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17. декември 2008, 22:55:59
The Col 
Относно: interesting story
CHICAGO, Illinois (CNN) -- Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., who was cited in a criminal complaint against Rod Blagojevich, went to the U.S. Attorney's office about alleged wrongdoers, including the Illinois governor, a Jackson spokesman said Tuesday.

Jesse Jackson Jr. reported in 2006 what he believed was a shakedown by the Illinois governor.

Jackson rejected being labeled with the term "informant" in a message to CNN contributor Roland Martin.

[...] In addition, two sources close to Jackson told CNN that, in 2002, Blagojevich -- then running for governor of Illinois -- solicited a $25,000 campaign donation from Jackson, which he did not get.

At the time, Jackson's wife, Sandi, was a candidate for the job of director of the state's Lottery Commission, a post she did not win, the sources said.

After Blagojevich took office, in early 2003, he told Jackson something to the effect of, "You see what $25,000 would have done?" the sources said.

In 2006, Jackson reported the incident, which he believed to have been an attempt at a shakedown, the sources said.

17. декември 2008, 22:54:18
Относно: Re: libs are so afraid of conservatives that they feel like they need to slant their news stories and warp our minds just to make liberalism more tolerable.
(V): If I was to name all the various outlets for conservative thought and republicans views in the USA this post would be very, very long.

You just dont get it do you????

Its about the hard news, you know, today so and so shot so and so... even Asia admits that all the news about helicopters (or whatever it was) going down all the time in Iraq, was not in sync with the reality she got from her friend who was there! So its not just about semantics IE leaving out that someone is a democrat, but also about the types of stories, IE you hate the war so all your stories are anything negative you can find. Not that the stories arent true (even though often exaggerated) but there is no balance, there were surly some stories in Iraq that pointed out something positive that was happening, but you would never catch MSNBC covering them.

The big problem that I see is that they do shape public opinions, and the point of news is not to impart your own biases into the public! If 9 or 10 news stations were behind the war in Iraq, instead of the other way around, and 9 of 10 stories showed positive results, and always ignored the negative, and always tried to portray the war in a positive light, and they promoted the American people to get behind the war effort, and always told us how great Bush is.... well this war probably would have been over long ago, but because these liberal news media types who hated Bush from day one, and who thought he stole the election, they could not wait to make him look bad at every turn (sometimes they didnt have to try real hard) and that reflected in their news coverage, and that reflected in public opinion and that reflected on why we are still in Iraq... dont worry about helping our war efforts, just so the evil vote stealer bush is mad to look bad!

17. декември 2008, 22:43:02
The Col 
Относно: Re: libs are so afraid of conservatives that they feel like they need to slant their news stories and warp our minds just to make liberalism more tolerable.
Czuch: And your thoughts on his evil counter balance twin Hannity?

17. декември 2008, 22:41:04
Относно: Re: libs are so afraid of conservatives that they feel like they need to slant their news stories and warp our minds just to make liberalism more tolerable.
Jim Dandy: I'm a liberal,but I can't stand Olbermann,I

That guy is so blatant, he tries to come across as Edward Murrow but he is really just a hack who hates Bush.... he is on tonight to bitch about Bush making up his own legacy.... move on already.... poor libs, what are you all going to complain about now that Obama is in???? Letterman is even still bringing on Tina fey to impersonate Palin, thats all you got boys???

17. декември 2008, 22:22:33
The Col 
Относно: Re: libs are so afraid of conservatives that they feel like they need to slant their news stories and warp our minds just to make liberalism more tolerable.
(V): I suppose,talk radio(for instance) is dominated by conservative views in the states,it is what it is.I don't see the point of debating fact,but carry on

You can actually enjoy watching both left and right leaning programs regardless of ones personal views.I'm a liberal,but I can't stand Olbermann,I'm sure there are Republicans who feel the same about Hannity,who cares

17. декември 2008, 22:07:02
Относно: Re: libs are so afraid of conservatives that they feel like they need to slant their news stories and warp our minds just to make liberalism more tolerable.
Jim Dandy: Resolution rarely happens.. It's just a debate.

17. декември 2008, 22:03:57
Относно: Re: libs are so afraid of conservatives that they feel like they need to slant their news stories and warp our minds just to make liberalism more tolerable.
Artful Dodger: http://www.rightwingnews.com/ as an example.
Youtube... various other sites.. what was that one you use to use on IYT and in the debate club for material.

If I was to name all the various outlets for conservative thought and republicans views in the USA this post would be very, very long.

So I won't name them. I ain't clicking on all those links just to prove something you already know to be true.

TV, Internet, Papers, Radio, Letter, leaflet, posters, books, dvd and some others I can't think of at the mo.

... Much shorter list and more to the point.

