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24. 二月 2003, 11:58:48
题目: Re: time out
His is 1523, mine 1630. Not so much difference in rating.

24. 二月 2003, 14:19:03
题目: Re: time out
Okay, I will try to pass it through BKR engine again.

24. 二月 2003, 16:47:07
题目: Re: Bug
Fencer: alley oop has tried to make her move & it has done exactly the same :-(
shall i just delete the game ?

24. 二月 2003, 18:04:03
MadMonkey: Please hold on. I will look at it and fix it ASAP. Give me a day or two.

24. 二月 2003, 18:07:17
题目: Re:
Fencer: Thanks, i thought it was better you saw the problem rather than just delete the game :-)

25. 二月 2003, 00:05:20
题目: backgammon jokes
juste pour rire
old backgammoners never die,they just get blotted out.
blondes like backgammon because it has a bar & they get hit on.
(just kidding,I'm no chauvinist.most of the blondes here are sharp,sly.anyone who has ever played backgammon against them here knows this)

25. 二月 2003, 08:42:15
题目: Re: backgammon jokes
LOL...How about everyone,A Joke a Day keeps the BLUE'S Away...Thanks C-H it made mine.

25. 二月 2003, 09:55:31
MadMonkey: It should be fixed. The problem was in 16 pieces on one pip - classic Backgammon model does not expect something like that ;-)

25. 二月 2003, 11:31:24
题目: Re:
Fencer: Thanks, your a hero :)

25. 二月 2003, 11:36:16
Hi Fencer, how long are unused usernames kept for?
I want to change my name to harley (easier for people to say!!), but someone has signed up using that name already :o(
Thing is, they joined December 19th, and haven't been back since, no games in progress or anything. It seems to be a 'stale' name and I wondered if you ever delete them so somebody else can use them? And what kind of time this would be?

25. 二月 2003, 11:43:13
hrlqns: I've just deleted her. Try to change your username.

25. 二月 2003, 11:50:47
Fencer, you're a STAR!! Cheers!! :o)))

25. 二月 2003, 11:57:17
题目: Re: Bug
Fencer: Guess who ?? LOL take a look at that board now, i seem to have about 40 pieces ROFL ;-)

25. 二月 2003, 12:12:07
jenny wren 
题目: Black screen
Hi fencer, wondered if you could help everytime i click on whose on-line, my screen goes black, also wondered if anyone else had same problem

25. 二月 2003, 12:25:40
题目: Re: Bug
MadMonkey: Damn it! Give me several hours ;-)
jenny wren: Yes, it is caused by a database driver. I will replace it ASAP.

25. 二月 2003, 15:11:30
题目: Weekend Days
Fencer..Do the weekend days go by our individual time?

25. 二月 2003, 15:14:31
题目: Re: Weekend Days
Nikki: Just take them as your personal regular vacation days, nothing more.
MadMonkey: Try it now.

25. 二月 2003, 20:39:48
题目: Re: Black screen
when i click on the 'who is on-line' i don't get a black screen, however, it is just a blank page.

26. 二月 2003, 03:14:46
题目: Just wondering
Fencer is anything is place to prevent people from playing under multi ids? It seems to be the commonest form of cheating at other sites and can affect the best players list a lot.

26. 二月 2003, 06:09:05
题目: Re: Just wondering-flaw re multi-user policy
dream,I agree,mult-ID uers are cheating.
www.itsyourturn.com is an example of a bad policy choice tho.I am a member,I use/and have friends that have no home PC,so must use - a public use computer at schools,libraries,community centers.
many young adults & computer newbies start off at at such places.
so you find the situation were many users who dont even know each other,are using the same IP address.
IYT has a policy of allowing one user per IP address.so it creates a problem for public users.usually they end up emailing the help area of IYT,explaining the situation.IYT then makes allowance.
but in many cases,people just give up on IYT.
this is not a good policy for business,as it discourages people from using the site.
I wrote to IYT about it,suggesting,maybe they think about a better solution.brainking is my fav site,if they decide on a policy re multi-users,I hope it is done in a way that will not discourage users.

