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21. ноември 2003, 23:29:49
No One 
Относно: Re:
Yes long live CaoZ KM!!!

21. ноември 2003, 23:23:56
Thanks for the insight into your life Carlos(Caoz KM) and long may a great honest man be a part of this site :o)

Steve R KM

21. ноември 2003, 23:23:39
Fencer: Will your "old" interview be archived somewhere so players (who may not be here yet) can get a chance to view some of the "older" interviews?

[it might already be there, i have not looked that hard yet]

21. ноември 2003, 23:21:49
Back Soon 
Относно: Interview with CaoZ
Thanks for the interview, very interesting! :o)

21. ноември 2003, 23:18:50
Linda J 
That did it BBW thanks.Good job as always harley and thanks CaoZ for participating

21. ноември 2003, 23:13:19
Another super interview harley :O)

21. ноември 2003, 23:11:33
LindaJ - The link worked for me. Once you get to that page, try to hit Refresh or Reload of the page and see it that will bring up the "new" interview.

21. ноември 2003, 23:05:31
Linda J 
Harley that link took me to the Fencer interview.

21. ноември 2003, 22:35:49
Thats a pretty definate answer to me

21. ноември 2003, 22:32:43
Относно: Re: Not an answer
pyloric valve: Everybody who wants to spend money for that is authorized to do that. If somebody gives you $50 and you agree to turn your account to Brain Pawn, it is your choice. Until anything else is announced at Server News, it has nothing to do with me.

21. ноември 2003, 22:31:53

21. ноември 2003, 22:26:45
pyloric valve 
Относно: Not an answer
Is Gothic authorized to give refunds on our memberships?

21. ноември 2003, 22:22:01
phewwww...I almost sent in 600.00 !! LOL:)

21. ноември 2003, 22:15:40
Относно: For the last time ...
... I am trying to write an easy answer for everyone:

1) There are no threats. It's nonsense. There is one general rule - all significant changes are always announced at Server News, nothing else can be taken as an official statement of BrainKing staff.
2) Since there is more involved than many people know and most of these "secret" issues are very personal and private, I will not reveal them until the proper time comes.
3) This is mostly a site to play games. Nobody is limited in that, whatever is written on any board. The majority of BrainKing users simply play games and don't argue on discussion boards. And they are happy, aren't they?

Please take it as my final answer and don't ask me for more. When more public info is available, I will post it at Server News.

21. ноември 2003, 22:09:13
Относно: Re: In my own life time experience..
I do want to add..

and not to piss anyone off..
but, this well known person that I will not name.. is a true gentleman in a one on one game..

And, I just got some crappy news.. so I am venting quite a bit today..

21. ноември 2003, 21:52:45
Относно: Re: In my own life time experience..
Another problem here.. is the Web Owner is NOT commenting on anything.. and sits back and lets that of a certain person continue to harrass others..

I think Fencer should either come clean and let the players here know a bit more than his statements of .. I am doing what is best for the site.. Yet.. he allows this other being to continually try to get control.. WHY can't fencer just come out and say.. YEs.. I am considering partnership with these individuals.. and if that is a problem.. tough luck!!.. But, he doesn't..

If for instance I was the web master here.. and had someone (or a group) wanting to help contribute to my site.. who offered me x amounts of dollars.. I would at least be honest to those who had conflicts.. instead of constantly brushing them aside.. Come on now!! So yes.. they want an honest and flame free site.. a site that everyone gets along.. a site that everyone agrees.. and all that hunkie dorie stuff.. but, IT is Impossible to please everyone.. and by eluding his paying members.. not only are peeps starting to loose respect.. they are also seeing.. that he too could be in the same classification as this other mentioned person.. He is doing no better than what he Banned Dano from doing..

and that is My opinion.. which in America.. I am entitled to having!

21. ноември 2003, 21:41:02
Относно: Re: In my own life time experience..
i played on IYT for a while and one thing i noticed was there were more numerous chat sites. for example, there were two general chat sites - one devoted to more-or-less normal posts and the other a sort of weird free-fire zone.
a problem here may be that this site, which is intended for a specific topic, has become a sort of catch-all.

21. ноември 2003, 21:22:09
Относно: In my own life time experience..
I have learned you can't please EVERYONE!!..

And as general knowledge... no company, or gamesite will ever be free of those who do cheat.. or lie.. or are dishonest in anyway..