17. декември 2008, 21:55:06
The Col 
Относно: Re: libs are so afraid of conservatives that they feel like they need to slant their news stories and warp our minds just to make liberalism more tolerable.
Artful Dodger: Isn't this a media conversation?

Not that it matters,but I don't see a resolution in sight on this topic anyway,both sides of the discussion are far too dug in

17. декември 2008, 20:45:45
Относно: Re: libs are so afraid of conservatives that they feel like they need to slant their news stories and warp our minds just to make liberalism more tolerable.
Artful Dodger: Nope. I think from what I've seen there are more conservative outlets out there... modern tech makes such things possible.

17. декември 2008, 20:24:17
Относно: Re: libs are so afraid of conservatives that they feel like they need to slant their news stories and warp our minds just to make liberalism more tolerable.
Artful Dodger: Fox news. It's a network channel. Run by republicans and Rupert Murdoch a known right wing media tycoon owns it.

17. декември 2008, 20:21:14
Относно: Re: The hard news at Fox is NOT biased and you can't provide even ONE example that it is. OTOH, I have provided examples of other HARD news outlets showing blatant bias.
(V): does the Sun every print anything thats true?

17. декември 2008, 19:50:10
Относно: Re:
Artful Dodger: You tell me, I'm off to finish dinner.

17. декември 2008, 19:49:21
Относно: Re: libs are so afraid of conservatives that they feel like they need to slant their news stories and warp our minds just to make liberalism more tolerable.
Artful Dodger: I have, you just don't want to admit it. Czuch sees it.

And in the bottom left corner is Fox News, even if it is an editorial or 'entertainment' program.

17. декември 2008, 19:47:13
Относно: Re:
Artful Dodger: I asked who she was as it was not clear, did you not read that by my !?!

But she has appeared on the Fox network.. seems to do alot of shows if the encyclo is right?

Including this one.

.. many other appearances by what looks like from the logo in the bottom left corner.... Fox News.

If she's so bad why have her on the network?

17. декември 2008, 19:01:23
Относно: Re: libs are so afraid of conservatives that they feel like they need to slant their news stories and warp our minds just to make liberalism more tolerable.
(V): again... not talking about entertainment, just the so called 'news'

17. декември 2008, 18:39:20
Относно: Re: libs are so afraid of conservatives that they feel like they need to slant their news stories and warp our minds just to make liberalism more tolerable.
Czuch: hmmm I could say the same about conservative 'entertainment'... especially some of the stuff that got passed on as ads showing your new pres's capability to defend America. Or how he was made to look by repub supporters... maybe they just new he'd win ny a bigger margin unless they tried to make him look like a demon.

It's a funny ol game politics.

17. декември 2008, 18:26:50
here is a mild example I just witnessed.... the news anchor says "no surprise, but Obama has been named man of the year for time magazine".... is it really their job to tell us if we should be surprised about a news story???? Just tell us the story and let us decide if we are surprised or whatever?

He goes on to tell us about other people considered, including, he says with a smirk on his face, sarah palin

Look, I know this example is a minor one, but it is the tip of the iceburg, and it happens all the time in a far more egregious amnner

17. декември 2008, 18:12:59
Относно: Re: For those interested
(V): I am not complaining about not enough pro conservative points of view... the point is that so called "news" should not be biased. I know its not possible to be completely unbiased, just the fact that a story is chosen to be aired shows some sort of bias in and of itself.

Its bad enough that we have to endure bias on shows like david letterman or saturday night live, thats their choice and it is so called entertainment, there are plenty of outlets for peoples biases to shine without bringing it to our news.... in a way we conservatives should be happy about the fact that libs are so afraid of conservatives that they feel like they need to slant their news stories and warp our minds just to make liberalism more tolerable.

17. декември 2008, 16:12:34
Относно: Re: For those interested
Czuch: There maybe only one pro conservative news tv channel aka Fox (something I've not got the time to check at the mo) but there are plenty of pro repub/conserv shows and editorials on other networks, not to mention on the web.

... Is that not true?

As I said, find a channel then that exposes all. Maybe we should send Jeremy over to the states for a while and do a few shows... He doesn't care what party you are, he'll pick to pieces any dodgy stuff and plain old 'avoiding the point at question.'

He's fun to watch.

17. декември 2008, 14:58:18
Относно: Re: For those interested
anastasia: hillbilly

LMAO! I believe you have just coined a new phrase without even realizing it...That is the best name I have ever heard for Hillary!!!!

Billary was a good one, but hillbilly is awsome!

17. декември 2008, 14:54:53
Относно: Re: For those interested
(V): So they keep each other in check... you have conservative biased networks and liberal biased networks who take each other to task exactly like your political parties do.

Thing is, there is not one other news outlet that is pro conservative besides fox, and I believe that fox actually only slants like that because there has to be at least one guy pushing back against the overwhelmingly liberal news media.

