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9. 九月 2003, 08:33:03
I've deleted too many messages this morning to message everyone individually. I realise some weren't offensive, but any and all posts concerning tonyhawk have been removed and I would appreciate it very much, if he posts again, that nobody reply. He has been warned and the next post he makes about unbeatable king will lead to him being banned also. Thanks :o)

8. 九月 2003, 23:16:15
tony, I'm sorry but you have been ofered help and advice from lots of people on this subject. If you like, send me a private message and I will try to help further. But posting here will do no more good. I will have to start deleting any messages about this now.

8. 九月 2003, 08:45:39
题目: Re: tonyhawk2004
I sent tonyhawk a few private messages about this, advising him of his options.
Then, as Kev said, 'unbeatable king' began posting here. To cut a long story short he is now the first person to be banned from this board :o(

7. 九月 2003, 22:53:58
tonyhawk I can't suspend anyone from using the site. If he's bothering you put him on your 'enemies' list and he will not be able to message you or send you an invite to a game, or even see that you are online.

6. 九月 2003, 21:50:55
Just what I was about to say rod! Thanks :o)
It is really a subject for the backgammon discussion board.

5. 九月 2003, 23:47:39
Thanks Jason, thats pretty much what I was trying to say! If the game allows it then it can't be classed as true cheating. It may be the other player has never played it before and doesn't know any different.
Anyway this really belongs on the backgammon board :o)

5. 九月 2003, 23:38:03
I think Fencer is aware of the dice problem in gammons? I'm sure I've seen it discussed on the backgammon board, but I could be wrong.
If this is the problem then its not eactly cheating... well, it is but the programme here allows it (for now), so it can't be helped.
I meant if there is an outside programme being used or anything like that. If it is just a disagreement on the dice then its best sorted with a polite message to your opponent. It may be they had not noticed the move?

5. 九月 2003, 20:47:29
I guess if its serious cheating then Fencer should hear about it. He is the owner of the site. But I'm not sure how you can cheat on here?

4. 九月 2003, 18:28:16
Hi Tony :o)
This has been said before, and for players with hi speed broadband connections its possible to get through a huge amount of games in a very short space of time. Especially for games that need little consideration like backgammon and battleboats.

4. 九月 2003, 13:12:56
linjon, Fencer answers many messages every day about the accessability of this site and other complaints. I don't think its very surprising he gets fed up answering the same gripes day in day out.
He set up another page (BrainKing.info) to explain to everyone why the site is having these problems and all the answers are here. There is a link to this site on the main page, it answers all questions and he cannot say any more than what is here for all to read.

The problems here are being addressed, and a new server will be provided very soon, it is just a matter of time before you will be able to access this site first try, every time.

Fencer IS interested in what people say, he takes note of all suggestions posted on the feature request board, and where possible he implements them. I personally have never met a site owner who listens more than Fencer, and if he gets fed up with complaints about things he has explained time and time again then I really don't blame him. If you have a complaint about access and want personal attention about it them email me, I will do my best to explain and will listen and sympathise with all problems. I have the time to do this, Fencer does not.

One last thing, I strongly disagree, this site is way better than any other!! ;o)

3. 九月 2003, 16:48:45
Sir Pussycat, you could try general chat, you are free to post what you like there (within reason of course!). It isn't specifically FOR gripes, but I suppose if you feel you must post on this subject, then that would be the place.

3. 九月 2003, 12:15:44
:o( Sorry Whisperz! (and Fencer)

Sir Pussycat, I won't delete your messages this time because then Fencers reply would stand alone, but really complaining will do no good.
We're all aware of the problems here, we all experience them and everything possible is being done to sort them out. More information on this can be found at the BrainKing.info site, where you can also find my email address. Feel free to message me privately with any gripes and I will lend a sympathetic ear. But this isn't the place. Thank you :o)

31. 八月 2003, 23:48:18
Yes there do seem to be a few more problems the last few days. I keep getting a 'timed out' message or the 'full to capacity' message.
But patience is the key, I hit refresh a few times and I get back in. Stick with it, these bugs will hopefully be ironed out soon :o)

30. 八月 2003, 11:18:50
Yes but that will soon drop if they are not deserving of it. I have had it happen, suddenly found myself with a great rating at games I'm not especially good at! It does happen, and mine sure dropped fast when I started playing with simlar rated players!
I think it all depends on the ratings of your opponents for those first four games.