Think about it peeps.. there will always be flaming.. there will always be those who offend Someone.. what Fencer will need to decide is if he allows ANYONE to monopolize this site, to control others actions or personalities.. he will end up loosing X amount of current players.. as well as future ones..

His reputation for remaining silent.. is not only angering those who have paid.. but, is also making those at pawn level more leary about supporting this site.. and one thing I know for sure.. Is Word of Mouth Goes A LONG way..

What Fencer should be doing instead of playing turns on his games.. is to do investigating himself.. for instance.. contacting other WebMasters.. such as Pat Chu of IYT and the Owners of Gold Token.. But, not as a means to discredit or get demeaning or degrading gossip.. but, for marketing purposes.. such as the ratio of site violators compared to the honest and sincere..

Pat Chu.. although, has similar problems with his site.. has at least NEVER had this type of harrassment .. and I am not naming any names here.. but, just offering a suggestion..

May I also include.. that all this bickering on these boards.. is doing NO good.. all it is doing is creating more flames.. and more attitudes..

21. ноември 2003, 21:10:17
Относно: The Issue At Hand
I agree with many who are concerned with Gothic's threats and Fencer's silence. Fencer is really passing the buck here. A shame since this is his sight and he has many loyal customers. If he booted Gothic he'd be an instant hero. If he allows Gothic to boot paying members with legitimate complaints, then he has taken a step backwards. If he continues to remain silent and not address an issue which concerns us all (except in vague terms with tons of sliding room that appears less than fully honest to his customers) then it hurts him in the long run.

Of course, since Fencer won't deny it, maybe Gothic has a point. He may be willing to sacrifice current dissatisfied customers in order to do what he considers "the best for Brainking", ban the issue from further discussion, wipe the memory banks so to speak, and repackage BK for the customer of the future.

What we are asking, perhaps, is that Fencer be a human being as well as a businessman. Although even a pure businessman ought to be wiser than this. My honest belief is that business with Trice can only end in failure for Fencer, based on Trice's record outside of BK and personal dealings with him here.

I hope Fencer is at least still on the fence enough to come to his senses. And if and when he does, he ought to be hailed as the hero he is. Few of us have been in his shoes and have little idea how tempting Gothic's offer might be. Few of us know his personal circumstances.

It is NEVER easy to stand for what is right and do right, when one perceives the personal cost in doing so may be especially great. My opinion: Fencer is a good man in a bind. But his character is being forged as we speak. If he backs out of the Gothic deal, he'll be my hero for sure.

21. ноември 2003, 20:07:45
Harley does the best she can with what she is given and here she is not given a lot other than a hard time.

BK rocks, BK rules

Not everyone can/will say that or agree, but that is life and the way it works right?

21. ноември 2003, 19:51:36
Dmitri, as you must be aware, that post was very derisive. I will not explain why I remove every post. That would take too much time and board space.
In a normal week I may remove five or six posts. The last two days I must easily have removed double that number.

Ground rules.

I will remove any post that is insulting towards other members.

I will remove any post that is likely to start an argument or flame war.

I will remove any post that is not relevant to BrainKing.

For the record, if a person says "I won a game but my ratings did not go up, could someone explain this?" I would be more than happy to help.
But when they come on and say "BrainKing is crap, ratings here are a joke, I won a game against a loser but my ratings didn't change" then its likely to be deleted. Its derogatory towards BK and their opponent.

21. ноември 2003, 18:57:42
Dmitri King 
Относно: this discussion board
I think a post or posts about ratings not going up after a game are relevant to this discussion board. NOnetheless, harley has deleted these posts. I find this puzzling. harley seems to have gone power mad, deleting almost everything. What's the deal? What is eveyrone so afraid of?

perhaps these questions can be deemed relevant by the almighty moderator:

1) Is gothic taking over the site, and

2) is it true that he is offering a 200% refund to dissatisfied users?

21. ноември 2003, 14:37:00
Относно: Re:

21. ноември 2003, 10:58:37
Hey guys,
use private messages for your argument. Harley will delete it anyway.

21. ноември 2003, 09:03:23
Относно: Harley
Mine's just a trivial joke, I'm quite happy if it's deleted.