Even government sponsored (all citizens pay for) tv stations, like pbn are so obviously liberal biased, its just a joke. And dont tell me it used to be that way in favor of bush and the republicans, I dont remember it that way, I would like to see some evidence for that one.

Like Art said, it doesnt have to be really obvious.... just look at the next political scandal that comes along, if it is a republican, it is almost always part of the lead, that they are republican, it is part of the story, but if it is a democrat, well it might get mentioned, but it is not part of the story, it happens all the time.... "breaking news, republican blah blah blah".... or "breaking news, joe blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah democratic blah blah blah blah".

17. декември 2008, 13:30:20

17. декември 2008, 13:07:00

17. декември 2008, 09:04:55
Относно: Re: The hard news at Fox is NOT biased and you can't provide even ONE example that it is. OTOH, I have provided examples of other HARD news outlets showing blatant bias.
Jim Dandy: I think it's like Sun readers over here. They say they are working class people yet they are reading a conservative paper who openly support in their ed's the conservatives... Thanks to Rupert Murdoch who also owns Fox.

No-one really cares as it's a personal choice where you get your news.

17. декември 2008, 08:53:33
Относно: Re: For those interested
Artful Dodger: So they keep each other in check... you have conservative biased networks and liberal biased networks who take each other to task exactly like your political parties do.

Wow. I'm not surprised, anyone with a brain in the UK would see that from just looking at our UK papers, etc.

It's the way of the world Art, you can deny all you want but it doesn't make it true.

17. декември 2008, 08:45:59
Относно: Re:
Artful Dodger: So the fact that their editorial stance is conservative biased has no meaning.... Right.. ok. I get it.. I think... Everything about fox is conservative biased except for the news??

... I'll believe you... except I can't as I know fox is a biased network.

And the women was a fox rep.. high up management!?!
It sure does show how the people working for the company support the repubs.

17. декември 2008, 06:43:52
Относно: Re: For those interested
Artful Dodger:

17. декември 2008, 05:57:25
Относно: Re: For those interested
Artful Dodger: well,it's a nice change from always hearing about that hillbilly that is still sitting in office now

17. декември 2008, 05:57:06
Относно: Re: For those interested
Artful Dodger: hahahaha......I used to love them days :)

17. декември 2008, 05:56:20
Относно: Re: For those interested
Artful Dodger: I told ya I was creative ;) I have oddles of them!! some I can't post tho,hehehe

17. декември 2008, 05:55:26
Относно: Re: For those interested
Bernice: well my GAWD ,I mean,no offense but he is acting like this is such a NEWS FLASH that the news reports one side of things....YA THINK!?
The news is biased...WOW...I never saw THAT one coming.They report crap things all the time.....

17. декември 2008, 05:54:10
Относно: Re: For those interested
Променен от Bernice (17. декември 2008, 05:54:30)
ask him about THE OLD DAYS, in the debate club hahahahha

17. декември 2008, 05:53:36
Относно: Re: For those interested
anastasia: oh yes he did ROFLMBO........he was THE best in those days LOL...

17. декември 2008, 05:50:27
Относно: Re: For those interested
Artful Dodger: OMG did you complain this much when they were all foo-fooing over Bush? probably not

17. декември 2008, 02:02:31
Относно: Re: The hard news at Fox is NOT biased and you can't provide even ONE example that it is. OTOH, I have provided examples of other HARD news outlets showing blatant bias.
Artful Dodger: that is exactly my point....where can you go to get the truth .....

17. декември 2008, 01:12:41
The Col 
Относно: Re: The hard news at Fox is NOT biased and you can't provide even ONE example that it is. OTOH, I have provided examples of other HARD news outlets showing blatant bias.
(V): I agree,I don't see the point of those who argue Fox doesn't lean strongly to the right,it's not that big a deal.For some reason it drives those who work for or watch Fox nuts.It's just a given in my opinion,just like MSNBC leaning far left,who cares

17. декември 2008, 01:00:42
The Col 
Относно: Re: The hard news at Fox is NOT biased and you can't provide even ONE example that it is. OTOH, I have provided examples of other HARD news outlets showing blatant bias.
Artful Dodger: Facts? how do you prove a comic is funny, statistically?
I'm pretty comfortable sticking my neck out on this one

16. декември 2008, 23:26:38
Относно: Re: The hard news at Fox is NOT biased and you can't provide even ONE example that it is. OTOH, I have provided examples of other HARD news outlets showing blatant bias.
Artful Dodger: As we say over here... Ohhhhhhhh no I didn't.

Explain the policy of this lady from Fox in this report...


