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Отговорник: Hrqls , coan.net , rod03801 

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28. август 2008, 23:07:02
Относно: Re: Auto log on
Thank you to both, I have not sorted it.

28. август 2008, 15:08:16
Относно: Re: Auto log on
Dundonian: ah yes i forgot .. the site itself provides the same options as well as the browser .. so when you select the option 'user name and password' then you only have to click on the login button the next time you go to the main page

28. август 2008, 13:47:31
Относно: Re: Auto log on
Променен от Kili (28. август 2008, 13:48:52)
Into the main page (http://brainking.com)

User name: ________
Password:   ________
o nothing
o user name only
o user name and password

28. август 2008, 12:54:04
Относно: Re: Auto log on
Thanks Hrqls. Its just that I read in the help section the following and wondered where it was :

2.4) Logging in

In order to access your games and other features related to your BrainKing account, you must be logged in. The login form, containing two mandatory fields - user name and password - is located on the main entry page in the "Registered Users" section.
When you write your user name and password, after clicking on the Login button you will enter BrainKing as a registered user and your Main page containing started games and other private things will appear. If the login process fails (you write a wrong user name or password), you will be returned back to the login page and an error message would be displayed.
There is also one extra parameter Remember on this computer which can make this process easier to use. It can be set to one of the following values:

None - a default value, stores no information about the user to your computer.
User name only - if you select this option and successfully log in, your user ID will be stored in a cookie on your computer. When you open the BrainKing entry page next time, your user name will be automatically filled in the user name field.
User name and password - after logging in, your user ID will be stored in a cookie on your computer, along with a password flag. When you open the BrainKing entry page next time, your user ID and encrypted password will be automatically filled in the form, which allows you to click on the Login button without typing anything else.

28. август 2008, 12:43:21
Относно: Re: Auto log on
Dundonian: you have to use your browser settings for that
most browsers (like firefox) can store your username and password

you will still have to click on the login button though

28. август 2008, 11:18:48
Относно: Auto log on
Can anyone tell me how to auto log in to the site ? ie, not have to type in name and password.

28. август 2008, 02:27:41
Относно: Re:
rabbitoid: you might get that every day....hundreds?? I doubt it, but if you are running a business through the internet those are all key words arent they? especially a game site, but not to worry I bought her m'ship at IYT.

27. август 2008, 22:33:22
keywords: euro, birthday present, membership... I get hundreds of those per day. Any decent spamguard would throw that out :)

27. август 2008, 22:28:37
The Col 
Относно: Re:

27. август 2008, 21:46:25
I sent Fencer an email to fencer@brainking.com asking for his address so as to be able to send Euro to pay for a membership for someone for a birthday present....it came back to me telling me it was spam and had been rejected by the recipient...it is nice to know that the money wasn't needed

26. август 2008, 16:29:08
Относно: Re:
Bernice: I second that

26. август 2008, 07:20:40
white pages from 6am until now which is 3.20pm.....

25. август 2008, 03:07:43
Относно: Re: photo albums
Bernice: well

25. август 2008, 02:58:10
Относно: Re: photo albums
blackviper55: why dont you leave the message as it is and stop changing it....you might get an answer...

25. август 2008, 02:40:51
Относно: photo albums
need help get photos from a cell phone to the game site

24. август 2008, 23:44:26
Относно: Re:
coan.net: Considering that one can create a tournament up to two years in advance, why bicker about a 23 day difference?

In fact, why ask for tournament creation restrictions? Why not ask for more filter options? Restrictions on tournament creation options is limiting someone else, while better filter options allows everyone to get what he/she wants.

You know, kind of like the difference between the autopass we have , and autopass we want.

24. август 2008, 23:41:02
I may be a bit slow, but what has the fact that the tournament spammer is a pawn got to do with anything? rooks can be pests too, if they choose, and we can all come up with several names who spring to mind (the names will be different for each mind, so don't bother...)

And if the gentleman in question is now a pawn, it just means that he left us the tourneys as a going away present before reverting from rook. Nice of him, come to think of it...

24. август 2008, 23:09:57
Относно: Re:
Променен от coan.net (24. август 2008, 23:10:57)
Artful Dodger: I think those tournaments were made before they went down to pawn status maybe?

There are way too many tournaments sitting out there right now... one of the reasons I haven't created any myself lately.

To solve the current issue - deleting a lot of them would be helpful.

Long term solutions.

1. Limit on the number of open (public) tournaments a person can make - something like 20. (20 is a lot, but usually it's the extreme 100+ of the same tournament which is really the issue - so 20 still allows a lot, but not extreme)

2. Having tournament stay up to 30 days after the due date is WAY too long. 7 days should be the limit. If some some reason you want it to last longer, the tournament creator can change the tournament date to a later date to get around it. 7 days would give plenty of extra time past the start time for the tournament creator to change it if needed.

24. август 2008, 23:07:35
Относно: Re:
nodnarbo: I was thinking the same thing.. why are pawns allowed to do so.. She also just resigned not one or two.. but, I think 17 games I had going with her? And she did that with several others that I have recently learned.. why can't there be a restriction put on that player as to creating any multi game from here on out..

24. август 2008, 22:43:48
Относно: Re:
Artful Dodger: I was just going to say, I didn't think pawns could create tournaments

24. август 2008, 22:42:12
Papa Zoom 

Wait a sec. Pawns can't create tourneys can they?  

24. август 2008, 22:32:15
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re: Question
Променен от Papa Zoom (24. август 2008, 22:34:15)
Fencer:  Maybe pawns should have a strict limit per month on how many tourneys they can create (like 1 - hehe)  ;)  and the rest of us have a limit too.  There's always fellowship tourneys to create and those can remain unlimited.  I keep my tourney creation down because there are so many already it seems pointless to add to the already huge numbers.

