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BBW's Tips on how to speed up page load the brainking site
Computers (BIG BAD WOLF, 2007-03-12 20:16:01)

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21. октомври 2005, 20:51:29
Относно: Re:Question
Eriisa: The Acrobat 7.0 Reader is the only thing that is free (and can only be used to view/print the document)

Acrobat 7.0 (full version) cost money, but will allow you to edit and such.

13. октомври 2005, 18:50:17
Относно: Re: MSN Messenger
tinksbell: Oh yea... sometimes when you edit a post that has a link, it adds that <br> in there. Fixed now. :-)

13. октомври 2005, 17:17:13
Относно: Re: MSN Messenger
Променен от coan.net (13. октомври 2005, 18:49:50)
tinksbell: What Fencer said should work. I come across a few computers at work which will have this loaded by a user, and basicly you have to start up the program to go to the options to tell it not to autostart to get it to stop.

I also use a program called "StartupRun" which I find very usefull


Basicly it will show you everything that starts up automaticly on your computer, and you can choose and item and "disable" it from starting up. (You can delete also - but I like disable since if I mess up, and can go back in and reenable it.)

But like everything - BE CAREFULL in what you tell not to start up. Some things are system files and NEED to start up to run your computer. But sometimes I find all kinds of junk which only slows things down. (for example, I don't need no adobe acrobat thing starting up so if I do use acrobat, it will save me 3 seconds.)

Of course now that I look, I'm still useing version 1.20 - guess I will upgrade now while I'm thinking about it.

EDIT UPDATE: Plus the program is VERY small & free

12. октомври 2005, 21:51:54
Относно: Re:
Thad: Actually I don't use any IM program. But iChat, is that one of those that connect to all the different programs or ?? Can you tell me a little more about iChat?

12. октомври 2005, 21:26:07
Microsoft messenger & Yahoo messenger to work together..... meaning they are looking to both try to catch up with AOL IM


8. октомври 2005, 05:24:53
Относно: Just heard a cool joke
In this world, there are 10 typs of people. Those people that understand binary and those that don't.

18. септември 2005, 03:31:11
Относно: Screen Saver
My son just LOVES this screensaver

http://www.cleanscreen.info/SS.html - on this page you have to e-mail the creator and he will send you a link. Donationware - meaning if you like it, he would like a donation - but other then that it is free

Oh, and you can check out the web version here (without getting a screensaver.)


16. септември 2005, 22:48:15
Относно: Re: login cookie
Fencer: I was thinking if they did that, then they would not have to click "login" and have the extra click.

Maybe not - I always sign in so I have not tested that.

16. септември 2005, 22:23:27
Относно: Re: login cookie
Thad: Can you set your "shortcut link" to the website to the "Main Page", and not the login page?

http://brainking.com/en/GameList (English Main Page)

15. септември 2005, 00:54:44
Относно: Electric Sheep
Anyone ever try this?


It's a screen saver - which communicates with other computers to share "sheep" and such. I normally don't like when things "share" things with my computer, but for some reason I just felt like trying this. Kind of interesting - thought I would share it.

23. август 2005, 19:33:44
Относно: Re: Dust Off
ArtfulDodger: Just be carefull - a lot of times information like this for adults is good, but once kids read it - they think "Cool - I've got to try that" and puts new ideas in some kids heads.

22. юли 2005, 22:35:13
Променен от coan.net (22. юли 2005, 22:37:22)
I have used PrintKey 2000 for a long time. The people who make it I believe stopped support on it and such - but is free and can be found here:


From the screen shot on that page, it's nice free program which lets you do a few different things.

*edit: yea, just looked - the company no longer support freeware, but now supports a paid version called PrintKey-Pro. But you can still get the old freeware version from the link above.

21. юли 2005, 16:55:58
Some simple things to do is to clear your browser cache - do a full reload of a page. (In internet exporer - hold down shift while you hit reload or hold down shift while you hit F5)

23. юни 2005, 20:16:52
Относно: Re: Fox mail
Rose: I tried the new version of Outlook again (version 2003), and I got to say I love it - it has done a GREAT job of seperating my spam out with their junk mail filter.....

.... I have not tried fox mail.

19. юни 2005, 02:28:03

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  • 18. юни 2005, 20:09:59
    I went to a computer security seminar not too long ago, where they listed the most recent big "data thefts" - and in all but 1 case, it was a security issue with just someone "walking out" with the data - no one actually "breaking in" and stealing the data.

    (point being that the physical security / access logs of employees looking at data should be as important as outside-world access security)

    18. юни 2005, 19:28:33

    17. юни 2005, 23:00:44
    Относно: Clean up your computer
    I have been working on some "tips" on how to clean up a PC and such, and thought I would share it with everyone on here.


