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 Feature requests

Do you miss something on BrainKing.com and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
If there is a more specific board for the request, (i.e. game rule changes etc) then it should be posted and discussed on that specific board.

For further information about Feature Requests, please visit this link on the Brainking.Info site : http://brainking.info/archives/20-About-feature-requests.html

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26. април 2005, 17:53:10
Относно: Smileys
I would like to see the pop-up list of smileys be optimized. Could there be a way to have a "Favorites" list that is shown and a link to show ALL the smileys. That way, we don't have to wait for all the smileys to load, everytime we want to use one?

My mind is too small to remember the number for the smileys I like to use.

21. април 2005, 17:29:53
Относно: Re: too much time for vacations
I would like to hear Fencer's opinion/plans but there are times when he is just too busy to respond to small things like this. I don't like limiting it to a hard coded value. I really like it being based on the "Time per move". If there is only one day per move, using 4 auto vacation days is too many, if there is thirty days per move, go ahead and use all thirty vacation days. In essence, you could sacrifice vacation days to double the time per move...

21. април 2005, 17:09:35
Относно: Re: too much time for vacations
It is my understanding that When an auto vacation day is used, it essentialy extends the timeout date by 24 hours (1 day). If I have one game that uses an auto vacation day, does this effectivly add another day to ALL of my games?

I would like to see a max of consecutive auto vacation days be limited to the original "Time per move". For example, it the game was set up with 3 days per move, then the most consecutive auto vacation days used would be 3. After which you would lose on a time-out.

I understand that vacation days are there to be used, but is it really fair to ues them all against an opponent?

20. април 2005, 16:16:24
Относно: Blocked Users
The Friends list has a way to add a description to each friend (which is lost if you remove them from the friends list). This feature needs to be on the "Blocked users" list also.

18. април 2005, 16:45:25
Относно: Fellowship Tournaments
It would be lots of fun to be able to have one fellowship challenge another in a tournament. You would specify how many team members are required. Then each player from one fellowship playes a player from another. They could be matched up best vs. best to worst vs. worst. Which ever team has the most points wins...

28. март 2005, 17:20:55
Относно: Re: Replying to someone's posts
BuilderQ: Very perceptive on the format of a business letter having the adressee's name followed by the colon. However, since these posts are not in a formal format, I think the comma is still more appropriate.

25. март 2005, 23:23:23
Относно: Replying to someone's posts
When you reply to someones post, it automatically adds the original person's name (in bold) to your new message with a colon (:) after it. Can it be changed to put a comma there instead?

Typically, the colon is used to specify who is talking. A comma is used to specify who you are talking too. I know it is a small issue, but my frail mind doesn't need any more confusion.

23. март 2005, 16:29:05
As far as that goes...Absolutely. In fact, I would like to see the following stats ona person's profile AND on the screen to accept a game invite:

1: How many deleted vs. accepted games (per game type).

2: How many timed out games vs. played (also, per game type).

23. март 2005, 16:18:02
Променен от Summertop (23. март 2005, 16:18:41)
So far, Fencer has not limited the number of waiting games some can have. Therefore, I feel it would be quite inappropriate to accept the games and then delete them. We just need a way to quickly find the games that do interest us.

22. март 2005, 16:53:10
Относно: Re: Blocked Users and Waiting games
Fencer: Works great for me...but, you know, now I want a way to say "Why" I put someone on my ignore list. Of course, since I only have one person on my ignore list its not hard for me to remember.

22. март 2005, 16:50:28
Относно: Re: Blocked Users and Waiting games
Fencer, Thanks.

wayney, try removing him from blocked list then adding him back.

cariad, I understand where you are coming from. It would be unfair for fencer to remove the extra game invites. But, since I am not going to accept any, I don't see it unfair for me to have a way to "Not see them".

21. март 2005, 22:56:10
Относно: Blocked Users and Waiting games
Since someone (MJL) has way too many games in "Waiting Games", I added them to my "Blocked Users" list in hopes that they wouldn't show up in the Waiting Games. Unfortunately, they still do.

Could the Waiting Games section exclude those members that are on our Blocked Users list?

21. март 2005, 16:03:59
Относно: Time Zones
When I go to a member's profile, I would like to see their local time (based on the Time Zone they entered).

16. март 2005, 17:30:53
Относно: Re: News in Fellowships
Fencer, cool. Can/will you give us some teasers? I hope we don't lose any of the cool features we've come to love.

I am not sure how long till the new fellowships are done. But, if it is going to take a while...could you look at this again? Not knowing your development environment and program layout, I would hope that it could be a simple cut/paste to add new to the general discussion board. If not...Oh, well. COuldn't hurt to ask

16. март 2005, 16:34:15
Относно: News in Fellowships
When I create a new "News" post in one of my fellowships, it shows on the main fellowships page. Could we also have it show on the regular discussion board for that fellowship?

