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Отговорник: Hrqls , coan.net , rod03801 

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25. юли 2011, 18:32:19
Относно: Re: It strikes me that
SL-Mark: lol

30. септември 2010, 03:34:32
Относно: Re: anyone else having problems with the
Bernice: I use Mozilla...I see today mine seems to working fine

29. септември 2010, 06:22:47
Относно: Re: anyone else having problems with the
rod03801: It's still blank for me. I even tried cd power's method & still a blank page.

29. септември 2010, 05:35:24
Относно: Re: anyone else having problems with the
Bernice: I have a blank page too
 Statistics: Who is online

4. септември 2010, 22:10:05
Относно: Re: To those who think collaboration is OK
Променен от alilsassy (4. септември 2010, 22:17:01)
rabbitoid: Perfect example....IMO, it's cheating, simple as that!

collaboration is : to work jointly with others.....both ponds & poker should be an individual strategy, not a partnership with another player.

3. септември 2010, 04:46:06
Относно: Re: How come Redfrog can be a global mod when he isnt even a paying member?
rod03801:Thanks for updating your board Rod, but I was only using that as an example....this is an issue over many boards, as well as a few fellowships. Just curious how long a fellowship (with no LB) stays active after the BB becomes a pawn? Can this account return to BK a year later and resume the position as if they were never gone?

3. септември 2010, 04:33:28
Относно: Re: How come Redfrog can be a global mod when he isnt even a paying member?
Bernice: I would think positions such as Moderator's would be held for paying members. If Fencer felt redfrog was suitable for the position then maybe he should donate a membership to him. lol
I see there's a lot of that going on here with pawns holding moderator positions, for example:  Members only board. Kind of ironic to see a non-member holding the power. "This discussion board is available for paying members only - anybody with the membership level Brain Bishop or higher." (no offense against this individual...I just think it's time for an update)

1. август 2010, 19:20:27
Относно: Re:10000 move achievement
Snoopy: Yea!!!! Congrats'

1. август 2010, 17:11:26
Относно: Re: 10,000 moves in one day achievement
furbster: Congrats'

25. юни 2010, 01:01:42
Относно: Re: am i missing something here
Come on England: I thought this person had ran out of vacation days.....I see 9 days remaining. Yes, I'm missing it too.

11. май 2010, 21:08:02
Thanks Fencer.....the rich text editor is working now

11. май 2010, 05:56:47
Относно: Re: how to appear message board under chessboard?
I'm having trouble with my "rich text editor"...it's not showing a chat area.

14. февруари 2010, 18:52:16
Happy Valentine's Day 

4. февруари 2010, 07:06:52
Относно: Re: seems a bit "one sided" at the moment....
Bernice: I've been wanting to know the same thing.
    I was recently booted from 4 fellowships belonging to what I believe to be nic's of a certain member. After a switch of BB's & LB's  from one to another I hadn't even posted on the boards in a couple of them, and one of the f/s was a flaming fellowship that I only made one post, not even considered by most as flaming. Needless to say, I am stuck playing tournament games in fellowships that I was booted from with no justifiable cause.  When I requested to know why I was booted I was told "it was because I post in HRC". I was already an active member of HRC when I was invited to these other fellowships. Sounds almost a lil' prejudice against members being in a certain f/s.  I'm so glad that not all BB's think that same way & welcome me to their fellowships.
   I think it would be nice if Fencer could implement some new guidelines to the effect of removing a person from a fellowship, as well as, all their games being played for that fellowship.  Maybe not removing the member immediately, but BB giving a proper notice for action, and not accepting them to join new tournaments. Allowing them to finish the tournament games already in play. When the particular member has finished the game then be removed from the fellowship if the BB can remember why they wanted to boot them in the first place.  Just a thought   I think it might help eliminate this petty booting from BB's & LB's.

31. януари 2010, 01:13:34
Относно: Re: Pawns joining Fellowships
Fencer: Thanks Fencer...... I was just curious

30. януари 2010, 20:25:21
Относно: Re: Pawns joining Fellowships
Mousetrap:& Fencer: I've noticed many members in several private fellowships that are listed as pawns. If a member returns to a status of pawn, should they not be removed from the fellowship? Do they still have the same access to read the private boards and advantages as a paid member in those fellowships?

17. януари 2010, 00:50:15
Относно: Re:
Bernice: With 2 active fellowships now deleted you would think someone would know why. Especially since the big boss claims he didn't do it. Is it possible that the lil' boss have made this mistake & deleted them?

16. януари 2010, 16:41:14
Относно: Re:
Bernice: I just finished a tournament game and noticed the fellowship is gone.

Anyone know why W☼LF'S GAMER☼☼M was deleted? I still have several more tournament games running in that fellowship.

