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 Feature requests

Do you miss something on BrainKing.com and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
If there is a more specific board for the request, (i.e. game rule changes etc) then it should be posted and discussed on that specific board.

For further information about Feature Requests, please visit this link on the Brainking.Info site : http://brainking.info/archives/20-About-feature-requests.html

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28. декември 2004, 21:15:27
Yes. I don't want to complicate it.

28. декември 2004, 21:14:56
Because it wasnt BBW that suggested it LOL

28. декември 2004, 21:06:56
awww - any particular reason?

28. декември 2004, 21:03:44
Everything what is not possible :-) Setting individual midnights at this case.

28. декември 2004, 21:01:21
What's impossible? :-)

28. декември 2004, 20:55:56

28. декември 2004, 20:54:30
Or just get rid of "weekends off" altogether. a day is a day is a day...

28. декември 2004, 20:52:32
Yes - I think ideally each day should start and end at the set timezone's midnight for each user (for days off, vacations, holidays, etc).

28. декември 2004, 19:51:50
Относно: Game times
Променен от whatdidyousay (28. декември 2004, 19:52:14)
I originally posted this on Bug Tracker, but Fencer has told me that it is not a bug - so, I will bring it here as a feature request. Although I can set my viewing of the webpage to reflect my time zone, the game times - including weekends and holidays - is set to the server time. In other words, there is no link between the game time and my time zone. This is a problem for me because the server is 7 hours ahead of me. This means that it is Monday for the server at 5:01 pm Sunday for me.

With that preface would it be possible to add 12 hours to the weekend time to allow those of us not in or near the server's time zone to catch up after weekends, please?

In the alternative or the interim, it would be helpful to alert novice players like myself on the faq or someplace else to this design. I was quite disappointed when I had several games expire on me Sunday night when I had my weekend settings on for Saturday and Sunday.

Thank you.

28. декември 2004, 18:28:11

28. декември 2004, 18:15:46
Baked Alaskan 
Относно: Re:

28. декември 2004, 15:25:42
Auto-pass. Yay. Keep shouting for it...

28. декември 2004, 12:17:04
I just couldn't help it

28. декември 2004, 11:55:48
red dragon 
Относно: Re: He He He He He

28. декември 2004, 09:49:39
Относно: Re: He He He He He
Vikings: (from the board moderators):

28. декември 2004, 09:45:46
Walter Montego 
Относно: I'm not sure that using just polls is the way to do it
Some games won't get added to the list if you do it by popularity only. Or should some games be removed if they no longer get played much? What about games that few have heard of, but are very good games to those that play them?
Ultima and Jump Checkers come to mind.

28. декември 2004, 09:31:21
Относно: New games poll
It would be nice to have an idea of the most wanted games to be developed in the future: chinese chess, abalone, go, bughouse... and international checkers (this last one should not be to difficult to add, I presume)
The poll results would be presented in an independent page.

28. декември 2004, 09:05:28
Walter Montego 
Относно: The date as shown
I'd like to be able to have the date shown:
Month, Day, Year. Or have the option to put it that way. I must say that I do like the fact that the whole date is shown without any abbreviation.

28. декември 2004, 08:54:33
Walter Montego 
Относно: Re: He He He He He
It has my support! And I have lots of ways that would make it usable and as an option for various games, especially Backgammon.

28. декември 2004, 03:35:36
Относно: He He He He He
Most popular request......AUTO PASS

27. декември 2004, 18:54:56
Eg AP?!

27. декември 2004, 18:45:47
Относно: most popular requests
Does anyone keep track of the most popular requests? Fencer, would you be more inclined to add features that many people said they would like to see added?

27. декември 2004, 18:43:57
Относно: Re:
pauloaguia: I second that idea.

27. декември 2004, 18:36:19
well, actually it has both. If you ever played BG with him it shows tables just for that type of game and under those indeed come tables with all of your games against that player...
I personally think that profile page is a bit messy. I ask one information and it still shows me everything else... (it took me a while before I realized the "show games against me only" link was working, because whenever I clicked it I just saw the fellowships (only the next day I bothered to scroll the page down! )

And now here comes a feature request:
Can the profile page be sorted into tabs (like the Settings page, for instace)?
(Personal Info, Fellowships, All Finished Games, Games against Me, Torunaments, Unfinished Games, etc, etc, etc)
I think it would even take some load of the server because it wouldn't have to sed me all that info at once when all I want to know is that person's name or gender as often happens...

27. декември 2004, 18:17:19
ah yes, my mistake. All games actually, not just BG.

27. декември 2004, 18:09:23
Относно: Re:
grenv: When I posted the link I copied it from the page where it showed "all backgammon games between me and ughaibu". Looks like that page is the page where it shows "all backgammon games between the current logged in played and ughaibu"
No wonder ughaibu gave me that reply

27. декември 2004, 17:55:25
Oh sure, show 4 of my losing games as an example...

27. декември 2004, 16:04:09

27. декември 2004, 16:02:50
That would be fine but just the games between the specific pair of players.

27. декември 2004, 15:28:17
To the games themselves may be hard... but maybe a link the page that shows the games of that type between the two players (like this one - look at the bottom of the page, under all of ughaibu's fellowships )?