14. март 2005, 16:03:46
Относно: New place to discuss features
Often, when a feature is presented a lengthy discussion occurs about how members want to see it implemented. These iscussions often "hide" other features. So...I have created a fellowship to allow these lengthy discussions. Anyone and evyone is invited. For the Pawns, I appologize. But, a upgraded membership is quite cheap.

So, Do you want to discuss features in detail? come on and Join the Feature Discussion Fellowship.

For the mods on this board...sorry if you feel this post is out of line here. I felt this was the place.

4. март 2005, 18:34:46
Относно: How about a new discussion board?
I agree that lengthy discussions about the proposed features can "hide" legitimate requests. So why not create a board specifically for this purpose?

I would try creating a fellowship for this, But since I am already the Big Boss in too many fellowships, I can't create a new one.

3. март 2005, 22:02:37
Относно: Re:
harley: well, like I said, doesn't matter to me one way or the other. However, I LIKE the fact that there is more to do here than just games. I think Fencer should embrace the community idea. It has much more to offer than a pure game site. I guess, any community site needs to support a broad range of members. Including teens.

3. март 2005, 21:59:28
Относно: Re: Re:
Zorro: Fencer started BK as a Game site. I think it has evovled into an online community around the games. I think Fencer is trying to get back to more of a "Game" site. This is my feelings, based on the fact that Fencer is combining some of the boards. He also keeps threatening to limit bosses to two fellowships. I hope Fencer comes online soon to discuss this.

3. март 2005, 21:49:16
I don't care one way or the other if there is a "Teen" board. However, didn't fencer say he is trying to cut down on the boards because this is a "Game" site?

2. март 2005, 19:21:33
Относно: Re: take back
Spirou: The NEVER could be enforced by the opponent. They would have to agree to each take back. I would like to see take-backs limited to non-rated games.

28. февруари 2005, 19:09:30
Относно: Re: Creating Tournaments
Stevie: Yes, I was going to create a tournament in a fellowship. I checked to see if the same list was in regular tounaments, but I missed the drop down box. Maybe on the fellowship's tounament creation page, there could be a drop down box too. It could still be defaulted to the current team.

28. февруари 2005, 17:55:05
Относно: Creating Tournaments
When you create a tournament, there is a section titled "Select more game types (optional):". It would be nice if there was an option to select ALL game types.

23. февруари 2005, 23:49:55
Относно: Pond games
As with every other game, there needs to be a "resign" feature. If this feature is implemented, then the issue of what to do with pawns becomes mute.

23. февруари 2005, 22:41:10
Относно: Moderators Guidelines
I have posted the Moderators Guidelines below...Please pay particular attention to item 4.3 and especially item 6. In general I support moderators as I know the difficulties involved. But we were discussion Features.

Moderators Guidelines:

1. The job of a Moderator is to watch over the board to make sure other users stay within the guidelines of this site.
2. The Main moderator (the one listed first) is in charge of the board, with the other moderators around to help watch while the main moderator is off-line.
3. If a board is used frequently, the main moderator should try to find 1 or 2 others who can watch the board, hopefully from different time zones so the board can be watched as much as possible.
4. If a post does not fall into the site guidelines, the moderator should:
1. Edit post for content if rest of the post belongs in the board.
2. Remove the post if none of the post belongs in the board.
3. Warn user IN PRIVATE about edited/removed post, and point them to guidelines if needed.
4. If multiple users are engaged in a flame war, a public post saying "stop" can be used.
5. If posting continues after a warning, the poster should be hidden for at least a few hours, possibly longer (24 hours or more).
6. If after being unhidden a poster continues, then a ban of the user can be used.
7. Moderators are free to take more strict or less strict actions as needed, but should try to follow the above guideline when possible.
5. If the board is getting out of hand, which can happen from time to time with certain topics – the moderator should change the posting right to "Approve all" until things settle back down. The moderator can also change the posting right to "Approve pawns" if it is needed.
6. REMEMBER: This is suppose to be a fun game site, so some off-topic post and fun can be a good thing, so be careful not to over-moderate, and try not to nit-pick every post to find something wrong with it.

23. февруари 2005, 18:57:36
Относно: Re: I'll try again each time until I at least get a response...
grenv: Ah, I get it. Just look at the list of players. If there is a pawn, just bid one more. That goes on until the pawn FINALLY drops into the pond. But, in theory, doing that would force the pawn to drop in the pond the very next round...What would be nice, then, is a way to resign from a ponds game.

23. февруари 2005, 18:27:38
Относно: Re: I'll try again each time until I at least get a response...
Summertop: I know, I know, Since I don't often play ponds why am I even talking about it...because I can. If a player times out, they don't automatically fall into the pond. They just keep using their last bid. Since the (now) Pawn can't access the game, shouldn't they just timeout like everyone else?

23. февруари 2005, 18:21:17
Относно: Re: I'll try again each time until I at least get a response...
Fencer: LOL

23. февруари 2005, 18:10:59
Относно: Re: I'll try again each time until I at least get a response...
Fencer: Just curious. I don't really play ponds, but what does happen when a paying member reverts back to pawn status while they have a ponds game going?