16. ноември 2009, 18:14:07
Относно: Re: can we have an Outdoors board?
Tuesday: If you buy a rook you can start a fellowship with an "Outdoors" board and choose your own mod's. Sounds like a great topic.

21. август 2009, 00:59:58
Относно: Re:click on the "time left" column
El Cid: & SL-Mark: Oh wow, that was easy.

Thank you both very much.

20. август 2009, 16:10:50
Can someone explain to me how I can get all my games with the least amount of time to play(til time out) to show up at the top of my game list on my main page?

17. август 2009, 07:45:48
Fencer: No mention of the clock being stopped, in fact no mention on anything

17. август 2009, 04:46:00
The site seems to be working much faster now....thanks Fencer

16. август 2009, 00:43:33
Относно: Re:
Bernice: Mine is slow too but I thought it might be because I have too many browser windows open.....multi-tasking again

17. юли 2009, 20:48:08
Относно: Re:
Fencer: Thank you

17. юли 2009, 19:48:53
Относно: Re:
Imsoaddicted& baddessi: Thank you both for your help......I was getting so confused with all the red numbers.
The minus now makes since with the changing of calendar and auto/vac. features.

I have to agree with cd power's when he said "I don't see the logic behind having any other fancy rules."
0 should mean 0

17. юли 2009, 19:37:32
Относно: Re:
Pedro Martínez: Thank you

17. юли 2009, 19:28:03
I went back to check it again 1 minute later & it says"

Backgammon Christmas in July ********* white 4. 10 hours 36 mins

I'm so confused LOL

17. юли 2009, 19:18:55
Относно: Re:
Променен от alilsassy (17. юли 2009, 19:21:03)
cd power:: I think there's a site problem too.  Check this out...I just copied & pasted it from my games list"
Backgammon     Christmas in July      *********     white     4.      -13 hours 17 mins
Is the clock suppose to have -13 hours?
I understand this particular person has auto-vacation, but I've never seen the red clock minus by so many hours until last night.

17. юли 2009, 17:53:12
Относно: Re:
cd power: I was also hoping Fencer would give us some insight on the situation as well. I'm sure that it has said (0) no vacation days remaining for more than 48 hours now.
Is there a location I can go to here at BK to read up on the time out system so that I can better understand what is going on?

17. юли 2009, 16:22:38
Относно: Re:

17. юли 2009, 16:08:31
Относно: Re:
rod03801: I'm in the US as well. I understand what you, Pedro and Imsoaddicted & (V) are saying.
When I see red numbers counting down on games, I tend to go to the players profile & check for vacation days, week-ends, auto, etc. especially before I mention it to anyone.
Thank you.....I'll just sit back & wait patiently.

17. юли 2009, 15:15:24
Относно: Re:
AbigailII: Thank you for understanding. I was beginning to think I wasn't comprehending the time out guide lines. I'll watch a lil' closer today & see if things work itself out.

17. юли 2009, 09:25:10
Относно: Re:
Pedro Martínez: I'm really confused about the time out clock on a couple of my opponents. It seems to be fluctuating in time.
I'm not understanding the countdown to 0, then going into minus several hours before resetting to 12 or 24 hours. Is this a time allowance for time zones?

17. юли 2009, 07:30:16
Относно: Re:
yeah, yours seems to be working.

Maybe these people will play or time out tomorrow. Guess time will tell.

17. юли 2009, 07:19:56
Относно: Re:
Imsoaddicted: their profile said 0 vacation days remaining for 2 days now

17. юли 2009, 06:01:36
Fencer: Is there problems with your game clock? I've been looking at red all day with some of my opponents. I have one in particular that has no vacation days remaining & their week-end days are Saturday & Sunday. Instead of these games timing out, they reset at 24 hours. Am I not understanding the time out rules?

7. май 2009, 04:20:18
Относно: Re: Notepad problems
rednaz23: No problems with my notepad

1. май 2009, 00:28:02
Относно: Re:
You should never tolerate harassment or other users making you feel uncomfortable.
Verbal Abusers & Stalkers get a major thrill from making you angry. It is a cycle that repeats over and over again.
Abusing or Stalking is a matter of one person trying to control another. Controlling you brings them pleasure. If they can force you to react this gives them even greater pleasure. If you scream, rant and rave they win. If you panic. They win. If you make empty threats to them, they win. If you argue with a stalker, they win. If you run around telling all your friends and the stalker hears about it, the stalker wins.
So the simplest way to stop a stalker (in the early stages) is DON'T REACT. Make them get bored and move on.
I know it's frustrating, but alanback is right. Try to ignore him & he'll go away. Good luck

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