21. ноември 2003, 08:57:32
Perhaps everyone would prefer I leave these insults here? Or should I leave posts that technically are not 'wrong' but make no sense away fom the insulting posts that I delete? If there is a chunk of insults, they all go. Andersp, if you want to ask a question, do it away from a barrage of insults from other people, and don't make it inflammatory and it will stay. I don't delete for no reason, and nobody needs to have posts approved by me before posting here.

21. ноември 2003, 00:30:29
Dmitri King 
Относно: hmmmm
"Dmitri..an advice. If you want a post to stay, PM it to Harley in advance for her approval :)"

I can only hope that was meant in jest, otherwise that is a sorry state of affairs. I don't see what censorship accomplishes, and as a paying member, I consider the banishment of another member to be important, especially since his banishment has affected the outcome of a big tournament.

20. ноември 2003, 22:40:22
Dmitri, I'm deleting anything that is the start of yet another huge discussion about things that have been discussed extensively elsewhere. This board will be kept clear for more important things. (Among other things) a persons credibility or personality is not something that should be discussed here.

20. ноември 2003, 22:29:36
Dmitri King 
Относно: harley
it seems that numerous posts are disappearing each day. What is going on?

20. ноември 2003, 22:17:06
yup...used to be a peacefull place.

20. ноември 2003, 22:06:12
Относно: Re: "Conquer the Site"
hello. perhaps it should be noted that we have been drawn into an unofficial game here, which could be called "Conquer the Site." it is often played wherever there is a free-access chatsite.
it has these stages:
1) the player, either with accomplices or using multple IDs, starts making gratuitous, obnoxious posts.
2) innocent bystanders are provoked to reply.
3) the site is disrupted and repression is undertaken.
4) (where we are now)- arguments ensue concerning the methods of repression or whether they are appropriate at all.
5) more disruption ensues and everyone leaves the chatsite in disgust and sets up a new one.
6) return to 1)
anyway, i thought i'd mention this. thank you for your time.

20. ноември 2003, 16:30:38
Close them down then. This is a games site, not a flame site.

20. ноември 2003, 16:18:45

20. ноември 2003, 16:01:02
Относно: Harley
Harley, You do a wonderful job.

:) Keep up the good work, there are alot of us out here who appreicate the work you do, and the time you give up to do it.

Thank you.

20. ноември 2003, 08:33:20
Backoff, since GI states on that message that it is not for public posting, I am going to delete it, and all conversation about it.

20. ноември 2003, 03:37:43

19. ноември 2003, 21:14:44
Can be done as well.

19. ноември 2003, 20:59:00
in UBB or PhP type setting (i.e. <link>www.whatever.com>=HERE</link>) or when someone types http://www.whatever.com the system see that as a link and makes it clickable?

19. ноември 2003, 20:56:21
BK 2.0 will handle these situations smarter - all internal links will be automatically converted to relative URLs.

19. ноември 2003, 20:53:53
LOL - thanks BBW, you were not here and i had to message Fencer for the answer - thanks anyway

19. ноември 2003, 20:52:58
Относно: World of Sport
A new discussion board is here for anyone interested (or would like to be) in sport.
World of Sport

19. ноември 2003, 20:47:21
to get a link to work for everyone, just use the last part of the address - like:

<A.HREF="/game/Board?bc=576"> link <.a>

And depending if the person has www, new, or blank - it will work for everyone, like this:

World Of Sports

19. ноември 2003, 20:45:47
Thanks harley. It seems that you know some BK features better than me :-)

19. ноември 2003, 20:42:08
you welcome, they both point to same thingy I thinky, but different ways in or something like that. Fencer could explain better LMAO

19. ноември 2003, 20:36:43
Относно: Re: World of Sport
oh right - got ya, i thought they had both been linked together now, cheers

19. ноември 2003, 20:34:37
Относно: Re: World of Sport
Those who use the "new" brainking link will get login page :o(

19. ноември 2003, 20:34:22
Noholdsbarred, click on 'edit' next to your fellowship name. There you will find a way to change the length of time news stays on your main page. If your old one hasn't run out of time, you will need to change that.

19. ноември 2003, 20:32:35
Относно: Re: World of Sport
it goes to login ? i just tried it, seems ok ??

19. ноември 2003, 20:28:53
Относно: Re: fellowship news
noholdsbarred: I will check it.

19. ноември 2003, 20:27:28
Относно: Re: World of Sport
MM, alter the link, it goes to login page :o) start with /game/

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