30. 八月 2003, 11:00:56
题目: Re: Rating players regardless of the game
If you click on 'established BKR only' it will filter out all the provisional ratings for you, and leave you with the players who have established ratings :o)
But its nice for provisionally rated players to see where they fall in the ratings tables.

29. 八月 2003, 10:44:36
I've edited the address Bernice! I would have deleted it completely but then your posts would have made no sense!

27. 八月 2003, 22:31:51
Go to your profile and click 'edit' next to your name. There you can change your password and disable auto log in :o)

26. 八月 2003, 13:08:28
Well said, Rogue Lion :o)

25. 八月 2003, 19:23:01
I just read my last message and it could be taken the wrong way.. by "Teams can play each other" I mean that a team member may join a 'fellowship tournament' (for members just of that fellowship) and find themselves playing their fellow team members.
I thought I'd better explain that so there was no misunderstanding! :o)

25. 八月 2003, 19:06:23
Thats right, Zucan! Teams can play each other, but not different teams from other fellowships yet.

25. 八月 2003, 18:57:42
In the future the teams will play teams from other fellowships. Which is why you can only join one team of each game type per fellowship :o)

25. 八月 2003, 12:13:50
ROFL CaissasDream!! Hmm... that could be an interesting experiment! :oD

25. 八月 2003, 11:57:29
Ha ha ha, well for myself I can click and eat a sandwich at the same time (mouse in one hand, sandwich in the other!) ... but if we're talking about the GUYS... well its a well known fact they can't do two things at once so I guess they click... bite... click... bite!!! (only kidding guys!)

25. 八月 2003, 11:49:52
LOL yeah a lot of moves can be made in seconds... one click for a battleship bombing, it doesn't take much study of the board to do your next move!

22. 八月 2003, 20:50:05
题目: Chief
Type in :


And then the game number.

22. 八月 2003, 20:29:46
I would have thought five in a row counts?
I'm sure Fencer will have a look when he comes on, and at your game too, Jules.

22. 八月 2003, 10:28:40
Angus, the swap dice option disappears when the other die would not allow you a valid move.

21. 八月 2003, 17:24:15
Thats great GrassHopper! But this isn't the poetry board! Click on 'discussion boards' in your menu, and you'll see a list there of all the boards... 'poetry' board is listed there :o)

21. 八月 2003, 10:44:49
Fencer, have we just had another little 'time jump'?! This is a bit like being in Dr Who's tardis!! :oD

21. 八月 2003, 10:03:20
Bernice, you should be able to pay for 6 months membership already. On the paid membership page, next to each type of membership you should have the option to purchase 6 months or 12 months?

19. 八月 2003, 21:16:05
I wouldn't worry to much, dogdog, we're all in the same boat, I certainly can't remember all my moves, even those I just did tonight! If my opponents can remember and its important to them, then I would hope they will prompt me.
Jason, all my games seem ok loading in, have you tried leaving the site all together then coming back on? Maybe it just needs a kind of big refresh?!

19. 八月 2003, 20:52:51
Uuum, not necessarily, dogdog. This has happened once before and unfortunately the games could not be put back. Hopefully your opponents will be good sports and do the same moves as has already been made.

19. 八月 2003, 20:51:25
:o) I could be wrong too, I only have 41 games at the moment so it doesn't affect me so much!
I'm sure there will be a note about it on the main page when Fencer comes on again. There was last time. :oD

19. 八月 2003, 20:47:10
Twice? Its only happened once that I know of?

19. 八月 2003, 20:36:11
Has it been reset from that long ago?! Ah well, at least the favourite boards are fixed! :oD

19. 八月 2003, 20:31:08
Yes, it seems things have been reset from about half an hour ago? Some messages have disappeared from this board too (which I did not delete!).

19. 八月 2003, 18:13:24
题目: Re: Who deleted my last question ?
Thanks, Niki, you're quite right, I haven't deleted any message, and on the rare occasions I do have to delete one I always tell the person concerned why I deleted it.

0x0, there is no way to 'be removed' from this site, you simply don't visit any more if you're not happy here.
I'm not sure why your email address wouldnt be valid any more, unless you've changed your usual email address, in which case its just as Niki says, change it in your profile. You can also change your username there.
If there is anything else I can help with then please let me know, but I'm not quite sure what the problem is?

13. 八月 2003, 19:45:42
题目: Re: First Brain Maharajah
WTG CaoZ!!!!!! Nice one!! I also wish I could afford that membership!! Hip, hip, hooray!!!