    It is written for the non-computer type of person. If anyone has any comments or suggestions on anything with it, feel free to let me know (here or in Private Message To me


    5. юни 2005, 00:32:53
    Относно: Re: Help!
    baudrillard: I'm not sure of the program, but I know on one of mine, there is a setting to change from burning a CD to a DVD (That is the program might still be thinking it is burning to a CD and not a DVD)

    30. май 2005, 06:27:28
    Относно: 800GB DVD
    800GB DVD's soon?

    Full News Story Here

    Current DVDs can hold up to about 8.5GB of data.

    30. април 2005, 16:54:28
    Относно: Firefox Extensions
    Some extensions I use:

    ForecastFox - Pretty cool, I have the current weather, and the forcast for the next few days on the bottom bar of the browser, out of the way - but handy for a quick forcast.

    BugMeNot - Some websites make you create a login & password just to view something on their site - something which you may only want to spend 5 minutes looking at and never come back. BugMeNot will search through it's records and fill in the userID & Password for sites like this if it has it so you don't have to.

    StumbleUpon - If you are bored, this is pretty cool - find random internet sites - rated by other stumbleupon users.

    I also have DictionarySearch & Translate - but never really used it other then loading them.

    30. април 2005, 06:33:54
    This site should be clean & safe. I think (guessing - Fencer would know for sure) - I think that the pictures on this site is actually hosted on a different "server" then where the pages are loaded from - and I think if a browser is set at the highest security, it will view a site that gets pictures from a second site as a security risk. (That way some scam artist does not pretend it is PayPal.) Again, I'm guessing here.

    What exactly are the messages / security warning you are getting?

    12. април 2005, 20:03:58

    27. март 2005, 06:17:07
    I recently purchased 30 copies of XP Pro for $8 each. And 50 copies of Microsoft Office Pro for $19 each. And Windows 2003 Server & 50 Licenses for $40 - All perfectly legal, shipped directly from Microsoft themselfs!

    Of course Microsoft is very nice to non-profit organizations.

    23. март 2005, 19:42:37
    Относно: Yahoo Mail
    Well it took awhile, but Yahoo will soon offer up to 1GB of free e-mail (like Google's gmail.com service)

    News Story: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=569&e=20&u=/nm/tech_yahoo_dc

    16. март 2005, 15:45:34

    Top Five Online Scams - for me, all the 5 "scams" listed in this article are common sense to me - but I know others might (MUST) still fall for it - so make sure you take a look so you don't fall for them.

    18. февруари 2005, 18:20:57
    Microsoft Antispyware program - Just beware, it is still in beta and the last that I heard, it will be a program that Microsoft may actually SELL for money, not let use for free. But still a lot of time between now and then.

    I use Spyware search & destroy and adaware to clean my system about once a week. I installed the Microsoft thing, but was really annoyed that even in the config I told it I did not want it running, it still was starting up automaticly as startup. (Which I use another program to disable it from automaticly starting up.)

    15. февруари 2005, 19:01:07
    What is funny is I have some users who visit my sites using a phone/PDA - so I have some very small screen resolutions like 240x320 who visit my sites.

    15. февруари 2005, 18:46:10
    Относно: Re: Screen Resolutions
    Променен от coan.net (15. февруари 2005, 18:49:03)
    Rose: On all my websites, I keep stats of all users screensizes, and on all sites, they are almost the same (Stats below are for the year 2004 on coan.net/popcan.org/catlinhigh.com/... and a few other sites together)

    1024x768 -- 50.9 %
    800x600 -- 32.7 %
    1280x1024 -- 7.3 %
    1152x864 -- 3.1 %
    640x480 -- 1 %

    Then the rest below 1% (I keep track of up to 25 different screensizes for my sites.) :-)

    EDIT: And those stats are for about 10,000 visitors last year

    13. февруари 2005, 19:58:01
    Yea, it is most likely to do with what format the DVD player can read. My nicer 5-DVD changer will play some VCD's (SVCD I believe), but will not play others.

    My very cheapy DVD player in the bedroom will actually play much more - all the VCD formats plus more.

    10. февруари 2005, 01:50:10
    Firefox - The tabs are cool - multiply tabs instead of having multiply windows.

    If you click on a link with the middle button (Mouse button), it will automaticly open in a new tab in Firefox (no need to right click and choose new tab)

    9. февруари 2005, 22:38:01
    Относно: Re: Firefox
    Rose: That was my biggest complaint when i first started using firefox. Very quick on all other sites, but like your problem Rose - slowed me down here. So I used firefox almost everywhere else and IE here.

    Now Firefox works great for me. The way I solved it was to move to a faster internet connection (but of course that is not a solution for everyone.)

    The problem: Firefox websites quicker because they start to show you things right away. But for BrainKing, that backfires a little because first it shows you the left frame (main menu). It then moves that over to also show the middle fram (game board). It then moves that over to show you the right frame.