16. декември 2008, 23:09:12
Относно: Re: The hard news at Fox is NOT biased and you can't provide even ONE example that it is. OTOH, I have provided examples of other HARD news outlets showing blatant bias.
Jim Dandy: Ol' Rupert Murdoch even admitted (him being a known conservative over here in the UK, owning several papers with a right wing stance thanks to his policies) that his company have attempted to sway opinion on certain matters.

Most if not all news channels, etc have a stance, some minor, some large.

16. декември 2008, 23:04:20
Относно: Re: The hard news at Fox is NOT biased and you can't provide even ONE example that it is. OTOH, I have provided examples of other HARD news outlets showing blatant bias.
Bernice: Google is just one... it leads to info that years ago was unavailable, unless your country uses heavy censorship that is.

It also leads to several online encyclopedias.... articles.. medical sites.. .. youtube... hints on DIY, gardening, and one of my favs... cheap pc parts sites..

And has saved me through some knowledge I gained at least £50 in the last month from getting to understand a shop's system, and helped me get the phone number of a certain dept of a certain company that I was unhappy with.

..... Customer care didn't know it.

16. декември 2008, 22:58:22
Относно: Re: The hard news at Fox is NOT biased and you can't provide even ONE example that it is. OTOH, I have provided examples of other HARD news outlets showing blatant bias.
Artful Dodger: I did give examples... the youtube stuff.

16. декември 2008, 21:31:51
Относно: Re: interest rates
Променен от Bernice (16. декември 2008, 21:32:33)
Artful Dodger: can you, or anybody please tell me.....now that USA has cut interest rates to 1/4%?, if this doesnt work where are they going to go next to save the country?

if there is zero interest what happens next?

16. декември 2008, 21:28:01
The Col 
Относно: Re: The hard news at Fox is NOT biased and you can't provide even ONE example that it is. OTOH, I have provided examples of other HARD news outlets showing blatant bias.
Artful Dodger: In all seriousness, who other than Fox employees and likeminded viewers aren't aware of the bias? I mean come on.I don't care about their bias,what I find silly is their constant denials while keeping a straight face
MSNBC is much the same,but I doubt their viewers would try and state otherwise,they just sit back and enjoy

16. декември 2008, 21:19:48
Относно: Re: The hard news at Fox is NOT biased and you can't provide even ONE example that it is. OTOH, I have provided examples of other HARD news outlets showing blatant bias.
Artful Dodger: why do people put such faith in google?

16. декември 2008, 19:45:08
Променен от Mort (16. декември 2008, 21:00:19)

16. декември 2008, 19:11:17
Относно: Re: The hard news at Fox is NOT biased and you can't provide even ONE example that it is. OTOH, I have provided examples of other HARD news outlets showing blatant bias.
Artful Dodger: I quote.....

Jonah Goldberg
"Look, I think liberals have reasonable gripes with Fox News. It does lean to the right, primarily in its opinion programming but also in its story selection (which is fine by me) and elsewhere. But it's worth remembering that Fox is less a bastion of ideological conservatism and more a populist, tabloidy network."

And ....

"According to the results of a 2006 study by the Project for Excellence in Journalism a survey of 547 journalists, found that FOX was most frequently cited by surveyed journalists as an outlet taking an ideological stance in its coverage, and most identified as advocating conservative political positions,[33] with 56% of national journalists citing Fox News as being especially conservative in its coverage of news. Additionally FOX was viewed as having the highest profile as a conservative news organization; it was cited unprompted by 69% of national journalists"

"The "signature political news show" of the Fox News Channel, Special Report with Brit Hume, was alleged to have a strong bias in their choice of guests, overwhelmingly choosing "conservatives" over "non-conservatives" for interviews. The progressive media watchdog group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) claimed that in a study of a 19 week period from January 2001 to May 2001 the ratio of conservative guests to liberals was 50:6."

Then there is your old friend Bill O'Reilly ..... It may not be a 'news' show the political bias of the program is aimed at conservative people and is not always truth full.

16. декември 2008, 17:28:33
Относно: The Good old days???
Променен от tyyy (16. декември 2008, 17:30:51)
I  know.... off topic!  But read Madeline Albright's quote

16. декември 2008, 16:15:25
Относно: Re: shoe throw
anastasia: You'll have to change country and annoy someone rich

16. декември 2008, 14:48:18
Относно: Re: shoe throw
(V): wish someone would throw a nice pair a heeled oxfords MY way...been wanting those shoes for a while now :)

16. декември 2008, 14:28:05
Относно: Re: But the press is supposed to be an unbiased source of news. However, as was clearly seen from this last election, the press does in fact show favoritism.
Artful Dodger: You watch Fox and say the press is supposed to be unbiased!! They all have slants, some deliberate to attract a certain class of viewer based on what they want to attract.

... It makes for a better payroll as advertisers can be charged more based on the idea of a more specific audience.

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