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BrainKing.com fellowships - questions, answers, discussion.

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17. февруари 2008, 06:52:14
Plente o' Pente is looking for 2 more players for Mar 2008 Garfield's Pente

feel free to request membership!

4. януари 2008, 03:43:40
Относно: Re: March 2008 Team Tournaments
Променен от redfrog (4. януари 2008, 03:44:39)
coan.net: Thanks for the Pente Tournament - I am already rallying the troops!!!! Ive also got the link to the team tournament page posted above - case yours gets buried!

3. декември 2007, 07:30:30
Относно: Re: Little Boss
Fencer: Thanks! Im getting reports of success!!!

3. декември 2007, 07:02:57
Относно: Re: Little Boss
Fencer: Its working great for me as the Little Boss at All Lines - but rednaz23 cant seem to do anything as the Little Boss of Plente o Pente.... hmmmmm

29. април 2007, 19:14:03
Относно: Re: Fellowship Warning!!!
Jules: I left that fellowship a long time ago when it was under previous managment - i was asked in a nice way if there was a reason - that is totally fine with me - i explained my reasons - and left on a good note - not feeling degraded or demeaned....

The problem i have - is the insults to friends of mine who have been demeaned and degraded for leaving the site -

Others should be warned before they join that F/S and this is the F/S board - this is not a personal attack or flame - this is a fellowship based post. Im sorry to have upset you...

29. април 2007, 19:07:04
Относно: Re: Fellowship Warning!!!
Jules: I dont like or dislike this Big Boss - If this is a board to advertise fellowships - might as well make it go both ways -

29. април 2007, 18:59:57
Относно: Fellowship Warning!!!
Well - this is a sad thing to start making a habit of - but this being the f/s board - I feel its important to discuss a particular f/s.

I know there are many who enjoyed the f/s ŊøøҜs έ Craηηίεs but it seems all good things come to an end.

I am writing to caution current members and those considering membership in the future - DO NOT JOIN OR LEAVE NOW!!!

I know there is some backstory on the Big Boss change - but the new management is insulting members as they leave.

I suggest a few things -

1. Dont join the f/s as its past its day of glory and is run by a rude Big Boss.

2. Feel free to leave the f/s if you are a current member - there is no obligation to stay in a f/s that has changed from when you joined.

3. Block the Big Boss before you leave - because once you do - You will get an insulting PM to mark your action. This is confirmed by several people.

Its a shame that people cannot join and leave fellowships for their own reasons - without receiving "hate mail"

So there it is - be warned BK - Stay Away from that F/S!!!!


20. април 2007, 18:03:12
Well it seems I’ve been misunderstood on my remarks regarding fellowships that are being self-labeled as "negative". My intention with my post was not to analyze the ability of the members to enjoy what they do in these fellowships. There is no forcing anyone to participate in any interaction and any that do participate in these "negative" fellowships, do so out of their own free will.

My comments were focused in a slightly different light. I'm not debating the pleasure received out of indulging in uncivilized conversations. I am however, stating that it’s a shame that adults cannot find a way to resolve conflict and express differences in a well behaved way.

Do friends talk smack and poke fun – of course they do. Should people who genuinely dislike each other have the right to say and express negative opinions in any and every sort of vulgar way possible? NO! That’s my issue. That’s the reason for my post. “Civilized society” is an ideal I admit. I admit I would prefer to live in a world where people were decent. However, that’s not the case – and it’s a shame that even an online gaming site like this gets infected by those who cannot or at least choose not to moderate themselves or exhibit a decent level of self control.

What is considered by some as entertainment may in fact be damaging to the spirit and personality of others. It’s irresponsible to say that free speech means you are free to be as rude as you like. The current state of society is a result of acceptable norms. Instead of wallowing in the muck of derogatory remarks, which further lower the acceptable norms, why isn’t the focus on building stronger relationships, having fun, and resolving conflict in a productive manner?

Tying in the reason this is on the fellowship board…. I encourage all BK users to participate in fellowships. They are a great way to find a niche in an online community. I caution all of you who find these “negative” fellowships entertaining. I’m voicing my concern that you could be damaging your own spirit and lowering your personal acceptable norms by requesting memberships.

19. април 2007, 23:38:19
Относно: Re: Its too bad....
Jules: most civilized countries think war is a good idea - or the abandonment of civility and good manners?

19. април 2007, 21:13:46
Относно: Its too bad....
Its too bad that I'm already the BB of two fellowships - Wouldnt it be great if we could have ANOHTER F/S dedicated to being as immature and irresonsible as we could possibly be? It's just silly that people think that the nature of an online forum allows for an abondonment of civilty and good manners. How would this work in real life? Oh yeah - the Jerry Springer show comes to mind.... pathetic....

15. април 2007, 05:53:05
Ladies and Gents - It seems the next evolution of f/s team play is upon us. I have created a new f/s Plente's Evil Twin Brother - the purpose being to increase team challenge opportunity. Any Plente member interested in frequent play may participate. Once enough members have joined (at least 8) then we will split the teams fairly - a minimum of 4 on the Twin Team - and 4 on Plente's team - maybe much more and much bigger!!

Im posting this here - not as an effort to take members away from existing teams - when it comes to team tournaments from fencer - i would fully expect that players will leave and go back to their home to play.... the bonus is - you can leave a team - and finish those matches - and rejoin your own and still play....

you could even join up - get started - and leave to go back and participate in your own f/s team challenges - its impossible to be on two teams at the same time - so we never have to worry about playing ourselves!!! lol

Anyone interested send me an request to join....

Plente's Evil Twin Brother
Plente o' Pente

9. януари 2007, 04:20:10
▼ Swamp Frogs ▼ is looking for more Jarmo players!!!

13. юни 2006, 20:23:59
Относно: Plente o' Pente
Hey all - if you are interested in some quality pente playin.... check out Plente o' Pente

We have recently refocused on learning and just having fun - there will be tournys posted for a variety of skill levels - plus learning tournys that are unrated.... all are welcome....team challenges are welcome too

19. май 2006, 19:55:25
Относно: Fellowship Stairs
Im still thinking it would be a good idea to allow the creator of a set of stairs to control stair users status.... also, if a person is removed from the f/s - they should be removed from the stairs....

19. май 2006, 19:53:31
Относно: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: two seperate lists maybe under the finished catagory.... won and lost... ?? that would be nice....

9. май 2006, 20:07:38
Относно: stairs
does anyone know if its possible to remove someone from a f/s stairs? They are inactive on the site and its a cheap win for those that know this....

3. май 2005, 07:36:22
Относно: Plente o' Pente
Променен от redfrog (3. май 2005, 07:37:41)
New fellowship for all forms of Pente - come get some....

Plente o' Pente

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