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 Feature requests

Do you miss something on BrainKing.com and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
If there is a more specific board for the request, (i.e. game rule changes etc) then it should be posted and discussed on that specific board.

For further information about Feature Requests, please visit this link on the Brainking.Info site : http://brainking.info/archives/20-About-feature-requests.html

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15. декември 2004, 20:23:05
BBW: Ah, forgot that if you didn't make a move, you automatically used the same amount from last turn.

15. декември 2004, 18:38:11
BBW: That makes a big assumption that people will bet the same amount from move to move. With that in mind...how much is your bet?

15. декември 2004, 16:52:02
Happy coding...Hope my suggestions help.

15. декември 2004, 16:38:59
Относно: Run around the Pond
It would be nice if you could also put a link to make a move in the "Your turn in xx games" section on the main page.

15. декември 2004, 16:36:06
Относно: Run around the Pond
I have moved. It would be nice to see who else has already moved. I know you can't show the anount, but maybe another column called "Waiting". If they are waiting, put a little icon in it. If they have moved, leave it blank.

14. декември 2004, 17:01:48
Относно: Online members
In fellowships...on the list of members, could an asterisk be placed next to members that are online?

10. декември 2004, 00:24:44
Oh, it is easily adjusted, but I think the chat port is intentionally blocked because other employees abused it.

9. декември 2004, 22:42:57
Aaaarg...I cannot get the chat to work (I am behind a firewall).

9. декември 2004, 22:29:33
Относно: Re: Introducing the New Group ~ BrainKing Live
Ah, this is different than the existing BK Home Group

9. декември 2004, 22:13:42
Относно: Chat rooms
I think this would be great...

Check out ParaChat

9. декември 2004, 18:57:02
I don't know what ALL of them are. I am not sure a formal list exists. I have just seen posts by Fencer stating that anymore use a particular word may subject the person to be banned.

9. декември 2004, 17:24:28
Относно: Re: Offensive words
Sheesh...People are so antagonistic here sometimes...OK, I will be more specific.

There are words that Fencer has stated that the use of can consitute being Banned. Those are the words I am talking about.

FYI: who said I was offended?

9. декември 2004, 16:59:52
Относно: Offensive words
I would like to see a word filter implemented on posts. Before any post is saved to the database, the content is scanned for known offensive words. Any offensive word would be replaced with asterisks.

24. ноември 2004, 19:14:30
Променен от Summertop (24. ноември 2004, 19:15:00)
hmmm...just checked..mine doesn't. I will check some things on my side. If I can't get it working I will post in the "Computer" board.

24. ноември 2004, 19:02:01
Относно: Re: time
I use the auto refresh feature. Currently it is not working. My guess is that it will be enabled when game time is turned back on.

24. ноември 2004, 18:06:47
if it is running fast (on a continual basis), could we get the game time turned back on?

24. ноември 2004, 01:12:08
Относно: Unicode
Unicode is similar to ASCII...It uses two bytes per character/letter. This way extended character sets such as chinese can be supported.

Is this correct?

23. ноември 2004, 22:15:19
Относно: Re: Expired memberships
I did remove the member form the fellowship and he was automatically removed from the team.

I would have prefered to just remove him from the team. The team is not signed up for (or in) a tournament yet.

23. ноември 2004, 21:33:57
Относно: Expired memberships
I had a member of one of my fellowships who let his membership expire (revert back to pawn). This led me to these two suggestions...

1. the Big Boss (and team captian) need a way to remove someone from a team (or did I just not see how this is done).

2. When you remove someone from a fellowship, it would be nice to be able to say "Why".

20. ноември 2004, 00:34:29
Относно: Fellowships
Could the list of fellowships we belong to be sorted? I prefer the ones where I am "Big Boss" to be first the a horizontal Rule <hr> then the rest in alphabetical order.

10. ноември 2004, 20:20:03
Ah, so it does...sorry. How about adding a sortable column for "Last Moved"? On second thought, maybe there is more important stuff to do...like add a captured pieces list to the Sabotage games

10. ноември 2004, 17:09:48
Would I be yelled at if I post a suggestion that was probably already posted? Oh, well...