16. февруари 2005, 17:57:05
Относно: Re: Moderator support.
Bry: BTW: Isn't the next interview with you, or am I remembering it wrong?

16. февруари 2005, 17:55:21
Относно: Re: Moderator support.
Bry: "The fact is that boards shouldn't need to be moderated. Users should not break BK rules"...Wouldn't that be nice!

"If everyone got back into the real world and use this site for game playing, there would be no problem."...hmmm, this could be an interesting debate. True, this site started as a game site. But, with the popularity of fellowships has it evolved into more of a community site (that has some way cool games)?

16. февруари 2005, 17:37:21
Относно: Re: Big Brother?
Fencer: I agree...it is not needed, but it is nice to see.

16. февруари 2005, 17:35:14
Относно: Re: Moderator support.
Bry: True, some members should be banned from boards, but I feel it is a bit harsh to ban someone just because you have to "moderate" some posts. If it continues without improvement, then banning is more of an option. Till, they are banned, a tool to help the moderators would be nice. Besides, I feel if you don't want to spend the time monitoring the board(s), you shouldn't be a moderator.

16. февруари 2005, 16:57:30
Относно: Moderator support.
It would be nice to have a list that moderators could use, to be able to keep track of "troublesome" members on the boards that they moderate. When these members are active on a board, the moderator needs to be especially vigilant in monitoring their posts.

16. февруари 2005, 00:07:53
Относно: another chess variation...
Well, not really a variation. but have the chess game start with one of several standard chess openings

7. февруари 2005, 16:47:07
Относно: Re: Bringing up the past...
Fencer: Great. I hope soon.

7. февруари 2005, 16:23:53
Относно: Bringing up the past...
Are there plans to finish the sabotage games? ANY type of captured pieces list will work. True, there are different ways to see it. For example, do you show the rank of unknown pieces when captured. But, I think most people will be happy with ANY type of list.

20. януари 2005, 18:36:27
Относно: Atomic Battle boats?
I have been playing some battle boats...I wonder what the game would be like if each shot hit the nine (actual shot plus neighboring spots) locations...kind of like atomic chess. OR..a shot could hit 5 spots...the one targeted and the ones above, below, and to the sides.

Just thinking out loud....well, hey, at least I am "Trying" to think

19. януари 2005, 18:34:41
Относно: Re: Tree huggers vs. Lumberjacks
wekke: I've seen good threaded db formats (UI) and bad ones. "IF" implemented, I hope it is well done (like the rest of BK).

19. януари 2005, 18:22:11
Относно: Tree huggers vs. Lumberjacks
Apparently there is more support for non-threaded (non-tree outline) discussion boards. I prefer the tree, but I can live without it.

18. януари 2005, 19:36:13
Относно: Discussion boards
I would like to see the discussion boards expanded. On some of the busier one (Brainking.com and Feature requests), there is often LOTS of posts that tend to hide other posts. Especially if the "New" posts don't all fit on one page.

Each discussion board needs to be threaded. That is, all of the posts for a specific topic are grouped together. You can collapse/expand individual topics. This would be similar to a real forum. Here is a freeone. You can see it in action here.

30. декември 2004, 17:05:40
Относно: Re: When entering a message...
Fencer: cool. Have a happy new Year.

30. декември 2004, 16:51:53
Относно: When entering a message...
Can the new message window be expanded? At least in width. Maybe expand the width so it runs right up to the "Search in posts" edit field. Sometimes posts get a little large and it would be nice to be able to see more of it. currently, I have to use notepad and then copy my text in.

29. декември 2004, 22:10:54
Относно: Re:
Niki: yep, I was blind

29. декември 2004, 22:04:44
Относно: Smileys
Am I blind...I don't see an animated Wink...That would be a nice smiley to add.

29. декември 2004, 21:36:29
Относно: Pop up Smiley window
The popup smiley window won't close until you hover your mouse over it (I understand the reason why). When it pops up, could it pop up under the mouse, so when you move off, it will close? Also, could we have a setting in our profile to turn the auto-popup feature on or off?

29. декември 2004, 21:30:43
Относно: Re:
Bry: Bumble hasn't been here since Christmas eve.

29. декември 2004, 16:57:17
Относно: Re: Feature?

29. декември 2004, 16:45:17
Относно: Re: Feature?
HIGHNOON: I disagree. I am asking for a feature change. Therefore, it belongs on the "Feature requests" board.

pauloaguia: I can see why some would not like 1 or 3. These would be nice as options at the game creation.

29. декември 2004, 16:31:38
Относно: Feature?
Променен от Summertop (29. декември 2004, 16:32:04)
Hmmm, I wonder if Espionage will be finished soon. Every other game shows the captured pieces...Espionage REALLY needs this feature. I don't know about others, but I feel that the game is incomplete without it.

1. When a piece is captured, it's rank should be revealed.

2. When a piece is captured, it should be listed (similar to the listing in froglet)

3. When you attack a piece and lose, should the rank of the opponensts piece be revealed?

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