Just a thought but perhaps creating a tourney should only be a privilege of membership.  :) 

And maybe if tourneys don't fill up by the deadline they should just automatically be zapped. 

24. август 2008, 22:11:50
Относно: Re: Question
I submitted the below message on the tournament board, but no one came up with a response, so thought it was only me! Clearly not.

Also, I can't see how to delete these tournaments from my view.
Subject: Tournament Filter
Excuse me if this has been asked before.
Is there a way to apply a filter to the tournaments which will not show certain creators.
e.g. show all tournaments not created by angelstar.

This should cut the current list of 1230 tournies by at least 75% and make the list more manageable)

(nothing against angelstar, just that I don't want to see these tournaments)

Note I already have game filters on.

24. август 2008, 21:25:31
Относно: Re: Question
rabbitoid: It might be easier to delete all tournaments created by that user.

24. август 2008, 20:29:12
Относно: Re: Question
kleineme: or maybe, simply, add some sort of 'don't show tournaments created by this user.' Fencer?

24. август 2008, 19:57:39
Относно: Re: Nosense

24. август 2008, 19:43:19
Относно: Re: Question
rabbitoid: Yes, it is really no fun anymore to look for new tournaments when all the interesting ones are buried under dozens of duplicates with the very same parameters and the very same starting date. If there is no admin or moderator available who could approach her and make her stop this nonsense, then in my opinion there should be at least an automated task which deletes those duplicates, probably already at creation.

24. август 2008, 16:44:09
Относно: Re: Question
rabbitoid: And this person userally deletes all their games after creating and making one or two moves. Not only that why is a pawn creating these games when they have no brains to enter themselves?
On second thoughts! Dont answer that!

24. август 2008, 16:37:04
Looks like someone has been turning tournament creation into a full time job.

24. август 2008, 16:32:22
Относно: Re: Question

24. август 2008, 09:00:51
Относно: Question
Doesn't anyone else feel that 1259 defined tournament is a bit excessive?

22. август 2008, 00:30:35
Относно: Re: Chess ratings...
Roberto Silva: Ah, that makes sense, now.

21. август 2008, 23:38:29
Roberto Silva 
Относно: Re: Chess ratings...
Променен от Roberto Silva (21. август 2008, 23:41:52)
Summertop: you played a 2 game match: you lost one game and drew another, so overall you lost the match

BKR changes are calculated for the match as a whole and not for every individual game

21. август 2008, 23:17:58
Относно: Chess ratings...
Променен от Summertop (21. август 2008, 23:18:20)
OK, I'm surprised...I accepted a "draw" offer from an opponent not expecting my rating to drop. It did. I'm hoping someone can tell me why?

Game: Chess (Summertop vs. petrchy)

Note: Opponent's rating was 2075 (over 100 games, so it was established).
My rating was 1729

14. август 2008, 17:52:21
Относно: Re:
Fencer: Well that is good then (in a bad way lol).

Update Scanner (Extension) keeps picking it up for me , I guess its nothing to worry about then, will go back to my fishing

14. август 2008, 17:50:02
Относно: Re:
MadMonkey: The site.

14. август 2008, 17:46:16
Fencer, what does this brainking.info site message mean ?

I have been getting it for the last few weeks now

Is it me, the site or something else causing it ?

14. август 2008, 09:08:15
Относно: Re:
Czuch: Well that post in the blog assumed you read the previous entries. There was one about how anyone could quickly and easily earn at least 20 brains.

14. август 2008, 06:44:46
Относно: Re: The blog says a tournament open to everyone, even those who cannot afford to pay, yet some people like me do not have any brains, so how can everyone enter, even us with no brains?

14. август 2008, 06:32:28
Относно: Re: do not have any brains,
Artful Dodger: another brave male..LOL

14. август 2008, 06:23:59
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re: do not have any brains,
Czuch: I don't have any brains either! 

14. август 2008, 06:11:07
Относно: Re:
Czuch: hahaha I would never admit to not having any brains LOL....you are a brave man ROFLMBO

14. август 2008, 04:06:37
The blog says a tournament open to everyone, even those who cannot afford to pay, yet some people like me do not have any brains, so how can everyone enter, even us with no brains? Only 29 people in the first attempt, that is a successful start?

13. август 2008, 20:59:10
Относно: Re:
Fencer: Great, thanks

13. август 2008, 20:41:41
Относно: Re:

13. август 2008, 18:46:24
Променен от MadMonkey (13. август 2008, 18:46:54)
Would it be possible Fencer to allow U-Tube(and others where possible) embeds on the World of Sport board ?

There is some great stuff going on at the Olympics at present, and would be great to be able to show others interested

10. август 2008, 03:36:53
Относно: Re: Brainking store
Променен от Mousetrap (10. август 2008, 03:39:50)
Bernice: I have had a few favourite tshirts do that over the years. I just wore them and wore them and wore them some more for doing odd jobs lol. Oops that was off topic so I,ll turn it arround. I,ll look forward to seeing what the store has to offer.

9. август 2008, 10:12:52
Относно: Re: Brainking store
MadMonkey: With a slightly modified set of goods.

9. август 2008, 10:10:41
Относно: Re: Brainking store
Mousetrap: As rod said the store is temporarily closed , BUT when i spoke to Fencer about it earlier in the year he mentioned he was going to re-open it again

9. август 2008, 01:49:31
Относно: Re: Brainking store
Mousetrap: I have a BK t-shirt and used to wear it all the time, but not any longer as it faded terribly (washed out) and the glitter paint wore off.

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