26. 二月 2003, 09:36:55
jenny wren 
题目: Re: Bug
Thanks Fencer for letting me know, was not sure if it was at my end or yours :)

26. 二月 2003, 09:37:51
White Wolf 
题目: multi users !!
On iyt.com it is policy that if you have a paid membership for yourself,you may also have another free membership using same IP address for your partner or such. This I know as is the situation with my partner & I. Maybe we can do it on here then encourage the free member to purchase a membership at a later time ??

26. 二月 2003, 09:39:44
jenny wren 
题目: Re: multi users !!
Yes what a good idea dream bear :)

26. 二月 2003, 12:00:31
Dream Bear, wouldn't that encourage cheating? Some people may not use it honestly like you and your wife.
It just gives the paying member opportunity to play double the amount of games (if they chose knight membership) and tournaments. Or have I got that idea wrong somehow?!

26. 二月 2003, 14:49:16
White Wolf 
题目: harley
not sure how iyt.com can tell what IP address using but they can !!
You each have your own id & all rules for each membership still apply. Don't think we will ever stop ppl cheating whatever system is used.

26. 二月 2003, 15:15:57
题目: Checkers
Yellowlab and myself were wondering about Draws I told him I had a draw and I didnt think points changed, was I wrong or right.

26. 二月 2003, 15:42:53
题目: Re: harley
Yes but do you see what I mean, it could be one person using two memberships. But as you say, if someone really wants to cheat so badly they'll find a way, but they're only cheating themselves at the end of the day. What happened to just having fun in an honest way? It makes you feel so much better!

26. 二月 2003, 21:46:42
题目: Re: Checkers
Ratings can change from a draw, if one player in considerably higher rated than the other :-)
(they won't change as much as a win-loss, though)

27. 二月 2003, 06:04:19
题目: Re: backgammon jokes
take no offense,please,we should all not take ourselves to seriously & have the ability to laugh at ourselves.it shows character.I have several close friends who are blonde or redhead,all are bright & fun to lick at backgammon[wink].
check out:
and here is some men jokes,to be fair:
PS there is also a hilarious book"jokes men won't laugh at".
hey anyone know any good limmericks?

27. 二月 2003, 06:25:03
题目: Re: backgammon jokes
HAHAHA.i write Limericks, but most of them are slightly on the "cant put on the board" side LOL, I also write poetry, and have been published and won prizes for same :) *showing off*

27. 二月 2003, 21:05:03
题目: Re: backgammon jokes
blondes rock
natural blondes rule
natural redheads are goddesses

27. 二月 2003, 22:12:44
题目: Waiting Games
I'm brand new to this site (a regular player on the IYT site) and I've started a game from the Waiting Games but what I would like to know is how do I put a game in the Waiting Room? I've looked around alot but have been unable to find the info about it..........including the FAQs. Thanks in advance!

27. 二月 2003, 22:48:41
题目: Re: Waiting Games
hi Mo. click on New Game to the left of your screen.. it takes you to the list of all the games here.. choose a game then click the blue link at the game u want to send an open invite too.. if its say chess you will see the game board an word Chess in blue.. click that blue link.. it takes you to the area where you set up your invite.. Hope this helps!

27. 二月 2003, 23:58:00
题目: Re: Waiting Games
Thanks for the reply, RR. After clicking this and clicking that, I finally figured out how to post a game to the waiting room.

28. 二月 2003, 20:25:26
题目: Re: multi users !!
Fencer...we all seem to agree with DreamBear,but how can we help solve the problem,I've looked at the "who's here" list and there are those who have signed in signed out and that's the last of them,they're taking up space to were other could be...we know the the more names you have the popular the site becomes,but if your not going to to participate then you souldn't be here and if your using more then two names (BOTD) then you should be as most of us two people...DreamBear i to belong to IYT and know that one payed/one non-member should be enough for some,but it seem some people are just plain greedy.