    30. януари 2005, 06:30:46
    Bring up the program Paint. (or if you have Microsoft word, or I think even Wordpad - not notepad)

    Inside those programs, you should be able to go to edit, and then Paste - and it will paste in the screen print.

    29. януари 2005, 20:14:17
    Относно: Re:
    MagicDragon: What you listed for the Dell's are very close to what my parents just got a month ago, plus very close to what I just ordered 9 of where I work.

    For every day normal users - PC's are beter then MAC's (in my opinion) - And for every day users, Dell is very well priced.

    29. януари 2005, 19:33:15
    Ugh - Don't buy a MAC - they can be suppiour in the fact that there are less viruses to attack them, and are better in graphic/video editing and such - but the (in my opinion) lack of software, cheap/freeware far outweighs someone getting a Mac.... in my opinion.

    29. януари 2005, 18:25:03
    I love Dell - get it at home, get them for where I work.

    My opinions:

    Processor - Does not really matter - unless you have some "major" computing power needs - even the lowest processor Dell offers is good enough in most cases.

    Memory - The most important - The more you can get, the beter. AT LEAST 512MB - 1GB if you can afford it. MEMORY MEMORY MEMORY - The more the beter.

    Hard Drive - I think the least Dell offers is 40 Gig. And to get 80 gig is only a few $ more. Unless you plan on saving lots of data (music, movies, etc...) 80 gig will be more then plenty in most cases.

    cd/dvd/burner - Depending on your needs - I would AT LEAST get a DVD player / CD writer. In the next year, you will start to see more and more applications come on DVD and not CD's to install.

    17. януари 2005, 21:24:18
    ... actually I use my thumb button as a wheel click, because on my mouse - the wheel is a little tricky to click.

    17. януари 2005, 21:13:04
    yea, but right click and then choosing open to new window is 1 too many clicks.

    Of course you could always hold down shift or ctrl (depending on browser) and then clicking as normal to open it in a new window - but Firefox with tabs is much easier then having many windows. (and one click of mouse wheel button is super quick)

    17. януари 2005, 21:09:59
    Yea... now you can hit your middle mouse button (wheel button) on a link to easly open it in a new tab!

    17. декември 2004, 02:52:58
    This is pretty cool, and had to post about it somewhere


    It is a tape deck for your PC!

    7. декември 2004, 16:09:42
    Well I finally had to reload windows last night on my home computer - so I get the fun task tonight to start to reload everything. :-(

    7. декември 2004, 03:50:10
    UGH! I HATE COMPUTERS! My home computer is no longer working. (Don't ask how I somehow got firefox to work just long enough to make sure I could read my mail and check my games.)

    ... time to reload XP.

    Stupid computer!

    (sorry, just needed to vent that to someone. I'm sure the Moderator will delete this if he can get the computer working again.)

    .... did I tell you this is a stuid computer.....

    30. ноември 2004, 21:36:55
    Thanks vitalik for telling me about "bugmenot" - I had to get a password from a site which i think was in German (which I can't read), and it would not let me sign up, etc.. etc... etc... But using bugmenot got me in long enough to find what I needed.

    27. ноември 2004, 14:42:13
    Относно: Firefox
    So far, the only extension I have is the DOM Inspector. I will have to take a look at the other extensions and start loading some.

    One of the things I love about Firefox (over Netscape) is that if you have multiply tabs open like I do, Firefox will give you a warning if you have multiply tabs open and you click the wrong X. Netscape would just close everything.

    26. ноември 2004, 16:14:41
    Well if you go to the Yahoo Toolbar page, it actually points you to that mozdev page - so that is some-what "sponsered" by Yahoo, or at least approved by Yahoo.

    26. ноември 2004, 15:32:52
    Yahoo toolbar for FireFox = http://companion.mozdev.org/

    have not used it myself

    26. ноември 2004, 09:14:59
    1. Go to Firefox link
    2. Find the "Free Download" link in upper right
    3. Choose SAVE and save it on your hard drive (on the desktop is the best place - and easy to find if you don't know much about searching your computer for the downloaded file. (If you "Open", then you actually run it from their website which is not recommended)
    4. After download is complete, run file that you just downloaded (Double click on file - should be sitting on your desktop)
    5. If should walk you through setting up the browser.
    6. Start using Firefox, load pages quicker & more secure without all the pop ups

    26. ноември 2004, 08:25:58
    Spread Firefox..... I was getting ready to put things like that on my websites! :-)

    23. ноември 2004, 17:22:45
    To me it just sounds like something else is possible running and taking up processor power - causing the movie not to play smothly.

    I would disable virus scan during playback - make sure other programs are not running. (Possible do a fresh reboot of the laptop before playing the movie.)

    22. ноември 2004, 22:14:41

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