a little note so Summerflame knows we are thinking about her and her little boy Liam, who were both so upset today after their little 9 month old kitten died today

22. 十二月 2006, 02:12:42
题目: Re:
xmas is soon: It is definatly ok to put that here.everyone here helped me mourn the passing of my dalmatian.Hope they are doing well.

26. 十二月 2006, 18:29:09
Andre Faria 
题目: Re:
Tuesday: oh, but they do communicate. we´re just not smart enough to understand their laguage and signals... Dolphins and whales, for instance... :)

26. 十二月 2006, 21:03:57
题目: Re:
Bwild: true they are animals but they have feelings too!!

27. 十二月 2006, 00:42:25
题目: Re:
Bwild: MANY service dogs will bring you a blanket when you are cold,or a bottle of water,or pick up your shoes.So,just because my dog doesn't know I am cold means what??? he doens't FEEL???? THAT is ridiculiuos! Animals are so much BETTER then humans..we have to rationalize EVERYTHING,they just live..they play,they hunt,they love,they mourn.they FEEL.

27. 十二月 2006, 01:10:56
Pedro Martínez 
题目: Re:
anastasia: Animals are so much BETTER then humans.

27. 十二月 2006, 01:16:48
Adaptable Ali 
题目: Re:
 Yes they dont answer back for one Pedro Martínez:

27. 十二月 2006, 01:33:05
Adaptable Ali 
题目: Re:they just live..they play,they hunt,they love,they mourn.they FEEL.

27. 十二月 2006, 04:13:21
题目: Re:
anastasia: I understand your bitterness,though I really dont care.
It is not, however, necessary to put words into my mouth.
I quote:"Dolittle: dont know that I said they dont.
pain,hunger,thirst,comfort.....all animals have these feelings"

27. 十二月 2006, 18:55:42
题目: Re:
Bwild: no bitterness,just hate people that think an animal is just a thing.I never put words into your mouth,simply stated my opinion..and how's this,if you don't care,don't post..this IS an animals board

30. 十二月 2006, 02:18:46
题目: Re:
heavenlyemma: lol

30. 十二月 2006, 02:26:17
题目: baiting....harrassing others....etc
This board is about ANIMALS,I will NOT stand for baiting,or putting down of anyone on this board and that includes mods.I chose who I wanted to mod this board with me..whatever problem ANYONE has with ANYONE else..TAKE IT SOMEWHERE ELSE! Unless you have something positive to contribute to this board...DO NOT POST! All negative posts will be deleted.

30. 十二月 2006, 02:39:53
题目: Re: baiting....harrassing others....etc
anastasia: reminds me of GT ...they delete whatever they don't like

30. 十二月 2006, 03:15:59
题目: Re:
anastasia: Hiya I kept 1 kitten from my cat's litter his name is Spike I named him after Spike from Buffy the vampire slayer he sure has the bite of one lol

I'll post a pic of him soon ok

30. 十二月 2006, 05:18:38
题目: Re: baiting....harrassing others....etc

30. 十二月 2006, 12:36:46
题目: Re:Dogs
anastasia: Last dog I had used to tell me when the phone rang, when someone was at the back door and when someone was at the front. If the postman had a parcel for me she used to come in the bedroom and nudge me to get up and the postman would wait untill I got to the door. You don,t hear of many postmen and dogs working together as a team lol!
All this was without any training, somehow she just knew I was deaf.
She also used to bring the mail in too but I had to put a stop to that as she was putting her teeth through bills and I would,nt have liked her to do that to a cheque lol!
When she went blind and deaf herself it made a big difference to my life as I could no longer hear who was at the door or when anyone rang so I had to have equipment installed to overcome this.
She sure looked after me and kept the house free of univited guests.

30. 十二月 2006, 12:44:20
题目: Re:Dogs
Mousetrap: i had a dog Nipper who carried his tin of meat home from the town and the papers from the shop but he hated the postman and quite often pushed the post back out..lol

30. 十二月 2006, 13:33:39
题目: Re:Dogs
"Snoopy": LOL! Poor postie!

30. 十二月 2006, 17:39:30
题目: Re:Dogs
My dog of twenty-three (yup!) years used to bring me the mail (sometimes holes, sometimes not), close doors when they were left open, brought me my shoes and his leash if asked to, bark for me when my little ones fell down in the yard, if anyone was crying, he would come and sit with you, he loved to play on sliding boards and such AND even though he was deaf and mostly blind (later in life) he could be a quarter-mile away from me in the woods and if a stranger approached me, he would silently (and suddenly) be right by my side watching over me...If there was ever a doggie that should've worn a cape, it was him...and all of this he did out of love, not training...Animals are amazing creatures when given the chance to be themselves

30. 十二月 2006, 17:51:37
题目: Re:Dogs
srnity: Pets are smarter then SOME humans, that is for sure.

30. 十二月 2006, 18:01:31
题目: Re:Dogs
Rose: LOL - so true - nature's way of balancing it all out, maybe? Cat, dog, frog...I think they all have potential, just like humans, only difference is, we're mostly guaranteed our chance at using it, for them, not so much

30. 十二月 2006, 19:28:56
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:Dogs
Rose:  That's for sure! 

30. 十二月 2006, 19:30:35
题目: Re:Dogs
Gr☺uch☺: Animals RULE!!!!!!!!!

30. 十二月 2006, 19:36:32
题目: Re:Dogs
anastasia: Woof Woof

30. 十二月 2006, 19:36:50
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:Dogs
anastasia:  I agree.  Our neighbor has lots of cats.  Half of them think they live here.  We feed them and when it gets too cold, we give them a warm place to sleep.  We have three little shelters for them and when it gets too cold we let them in for the night.  ;)  The neighbor has dogs and goats too!  The dogs come over for treats in the summer.  I always keep a good supply on hand  :)

30. 十二月 2006, 19:45:52
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:Dogs
"Snoopy": Dogs are my favorite though. Especially cute ones ;)

30. 十二月 2006, 19:52:07
题目: Re:Dogs
Gr☺uch☺: oh Snoopy is cute..lol

30. 十二月 2006, 20:01:49
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:Dogs
"Snoopy":  He is that for sure.  I have a Joe Cool cap.  ;)  lol.  I'm a Snoopy wannabe  :)

30. 十二月 2006, 20:20:22
Papa Zoom 

30. 十二月 2006, 20:29:27
题目: Re:
Gr☺uch☺: hehe caught in the act! 

30. 十二月 2006, 20:33:57
Adaptable Ali 
题目: Re:
Gr☺uch☺: oh wow, that is so cute

30. 十二月 2006, 20:38:50
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:
Rose: yep. They even look surprised!

30. 十二月 2006, 20:46:36
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:

30. 十二月 2006, 20:51:51
Adaptable Ali 

30. 十二月 2006, 20:52:52
Adaptable Ali 

30. 十二月 2006, 20:55:04
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:
NewYear is soon:  lol

30. 十二月 2006, 20:56:51
Adaptable Ali 
题目: Re:

30. 十二月 2006, 20:58:38
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:
NewYear is soon:  ttyl.  Off to do some chores for the little woman.  Or I'll get sent to my room (the one without the computer) when she gets home  ;)  

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