28. 二月 2003, 21:15:21
White Wolf 
题目: re; multi users !!
NightHawk1958.. even if Fencer was to try & be fair by allowing us 1 paid & 1 unpaid membership for a partner or other member of family etc, no doubt there will always be the sad ones that like to cheat & spoil it for most of us honest supporters. maybe someone out there has an idea to help overcome this problem without it getting too complicated ?
I have 2 pc's , 1 of which I use with membership & the other my partner uses. see we could have 4 memberships at once with no problem !!

28. 二月 2003, 23:05:41
题目: Re: multi users !!
I think login names not used in 120 days are deleted at some places.is this not true?

28. 二月 2003, 23:50:25
题目: Re: multi users !!
I mentioned this WAAAAAYYYYY down the board, about people signing on and never playing here. I also suggested that they be deleted if they haven't played in a certain time. I suggested this during the time when the site was down, up down.....

1. 三月 2003, 10:28:50
I will add some system to delete unused accounts. Later. I am really overloaded with more important requests.

1. 三月 2003, 18:19:29
I hope fencer has a helper or two,he sounds busy.

2. 三月 2003, 16:37:07
题目: Re: CleverHunk
No , he hasnt , he is doing everythink alone . Yeaa on server he got help , but fencer is programming everythink alone.

2. 三月 2003, 22:17:55
题目: True story. Honest!!!
My dear friends,
I must share this story.
          This morning I went to the store to get some much needed items, and of coarse things I didn't need too.
          With coupons in hand I proceeded down Isle one. With my coupon for Pillsburry Grands Bisquets, I went to reach for one, when suddenly there was a loud explosion and I was hit in the shoulder. Hard enough to be jolted back. I thought I had been shot! As I looked at myself, checking for blood or what ever, I find myself covered with dough. People surrounding me to see if I am ok. The manager and employees instantly there. Everyone asking me if I am ok. Mainly because I was crying. Needless to say, I was laughing so hard I was crying. ROFLMAO is what I was doing. I had to assure the poor manager that I was not sueing anyone, I am not hurt, just had the living crap scared out of me, and probably will be laughing about this for days to come. They picked up the other end of the tube 20 feet away. I only thank God that it was not some other person shorter than me, being 5'8" tall, that it could have hit them in the face and really hurt someone. Still LMAO
The only thing that hurts now is my abdomen from laughing so much.

3. 三月 2003, 02:35:37
题目: Re: True story. Honest!!! = alien plot
Hannelore,you have just stumbled onto the truth.the pillsbury dough boy is the alien leader of a plot to take over the earth.he & his agents are from the planet "generalmills".like in the invasion of the bodysnatches.reports of people being attacked by grand bisquets,buttermilk biscuits or dinneroll tubes have been have been reported in canada & the USA.infected by this alien dough,people are turned into fashion & decorating zombies.
caution,watch for symtoms of:
wanting to move furniture.
increased desire to shop at escada & the gap.
thinking donna karan is kool.
understanding calvin klein.
awakening desire to see martha stewart topless.
using the expressions "la dolce vita","chic" or "pret-a-porter".
this did not work on you Hannelore beacuse you aleady have great buns.

3. 三月 2003, 04:41:41
题目: Fencer
could you please fix my bg game# 41742, it's only showing one dice, and says i have no moves.
thx. ellie

3. 三月 2003, 04:51:05
题目: Re: Fencer
Hey !! at last a way to beat you ellie LOLOL :-)

3. 三月 2003, 06:32:50
题目: Re: Fencer

3. 三月 2003, 07:00:45
题目: Re: True story. Honest!!! = alien plot
lol what great imagination funny...

3. 三月 2003, 08:34:18
ellie: Done.

3. 三月 2003, 08:45:28
题目: Re:
Thank you

3. 三月 2003, 14:02:09
Radiant2008 :-) 
题目: The Daily Motivator! :-)
Someone special forwarded me this site!! It is a true gift to have :-)


Please have a GREAT GREAT day ((((everyone)))))

God bless you,

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