27. декември 2004, 15:23:25
Under a game it gives the score between the players in previous games of the same type, any chance of getting a link from those figures to the games themselves?

27. декември 2004, 08:25:25
There is always a chance. But I don't want to work till the end of this year.

27. декември 2004, 02:38:53
Относно: Re: Espionage - great game, please amend the downfalls.
With all due respect, is there a chance that some things could get sorted without mmmmming...

27. декември 2004, 02:38:33
How about fixing the bug in backgammon that allows only one die to be used when it is possible to use both. Perhaps that could be part of the Pro Backgammon release?

27. декември 2004, 02:11:18
I would say that before Fencer starts work on any more variations of Chess or Checkers (I guess he is anyway LOL) that it would be nice to carry on bringing NEW games to Brainking.

Ludo is on the list, and who knows what others he has in mind. To me what would be best is aiming for new games and multi-player ones.......

27. декември 2004, 00:56:32
Double O Soul 
Относно: International Checkers
2 whom this may concern, Happy hollidays 2 u

I'm hoping that you would consider adding another variation of checkers to your large list of games which is called International Checkers.

International Checkers is one of the most popular checker games worldwide. It's played on a board that is 10 X 10 with 20 men(or checkers on each side of the board. It is known to be the second most popular varition of checkers. The rules are similiar to Czech Checkers except that the men(pawns) can jump forwards and backwards. Also the pawns can be extended to a Queen(same as a King). I really believe that this would entice a lot of new members and non-members to BrianKing(BK).

Most of my time is spent on ItsYourTurn.com(IYT), however I am spending more time on BK than I ever have before. The Dutch(Netherlands) are very big in checkers, especially International Checkers. I hope that you will add this game. Please respond to my request. Thanks in advance. ...Double O Soul

26. декември 2004, 15:32:17
ok, i definitely think our signals are crossed here. In bughouse, it is really team loop chess the way you describe it, andreas?
I was referring to pure tandem chess in which wo teams of two players play the same game, which is only chess, no loop aspect involved at all. And, as ughiabu said, OTB it is usually played without consultation, that is, without one partner able to verbalize a plan to the other partner. If they can talk, I believe it is called consultation chess. Well, as with program use, there is no way to prevent consultation on BK, so there would be a gentleman's agreement not to consult in tandem, or else not regulate consultation at all. Either way it can't be enforced. So, actually, Caissus, I was advocating tandem chess because it is still linear. ie person a moves, then b, then c. No unusual waits. But in bughouse, you would have to figure out whether to synchronize play or not, but of course this could be easily programmed.

Both tandem and bughouse would be great additions. I would be happy to beta either one.

26. декември 2004, 15:04:49
Относно: Bughouse
I also think that Bughouse would be a great addition to this site. On this "turn-based" site it should be played probably differently then over-the board and could be played in two forms:

1) As 4 player game (2 player vs. 2 player). Then it can be synchronized as: first players with white pieces make a move (the order doesn't matter), then players with black and so on.

2) As 2-player game, played with 2 boards. Each player plays white on one board and black on another one. Then it would be played in the following order: a) first player makes a move as white on one board; b) second player makes a move on one board as white and on another board as black (he/she can choose in which order, captured pieces are immediately available for dropping on another board); c) then the first player makes moves on both boards etc.

26. декември 2004, 13:45:02
Tandem chess and bughouse are quite different games as far as I know. The problem with either, at sites such as this, is that the partners can consult.

26. декември 2004, 10:29:10
yes, good point Uwe! can be quite popular in certain clubs!

26. декември 2004, 09:12:16
Относно: Re: tandem chess
redsales: Another name for this game is bughouse.

26. декември 2004, 08:51:32
Относно: tandem chess
Any chance of implementing tandem chess, Fencer? I'll be happy to beta test!

26. декември 2004, 07:52:16
Относно: Re: online icons for mods
Thad: Very good idea.

26. декември 2004, 06:21:10
Относно: online icons for mods
It would be nice to see online icon (like the ones in the listings of my current games on my main page) for the moderators who are online for each board.

24. декември 2004, 13:27:11
Относно: Re: mmmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm

24. декември 2004, 10:34:48
Относно: mmmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm
Its a putting off off putting not off topic comment

24. декември 2004, 10:08:42
Относно: Re: Re:
cariad: Well done, cariad. Btw, the "mmm mmm mmm" is my usual answer when I want to say that all mentioned feature requests will be considered.

24. декември 2004, 09:41:59
Относно: Re: off topic post
Caissus: What a great idea! Yes! Let's keep Discussion boards for their original topic.

24. декември 2004, 09:40:44
Относно: Re:
Fencer: A member has recently issued a mild rebuke to the moderators of this board (although these mods have agreed that a couple of off topic posts are allowed if
a/ it is good natured banter
b/ an off topic subject is dealt with quickly and amicably)

so please take your post to the 'Mmmm, mmm, mmm board'.

Caissus Please take your post to the off-topic board.

24. декември 2004, 09:29:20
Mmm, mmm, mmm.

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