When submiting a move for any game, it takes me to the "Next Game". My guess is that the next game is by game ID. Could it PLEASE take you to the next game in respect to my selected sort order on the main page?

There are times I am limited on my time and I just want to make a move for the games that are waiting when I signed on. Invariably, one of my opponents is online and their game keeps coming up before the other games that have been waiting. Sometimes this is very nice, but other times it is annoying. I would like to be able to choose how I want it.

Also, could the resign link take you to the next game (Yes, sometimes I DO lose). Just because I resign a game, doesn't mean I am though playing the other games.

10. ноември 2004, 16:33:06
You are all correct, IP's are not a good way to track individuals. How many people have a "cable modem" that provides Internet access to multiple computers? Each computer will appear to have the same ip (that of the router/Cable Modem). Unfortunately, i am not aware of a good solution. Was it Intel that wanted to put a unique serial number on their CPU's just for this reason? There was such an outcry and threats to boycott, that they changed their mind. It seems people LIKE their anonymity while browsing.

22. октомври 2004, 16:22:08
Относно: Fellowships
I would like a new "Membership Rank" in the fellowships. Currently there is "Big Boss", "Manager", and "Member". I would like to see either "Asst. Boss" or "Small Boss". This membership Rank would have all of the privileges of "Manager" plus the ability to invite and accept new members.

22. септември 2004, 20:41:50
Относно: Re: Card games.
Променен от Summertop (22. септември 2004, 20:43:06)
I think it is infeasible for card games on a site like this...each hand would take 52 turns (26 per person). Most games require more than one hand to complete. Also as the game progresses, it becomes increasingly hard to remember which cards were already played. There are some obvious exceptions to this with games like BlackJack, but still...♠♣♥♦

17. септември 2004, 17:55:31
I hope that rule doesn't go into effect, until the team tournaments is finished.

17. септември 2004, 17:49:15
fencer: Just curious, what about those that already have more than two?

17. септември 2004, 17:36:45
Относно: Re: Public message boards
Oh...do not remove the board now that it is created...again, just voicing my opinion.

17. септември 2004, 17:34:56
Относно: Public message boards
Променен от Summertop (17. септември 2004, 17:35:38)
I think every time a new public message board is added (that isn't related to the game site), it detracts from the value of buying a membership. Paid memberships allow you to join/create any board (fellowship) you want.

Steve, I like the topic for a discussion board, I just think it should be done as a fellowship. However, It's not like it will keep me up at nights. Just thought I would voice my opinion.

3. септември 2004, 20:52:02
Относно: Re: Fellowship's news boards
That is a good work around...Maybe I am just too Lazy :)
I don't want to have put it into multiple places. Puting it in the description will work, but I still have to manually add/remove it from there.

3. септември 2004, 18:21:43
Относно: Fellowship's news boards
In fellowships, there is the discussion board and news board. When I add an article to the news board, it shows up on the fellowship's main page. Could it also show up on the discussion board's page?

2. септември 2004, 20:19:03
Относно: Froglet
Right now, there is a list of total captured pieces. It would be nice to see the last captured pieces (and points) as well.

30. август 2004, 20:42:44
Относно: When I resign a game...
Believe it or not...I don't win every game. Some games I choose to resign. When I do, I am kicked back to the "Main Page". I would prefere to be sent to the next game. Or at least have an option like you do with the "Submit Move" button.

26. август 2004, 18:33:29
Относно: Oh-oh
Fencer...Sorry...I didn't mean to insinuate that you don't try to take care of us "customers". You do that very nicely. You have created a top-notch site to be proud of.

Most times you say, the requested feature will be considered or placed in your Todo list. With auto-pass, you just say you don't like it. This leads us to think you won't place it on your ToDo list.

Your last post makes me think that it IS on your ToDo list. If you have already said this...Sorry, I missed it.

26. август 2004, 17:59:37
Относно: Auto-Pass
Fencer, I too am curious why you don't like it. But the question I have is...Is Brainking purely for your own enjoyment or is it a business venture? In business ventures, typically the developer's likes/dislikes takes a back seat to what the customers want. The more customers, the more money. I suppose it could be a performance issue.