13. 八月 2003, 16:35:54
You're right, Cariad, I think the dice games are different this time around. But we just have to grin and get on with it! lol! Not a lot we can do about those!

Chatty, I really wouldn't worry, everyone here who knows you knows that you wouldn't deliberately cheat in a game. I've probably made moves different to the first time, and I know many of my opponents have, just because we can't remember the first set of moves! I don't think that calls for any nastiness, a simple message saying "do you remember... such and such moves were made before"... and we'd probably remember!
Allowances have to be made for people who do not take games so seriously they remember every move made! :oD
(Cariad, Aragon pretends to move in mysterious ways when he hasn't got a clue where to move!! lol)

13. 八月 2003, 14:54:21
Chatty, this is something I've been a bit worried about, not making the same moves as before, and being thought of (if not outright accused) as a cheat. But everyone is in the same boat, I've resigned a few games I know I lost the first time round, and I have had people also resign games I won... but if I have forgotten a game or not made moves I should have, then I would ask my opponents to tell me rather than stew on it! Its a genuine mistake (my memory isn't great!) and given a nudge I'll make the 'right' moves!

12. 八月 2003, 13:33:24
Buckwheat, the ratings will still be fairly accurate, and in a bit of time they will be fully accurate again. And as Dano suggested, it would be only fair in games like chess, tank battle etc, if you made identical moves where possible. There is no need to over-react to this situation. Fencer has explained how it happened and apologised, there is nothing more he can do. And nothing more we can do but get on with it and make the best of it. I'm just glad we are back online and I am able to play again.

12. 八月 2003, 13:27:10
Well I'm sorry your game is messed up, but I guess you have an advantage now in other games that you didn't have before. You could always ask your oppenent to be fair and make the same moves again until you get to where you last were.. if you remember the moves that is!

12. 八月 2003, 13:22:55
buckwheat, we've all had games go back a few moves. I've had to start one all over again! It wasn't an intentional thing to set all the games back and if there was any way around it then Fencer would have done it by now. This is still a new site that is growing and it will encounter problems along the way. But you won't find a better, friendlier site with owners that care as much. No matter what inconvieniences there are, its worth it just to have this site at all.

7. 八月 2003, 21:42:48
题目: smuttylad
Fencer is in charge, I just help keep this board to what it should be :o)

7. 八月 2003, 21:22:15
smuttylad, I didn't 'jump all over you', I sent you a polite message saying that this isn't a board to post a message doing nothing but slam IYT. The message you mention further down addresses the suggestion of limiting rooks game numbers.

5. 八月 2003, 00:33:11
题目: Drive harley crazy?
Not possible, harley is already crazy.

Seriously though guys!!! Come on, enough with the sports chat!! Theres a general chat board and members board for stuff like that!! Behave or you'll get me in trouble!! :oD

5. 八月 2003, 00:18:47
How did we get from waiting games to football?!!
From what I've seen, the people who post so many games, they are all picked up within a few days.

4. 八月 2003, 10:41:00
Pitch, if you have finished all your games in that tournament and will not go any further you can message Fencer and he will remove you from that tournament which will free you to join another.
Pawns cannot have unlimited tournaments, there has to be some restrictions or what would be the point of paying for membership? As a rook you would be allowed to enter unlimited tournaments, as well as many other benefits. It is definitely worth the cost.
As for the service, you really can't get better. Fencer is on hand pretty much every day to resolve any problems, which are done immediately. He listens to everyones suggestions and ideas, and acts on them.
As a pawn you have many benefits here you do not get at other sites. You can play all the games, and variants. You can have unlimited moves per day, and join a tournament. You also have the benefit of some of the friendliest players on the net! lol! If you are not happy with your restrictions you really should consider membership, as a rook it is unlimited everything! I have never looked back since buying mine, I'm very happy with my membership benefits and highly recommend it to everyone.

30. 七月 2003, 22:35:37
题目: Re: 2000
Congrats, Eddie!!!

22. 七月 2003, 21:42:18
I don't believe it is ignorance. Fencer replies when he can, when he has some news.
I trust the site and the owners implicitly. They are working very hard to get the site stable (it is definitely better today than it has been the last few days) and they have to have a break, and also do their normal 'paid' work, not to mention sleep and spend time with their families. This is a new site, and is bound to have teething troubles.
As for ignorance, well, if Fencer or Liquid tried to reply to every message they would never be away from here, or able to spend time fixing the problems. Nobody is asking for blind faith, we have been informed they are working on the problem. Now it is just a matter of time.

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