The more I think about it, the more I like an auto-pass feature that is enabled/disabled when the game invitation is created. It would be nice for me not to have to wait for my opponent when their only move is to acknowledge a pass.

19. август 2004, 16:33:47
Относно: Loop Chess
I have seen two versions of loop chess. In BK's version when a pawn is promoted (say to a queen) and then captured, the opponent gets a queen. In other versions, the promoted pawn reverts back and the opponent only gets a pawn.

I would like to see an option for both versions.

16. август 2004, 23:53:25
Относно: Fellowship's Discussion boards...Posting rights
In the fellowship's discussion boards, there is now the ability to require approval of all posts. Very nice, Fencer. However, it would be nice to be able to have that option be specific to the member. Mybe even add a new rank for this (Member, Trusted, Manager, Big Boss).

3. август 2004, 00:00:59
Относно: battleboats
on battleboats, there is an option for "Random placement of remaining pieces".

When you choose this, there is an option to either save or clear the random placement. Sometimes, I don't like the placement. It would be nice to have another option to regenerate random positions.

16. юли 2004, 17:29:22
Променен от Summertop (16. юли 2004, 17:30:47)
BBW: Why don't you try to create a fellowship for this purpose, then invite the moderators of the public boards to join.

As for the moderators of the public boards...Since the boards ARE public, the moderators need to have high standards. Which some definately do. However, there are some that have been "Problems" on this site. It gives a bad impression for the problem members to be given this authority on BrainKing.

12. юли 2004, 23:59:52
Next to fellowships in my list of fellowships is a red number representing the number of new posts. I can click this number to go to the message board (very nice, fencer). It would be easier if the paranthesis were also part of the link.

12. юли 2004, 23:32:24
Ooooh, he IS in a giving mood. I wonder what else I can ask for...hmmmmm.

j/k Thanks Fencer.

12. юли 2004, 23:20:27
Относно: Notes in a game
In games (like Loop Chess), I can add a note that only I can see. This usefull for keeping track of stratagies.

1. I used to be able to add a note when submiting my move. Now I have to do it before I start moving or find the game on the main page and add it there. I would like this feature back.

2. Can an option be created that will let me decide where I want the note shown when I am making a move. Currently I have to scroll down to see it (or even to see if I have one). I would like to see my personal notes listed above the game board.

9. юли 2004, 00:36:37

8. юли 2004, 23:53:26
Not sure what you want...Options are:

1. You can rename my files to "fit" in your existing sets. I tried to maintain consistent filenames based on the samples from the settings page.

2. You can Send me the complete sets and I will modify with my images and send them back to you (PM me for my email address).

3. Just hold on to them till you get more time.

4. You don't don't have to use them at all. Obviously.

Just trying to help in anyway possible. I just don't want to be distracting you from more important matters...

8. юли 2004, 23:37:27
I didn't do them. Mostly people just didn't like the "Pawn" for the checker pieces. I didn't hear anyone complain too loudly about the King/Queen.

8. юли 2004, 23:24:13
The download has all of the required pictures for both black and white. The only pictures it doesn't include are the ones I didn't modify.

8. юли 2004, 23:13:20
Относно: Re: Checker markers
Here are some pieces. Feel free to download/modify to suit your needs.


8. юли 2004, 20:54:32
Относно: Re: Checker markers.
Thanks, I went to the settings page and downloaded the orginal images...It will take me a day

8. юли 2004, 20:22:39
Относно: Re: Checker markers.
Give me the dimensions of the images you want (checkers and amazons) and I will give you some samples to use/modify as you wish.

2. юли 2004, 17:51:40
Относно: Red numbers
Many links have red numbers next to them. Some numbers are links and some are not. It would be nice if they all behaved the same.

with the new feature of the red numbers next to my fellowships telling how many new posts there are, I am getting in the habit of clicking the red number. It would be a nice intuitive interface feature to have them behave the same.

Obviously, this is minor. Just something to keep in the back of your mind so that when you have free time (does that even exist?) you can maybe look at doing it.

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